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Gone for You (Sixth Street Band #1)

Page 4

by Jayne Frost

  “Of course, Cameron.” She glared at me.

  Clueless, Greg took out his phone, frowning at the screen.

  “I’ve got to go see about something off property.” He dropped a hand to Lily’s back. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  She continued to glare at me, seemingly unaware of the poor sap trying to get her attention.

  “Lily?” he said.

  “What?” Startled, she tore her gaze from mine and turned to him. “I’m sorry, you were saying?”

  Narrowing his eyes, he dropped his hand from her back. “I’ve got a meeting off property. I’ll see you tonight.”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  “It was nice meeting you, Cameron.” Greg clapped me on the back. “I’m sure I’ll see you before you leave.”

  “Sure. Thanks,” I said, my eyes on Lily the whole time.

  Greg walked away, looking over his shoulder at us, with his phone pressed to his ear.

  “What’s going on tonight?” I asked dryly. “Hot date? Thought you didn’t have time for fun?”

  “I don’t,” she huffed. “It’s just a work thing. There’s a new pianist Greg’s thinking about hiring for the lounge. He wants my opinion.”

  It sounded like a date to me. Or a way to get in her panties. Since I had a plan to get there first, I didn’t appreciate Greg cock-blocking me. I was only here for a few days. He lived here. He could always…

  Looking into Lily’s sky blue eyes, I let the wretched thought die. Whatever happened when I was gone was none of my business. But Greg would have a hell of a time getting to first base while I was around.

  I shrugged. “Have a good time.” She clamped her mouth shut when I glided past her.

  As I stalked to the front desk, the clerk turned to me, her eyes going wide. I rested my arms on the polished marble, smiling at her coyly.

  “Can I help you, Mr. Knight?” Her tone was breathy.

  Cute. She was really fucking cute. My gaze flickered down to the nametag pinned to her chest, admiring what was underneath. Not today, Olivia. But I’ll remember you next time I’m passing through.

  “You sure can, darlin’,” I drawled. “What’s the dress code in the lounge?”

  “Business casual.” She twirled a strand of her dark hair around her finger.

  I didn’t own anything business, and my casual was too casual for the lounge. I glanced over my shoulder when the hair on the back of my neck registered Lily’s presence. She walked toward her office, looking down at her phone without acknowledging me. I could always ask her to contact the personal shopper, but I didn’t want her to think I was desperate to hear her voice. Which I was.

  “Then I guess you’d better tell me where the nearest mall is around these parts.”

  Chapter 5

  Where are you going?” Logan pushed his way into the bungalow and went straight to the fridge, where he grabbed a bottle of beer. He wandered over to the sectional and turned on the TV, flipping to the pay per view.

  “Dude, no porn,” I muttered, holding up one of the ties I had picked up at Saks. “What are you doing in here anyway?”

  He flipped through the stations, finally settling on ESPN. I knew the answer. He was trapped. We never spent more than two nights in the same city, and if we did, we usually changed hotels.

  We were here until Saturday, and so was Chloe. Logan wasn’t going to be a total dick, but he wasn’t stupid. She might get the wrong idea if they spent the entire week enjoying each other’s company.

  “Just hanging out.” He gave me a sidelong glance as I stood in front of the mirror, holding up each tie. “What are you getting all decked out for?” He narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

  Ignoring his question, I draped a tie over each shoulder. “Red or grey?”

  “Dude, do I look like Heidi Klum?”

  Shaking my head, I walked to the bedroom to finish getting dressed.

  “Are you going to tell me where you’re going?” he called after me.

  Cringing, I pulled the pins out of the dress shirt. “I thought I’d go to the lounge.”

  Logan stood at the door, watching me fumble with the tie. “Who’s the girl?”

  I didn’t look up. Whatever I said would come out wrong. If I told him I was stalking Lily for a sport fuck, he’d make it a competition. On the other hand, if I admitted I couldn’t stop thinking about her, I’d never hear the end of it.

  When I didn’t answer, he stomped across the room and grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around.

  “If you ever tell anyone I helped you tie your tie, I’ll make sure the world knows you cried like a bitch the first time you rode the Texas Giant.”

  Slapping his hand away, I turned back to the mirror, glaring at him in the reflection. It was the biggest fucking roller coaster in the country, and I was twelve years old.

  “I’m going to hang out here.” Grabbing a magazine, he dropped on the bed. “What?” He looked up, quirking a brow. “If you have to go through this much trouble to turn this chick’s head, she isn’t going to fall into your bed, dude.”

  “You never know.”

  Ordering my second Jack and Coke, I stared straight ahead, my eyes fixed on the mirror behind the bar. I had the perfect vantage point to see anyone who walked through the door, without looking like I was waiting around. Pathetically. In a coat and tie.

  I tugged at my collar.

  A curvy brunette slid into the seat next to me, meeting my gaze in the mirror. Smiling coyly, she looked down at my drink when the bartender asked what she wanted.

  “Whatever he’s having,” she said, turning to look at my profile.

  The bartender smirked, turning to fix the drink while he glanced at us in the mirror. I’m sure he’d seen this ritual played out. Daily. Smiling, I tipped my glass to her before I took the next gulp of my drink.

  Taking it as an invitation, she turned in her seat, crossing her legs to reveal the top of her thigh high stocking. It was kind of cliché. But I was intrigued. My tattoos were covered and my long hair was combed back in a respectable fashion. As respectable as I could manage, considering the length. Just an average guy, stopping in for a drink after work.

  “I’m Tiffany.” Handing her credit card to the bartender, she picked up the crystal rocks glass he placed in front of her.


  Stirring her drink, she looked at me over the rim of the glass. “So, Cameron,” she said with a sigh. “Are you waiting for someone?”

  Tiffany looked a little sad. Or bored. She set her drink on the coaster, surveying the room. Definitely bored. Like she’d done this a million times, and she was over it.

  “Not really,” I said truthfully, my gaze drifting to the door.

  Seeing no other hot prospects, she turned her attention back to me, affixing a fake smile on her lips. “Are you from around here?”

  “Austin. Just here for the week.”

  Her shoulders sagged a little, and her smile wilted. Music filled the lounge from the piano in the corner. Couples paired off, making their way to the dance floor.

  A guy slid onto the barstool on the other side of Tiffany. Meeting my gaze over her shoulder, he lifted a brow. Shrugging, I turned away.

  He proceeded to chat up Tiffany, offering to buy her next drink. The fake smile on her lips got wider, matching the fake laugh that rolled off her tongue.

  Yeah, looks like Tiffany might be getting lucky tonight. Or not, considering the faint tan line on his ring finger.

  I was about to order my third drink when they walked in. Greg glanced around the room, spying a table in the corner. Placing his hand on the small of Lily’s back, he guided her there and motioned for the cocktail server when they sat down.

  Lily looked around the room nervously, her eyes finding mine in the mirror. Her mouth fell open in surprise. Greg leaned in to speak to her, but she kept her gaze on my back, nodding at whatever he said.

  The guy was kind of a douche. And way too smarmy for Lily. I took a g
ulp of the fresh drink the bartender set in front of me.

  “That guy is really butchering the tunes over there,” he muttered. “Don’t suppose you know how to play any of this easy listening crap, huh, Cameron?” Smiling wryly, he dragged a rag across the bar. “You are Cameron Knight, right?”

  “That’s me.” Pulling a fifty-dollar bill from my front pocket, I slid it across the polished marble, arching a brow at him. “But I’d appreciate it if you keep that info on the down low. I really don’t feel like blowing my cover.”

  “Sure thing.” He nodded, slipping the bill in his pocket. “Let me know if there’s anything else I can get you.”

  The bartender made himself scarce, chatting with a few customers at the end of the bar.

  After the fourth drink and several clandestine looks from Lily, who couldn’t take her eyes off my back, I signed my tab and wobbled to my feet. This wasn’t my scene. I didn’t skulk around in dimly lit bars, trying to pick up chicks.

  Pulling the tie loose from my collar, I glanced over at Lily. Greg was several inches closer, but her eyes were firmly trained on me. Turning, she gave him a thin smile before standing up and making her way across the room. She slipped into the alcove on the side of the bar.

  Maybe it was the four drinks that clouded my judgment. Or those damn blue eyes that sought me out since the moment she walked in. But I followed her into the dimly lit hallway. Propping myself against the wall, I waited outside the ladies’ room like a desperate stalker.

  Lily’s eyes went wide when the door swung open and she spotted me.

  “Cameron.” Tucking a stand of hair behind her ear, she stepped into the hallway. “What are you doing here?”

  I pushed off the wall. “Waiting for you,” I said simply. “Like you knew I would.”

  “I don’t—I didn’t—” she stammered.

  “’Course you did, darlin’. You’ve been looking at me all night.”

  Red stains crept into her cheeks, and she turned toward the door. Barking a laugh, I grabbed her arm.

  “So you’re just going to leave me standing here?”

  She froze in her spot. Waiting. Lily wasn’t the type of girl to throw herself into my arms and follow me back to my room for a night of wild sex. Therefore, she wasn’t my type. But something about her made her wrong in all the right ways—forbidden.

  “How’s your meeting going with Greg?”

  “Awful,” she sighed, her shoulders sagging. “Apparently, I’m the only one who didn’t think this was a date. He keeps trying to touch me.”

  Fuck me. The girl was really naïve. Of course he was trying to touch her.

  “He wants to do a lot more,” I said with a chuckle.

  She turned to me, her forehead creased in confusion.

  “How do you know that?” Narrowing her eyes suspiciously, she cocked her head. “Did he say something about me?”

  My laugh echoed off the walls in the small space.

  “He didn’t have to. You’re beautiful, Lily.” I stepped in front of her, tracing the curve of her jaw with my thumb. “And funny. And smart…”

  Her blue eyes drifted shut when I leaned forward, brushing my lips against hers. She tasted like honey with a hint of bourbon. Sweet and hot. It was all over for me. The twinge in my chest turned to a tug. A pull. A complication.

  Pulling away, I raked a hand through my hair. Lily smiled, warm and inviting. It was like the chicken inviting the fox into the henhouse.

  “I’ve got an early wake-up call.” My tone was low and husky. “I’ll see you around, Lily.”

  I turned and pushed the door open, cutting my eyes to Greg. Lily stumbled out and crashed into my back.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, smoothing her skirt before taking a step in his direction. I could almost see the drool on his chin from across the room.

  No way.

  Grabbing Lily’s hand, I laced our fingers, pulling her into the lobby.

  “I-I’m not going to your room with you, Cameron.”

  “I don’t remember inviting you, darlin’.” Leading her to the revolving door, I nudged her forward and followed her in. “I’m walking you to your car.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Stepping out into the cool air, she picked up her pace. “Thanks, Cameron.”

  The tightness in my chest got stronger with each step she took. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I jogged to her side, stealing a glance out of the corner of my eye. She shook her head, but she didn’t protest, and a faint smile curved her mouth. After we walked past several rows of cars, she stopped beside an ancient Honda.

  “This is me.” Shoving the key in the lock, she pulled open the door. “Thanks again.”

  “Drive safe.”

  Lily slid behind the wheel, and the car spluttered twice before rumbling to life. I raised a hand, and she waved hesitantly. Watching the taillights fade, I didn’t move from my spot until she was out of sight.

  Chapter 6

  I went to bed thinking about Lily, and she was in my head in the morning. An ice cold shower didn’t help. Two hours in the gym, running until I was ready to puke, barely took the edge off.

  Now I was fatigued and horny. And late. Standing at the front desk, I raked a hand through my hair.

  “So you’re telling me there isn’t a limo available—” I growled, my gaze drifting to her gold nametag, “—Brandy?”

  “Mr. Knight,” she squeaked, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened. Chloe booked our last limo for Mr. Cage.” Flustered, she twisted her hands in front of her.

  “Do you have an idea when they’ll be back?” I tried to keep the edge out of my voice.

  “Let me check.” Reaching for the phone, her hand shook slightly as she punched in the number.

  Shit. I wasn’t my father. Acting like an asshole wasn’t going to get me to the radio station any faster.

  “No worries, darlin’.” Resting my forearms on the desk, I leaned forward, giving her a disarming smile. “Can you call me a cab? I’ve got an appointment at a radio station in Addison.”

  Nodding, she held up a finger and turned her back to whisper into the phone.

  Fuck. I looked at my watch and bit my lip. If I didn’t get out of here soon, I’d have to reschedule the interview with Wendy.

  Pulling out my phone, I slid my finger across the screen and hit Logan’s number.

  Music blared in the background when he picked up. “Yeah?”

  “Where are you, Logan?” I snapped. “You took the last limo, and I’ve got that fucking interview with Wendy.”

  He laughed. “I’m on my way to the Omni to pick up my shit, and then Chloe is going to show me what passes for live music here in Big D.”

  Logan knew damn well what passed for live music here. Deep Ellum in downtown Dallas was home to a dozen live music hot spots. Caged had played at Trees, one of the larger venues, on more than one occasion

  “Really, dude? Doesn’t that chick know who you are?” I snorted. “You’ve probably played Deep Ellum more times than she’s been there.”

  He kept up the farce. “It’s supposed to be kickin’. You should head out there later.”

  “Maybe I would, if I had a ride.” Giving up, I shook my head. “Just stay out of The Prophet, ok? Tracy’s bouncer boyfriend is still looking to separate your head from your shoulders.”

  It had been almost a year since we played that gig, but the 250 pound gorilla bouncer was not likely to forget walking in on Logan and his bartender girlfriend half-naked in the dressing room.

  “Loosen up, Cameron.”

  “I’m fine,” I said with a snort. “Ain’t no bounty on my head. Hey, pick up my stuff when you’re at the Omni. I’m probably going to get a cab to the interview.”

  My mouth went dry when Lily rounded the corner, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a sweater that barely covered her midriff. Her pink Converse sneakers squeaked on the stone floor as she walked toward me.

  “I’ve gotta go.” Hanging up on Logan
, I slid the phone in my pocket.

  “Where are you headed?” she said, pulling her sunglasses out of her purse.

  “A radio interview in Addison.” I leaned against the granite pillar next to the front desk and looked her up and down. “I’m waiting on a cab.”

  Wisps of hair fell out of her loose bun, begging me to pull it down and run my hands through it.

  “No need. I’ll drive you.” She glanced at her watch. “We better get out of here before traffic gets too heavy.”

  “Are you volunteering to be my chauffeur, darlin’?” I joked.

  “Actually, I am.” Turning on her heel, she glanced over her shoulder. “Are you coming?”

  Peeling my boots from the floor, I followed her out of the lobby.

  “Lily, stop.” I grabbed her arm as she trotted toward the parking lot. “That’s really not necessary.”

  I was already having serious doubts about the package I booked. My instinct was to offer it as a promotional giveaway at one of my interviews. The thought of wasting $10K made me want to hurl. But the vision of walking around a museum with my dick hard enough to cut diamonds was worse. I could already feel it stirring in my pants.

  Lily sighed in frustration. “B-Brandy called me. It’s my f-fault. It’s the middle of the week, and I didn’t have a car service on s-standby. T-two limos are usually sufficient, but Chloe b-booked one, and a group of businessmen took the other for a g-golf outing. I-I’m s-sorry…” Cringing, she seemed to fumble for the words until she finally gave up.

  “Don’t worry about it.” My hand reached for a strand of hair that had tangled in her lip gloss.

  “I’m fine taking a cab.”


  The effort it took for her to get that one word out left her so damned flustered, I got the urge to sweep her into my arms and give her a hug. A genuine hug—not the kind that led to ripping off her clothes. I stepped back a foot, shoving my hands in my pockets.

  “P-please.” She looked up at me. “L-let me do t-this. I’m really s-sorry about the mix-up.”

  The more wound up she got, the more her speech fragmented. The tug in my chest only added to the urge to comfort her. It was…unexpected. Blowing out a breath, I slipped on my sunglasses to hide my eyes.


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