Cinderella (Once Upon a Happy Ever After Book 1)

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Cinderella (Once Upon a Happy Ever After Book 1) Page 1

by Jewel Killian

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Beauty and the Beast


  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Beauty and the Beast

  Chapter One


  Once Upon a Happy Ever After

  Book I

  Jewel Killian


  “I got what I came for,” I said savoring the maître d's horrified look as the images my words summoned played across his face. The tips of his ears turned red as he did a quick about face and scurried off.

  “What have I done?” Ella leaned against the door frame of the coat closet we’d just defiled. Rather creatively, I’m not too modest to say.

  I took her hands in mine and looked deep into her beautiful green eyes. “Nothing we can’t fix, sweet Ella. Go get your things, I’ll take you home.”

  I waited in the back of the town car as Ella gathered her belongings and presumably, said her goodbyes. When she emerged from the restaurant she looked pale, worry creasing her forehead.

  A backpack full of textbooks, ill-fitting, thrift store clothes, it wasn’t hard to piece together why she was worried. Ella was paying her way through college or trying to at least. And she’d just lost her only source of income. Because of me and what I’d done to her in that coat closet.

  I took her hand and again peered deep into her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  Ella nodded, but I couldn’t tell if she believed me fully.

  She should. Her life was about to change dramatically for the good. I’d make sure she’d never have to worry again. Right after I showed her what a real Dom could make her feel.

  Each book in the Once Upon a Happy Ever After series is a complete standalone, HEA story with NO CLIFFHANGERS and NO CHEATING.

  Who doesn’t want a love/lust-at-first-sight experience? Who doesn’t want to be devoured and possessed by a man who simply can’t control himself around you? Who doesn’t want a man to want them so much it makes him a little crazy? If that sounds good to you then this is especially for you.

  But just so you know what you’re in for:

  The books in this series are quick and dirty twisted fairy tales with dark, dominating alpha males, insta-lust scenarios, and steamy explicit sexiness that’ll melt your panties. If you like extra dirty stories with BDSM overtones, then this one is definitely for you. And as always, HEA with NO CHEATING!

  Copyright © 2017 Jewel Killian

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or used fictitiously.

  This book is intended for adult audiences.

  Chapter One


  “You’re late. And a mess.” The maître d' looked down his long thin nose at me as I stood in the backroom of the restaurant, dripping on the carpet. Le Mercure was way too fancy for me to work in, let alone eat in. I have no clue why they hired me. I didn’t know a thing about wine, or how to pronounce the fancy French food they served, but I did know how to wait tables.

  I was lucky to have this job.

  I brushed the wet lock of hair out of my face.“Yes, sir, I’m so sorry, sir. My bus was late because of the storm,” I said, looking at my scuffed, thrift store heels.

  The maître d' sighed at me. “You’re on thin ice, Ella. You’ve been late three times this week. Once more and I’ll have to let you go.” He rubbed at his pointy goatee. “Go on. See if you can get cleaned up enough to work the rest of the shift.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” I squeaked, scooting passed him.

  I went to the bathroom, wet heels squeaking on the marble floors, took a handful of paper towels and did what I could to blot the soaked white button down dry. I tried fixing my hair, too. The sudden summer downpour made my mandatory bun look less like part of the five-star restaurant’s uniform, and more like a sloppy night out. I put the bun back together as best I could and looked myself right in the eyes. “You have to do better,” I said. “You need this job. You can’t go back to New York.” I smoothed my skirt, made sure there wasn’t any toilet tissue stuck on my shoes and checked to see if I had any tables yet.

  I didn’t. So, I made my way to the bar, pulled out the books I stashed in the corner and started studying by the pick-up station, out of customer’s line of sight.

  This was my first semester of college and I was really pleased with how well I managed to balance work and school. Up to now, that is. I had four finals in two days this week and I’d been up every night, all night studying. I was sure I did well on the tests but after each one, I’d gone home and crashed hard. So hard I’d been late for my evening shift at Le Mercure.

  “Don’t let him get to you,” Troy the bartender who sometimes flirted with me said. “He’s just old and cranky. It’s slow this time of day anyway. Besides, he knows you’re juggling a lot.” Troy winked at me and poured me a glass of diet soda.

  I chew on the straw before taking a sip.“I don’t know. He said he’d let me go if I was late again.”

  “Pshh. Like he would ever let you go, Ella. You’re the best, nicest, not to mention prettiest server we have here.”

  I smiled at Troy. He was nice, and he was always sweet to me. He was also really cute. Baby blue eyes and a messy style to his sandy hair added to his boyish charm, but there just wasn’t a spark. For me at least.

  I needed something more.

  “Case and point,” Troy nodded toward the entrance of the restaurant. “That guy’s been here pretty much every day this week. He’s sat in everyone’s section except yours, but he’s stared at you the whole time.”

  “Has he?” I looked to the front of the restaurant.

  Oh goodness. How had I not noticed him?

  My mouth went dry as I looked at him. Tall and broad in what had to be a very expensive dark suit, he dominated the whole restaurant with his mere presence. He scanned the dining room as he was seated, dark eyes taking in the whole area in a single glance.

  “See, he’s looking for you,” Troy said.

  Was he?

  It had to have been the lack of sleep fugue from finales week. That’s the only reason I could have missed the biggest man I’d ever seen. Well over six-feet, if I had to guess I’d say at least six-six, barrel-chested, with hands and fingers so big it made me curious about how big his other parts were.

  I bit my lip as my thighs heated up in response to that particularly naughty thought. He was so big, so powerful, so gorgeous, just looking at him brought a sweet, heavy tension between my legs.

  How had I not noticed this man before?

  “Are you OK, Ella?”

  “Fine,” I said and hopped off the barstool. “Guess he needs servicing. Um—I mean, I’ll just go service h
im.” Oh god! What’s wrong with you? “I’m, um—I’m going to go wait on him, now.” I said and ran out of the bar to avoid the look I knew was on Troy’s face.

  Chapter Two


  I wasn’t used to not being noticed. Everywhere I went people looked at me, which was just how I liked it. I liked being big and intimidating. I liked the attention.

  But for whatever reason, I was invisible to the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen. I’d been here four nights in a row and she hadn’t so much as glanced in my direction.

  That was something else I wasn’t accustomed to. Women always noticed me. Always.

  Today was my last day in this god-awful state, and I wasn’t leaving Delaware until she not only noticed me but was mine.

  I buried my head in the menu when I didn’t see her anywhere.

  I knew the menu backward and forward, but putting my face behind it kept me from scaring the staff with my scowl. I already knew what I wanted anyway. It was that delicious, tiny waitress and not seeing her anywhere was a big disappointment.

  “Hello, sir. Would you care for sparkling or flat?”

  And there she was, standing right in front of my table, asking me about fucking water. Big green eyes, auburn hair that lit up like fire when the sun hit it, tiny waist I was certain I could encircle entirely with my hands, round ass, and legs. Oh fucking god her legs went on for days.

  ‘Flat is fine, thank you,” I said, voice gritty and rougher than I meant it.

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  She leaned over to fill my glass, shirt a little wrinkled, perhaps even damp. Yes, it was definitely damp, I could see the outline of her bra through the wettest parts. Oh, fuck me, what that her nipple? My cock hardened instantly. I could just barely make out the pinkish tint of flesh. I stared at the lines of her body as all the things I wanted to do to that body raced through my mind.

  I’d make her so wet she’d leave a puddle. I’d make her come so hard she’d scream.

  I’d make her mine. If only for a night.


  “I’m sorry, what was that?” I asked, dragging my attention back to her beautiful eyes.

  “I said, would you like to hear about tonight’s specials?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. I’ll have the steak.” And you. Right on this table. In front of anyone with balls enough to watch. I’ll lick every inch of you until you beg for more. “Tell me what your name is,” I asked, voice deeper, gruffer from the scenario playing in my head.

  “My name, sir?”

  I balled my fist in my lap. If she didn’t quit it with the sir shit, I was gonna blow in my pants right then and there.

  “Yes, what’s your name?”

  “Ella, sir.”

  I groaned. I couldn’t help it. “Ella, do you know what you’re doing when you call me sir?” I had to check, I had to know if it was intentional, or if she was exceptionally well-mannered.

  She lowered her eyes, dark lashes fluttering on her cheeks. “I do, sir.”

  I swear to Christ my cock jumped as she said it. “Meet me in the coat room. Now,” I ordered.

  I watched as she left, perfect ass bobbing in a skirt a size too small, and followed a few moments later.

  Chapter Three


  I couldn’t believe what I was doing. I couldn’t believe he’d just ordered me into the coat room and I’d obeyed. Just like that.

  “Do you know what you’re doing when you call me sir?” His question played over and over in my head. Did I? I hoped so.

  I snagged the key from the host station and unlocked the room. It was summer after all so the station wasn’t manned. I closed the door but not enough for it to latch and hoped I wouldn’t have to wait to long. Heart pounding in my hears, I bit my lip as the pressure and heat and desire built between my legs.

  I wanted him so badly.

  And then he entered the tiny room, filling the whole thing with not just his body but his presence, setting my thighs ablaze as they hummed with electric desire.

  He looked down at me as he shut the door, a wild and hungry look in his eyes.

  “You’re a good little sub, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir,” I said, lowering my eyes to the massive tent in his suit pants.

  The noise he made, a grumbling kind of groan, was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard in my life. Blood rushed to my pussy, making it wetter, hotter, heavy with want.

  Suddenly he was in my space, snatching me up by the waist, pressing me into him. He kissed me and the moment our lips touched everything fell away.

  The minutia of my life; the job, course load, late bills, being forced to return to New York, it all disappeared. All I could focus on was him and what he was doing to my body. His lips demanding, parting mine, his tongue soft, probing, making me short of breath, his body, pressed hard and tight against mine, his scent, warm and masculine. He hoisted me up around his hips, my skirt rising up as his hands worked down my back to cup my ass.

  And all I could do was moan softly against his lips as his hands made me feel things I’d never felt before, his lips teased out tingles and sighs. And his massive cock pressed against my pussy.

  I wanted him so much.

  His hands went to the back of my shirt, grabbing the fabric, stretching it taut. As much as I wanted him to rip it off me, as much as I wanted him to do whatever the hell he wanted to my body, I had to tell him.

  “Please, sir,” I started.

  He groaned against my lips, stretching the fabric even tauter.

  “Please,” I said again. “Don’t rip it. It’s the only one I have.”

  He stopped his in his tracks, a dark, sexy look crossing his features.

  “I’ll rip whatever I damn well please, Ella,” he growled at me.

  “But sir,” I said, avoiding his dark eyes. “I won’t have anything to go home in. This is my only work shirt.”

  “Fair enough,” he said and continued kissing me, this time down my neck. I squeaked as he found a particularly sensitive spot. “No noises, Ella. Don’t make a sound,” he said against me, teeth nipping at my neck between each word.

  I bit my lip, whimpering softly as he continued to nip and lick, finding such delicious spots, teasing out such divine pleasure and pain, I wasn’t sure I could be entirely silent.

  “Such a good little sub, aren’t you,” he said when I didn’t make a sound as his fingers slowly found their way to my soaked panties. I shivered as he stroked a long thick finger down the length of the fabric. He stroked me again, this time focusing his attention right on my clit.

  I gasped, shaking even harder, but I didn’t make a sound.

  “A very good sub,” he said, putting his free hand into my hair and pulling my head so his lips were on my ear. “How many Masters have you had, Ella?” he whispered and let go of my hair.

  I looked him right in his dark, magnetic eyes. “None, sir. I’m a virgin.”

  Chapter Four


  What? How could that be? She’d clearly been trained by someone who knew what the fuck they were doing. “Don’t lie to me, Ella.” I pulled her off my waist and set her back on the ground. “I won’t tolerate lying. How many Masters have you had.”

  She looked at me, green eyes big and round as saucers. “I’m not lying, sir. I’ve never been with anyone. Except you,” she said, a playful, sexy tease in her tone.

  I believed her, no one could lie without me knowing, and this gorgeous girl was telling the truth. “But you know so much about the lifestyle. The signals, the game play. How could you be a virgin? More to the point, you’re so beautiful.” I traced her tiny jaw with my thumb. “You could have your pick of men, they must have been beating down your door.”

  She smiled at me, a small and dainty gesture, just like she was. Fuck I wanted her, but there was no way I was going to have her like this, in a cramped coat room. Not for her first time.

  “I’m busy,” she shrugged.
“I never found much time for dating in high school. And now, I’m in college and trying to support myself, I barely have time to sleep let alone have a relationship.”

  I suspected there was more to it than that but I’d let her tell me the rest when she was ready. “Okay, that explains why. But how? How do you know so much about Doms and subs? And how are you such a good sub?”

  She smiled at me again, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I always knew I needed something different than the average girl. Friends in school would talk about their sex lives and it all sounded so boring to me. So I did some research until I found out what really gets me turned on. I read up on the lifestyle, the etiquette.”


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