Forever Werewolf: Forever WerewolfMoon Kissed (Harlequin Nocturne)

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Forever Werewolf: Forever WerewolfMoon Kissed (Harlequin Nocturne) Page 21

by Michele Hauf

  Tryst’s hand at her neck moved to grip her hair. He pulled, but not hard, cocking her head back. “You want it?” he growled.

  She smiled at his command. “Yes.”

  “How badly?” The slick of his hand bumped her derriere, and she lifted her hips, trying to find him, to lure him into her. “Tell me you want me.”

  “Gods, please,” she said, tucking her head forward and biting the sheet. “Come inside me, Tryst. Put your big, hard cock inside me. Show me I’m yours.”

  “Lexi, you are mine. All mine,” he growled as he slid inside her with a bellowing moan. He reached around and slapped his hand over hers, keeping her fingers at her pinnacle and following her motions with his fingers. “Yes, like that. Show me how you like it.”

  His body shuddered against hers. He was so close. She loved when he took her hard and howled like the wild creature he was. Lexi gripped his fingers and slid them along her folds, drawing up her own shudders, and together they came.

  His body fell upon hers, and his arms wrapped about her stomach, taking her with him as he rolled to his back and kissed her neck. Together, they fit their lax, exhausted bodies and fell into a well-deserved slumber.

  * * *

  Lexi pulled on a soft black pair of yoga pants and spied Tryst’s torn plaid shirt on the chair where she’d tossed it earlier. Every fiber of her wanted to pull on that shirt, snuggle into his essence and rub him all over her, but she didn’t. If someone saw her wearing his shirt, there’d be questions. Besides, she already had his essence all over and inside her.

  She glanced at the man on her bed, the sheets strewn to reveal his soft penis draped over a hip, and his legs bent in an exhausted pose. He deserved a few winks of sleep after their afternoon of lovemaking.

  And she needed to talk to her sister. And forage for food. Her belly rumbled for sustenance.

  Tugging a gray fleece over her head, she flipped her hair over the collar and padded out of the room, barefoot and hoping she wasn’t called to any major situation in the fifty feet it took to walk to Lana’s room. Things had to get back to normal after all they’d been through.

  “Please?” she whispered. “The pack needs normal.”

  Lana stood against the open door frame, a smile lifting her mouth, which relieved Lexi’s fears her sister would be inconsolable.

  “I was wondering when you’d venture out from your den of wild and crazy sex,” Lana teased. She tugged Lexi inside and closed the door. “You two have been going at it all day.”

  “Oh, hell, could you hear us?”

  “No. Well.” Lana winced. “Sometimes. He has a very happy howl.”

  Lexi laughed and pulled her sister to sit on the edge of the bed with her. “That he does. But I shouldn’t have been so selfish. How are you, Lana?”

  “Seriously?” Her sister lifted her shoulders and her chin, displaying surprising lightness in the wake of what had happened. “I think I’m kind of happy. Is that wrong? Lexi, I’m being cruel, right?”

  “Because you’re glad an overbearing, cruel, lying bastard is out of your life? I think you’re taking it exactly as you should be.”

  “But he is dead. And I did care a little about him.”

  “He would have corrupted the pack,” Lexi offered. She squeezed her sister’s hand. “You know that.”

  Lana nodded. “It’s for the better. I don’t blame Trystan, either. He did what had to be done.”

  “It wasn’t his fault. Sven fell on the syringe loaded with the silver that he’d intended to use on me.”

  “Ohmygod. I didn’t see that. Liam dragged me inside and wouldn’t let me watch. Oh, Lexi, I’m so glad you’re safe. Sven definitely got what he deserved.”

  “You are allowed to cry and grieve, Lana. I’d be worried if you didn’t.”

  Lana nodded, swallowing, and Lexi knew she was, indeed, fighting tears. “I have cried. And I will cry more, I’m sure. I just need to digest it all. I think this will be good for me. A break from a man. I usually always have a boyfriend. Though, I do already feel lonely. That’s so wrong, isn’t it?”

  “You’ll never be alone, Lana. You have me and Father. And as soon as the dust settles, I know a handsome pack male will start sniffing around you.”

  “I don’t think I like any of the males in this pack. They’re all so brutal.”

  “There are some who are kind and quiet. You just need to open your eyes to that sort of man.”

  “I’m used to being ordered around.”

  “Give it time. You don’t need to jump into anything. Hey, I was going to stop in the cafeteria. You hungry? Want me to bring you back something to eat?”

  “No. I ate a few hours ago when everyone else did. When you were busy.”

  “I’m in love, Lana.”

  “I know, I can see it in your eyes. Your beautiful blue eyes. He’s good for you. Don’t let him go.”

  “Father will have the final say in whether or not we can continue our relationship.”

  Lana nodded. “He’s doing even better today. He took a walk outside with me this morning.”

  “That’s wonderful. I have to go see him, but I’m sort of avoiding it for the reasons you can imagine. Did he say anything to you about us?”

  “Nope.” Lana kissed her cheek. “Go. Refuel, and then make that man howl again. I think I’m going to listen to some music. Loud.”

  * * *

  Lexi returned to the room at the same time Tryst opened the note Rick stopped off to deliver from the principal.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “From your father. He wants to see me.” Tryst pulled up his pants and searched for his boots.

  “Don’t go,” Lexi said, setting down the supper tray. “The food is hot. Wait until the morning to talk to Father.”

  Until after they’d made love as werewolves, was the unspoken statement. It had been a promise, an act that would bond them as mates much like marriage bonded mortals. Tryst wanted that more than anything right now. But…

  “I won’t disregard a direct order from your father, especially not the pack leader.”

  “Are you afraid of him?”

  “Yes. I mean, it’s not fear, just a healthy respect. He is the authority around here, Lexi, and I’d never disrespect that.”

  “Liar. You’ve been seeing me. That’s exactly what Father doesn’t want.”

  Tryst sighed. “I know, I know. But I can’t stay away from you. And I did tell him I would keep my distance but that you were your own woman, and I couldn’t keep you away from me. It’s all your fault,” he said with a trace of humor to his tone.

  “What if he tells you to stay away from me?”

  “That’s what you’re worried about, isn’t it?” He pulled on a button-up plaid shirt that had been borrowed from some random wolf in the castle. It fit, but was tight across the shoulders. “I’ll stand up to him and tell him I love you.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “He’ll say there’s no way a half-breed could ever have his daughter. What will you say to that?”

  Tryst sighed and shrugged. “I guess I’ll have to wing it. I’ll always do—”

  “You’ll always do what is right for me.” She spread her arms about his waist and kissed him at the base of his neck. “Well hear this, wolf. What is right for me is you. Don’t forget that.”

  “Permanently imprinted on my brain. Now, how do I look? Good enough for your dad?”

  She played with his hair a bit then kissed him. “Good enough for me, and that’s all that matters. Go, but if you’re not back in an hour, I’ll come looking for you.”

  “If I’m not back in an hour, you’d better check the dungeon first.” He kissed her playfully, but his heart was already dreading the meeting. It wasn’t going to go well. He knew that with every ounce of his being.

  * * *

  “You’ve fucked my daughter?”

  Tryst made to reply, but Edmonton Conner had gotten
his energy back, in spades.

  “How dare you?”

  Liam stood beside the oak desk, behind which the principal sat, looking over some paperwork. The old wolf looked as if he’d risen from the ashes. Once the poison had gotten out of his system, it had really sped up his recovery. He didn’t look a day over forty now.

  Tryst eyed Liam, and the new scion held a stoic pose, yet he thought he saw sympathy in the wolf’s look. Tryst was grasping, though.

  “I, uh…”

  “Out with it.” The pack leader stood and slammed a fist on the desk, startling Tryst only because he hadn’t been prepared for such authority after having witnessed the man struggling in the throes of death.

  “I have,” he said, bowing his head in respect. “I’ve gone against your wishes. But I won’t ask your forgiveness.”

  “And why is that? You, a half-breed lone wolf, do you place yourself so high above us all you think you are in no need of forgiveness?”

  “No, Principal, not at all like that.” He shrugged a hand through his hair, then splayed it out before him, finding only the truth on this tongue. “I love your daughter, Principal Connor. And she loves me.”

  Edmonton scoffed and walked around the side of the desk, slamming his arms across his chest. He strode to the window, where sunlight beamed across his curly mop of dark hair. Dark as Lexi’s hair. She must have gotten that from him, Tryst thought wistfully. Perhaps their mother had been blonde, as was Lana. He would have liked to meet her, even if only on his way to being kicked out of the castle. Yet again.


  “Silence!” Edmonton barked. Pacing, he rattled a fist near his thigh, his jaw tight.

  Tryst judged the man a worthy opponent to any wolf, even obviously still in recovery. His eyes held authority and dared Tryst to step over an invisible line.

  A line he’d already shredded and tossed over his shoulder. Lexi had been right—he’d lied to her father, and now he must take the punishment.


  “Yes, Principal?”

  “What you’ve told me about this wolf—this unaligned, half-breed wolf who dares to taint my lineage—it is all true?”

  Liam exhaled and nodded. “Yes.”

  Tryst’s heart dropped. What the hell kind of report had Liam given the leader? He’d thought he and Liam had gotten along well, but was there more than one two-faced wolf in this pitiful pack?

  No, he couldn’t blame Liam for any observations he’d given to the principal. As scion he must have an eye out for protecting the pack.

  “Well, then.” Edmonton turned, sliding his hands into his sweater pockets. His jaw softened, and Tryst thought he saw a smirk tilt the corner of the old wolf’s mouth. “I must say, Liam speaks very highly of you, Trystan Hawkes.”

  Tryst exchanged glances with Liam. The quiet wolf cracked a small smile.

  “You’ve the makings of a fine scion,” the principal continued, “and I’m of the mind to make you the Alpine pack scion.”

  Twisting his neck to check both men’s expressions, Tryst determined from their unflinching expressions they were serious. He didn’t know what to say, except, “But Liam is the new scion.”

  “Yes, and no.” Edmonton chuckled and slapped Liam across the shoulder. “I have bigger plans for this man. First, I want to know your intentions toward my daughter, Hawkes. Do you mean to ask for her hand?”

  “I uh…” He hadn’t thought about that, but marriage wasn’t so far off his radar.

  “Come on, boy. You’ve been the catalyst to her first shift. You’ve more than taken your liberties with my daughter. And you dare to pause when I ask your intentions?”

  “Sorry, sir, I haven’t even decided if I will stay here. I thought the invitation to join the pack had been rescinded.”

  “Why should it be? You took out that bastard Sven.”

  “He fell on the syringe, Principal.”

  “Semantics. The blight is gone and I want to know your future plans.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere without Lexi. I love her. Of course I would marry her if she’d have me.”

  “Good. You’ll accept the position of scion?”

  “I… Yes?” he said, knowing his family back in Paris would be stunned, but also knowing, in his bones, this was where he needed to be right now. “Yes,” he said more firmly. “I accept, Principal Conner. Thank you for the honor.”

  “Then I’ll expect to hear good news from Alexis soon regarding her engagement?”

  Tryst nodded. “As soon as I can get a ring, I’ll ask her. You, uh…don’t have a problem with me being, uh…”

  “Half vampire?”

  Tryst winced. “You don’t know all of it.”

  “Liam gave me what little information he has. You’ve bitten Lexi?”

  He lowered his head. “I have not bitten her, but I have tasted her blood. But I don’t think it’ll be like my father with me. I’m wolf, with vampiric tendencies. I have cravings, but I don’t think the blood is a requirement to my survival. It’ll be a learning process.”

  “Either way, it’s quite a mess, eh?”

  “I would never harm your daughter, Principal. I swear to you I will never give her the blood hunger. I won’t bite her. Ever.”

  Edmonton stepped before Tryst and gave him a look that Tryst felt pierce his soul. “I will hold you to that.”

  The two of them shook hands and Edmonton slapped Tryst across the back, setting him off balance. Indeed, the old man had gotten back his strength.

  “I’ve never seen my daughter happier. And she’s now able to shift. Quite a miracle. You’re the man to keep her so. Now as for you, Liam.”

  The principal paced between the two of them, finger to chin in thought. Liam drew back his shoulders, militarily alert, his chin lifted dutifully.

  “You are aware I’ve been longing for a mate lately?”

  “There was a rumor, Principal,” Liam answered. “But I never subscribe to rumors.”

  “Yes, well, with my sickness I succumbed to a horrible melancholy. I have the desire to leave Wulfsiege. To go off adventuring,” the principal said in a fantastical tone that gave Tryst a smile. “To put aside the worries and concerns of looking over the pack, and just…fall in love. To know if it’s even possible after losing my one true love who gave me Alexis and Alana.”

  Tryst exchanged looks with Liam; both were incredulous.

  “Now I am going to do so,” Edmonton continued. “And in my stead, I name you, Liam, the new pack principal.”

  Liam’s jaw dropped open.

  “You are the best wolf for the job. The only wolf. The one man in the pack whom I have watched grow from a pup to a strong, powerful and reasonable wolf. There are days I consider you my son, you know that, Liam.”

  Liam bowed his head and nodded.

  “You are humble yet brave. Wise yet open to all things.” Edmonton turned to Tryst. “You’ve many of the same qualities as this fine man, but you’ve not been in a pack to know its ways. You will learn. And you will be a fine right-hand man to Liam.” He turned back to the other wolf. “Will you accept, Liam?”

  “I do,” Liam answered proudly. “I will lead the pack in the manner you have, with swift justice, wisdom and strength.”

  Edmonton embraced Liam and the two exchanged a hearty man hug. “There’s just one thing. No pack leader should be without a wife. You must marry immediately and get your new wife with child, and help grow the pack after the horrible losses we’ve incurred.”

  “Principal, I… There is no woman I feel so strongly for at the moment.”

  “Love will come,” Edmonton said. “And, as luck would have it, I’ve already chosen your bride for you, as is my prerogative. Alana.”

  Tryst held back a chuckle at the sight of Liam’s expression. He could tell the man was trying to hold back a full-on freak-out.

  “But your daughter—” Liam started. “She doesn’t even like me.”

  “But do you like her

  “Well, of course, she is beautiful. Every time I pass her I cannot resist staring and I generally end up walking into a wall, but—”

  “Then it is settled. True, Lana has been through much lately, what with that idiot, Sven. I initially liked the man, felt sorry for him, but he certainly pulled the wool over my eyes, eh? Lana needs a strong man to overcome her difficulties and make her happy. You are the man to do that, Liam. I welcome you into my family once again, but this time as my son-in-law.”

  He shook Liam’s hand heartily, while Liam looked to Tryst with a lost, help me plea.

  “We will celebrate tomorrow night!” Edmonton announced. “I will announce my plans to adventure, and then I will name Liam the new principal and we will present you and your fiancée. I’ll let Alana know you’ve agreed to marry her,” he added, as if an aside that should be taken care of before the party. “And Trystan, you’ll stand beside Liam as scion. I couldn’t be more pleased, gentlemen. You both make my heart happy.”

  Edmonton pulled the two into an embrace.

  * * *

  “So?” Lexi spun around from combing her hair before the vanity when Tryst wandered into her bathroom.

  “It went…”

  Her smile dropped at the sight of his frown. “Don’t tell me Father kicked you out. I’ll go with you. I don’t want to be anywhere without you.”

  “Really?” He pulled her into a hug and kissed the crown of her head. She smelled sweet. She smelled like his. “You’d go back to Paris with me? Leave your only family? The closeness of the pack?”

  “It would be hard leaving my family, but not the pack. Yes, I would leave with you in a heartbeat. I love you, Tryst.”

  His heart warmed to hold her. For the first time in his life, everything felt right, as if all the pieces had fallen into place. Finally, he knew the love and protection of a pack. A pack that was soon to become his own.

  “I can’t believe Father would kick you out—”

  “Your father named me scion.”

  She would have stumbled out of his arms had he not deftly caught her.


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