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Gone for You (Sixth Street Band #1)

Page 2

by Jayne Frost

  “So what’s the deal with this place?” Logan asked, looking absently at his phone.

  “I dunno,” I sighed. “Chase said it’s the shit. He knows the manager. It’s got great food and a spa. All the amenities.”

  I trusted Chase more than anyone else in the world. He was more than a brother to me. He was a mentor, a surrogate father, and the financial backer for the band from its inception. Before we even wrote our first song, Chase let us play at his club in Austin. He owned The Parish Bar, the largest venue on Sixth Street. Without him, Caged wouldn’t have gotten any traction.

  My phone vibrated next to me on the seat. Picking it up, I opened the text from Chase.

  Your contact at the property is Lily Tennison. Get some rest. I booked three bungalows. There’s another bungalow on hold for Chris when he gets out. Don’t tell that bitch where you are.

  Chuckling, I tapped a response.

  Thanks, bro. No worries, Lindsey doesn’t have a clue where we’re headed. She’s going to be blowing up your phone.

  Seconds later, he returned: She’ll be lucky if I don’t blow her ass all the way back to L.A. Call me later.

  Tucking my phone in my pocket, I took the last swallow from my Shiner Bock and tossed the bottle in the trash. The limo turned at the sign marked “Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek.” Red bud trees dotted the long driveway, their pink petals scattered on the concrete.

  Logan looked up when we pulled to a stop and stretched his arms over his head.

  “I hope the staff at this place is as accommodating as the Omni.” He gave me a wolfish grin.

  We had only been at the Omni Hotel for two nights, but Logan already managed to bang one of the bartenders. From the look of the cute little maid that I spotted leaving his room this morning, she delivered more than fresh towels.

  “And you call me a dog?” I slid across the seat to wait for the driver to open the door. “Don’t shit where you eat, Logan. Chase will kick your ass if his buddy tells him you defiled half the female staff.”

  “Whatever.” Logan ran a hand through his long, blond hair. “I need something to occupy my time.”

  Logan’s sexual escapades landed us in the press more than our music. The dude had an endless supply of energy when it came to entertaining the more willing of our fan base.

  I was no slouch, but tonight I was worn out. If he were on the prowl, he’d be doing it without me. The only thing I needed was a good meal and a soft bed. Since this place didn’t look like it specialized in happy endings, I’d wait until we ventured down to Harry Hines Boulevard, where the good old-fashioned massage parlors were. The girls there might not be licensed, but then what licensed therapist would let you bend them over the table when you were finished?

  Squinting from the sudden brightness, I placed a foot on the pavement when the limo door swung open. I took in a lungful of the fragrant flowers from the trees that surrounded the circular driveway. After a string of nondescript hotels in cities I couldn’t even remember, it was nice to be someplace that actually had some character.

  My gaze fell on the figure that exited through the wooden doors a few yards away. Her blond hair swung from side to side, mimicking the sway of her hips. A smile played across her lips, crinkling the corners of her piercing blue eyes. My heart nearly stopped.

  “Dude, close your mouth.” Sean knocked shoulders with me when he stepped to my side.

  Giving him a sidelong glance, I saw Logan smiling appreciatively at the girl, looking her up and down. No way. Stepping away from them, I nearly knocked her over in my attempt to reach her before she got caught in Logan’s crosshairs.

  Startled, she looked up at me, tucking a wisp of hair behind her ear. Fuck me, the girl was hot. Taking off my sunglasses, I gave her the most seductive grin I could muster.


  “Mr. Noble?” She glanced down at the paperwork in her hand without acknowledging my lame attempt at flirtation.

  “Knight, actually.” I was hoping for a glimmer of recognition.

  Her brows knit together, causing an adorable little crease to form on her forehead.

  I was Cameron Noble. At least that’s what my birth certificate said. But I dropped that shit as soon as Caged had a single on the charts, changing my name to Knight. My old man, Tyler Noble, the drunk that chased fame his whole life, was not going to get a nod of acknowledgement from me for anything I achieved.

  “But you can call me Noble.” Not to be deterred by her cool demeanor, I quirked a brow and leaned in. “Or anything else you want, as long as you say it with a smile.”

  Laughing nervously, she stuck out her hand. “I’m Lily Tennison. I’ll be your personal events coordinator while you’re here.”

  Taking her hand, I squeezed it gently. “I like the sound of that.”

  She took a step back, slipping her hand free. “Your brother explained the situation. If you would follow me to my office, I’d be happy to go over a list of the amenities and services we offer here at The Mansion. I’ll also take care of any special requests you might have.” Looking over my shoulder at Logan and Sean, she gave them a cheery smile. “Gentlemen, welcome to The Mansion.”

  Turning, she walked briskly toward the building, ignoring the snickers that erupted from our group.

  “Special requests?” Logan chuckled, lowering his tone to nearly a whisper. “I’ve got her special request—right here.” He grabbed his crotch, waggling his brows at me.

  Slapping him on the back of the head, I followed her into the lobby, putting some distance between me and the two asshats I was with. The guys couldn’t hold it together for one fucking minute without acting like horny teenagers.

  My cock stirred when the slit up the back of Lily’s pencil skirt opened as she walked, showing a nice expanse of her silky thighs. Scowling, I looked down at my boots. Logan and Sean might have been acting like horny teenagers, but I was the one sporting a hard-on. Perfect.

  The lobby was decorated with huge vases of freshly cut flowers and cushy, leather chairs with side tables made of rich, dark wood. Following Lily past the polished marble front desk, I noticed a number of guests staring in our direction.

  “Over here we have our lounge and our steakhouse.” Lily looked over her shoulder, giving a nod in the direction of the dimly lit space. “They are open for dinner only. Per your brother’s request, I’ve secured a chef to take care of your meals, en suite. However, you can order anything off the menu and have it delivered, if you prefer.”

  Nodding, I kept my eyes trained on her face, hoping my cock would go into hibernation. Lily’s tongue darted out, sweeping her lip when she looked down at her paperwork. A perfect, pink tongue. Caressing the softest, pinkest lips I’d ever seen in my life.

  She disappeared ahead of us, turning down a hallway where the executive offices were housed. I took the opportunity to stick my hand in my pocket and adjust my erection.

  “You got a problem there, son?” Logan clapped my shoulder as he strode past me.

  “Mind your own damn business,” I muttered, moving to his side. “And stop with the fucking sex jokes.”

  Logan gave me a sidelong glance, peering at me over his sunglasses. “Dude, I’m not the one with the semi.”

  Rolling my eyes, I stepped through the door of Lily’s large office. A leather sofa was pushed against the wall. Three winged chairs with rich upholstery sat in front of the large cherry desk. Oil paintings and other artwork hung on every wall. I wandered over to a group of four charcoal sketches next to the window. A large “L” with a small flower dotted the right hand corner of each one. The gritty cityscapes didn’t match the rest of the office’s motif.

  “These are really nice.” I nodded appreciatively, leaning in closer to examine the details before turning to her.

  “Um, t-thanks,” she stammered. The crease in her brow grew more pronounced when she noticed me looking at her. She dropped her eyes to the paperwork on her desk. I grinned, ambling over to take a seat in the winged
chair in front of the desk.

  “I’ve taken the liberty of contacting a personal shopper at Neiman Marcus.” She lifted her gaze, taking in our tattered jeans and t-shirts. “If you could provide me with your sizes, I’ll have some things brought over for you until you can retrieve your luggage from the Omni.”

  “Is there something wrong with the way we’re dressed?” Logan removed his sunglasses, leaning forward and propping his elbows on his knees.

  “Absolutely not.” She shifted in her seat. “I assumed since you didn’t have any clean clothes, you might want to order a few things. It’s totally up to you. There’s no dress code on the property, with the exception of the hotel dining area.”

  Clasping her hands on top of the paperwork on her desk, she gave us a sincere smile. “Look, y’all, I’m here to help. I’m sorry to hear about your friend.” Her gaze fell on mine, holding it for a second. “Is he alright, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Fine,” I said, studying the blue depths of her irises. “Just a little banged up.”

  She nodded sympathetically. “Let me get this paperwork out of the way. I’m sure you’ve had a trying day.”

  Turning to the computer on the side table, she punched in the information from the sheet of paper on her desk. A few minutes later she stood, handing each of us a fat envelope.

  “It was nice to meet y’all.” She extended a hand to Logan, and then to Sean. “Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during your stay. The bungalows are out back, at the far end of the property. Would you like me to call for a cart to take you there?”

  “I’m sure we’ll manage,” Logan said with a chuckle, giving her a wide grin. “Thanks for all your help.”

  He nodded at Sean, who thanked Lily as well before following Logan out of the office. She stepped around the desk and clasped her hands in front of her. I waited until the guys were out of earshot and closed the distance between us.

  “So what do you do for fun around here?”

  That perfect, pink tongue darted out again. I assumed she wasn’t aware of what she was doing, but I couldn’t tear my gaze from her lips. An arc of electricity flowed between us, drawing me to her like a magnet.

  “Um…” She trailed off, seeming unsure of her words. “I’ve enclosed this brochure in the envelope I gave you. We have—”

  “I mean, what do you do for fun, Lily?” Placing a hand on her arm, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. Definitely electricity.

  Staring at me for a moment, her arm dropped limply to her side. “I work.” She smiled up at me. “And I go to school. I don’t have much time for fun.”

  With that, she stepped toward the door, holding it open. Nodding, I shoved the envelope in my back pocket, leaning toward her on my way out. She smelled just like the freshly cut flowers in the lobby. Like a spring day.

  “That’s a shame, Lily. Everyone could use a little fun.”

  It took a shitload of self-control not to look back when I sauntered down the hallway.

  Before I made it five steps, the door clicked shut behind me.

  Chapter 3

  The grounds at The Mansion were as elegant as the interior. A huge pool with an outdoor bar sat empty, the tables and chairs covered. Steam was rising from a hot tub the size of a small swimming pool, although none of the guests were brave enough to make use of it in February.

  Passing through the gate to the private bungalows, I pulled the envelope from my pocket and searched for the suite number. I trekked across the tree-lined path until I stumbled across the right one, tucked behind a small grouping of trees.

  Inserting my key in the lock, I stepped inside, dropping my sunglasses on the marble sofa table. The room was top notch, sporting a gourmet kitchen, a bar, and a huge master suite. A baby grand piano sat in the corner in front of a picture window that overlooked the grounds.

  Strolling into the kitchen, I pulled open the refrigerator. It was stocked with all the necessities: bottled water, a twelve pack of Shiner Bock, and a tray filled with cheese and fruit.

  I grabbed a bottle of water and pulled out the tray, tearing off the plastic wrap as I walked to the sitting area. The ringing phone echoed in the cavernous space. I looked around, spotting it on the Louis XIV desk in the corner.


  Ignoring the persistent ring, I stretched out on the sofa and munched on a piece of cheese. I cursed under my breath. If I was going to go to the gym and burn off the tension that had my back twisted in knots, I would need some workout gear.

  Popping a strawberry into my mouth, I pulled the envelope from my pocket. Lily’s card fell out when I turned it upside down to remove the contents. A number was scrawled on the back in delicate script.

  Taking out my cell phone, I punched in the number.

  “Lily Tennison.”

  “Lily,” I said as I opened the brochure, laying it across my lap. “This is Cameron.”

  No response.

  “Cameron Knight.” As I sat up, my feet hit the floor with a thud. I couldn’t be that fucking forgettable. “I was just in your—”

  “Of course, Mr. Knight. What can I do for you?”

  I scowled. She couldn’t see me, but I knew I was scowling. And that was enough. Time to teach Ms. Tennison a little lesson. She wouldn’t be forgetting me after I got through with her.

  “I need you to fetch me some workout clothes, darlin’. Size large.”

  What the fuck? I looked down at the blank screen on my phone. Standing, I hit redial. The phone rang twice and went to voicemail. And then it sank in. She hung up on me. Me.

  Sinking back onto the sofa, I placed the phone on the table and stared at it. The last woman that hung up on me was my mama. And that was years ago.

  I chewed another strawberry, deliberating. The cell phone sat idle. Mocking me.

  Jerking my head at the pounding on the door, I stood and walked cautiously across the room. Through the peephole, the only thing visible was the top of a woman’s head. And a mass of blond hair. I stepped back when the door shook from another loud rap.

  “Can I help you?” I ventured, without making a move to unlock the door.

  “Mr. Knight, this is Lily Tenn—”

  Swinging the door open before she finished, I leaned against the frame, giving her a half smile.

  “Hey, Lily,” I drawled, hitching a brow. “I believe we were disconnected. You didn’t have to come all the way out here to find out my size.”

  “I-I didn’t,” she bit out through clenched teeth. “I don’t fetch, Mr. Knight.”

  “Just an expression.” I folded my arms across my chest. “No need to get all worked up.”

  “I’m not worked up. I-I just…”

  She was too fucking cute, stammering and turning red. Kicking the door open, I turned and walked back across the room. I picked up a fork and speared a piece of melon, turning to her in the doorway.

  “Are you going to come in?” I sank onto the couch, putting my feet on the expensive as fuck coffee table. “I thought of a few more things while you were on your way over.”

  Lily’s shoulders sagged in resignation. Stepping inside the door, she clasped her hands in front of her.

  “My email address is on the card,” she said quietly. “If you send me an email, I’ll make sure to pass it on to our personal shopper.”

  “Now, why would I do that?” Leaning forward, I speared another piece of melon. “You’re already here.”

  Realizing her little show of defiance had backfired, she squared her shoulders and closed the door, walking purposefully toward the desk. I cocked my head, taking in another eyeful of her luscious backside when she passed. This time I didn’t bother to hide my appreciation when she turned, a notebook and pen in her hand.

  She took a calming breath. “What exactly can I get for you, Mr. Knight?”

  Holding the pen so tightly I could see the white in her knuckles, she waited for me to tick off my list.

  “The workout clothes I m
entioned. Size large. A couple pairs of jeans. Boot cut. Size 32x36. T-shirts and socks.” Draping an arm over the back of the couch, I looked her up and down. “And underwear.”

  Scribbling furiously, she didn’t look up. “Boxers, briefs…” Her pen finally came to rest, and a smile hitched up one side of her lips. “…or panties?”

  I choked on the piece of melon trying to make its way down my throat. Coughing and sputtering, I leaned forward. Lily casually walked to the table, handing me the half empty bottle of water.

  Grabbing it from her, I took a large swallow. A couple of tears sprang to my eyes as I looked up at her. The girl was way too cocky for her own good. Clearing my throat, I took another swig, finishing the bottle.

  “Well?” She looked at me innocently.

  “Boxers,” I growled.

  Ripping the paper from the notepad, she folded the note and dropped the pad on the table.

  “I’ll make sure to have these delivered as soon as possible.” Stepping over my legs, her skirt hiked up her thighs as she went to leave.

  Resisting the urge to pull her down on the sectional, I fell back against the cushions and watched her stalk out of the room, slamming the door soundly behind her.

  I muted the TV when I heard a rap on the door. Lily. I sauntered to the door, my shoulders slumping when I peered through the peephole and saw a balding man in his mid-forties.

  “Can I help you?” I asked cautiously.

  “Mr. Knight? I’m Dave, your valet.” Straightening, he lifted the nametag on the front of his white smock. “I’ve brought your dinner, along with some items Ms. Tennison asked me to deliver.”

  Standing back from the door, I flipped the deadbolt and pulled it open. Dave’s grin widened. “May I come in, sir?”

  “Of course.” I opened the door wider when I saw the cart. “And call me Cameron.”

  “Very well, sir.” He backed into the room, pulling the cart over the threshold. “Where would you like to eat, sir?”


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