by Deborah Blum
opinion of SPR leaders
report on Eusapia Palladino
report on Leonora Piper. See Piper, Leonora Evelina
reports of
restoration of ASPR
on retirement of Leonora Piper
spirit of. See Hodgson control
time in Boston
visit to William James in New Hampshire
William James’ paying of salary for
Hodgson control. See Hodgson control
Alice James’ experience with
arrow scripts
William James’ analysis of
William James’ work on
William Newbold’s contact with
Holt, Henry
Home, Daniel Dunglas
appeal of
death of
effect of career of
investigations of
marriage of
reputation of
talents of
telekinetic powers
views on dark séances
William Crookes’ opinion of
witchcraft charge
Houdini, Harry
Howe, Alice Gibbons. See also James, Alice
Hubbard, Gardiner
Hugo, Victor
Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (Myers)
Huse, Bertha
Huxley, T. H.
as agnostic
attendance at séances at home of Wallace
confession of unbelief
confession to Metaphysical Society
reaction to Crookes
view of man in larger universe
French studies of
Hyslop, James Hervey
admiration for Richard Hodgson
American Institute for Scientific Research
attempt at improving image of psychic inquiry
background of
concern over Eusapia Palladino’s U.S tour
correspondence with Richard Hodgson on fake mediums
death of
death of wife
disagreement with Simon Newcomb
friendship with Richard Hodgson
ghost of father through Leonora Piper
health issues
investigation of Leonora Piper
James McKeen Cattell’s disagreement with
letter to Richard Hodgson regarding resignation from SPR
newspaper coverage of
offer to assume Richard Hodgson’s duties
questioning mother on Leonora Piper’s statements
reaction to Hereward Carrington’s invitation to Eusapia Palladino to tour U.S.
relationship with parents
report of messages relayed from medium from William James
resignation from Columbia
resignation from SPR
response to Widow’s Mite coin mystery
role in leading ASPR
social skills
Vermont gold-mining venture
William James’ opinion of social skills of
Hyslop, Mary
Hyslop, Robert
Ile Roubaud tests
Imperator (guide)
Inexplicable fears
Intellectual whoredom
International Congress of Experimental Psychology. See Congress of Experimental Psychology
The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud)
invitation to return to Cambridge for further investigations
Isis Unveiled (Blavatsky)
Jack the Ripper
James, Alice
anxiety attacks
birth of daughter Margaret
at deathbed of James
death of
on Edmund Gurney’s death
experience with Hodgson control
illness of
marriage of
opinion of Hugo Munsterberg
quarantine of
scarlet fever
sittings with mediums after death of James
James, Billy
James, Bob
James, Harry
James, Henry, Jr.
ghost stories
health issues
novels of
sittings with mediums after death of James
James, Henry, Sr.
childhood accident
death of
influence of Swedenborg on
marriage to Mary Walsh
treatment of children
James, Herman “Humster”
James, Margaret
James, Robertson
James, Wilkie
James, William
as acclaimed chemist
address to Philosophical Clubs of Yale and Brown
admiration for Henry Sidgwick
admiration for James McKeen Cattell
American Magazine article
analysis of Hodgson control
animal serum injection therapy
argument with Edward Titchener over telepathy
attempt at explaining God
attendance at International Congress of Experimental Psychology
belief in work
childhood of
claims of contacts with spirit of
communication with dead son
concern about lack of mediums
concern about scientific approach to spiritual murkiness
concern over Eusapia Palladino’s U.S tour
concern over Frederic Myers’ health
concern over replacing Henry Sidgwick
“The Confidences of a Psychical Researcher” article
confusion over intolerance for work of Society
consultation with mindcure doctress
cross-correspondence study
cryptic message to Oliver Lodge
death of
death of Aunt Kate
death of brother Robertson James
on death of father
death of son Herman
defense of Richard Hodgson’s affirmation of spirit life
dismantling of Newcomb’s criticisms of British SPR research
editing of Myers’ Rosina Thompson paper
effect of Richet’s home on recuperation
efforts to maintain ASPR
founding of ASPR
on fraud
friendship with Hugo Munsterberg
gypsy-like childhood
at Harvard
health issues
inquiries into faith
invitation from Richet to his home to recuperate
invitation to become president of British SPR
invitation to the Scratch Eight meeting
Leonora Piper as guest at New Hampshire house of
marriage to Alice Gibbons Howe
medical treatment in Europe
mind-body connection
mourning death of Richard Hodgson
need to keep open mind
opinion of James Hyslop’s social skills
opinion of President Grover Cleveland
opinion of religion
paying of Hodgson’s salary
physical traits of
as piecemeal supernaturalist
on potential for fraud
praise for Henry Sidgwick
praise for SPR publications
The Principles of Psychology
as psychology teacher
reaction to Alice’s death
reaction to Alice’s illness
reaction to death of Edmund Gurney
reaction to Hereward Carrington’s invitation to Eusapia Palladino to tour U.S.
reaction to Seybert Commission report
recruitment into British SPR
relationship with Edmund Gurney
reputation of
response to Widow’s Mite coin mystery
retirement from Harvard
return to U.S. from second sabbatica
review of Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death (Myers)
review of life’s work
review of Phantasms of the Living
sabbatical in England
sabbatical in Europe
Scribner’s article
study of slate writing messages
theory on psychology
unorthodoxy of
view of mind healers
view of world
withdrawal from American Institute for Scientific Research board of directors
work on Hodgson control
James H. Hyslop X: His Book
James Hyslop’s investigation of
Janet, Pierre
reaction to Census of Hallucinations
Jastrow, Joseph
denunciation of telepathy
opinion of Mark Twain
Jencken, H. D.
Johnson, Alice
Journal of the Society of Psychical Research
Kane, Elisha Kent
Kane, Maggie Fox. See Fox, Margaretta (Maggie)
Kant, Immanuel
King, Katie
Kipling, Rudyard
Lankester, Ray
investigation into Henry Slade
The Last of the Mohicans (Cooper)
Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism (Home)
Lily Dale
Little Bright Eyes
Lodge, Mary
Lodge, Oliver
background of
at Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition
complaints about manners of Richard Hodgson
cross-correspondence study
cryptic message from William James to
efforts to carry on psychical work
ether testing machine
on Gurney’s work habits
as head of physics dept. at Univ. of Birmingham
interest in telepathy
invention of coherer
knighthood of
opinion of Frederic Myers’ autobiography
opinion of Wallace
patent battle with Marconi Radio Company
public revelation of cross-correspondence study
request to Stanley Hall to publish Piper findings in SPR journal
Richard Hodgson’s opinion of
role in rebuilding of British SPR
study of slate writing messages
testing of Leonora Piper
witness to Charles Richet’s investigations of Eusapia Palladino
work on wireless communication
Lombroso, Cesare
investigations of Eusapia Palladino
reputation of
Loring, Katherine
L’uomo deliquente (Criminal man) (Lombroso)
McCosh, James
Magnetic signals
Marconi, Guglielmo
Marshall, Annie
Frederic Myers’ search for
Marshall, Walter
Master of Turin. See Lombroso, Cesare
Maxwell, James Clerk
Medium, A.
acceptance of term
Anna Eva Fay. See Fay, Anna Eva
ASPR report on
Catherine Muller (Helene Smith)
Charles Richet’s opinion of
Church of Spiritualism
Creery sisters
Daniel Dunglas Home. See Home, Daniel Dunglas
Eusapia Palladino. See Palladino, Eusapia
Fox sisters. See Fox, Kate; Fox, Margaretta (Maggie)
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. See Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
Helene Smith
Henry Slade
Leonora Evelina Piper. See Piper, Leonora Evelina
in Lily Dale
Madame Blavatsky. See Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
“Mr. Sludge, the Medium.” See “Mr. Sludge, the Medium”
Newcastle mediums
paid mediums
peculiarities of
reactions to
reaction to Henry Sidgwick
Reverend May Pepper. See Pepper, Reverend May
Rosina Thompson. See Thompson, Rosina
social events with
meeting with James
Mental illness
Mesmer, Anton
Metaphysical Society
“Meta-trousers and meta-coats”
Methods of Ethics (Sidgwick)
Mill, John Stuart
Mind-body therapy
Mindcure doctress
Mind cures
Mind-reading. See also Telepathy; Thought transference
Newcomb’s dismissal of
Minot Savage’s investigation of
Modern Spiritualism (Podmore)
“Mr. Sludge, the Medium”
Mr. Splitfoot
Muller, Catherine. See Smith, Helene
Munsterberg, Hugo
attendance at Eusapia Palladino séance
friendship with William James
Myers, Arthur
Myers, Eveleen
comforting of Eusapia Palladino
destruction of husband’s records
evidence of failed marriage
illness while in Rome
life after death of Frederic
marital problems
meeting with Leonora Piper
problems with SPR members
reaction to Frederic’s illness
request for recall of “Fragments of an Inner Life”
Myers, Frederic
appeal of Sigmund Freud’s studies
attendance at International Congress of Experimental Psychology
background of
belief in Leonora Piper’s abilities
belief in science
call to action
at Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition
concern over legacy of
concerns about Phantasms of the Living
death of
decision to investigate supernatural phenomena
description of human mind
drug use
enjoyment of Cambridge party circuit
Eusapia Palladino tests in Italy
founding of British SPR
“Fragments of an Inner Life”
gratitude towards Leonora Piper
greeting Leonora Piper in Liverpool
health issues
investigation of Rosina Thompson
investigations of apparitions
invitation from Richet to his home to recuperate
invitation to William James to become president of British SPR
loss of Annie Marshall
marriage to Eveleen Tennant
opinion of D. D. Home
opinion of Wallace
“other” consciousness
partnership with Sidgwick and Gurney. See Sidgwick group
praise for The Principles of Psychology
preferred description of ghosts
reaction to death of Edmund Gurney
reaction to Richard Hodgson’s report on Eusapia Palladino
as school inspector
search for Annie Marshall
spirit of. See Myers, Frederic (spirit)
subliminal consciousness. See Subliminal consciousness
subliminal self
telepathy tests
testing of Leonora Piper
time at Richet’s home
use of mediums
view of scientific dogma
views on women
William Fletcher Barrett’s opinion of
witness to Charles Richet’s investigations of Eusapia Palladino
Myers, Frederic (spirit)
communicating through slate writing
“Francis and Ignatius”
Myers, Leo
National Geographic Society
al selection theory
Newbold, William
Newcastle mediums
New Church
Newcomb, Simon
ability to understand psychical research
credentials of
criticisms of British SPR research
disagreement with James Hyslop
dismissal of mind-reading work
first president of ASPR
opinion of Nora Sidgwick’s work
Newnham College
The Night Side of Nature (Crowe)
Nitrous oxide
Nobel, Alfred
Nobel Prize
Charles Richet (medicine)
Lord Rayleigh (physics)
Occult Bookstore
Ochorowicz, Julien
Eusapia Palladino tests in Italy
Hugo Munsterberg’s opinion of
opinion of Eusapia Palladino’s Cambridge sittings
reaction to Richard Hodgson’s report on Eusapia Palladino
witness to Charles Richet’s investigations of Eusapia Palladino
Oliver Lodge investigation of
on SPR payroll
On the Origin of Species (Darwin)
“On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type” (Wallace)
On the Threshold of a New World of Thought (Burett)
Ordinary occult
Ouija boards
ovarian tumor
Paid mediums
Palladino, Eusapia
Cambridge testing
Cesare Lombroso’s investigations of
Charles Richet’s championing of
Charles Richet’s investigations of. See Richet, Charles
cheating by
cross-Atlantic séance
death of
as dominant medium in Europe
Everard Feilding’s investigation of
Frank Podmore’s opinion of
Hereward Carrington’s investigation of
Hereward Carrington’s invitation to tour U.S.
Italy testing
loss of powers
“Neapolitan rage”
Richard Hodgson’s opinion of
Richard Hodgson’s report on
sexual arousal of
talents of
Theodore Flournoy’s investigation of
as trouble maker
participation in cross-correspondence study
Pasteur, Louis
Peirce, Charles S.
Pellew, George
automatic writing
communication through Leonora Piper
death of
opinion of Chauncey Wright
Pepper, Reverend May
Little Bright Eyes (guide)
marriage to Edward Ward Vanderbilt
slate writing
Phantasms of the Living (Gurney, Myers & Podmore)
attention paid to
concerns about
publication of
William James review of
Philosophical Clubs of Yale and Brown
Phinuit, Dr.
George Pellew communicating through
Phony spirit shows
Piddington, John
arrow scripts
communication with Rector