Cozussi, Giovanni, 153
Crimean War, 106
Crowley, Joseph, 224–26
Cucozza, Angelo, 31–32
Cuocola, Gennaro, 117
Curci, Ernest, 34
Cutinelli, Maria, 117
Cuvillier, Louis, 205
Czolgosz, Leon, 75
Daily Tribune, 156
D’Antonio, John, 196, 233
Dash, Mike, 9
de Felix (Black Hand member), 89
de Giacono, Carmello, 68–69
de Gilda, Benjamin, 88–89
Delaware, 82, 86
de Martini, Felix, 145
Detroit, Michigan, 83, 146, 159
Detroit Free Press, 161
di Fiore, Felippo, 235, 236–37
Dike, Judge, 215
Dimaio, Frank, 148, 171–72
“Di Provenza il mar” (Verdi), xix
Domingo, Fransisco, 1
Dondero, Peter, 45
Dopey Benny’s gang, 234
Duca di Genova (steamship), 174, 175, 178, 182–83, 212
Eighteenth Amendment, 277 n
electric chair, 18, 19–20, 21, 22
Ellamore, West Virginia, 157–58
Ellis Island, 9, 19, 81, 113, 114, 148, 172, 192, 196
Enea, Pasquale, 197
Enright, Richard, 220–21
Europa (ship), 202–3
Evening Herald, 162
Evening Sun, 103, 151, 166, 205
Evening World, 23, 31, 46, 63, 119, 133
Fairview, New Jersey, 153
Farraday, William, 13, 210
Fascietta, Mr. (barber), 128, 130
Fazia, Anthony, 50–51
Ferrantelli, Domenico De Michele, 196
Ferrari, Ludovico, 111
Fiandini, Mr. and Mrs. (Black Hand victims), 89–90
Fiaschetti, Michael, 24
Five Families of the American Mafia, 172–73, 179
Flynn, William, 57–58
Fotti, Antonio, 135
freggio, 141, 160
Frugone, Frank, 217–18
fruit peddler story, 69–70
Funston, Sergeant, 69
Gambino, Richard, 6, 206
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 2
Gaynor, William, 228
Georgia, 160
Giamio (suspect), 123–24
Gimavalvo brothers, 67, 69–70, 77
Gould, Jay, 8–9
government corruption, xiii, 93–95
Graffi, Joseph, 36
Grant, Ulysses S., 212
Greensburg, Pennsylvania, 155–56
Griscom, Lloyd, 184
Hartford Courant, 92
Harvard, 23, 102, 103, 129, 233
Hearst, William Randolph, 37, 41, 69, 167–68, 187, 205, 246
Herod’s revenge, story of, 214
Hess, Henner, 115, 179
Highland, New York, 176–77
Hillsville (“Helltown”) Pennsylvania, 88, 93–95, 148–49
Hoboken, New Jersey, 206
Horowitz, Adolf, 60
How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 15
Hudson, Henry, 245
Hudson Dusters (gang), 234
hunchback story, 58–59
Illinois, 158–59. See also Chicago, Illinois
Illinois Central Railroad, 158
Il Pungolo (newspaper), 187
Immigration Act of 1907, 149
Industrial Revolution, 81, 155
Inquisition, 197
Irish gangs, 91
Irish immigrants, 3–4, 5, 14, 38–39, 245
Italian-American Civic League, 228
Italian immigrants
Americanization of, 243
arrival in United States, 81–83
backlash against, 205–6
Black Hand Society and, xiii, xv, xviii, 29, 47–48, 52–53, 146–49
courage of, 137
criminals among, 18, 47, 49, 72, 76, 118, 142, 149, 154–55, 172–73, 175, 191, 206–7, 226
numbers of, 47
Petrosino’s assassination and, 202–3, 204, 205–6, 245–46
Petrosino’s persecution by, 10–13
Petrosino’s struggle for, xvii–xviii, 22–23, 42–43, 112, 121, 132
prejudice and animosity toward, xvi, xvii, xviii, 3–4, 17, 19, 22, 25, 33, 36–37, 38, 40, 42, 109, 111, 112–13, 146, 160–61, 245–46
Sellaro’s struggle for, 110–12
Tammany Hall and, 39
White Hand Society, 146–48
Italian Legion, 106
Italian Squad
Bananno arrest and, 138–40
Bingham’s action against, 145
in Brooklyn, 141–42, 162, 175
Cavone and, 62–63
Charly Corrao on, 113
criticism of, 161–62, 163
disbanding of, 229
easier cases of, 54–55
expansion of, 62–63, 96, 105
formation and establishment, 44–53
inadequacy of, 137
McAdoo and, 38–41, 42, 44–45, 47, 62, 102
methods of, 121–26, 241
NYPD’s treatment of, 63–66
office changes, 143
Petrosino’s assassination and, 202, 205–6, 218, 221
Petrosino’s mission and, 173
Petrosino’s proposal for, 38–41, 42
at Petrosino’s wedding, 151
Society decoding by, 140–42
Society schemes discovered by, 56–58
Society’s evolution in response to, 58–62
Waverly Place headquarters, 48, 50, 53, 64–65
Woods and, 103
See also Petrosino, Joseph
Italian Vigilance Protective Association, 149, 157
Italian War of Independence, veterans of, 215
Alfano’s reputation in, 115
Cascio Ferro’s return to, 27–28
criminals in, 72, 122, 154–55, 172–73, 175, 191, 206–7
lives of immigrants in, 111–12
Petrosino’s assassination and, 206
Petrosino’s early life in, 1–3
Petrosino’s mission in, 172–73
police in, 11
reaction to Black Hand in, 36–37
return of immigrants to, 91
Vincenzo Saulino’s military service for, 105–6
See also specific city and region names
Jotti, John, 94
Kansas City, Missouri, 82, 233–34
Kelly, Gene, 223
Kelly, Paul, 136
Kenilworth, New Jersey, xv, xviii–xix
Kenmare Square, 245
Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,” 136
Kennedy, John F., 220
Kentucky, 158
Kidnapped in New York (play), 92
Kingsland, New Jersey, 138
Knox, Philander Chase, 218
Ku Klux Klan, 160–61
Labarbera, William and Caterina, xii, xiii–xiv, xv, 97
Labarbera, Willie, xi–xv, xv–xvi, xviii–xix, 96–97, 98
Laduca, Vito, 52
Lagomarsini, John, 45
LaGumina, Salvatore, 228
La Questione Sociale, 74
Lavelle, Michael J., 151
Lawson Mine explosion, 82
Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 87
Leonardi, Francesco, 184–85, 197
Levi, Carlo, 182
Lincoln, Abraham, 158
Lloyds of London, 159
Lodge, Henry Cabot, xiii
Longo, Francesco (kidnapped child), 235–41
Longo, Mr. and Mrs. Francesco, 235–40
Longobardi, Gabriele, 196, 233
Los Angeles, California, 32, 83, 90–91, 120, 132
Los Angeles Herald, 45
Los Angeles Times, 90–91, 99–100, 102
sp; Lovecraft, H. P., xviii
Lupo, Ignazio “the Wolf,” 57–58, 124–25, 177, 229–30, 238
Macaluso, Francesco, 238, 240, 241
Cascio Ferro and, 179, 180, 181, 229
Ceola and, 191
decline of, 244
fear of, 93
Five Families, 179
Italian immigration and, 160
Italian police and, 180, 182, 218–19
in 1950s, 243
Palermo Mafia, 27–28, 179, 191, 219–20
Palizzolo as “King” of, 125
Petrosino warned about, 173
prosecutions, 121
Secret Service and, 78
Sicily’s rise against, 206, 244
Malato, Stephen, 146–47
Manhattoes (tribe), 245
Mannino, Antonio, 31–34, 36
Mannino, Vincenzo, 32, 33–34
Manzella, Salvatore, 58
Marasco, Rocco, 209
Marcello, Carlos, 243
Marendino, Tony, 52
Marria, Anthony, 4, 5, 6–7
Marvin, Horace, 86
Marx, Joel M., 76–77, 78
Marzullo, Antonio, 111
Masons, 111
Massachusetts, 147
Massage Squad, 242
Masterson, Bat, 92–93
Mayor des Planches, Baron Edmondo, 36, 251 n
McAdoo, William
Bingham as replacement for, 99, 102
conservatism of, 242
Italian Squad authorized by, 44–45, 47, 62
Italian Squad opposed by, 38–41, 42
racism of, 13
McCafferty, James, 210, 213
McClellan, George, Jr.
accusation from New Outlook, 227
benefit for Adelina and, 222
Bingham and, 99, 204, 221, 225, 228
Petrosino’s funeral and, 211
McCormick, Edith, 158–59
McKinley, William, 73, 74–76, 100, 210, 212
Meyers, Harry “Pussy,” 45
Mezzogiorno, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12–13
A Midnight Escape (play), 92
Milan and Milanese, 72, 112, 146, 191
Militano, Ernesto, 194–95
Milone, Pasquale, 241
Milone brothers, 238–39
Mississippi, 160–61
Mitchel, John Purroy, 228, 231
Molly Maguires, 91
Monte, Matthew, 243
Montesano, Valentino di, 188
Morelli (Black Hand member), 88–89
Morello, Giuseppe “Clutch Hand” or “Old Fox,” 26, 27, 57, 124, 229–30, 238
Moresco, Victoria, 136
Moretti, Pietro, 73–74
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 206
Mori, Cesare, 244
Mule, Pellegrino, 154
Mullin, Paddy, 225
Murtha, Captain, 70
Mussolini, Benito, 244
Naples and Neapolitans
Alfano and, 115, 116–18
Camorra, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120–21
immigrants from, 30, 81, 111, 112, 202–3
language of, 13
Petrosino and, 11
Napoli, Gioacchino, 54–55
Nashville, Tennessee, 168
Nashville American, 37, 160
Native Americans, 245
Neapolitans. See Naples and Neapolitans
Nelli, Humbert, 18
New Jersey, 159, 243. See also specific city names
New Orleans, Louisiana
Cascio Ferro and, 27, 28
first Black Hand victim near, 1
Italian society in, 147
lynchings in, 36
Mafia in, 243
newspaper cartoons, 3
plots against law enforcement in, 196, 233
New Outlook, 73, 227
New York, 155, 159, 176–77, 205. See also New York City; Westchester County, New York
New York American, 205, 246
New York Board of Police Commissioners, 16
New York City
assassination plans in, 196
Black Hand victims in, 48
Board of Aldermen, 41, 104, 167, 168–70, 171, 204–5
bombings in 1908, 152–55
Broadway, 9, 42, 210
Car Barn District, 233
crime outbreaks in 1907, 142–43
gang problem in, 233, 234
gun control measures in, 204–5
Italian colonies and immigrants in, xvi, xviii, 3–4, 41, 47, 58, 63, 81, 119, 127, 145, 243
Italian Vigilance Protective Association, 149
Labarberas’ neighborhood in, xi–xii, xiii–xiv
Petrosino family’s emigration to, 2, 3, 25
Petrosino Square in, 244–45
poverty in, 15–16
power in, 41
rapid growth and transformation of, 9–10
Tenderloin (Manhattan red-light district), 7, 13, 54
White Hand Society in, 157
See also Brooklyn, New York
New York Evening Journal, 37, 41, 167–68, 171
New York Giants, 145
New York Globe, 206
New York Herald, 203, 234
New York Herald Tribune, 31
New York Journal, 69, 217
New York Mail, 37
New York Police Department (NYPD)
Adelina protected by, 223
Bingham appointed as commissioner of, 99–102, 104–5
Bingham fired from, 225
Bingham’s roof tree at, 152
Bomb Squad, 153–55
Carbone case and, 20
Caruso and, 98
Clubber Williams of, 7–8, 10, 14, 41
criticism of, 162–63
distrust of, 34
headquarters at 300 Mulberry, 4, 16, 18, 22, 34, 38, 42, 46–47, 48, 64, 73, 97, 104, 105, 151, 152, 166, 203, 221
indifference to Black Hand crime, 37, 71, 157
McKinley’s assassination and, 75–76
Petrosino’s absence and, 175
Petrosino’s assassination and, 200, 202, 203, 208, 214, 217, 220–21
Petrosino’s joining of, 10–14
Petrosino’s treatment by, 63–66, 70
police brutality, 123
“Psychopathic Library,” 232
secret service of, 166–75, 183, 185
Society indifference to, 168
Sullivans and, 103, 104–5, 171
telegram received by, 200
Theodore Roosevelt’s reform of, 16
Vachris and Crowley and, 224, 226–27
Woods as commissioner of, 231–33, 234–35, 237–43
See also Italian Squad
New York Post, 163–64
New York State Supreme Court, 205
New York Sun, xiv, 24, 203–4
New York Times, xiv, xvii–xviii, 13, 33, 36, 41–42, 47, 48–50, 60, 61, 67–68, 70, 71, 78, 79, 83, 93, 104, 121, 124, 130, 132, 137, 159, 167, 170, 204, 215, 219
New York Tribune, 77, 87, 115, 144, 149, 155, 157, 171
New York World, 16, 41, 204, 233
nfami, xiv–xv, 12, 21, 50, 71, 119
night stick cure, 122
Nizzarri, Serrino, 50–51
Nono, Francesco, 194–95
North American Review, 167
Norton, Elliot, 42
NYPD. See New York Police Department (NYPD)
O’Brien, John “Ginger Jack,” 65–66
Ochs, Adolph, 41
Ohio, 243
Order of the Sons of Italy, 111–12, 176, 215–16
ordine della famiglia, 3, 12
organized resistance, 137
Padua, Italy, 245
Paducah, Kentucky, 120
Paladino, Nunzio, 239
Palazzotto, Domenico, 219–20
Palazzotto, Paolo, 122–23, 194, 219
Palermo, Giuseppe “Uncle Vincent,” 176–77, 229–3
Palermo, Sicily
Café Oreto, 191, 194, 197–98
Cascio Ferro in, 179–82
criminals from, 122, 172–73
Lupo and, 57
Palizzolo and, 125
Petrosino in, 185–86, 187–88, 189–90
Petrosino’s death and, 207, 209, 219, 220, 246
Piazza Marina in, 197–98, 224, 230, 244
police in, 182, 218–19
Sellaro and, 109–12
Taxae cancellariae et penitentiarieae romanae, 11
Palermo Mafia, 27–28, 179, 191
Palizzolo, Raffaele, 125–26
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