Four's A Crowd

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Four's A Crowd Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  Though I wouldn’t put it past Rick to try and bring one of his girls up to one of those rooms so he could have his fun with them.

  “No way. I’m not going out there. I know exactly what you’re trying to do here and…”

  Rick leaned in close. It was clear that whatever words they were exchanging were more than a little heated. He wasn’t happy about something, and clearly the girl he’d brought with him wasn’t much happier about whatever it was they were talking about.

  I had a pretty sneaking suspicion that what they were talking about was Chelsey. Now I just wished I could figure out if their conversation was a good thing or a bad thing.

  I wished I could hear what they were saying, but it was hard. I was sitting there trying to pretend like I was looking at other stuff going on around the party, other people in the room having quiet conversations in their own spots, but the sum total of everybody making noise was enough to drown out the conversation I really wanted to hear.

  Mostly, at least. “Damn it,” I muttered. “Get over here so I can hear you…”

  Though the snippets of conversation that I did catch were tantalizing, to say the least.

  “Told you I don’t do that anymore and…”

  That was from the girl. I arched an eyebrow. What didn’t she do anymore? What was so scandalous that she was upset that Rick was even asking her to do it?

  “Come on…”

  I was surprised to hear that wheedling tone from Rick. After all, he was usually the cocky and confident dude. The man who could get any girl to do anything for him. And here he was acting like he was almost begging this girl to go along with whatever the hell it was he was trying to get her to go along with.

  Color me intrigued.

  Finally the girl sighed. Smiled at him. It was a rueful smile that said she didn’t exactly like whatever it was he was trying to get her to do, but at the same time she was so insanely attracted to him that there wasn’t a chance she wasn’t going to do whatever it was he was trying to get her to do.

  It was a hell of a lot to be communicated in a single look, but I was watching them so intently, looking for any sign of whatever the hell it was they were talking about, that the significance of that look wasn’t lost on me.

  And then they turned and followed right where Chelsey had just disappeared.


  Sneaking Around

  I waited for a couple of breaths before I followed them. I knew what I should have been doing was play it safe. Wait long enough that there wasn’t any chance they were going to realize I was following them.

  But of course the more I thought about it the more I realized that Rick probably thought I was following them to begin with. There’d been something about those looks he was giving me. Something that said he knew I was in on this somehow.

  Or maybe that was just me projecting onto him. Whatever the reason, I needed to follow them. I needed to see what the fuck they were doing.

  So I stood and then I stopped. Realized that maybe I didn’t want to follow them out to the front porch. Because I didn’t want to be too obvious.

  So instead I decided to be a little sneakier. I went through the kitchen, nodded to a couple of buddies and pushed away a few offers of beers. I needed to be mostly sober for what was happening here tonight.

  Mostly sober, at least, though the buzz I was rocking right now was certainly helping my situation.

  I stepped out into the cool evening air. Took a deep breath. Listened to the sounds of insects chirping as well as the more familiar sound of distant parties thumping.

  In short it was a perfect campus night. The kind of night you remembered for the rest of your life. The kind of night that people thought about when they were stuck in their cubicles working a boring 9-to-5 job and thinking back fondly on a time when they didn’t have quite as many bills or as much responsibility.

  Right now I was more worried about my immediate future. More specifically, I was worried about what was going on out on that front porch. Was it just Rick and his girl? Or were there other people out there?

  And what would Chelsey do? We’d talked about this, of course, and I’d told her she could just go out and have fun tonight.

  The problem was we’d never quite locked down exactly what it meant for her to “have fun.” And so I wondered how she was going to interpret that. What my fiancée was going to end up doing by the end of the night.

  I’d given her a hell of a lot of wiggle room. That was for damn sure. And I wasn’t sure what she was going to do with that wiggle room. The thought of some of the things she could do, particularly coupled with the thought of how her ass looked wiggling in those tight shorts, was certainly enough to make my cock hard and fill my mind with the sorts of thoughts that a man shouldn’t think about the woman he loved!

  I paused. Looked at a couple of people in the backyard, and then decided there was nothing for it. I could hang around back here thinking about what might be happening on that front porch, or I could sneak around to the front of the house and I could see it up close and in person.

  Yeah, that was the ticket.

  I felt a little bit like a creeper as I crept around the side of the house. Hey, creeper, crept, I guess it sort of made sense. That was exactly what I was doing, after all.

  If this wasn’t a house that belonged to somebody I knew and if I wasn’t sneaking around to have a look at what my fiancée was doing then it would be the sort of situation where the cops probably could get called.

  Hell, I was still running the risk of getting on the wrong side of the constabulary if they happened to walk past at the wrong moment. I figured that wasn’t much of a worry, though.

  They were usually so busy crashing other house parties that were causing noise violations and drawing attention to themselves that I didn’t think there was any chance of them moving past our more low-key establishment.

  At least I hoped and prayed they wouldn’t.

  I made it around to the front and it was jackpot time. I hid behind a bush, adding to the whole creeper vibe, and peered into the porch.

  It turns out we were more the lucky tonight than I ever could have anticipated. Because it was just Rick, the pretty blonde girl, and Chelsey sitting on a couch in there. It looked like they were all having a pretty fucking good time from the way they were laughing.

  It also looked like Chelsey had a new drink in her hands. That wasn’t the beer she was holding when she went out there. Damn. Rick moved fast.

  The party was small enough tonight that I hoped and prayed there wouldn’t be any chance that someone else went out there to interrupt them. If Rick was a smart man and then he would have locked the door, but who knew if he was smart enough to think to do that.

  The street was quiet enough that I didn’t worry too much about someone walking past out there and seeing what was going on. For that matter it was difficult to really see what was going on behind the screen from the street. It only got really transparent from the inside or if you got up close and personal like I was now.

  “You’re so funny Rick!” Chelsey said.

  “Yeah, so funny!” the blonde said.

  They were both falling all over themselves to throw themselves at Rick. Damn. My cock immediately got hard. I knew exactly what she was doing, and I couldn’t believe she was actually going through with it.

  We talked about it, but I guess there was always a part of me that never thought she would actually go through with it. And yet here she was, and I loved it.

  “Don’t you have a boyfriend or whatever that you should be bothering?” the girl asked, her voice slurring obviously showing she’d had a little too much to drink.

  “Rick’s an old friend,” Chelsey said. “Can’t I talk with an old friend at a party?”

  Chelsey seemed to put special emphasis on the part about him being an old friend. And then she really emphasized it by leaning forward and placing her hand in his lap.

  Rick’s eyes went wide at that. I’
m not sure what he was expecting, but clearly my fiancée’s hand in his lap wasn’t it. He looked down and made a strangled noise, and it was a little gratifying to see him actually surprised for the first time that night. To see that cocky façade slip from his face even for a moment.

  That moment wasn’t lost on the other girl. She was immediately on her feet staring down at Chelsey. Her eyes flashed with pure anger.

  Obviously this girl wasn’t in the mood to take any shit from Chelsey.

  “Hold on their Ashley,” Rick said. “Chelsey’s right. She’s just an old friend. You should be friendly to my friends.”

  I held my breath as I watched. I wasn’t sure where this was going. I didn’t know if Rick actually had the charm to pull something like this off. Could he actually get that girl to back down just by telling her she needed to back down?

  The girl, Ashley, stared down at Chelsey for a long intense moment. Clearly she was pissed off. Clearly she didn’t like my girl moving in on her territory, but she glanced at Rick and seemed to be trying to decide whether or not she should go through with one hell of a catfight that was brewing.

  “And what should I do to your friend if she keeps trying to move in on you?” Ashley finally asked, her voice heated, but a question there too.

  I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know how he did it. It was like he had mind control powers or something. It was like he could make any woman dance to his desires.

  And right now one of those women he was making dance to his desire was none other than my fiancée. I couldn’t believe it, and yet at the same time I’d seen it happen often enough that I totally could believe he was pulling this off.

  Rick looked between the two girls. He seemed to be weighing his options. I wondered what the hell he was going to do here. Whether he was actually going to try and get both of them at the same time.

  It wasn’t something that had occurred to me when we talked about this, but it sure as hell seemed to be something that was occurring to Rick in the moment.

  And why not? He had two beautiful women who were clearly throwing themselves at him.

  “I don’t know,” Rick said, stretching and emphasizing his muscles with that stretch. “If you wanted to be really nice to my friend then you could make up with her…”

  “I’m not apologizing to this bitch,” Ashley said. “She’s been…”

  “I’m not talking about making it up to her with an apology,” Rick said. “Actually you’re making it up to me as much as you’re making it up to my friend here. You were rude to her, and I don’t like people being rude to my friends.”

  The girl’s eyes squinted down. Like she was having trouble understanding exactly what was being said here. But I thought I had a pretty good idea of exactly where he was going with this little bit of manipulation, and I couldn’t believe he was actually going for it.

  “What are you…”

  Chelsey was watching him intently. I wondered if she had any idea where this was going. I wondered if she’d go along with it.

  I’d talked with her about this kind of thing, sure, I think every guy at least tries to tilt at that particular windmill before getting shot down and giving up forever, but would she actually do it?

  What if I didn’t tilt hard enough at that windmill?

  “I think that you need to make it up to her with a kiss,” Rick said. “What do you think about that Chelsey?”

  The girl looked down at Rick as though he’d suddenly grown a second head. As though he was completely crazy.

  But then she looked at Chelsey, and suddenly all those thoughts I had earlier occurred to me again. Thoughts about how she was completely irresistible to men… and women.

  It’s not like it would be the first time a girl hit on her, but she’d never really been all that interested in going through with it.

  But I thought back to all of those conversations now. Thought back to what really happened in those conversations. She’d never really acted all that interested in girls hitting on her before, but she also always told me one of the big reasons why she wasn’t all that interested in girls hitting on her was because she was in a relationship.

  I’d always figured that was her way of quietly getting out of getting with another woman, but now I had to seriously wonder. Was that her way of getting out of every guy’s fantasy for his girl? Was that her way of trying to wiggle her way out of a threesome?

  Or was that just her way of saying she would be interested, but she’d always been more interested in maintaining our relationship than she was in having a fling?

  For that matter, was the permission I’d given her without realizing quite what I was doing in giving that permission going to be enough to get her to take that walk on the wild side? Was there a possibility that her first threesome was going to be with another man and another woman rather than with me and another woman?

  I shivered. I thought tonight might be a night of firsts in that it was the first time she messed around with another dude since we got together, but now I found myself wondering if maybe there was more going on here.

  What if it turned out to be the first night she messed around with another girl? What if I wasn’t in on that after I’d fantasized about it and jerked off about it so many times?

  It was like I was missing out on something, and yet at the same time the thought that I was missing out on something because Rick was the guy who was getting to enjoy that pleasure for the first time, like he was taking more than just my girl from me, was fueling this fucked up fantasy.

  I’m not sure why the hell all of this was being turned into such a lust fueled crazy mix of emotion in my head, but it was working and it was making my dick hard. I figured as long as that was the case I was going to go with it.

  I just hoped and prayed that I wasn’t going to regret all of this later. When the dust had settled. When I’d had my orgasm.

  There was something about the cold light of an orgasm that often made you rethink what you were into when you were leading up to that orgasm, and I hoped we weren’t walking off of a cliff that would end up destroying our relationship.

  The girl, Ashley, finally arched an eyebrow and she leaned down. Pressed her lips against Chelsey. Fuck!

  Chelsey, for her part, seemed really fucking surprised that this girl was actually going through with it. Like she couldn’t believe she was actually kissing a woman. Her eyes were wide and her eyebrows shot up, but at the same time it’s not like she pulled back. It’s not like she tried to push the girl away or anything.

  No, it was like the two women were frozen, their lips pressed together, for a long moment.

  I held my breath. I could hardly believe what I saw happening right in front of me. If I wasn’t seeing it with my own two eyes then I really wouldn’t have believed it.

  This just wasn’t the kind of thing that happened in real life. This wasn’t the kind of thing Chelsey would ever consider doing.

  Then again I suppose I was going to have to reconsider what I thought Chelsey was capable of when she got really turned on. After all, there was a time not so long ago when I wouldn’t have thought she’d ever consider what she was considering with Rick, but she’d been pretty quick to hop on board with that idea.

  There was also a time when I never would’ve thought she’d consider doing what she’d done voice chat, but that was also something she’d been pretty eager to do.

  Maybe there was a secret part lurking deep inside my fiancée that actually got off on this kind of thing. I mean I guess that should be pretty fucking obvious considering what she was doing now.

  I wondered what kind of monster I’d unleashed, but it was too late now.

  So I watched and held my breath. Wondered when the explosion was coming. When she was going to push Ashley away and tell her she wasn’t interested in that sort of thing. When she was going to hop up and scream at Rick. Let him know in no uncertain terms that while maybe she would have been willing to play with him, she drew the line at ma
king out with another girl. At maybe actually fucking the girl he’d brought with him tonight.

  Only the more I watched, the more it seemed like I was going to be waiting for a long fucking time. Because the explosion never came.

  No, color me surprised when her arms went up and wrapped around this Ashley girl’s neck. When she pulled her down closer. Ashley was bent at the waist, giving me a tantalizing view of the intoxicating curve of her ass, and at her other end her lips were pressed against Chelsey’s and even though they weren’t exactly making out, Chelsey also hadn’t pushed her away yet.

  I was starting to think that explosion that surely had to come wasn’t going to be coming at all.

  Other things might be coming by the end of the night though, if you catch my drift.

  Things really started to get interesting. I’d seen Chelsey get turned on like this, but it was always when I was with her. Always when it was at the two of us pressed against one another. Always when I could feel the arousal response that I was watching from a distance now up close and personal.

  And I have to admit that there was something fascinating about seeing it happening from this angle. I want to say that it was like a porn, but it wasn’t. I was witnessing this happening in real life and in a real time, and so there was something very different about it.

  There was the feel of the night’s heat pressing in around me. A stickiness that I’m sure was translating to the front porch which definitely wasn’t air-conditioned. There were little sounds that just didn’t get picked up when you were watching a porn.

  And finally there was a feeling. This was my fiancée. She wasn’t supposed to be doing something like this. Not with another woman. Not with anyone at all.

  Sure it wasn’t exactly what I’d signed up for when I told her I was interested in watching her with another person, but even if this was all I got this evening I would be more than happy with it!

  Only from the way Rick was looking at the two girls, staring at them as though he knew he’d hit the jackpot, I somehow couldn’t believe he was going to let it end at this. Things were going to get a hell of a lot more interesting this evening before they cooled down.


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