Souls Estranged (The Souls Trilogy Book 2)

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Souls Estranged (The Souls Trilogy Book 2) Page 13

by Anne B. Cole

  “There is no comfort in Tartarus,” Katarina spat.

  “Yes, all souls suffer there. But it’s not Lorenzo and Anya’s time. Their love binds them.” Luda rested small hands on Roxana’s shoulders. “Where you are going is not for the weak. Despair in Tartarus is continual, far worse than you have experienced.”

  Katarina pushed between Roxana and Luda. “Roxana can’t go. She’s not strong enough to retrieve Tatiana.”

  Luda took Katarina’s hand. “Your love for Roxana and your daughter is more powerful than evil. You both will entwine with souls who are destined to Tartarus.”

  Her focus shifted to Roxana. “Tatiana must be convinced it is possible to overcome evil’s grip on her. Since you do not belong, you will be allowed to leave, but it will be difficult to bring Tatiana with you.”

  “What about Katarina? I cannot leave her in Tartarus,” Roxana pleaded.

  Luda raised her chin. “Sacrifices must be made in order for the bad luck curse to be broken. Return to Purgatory-In-Tartarus. Minnie will announce the condemned souls you’re destined to join. Do not influence the ones you entwine within. Fate must not be changed. The condemned souls will make choices leading them to where you both need to be.”

  Luda uttered several sentences in a language unfamiliar to Katarina before collapsing to the ground, completely spent.

  Roxana settled next to Luda. Katarina knelt on her other side, attempting to prepare herself for their journey to Tartarus.

  Chapter 19



  As they approached the entrance of Purgatory-in-Tartarus, Katarina gripped Roxana by the arm. “Minnie and Luda don’t understand. You spent an enormous amount of energy entwining my spirit within Ruby. A soul needs every ounce of strength and willpower to overcome fear. Failure within the depths of Tartarus is not an option.”

  Roxana’s foot slipped on the first ice encrusted step.

  In the darkness, Katarina wrapped a strong arm around her waist. Roxana’s face, barely visible, paled in distress.

  “Lean on me.” She supported her friend into the evil depths.

  Within the bends of the spiraling staircase, Roxana straightened, free of her grasp.

  “Thank you. I’d never attempt this without your help. Luda said unions would keep us safe. I believe her.” Roxana shivered.

  “We’re destined to go. Two will return. You must bring back Tatiana,” Katarina declared.

  “Let’s pray Minnie’s vision meant two from Tartarus would return. Tatiana and—” Roxana’s voice broke.

  Lorenzo and Anya are also in Tartarus. The truth smacked Katarina in the face. “Two will return, not three, not five. Luda stated it wasn’t Lorenzo and Anya’s time.”

  “Perhaps Luda is wrong.” Roxana squared her shoulders. “Together, we will bring back Tatiana, Lorenzo, and Anya.”

  “Minnie will clarify. Her powers are great,” Katarina added as they continued their descent.

  Halfway down, the air crackled with a sudden burst of frozen dread. Evil within Purgatory-In-Tartarus allowed no comfort and voided all warmth and feeling of security. Icy chills and putrid scents of death filled her head and fueled her doubts.

  Katarina clutched Roxana’s hand. “Focus on the good.”

  At the foot of the stairs, a small group gathered. Several kneeling souls reached in their direction. Others shrank back as they approached.

  “I have no time for this.” Katarina dragged Roxana through the distraught members. “Keep moving.”

  Lucy’s fears lingered heavily in the frozen air. They passed members cringing from the stings of imaginary insects. Others appeared to be drowning or starving. Terror compounded upon itself within Purgatory-In-Tartarus until the newest member gained enough strength to overcome his or her fears.

  “Lucy lived a hard life and faced multiple horrors.” Roxana’s voice roughened with sadness.

  Despair filled Katarina. Fighting off the sorrow, she quickened their steps through the twists and turns of Purgatory-In-Tartarus.

  “Ouch!” Roxana smacked the back of her neck. Her hand flipped loose strands of blonde hair away from her ears in an attempt to rid herself of the imaginary wasp. A stifled whimper escaped her lips.

  “Roxana,” Katarina scolded. “Ignore it. You need your strength to reach Tatiana.” Yet doubt wavered in. How will Roxana ever be able to face the evils of Tartarus if she weakens to Lucy’s fears?

  Katarina urged her friend forward until they finally approached Minnie, who sat on the floor stroking a young woman’s back. She recognized the fair skin and slight frame as one of Roxana’s descendants.

  “Get up.” Katarina’s voice shattered the brittle air.

  Minnie glared at Katarina. Lucy shrank to her side.

  Roxana knelt and touched Lucy’s cheek. Instantly, the trembling within her spirit eased. The little warmth within Roxana radiated through to her great, great granddaughter and, for a moment, angst within the purgatory lightened.

  “Enough, Roxana. We came here to speak with Minnie, not comfort the weak. She is gaining strength at your expense,” Katarina snapped.

  Roxana took Minnie’s hand. “We have come for our entwinement tasks.”

  Minnie stood and glanced at Lucy. She reluctantly stretched her other hand to Katarina. When the circle closed, she stiffened and the prophecy began.

  “I feel anger. Garner it. Let it flow within you. You must get where you need to be.” Minnie’s voice boomed with authority. “Maggie. Roxana will entwine within Maggie to enter the depths of evil.”

  Katarina felt the grip on her hand held by Minnie tighten.

  “Raja. Within Raja, Katarina will enter—”

  A painful gasp escaped Minnie, yet she composed herself quickly. “The path Raja takes will affect descendants close to you. You must not interfere with her choices for they will confirm her destiny and yours. I’m so sorry.”

  Minnie’s fright seeped into Katarina’s soul. Needing details, she channeled her mind, forcing Minnie to delve deeper into the vision to provide more information.

  Minnie tensed. “Two, I see two souls leave the depths below. Lorenzo and Anya’s union binds them. Their ties must not be broken. Love keeps them safe, for now.” Her head dropped. Her hands relaxed.

  “No, there’s more to see. Tell me if Roxana gets my daughter, Tatiana, out of Tartarus,” Katarina cried.

  Minnie’s head lolled to the side.

  Katarina gripped tighter and brought her around. Minnie focused on Katarina. The terror in her eyes silently begged her to flee, to not allow fate to run its course.

  “Coward,” Katarina spat vehemently. “We must do this. It’s the only way we can break the curse and end the senseless suffering. Be brave, Minnie. Let yourself see what lies ahead. Are gods involved? Which goddess owned the ring?”

  Minnie’s lips drew into a thin, firm line.

  Katarina channeled her thoughts with new anger.

  “Good, Katarina. Let the hatred in. You must feel it and allow Raja to follow her path. Death will lead you to where you need to be. You must allow it to happen.” She shook Katarina violently by the shoulders. “You must not interfere with her fate.”

  “Stop.” Roxana pried Minnie’s hands off Katarina and stood between the two women.

  Lucy approached. Minnie blinked several times and embraced her granddaughter. This time Lucy did the comforting.

  Katarina stepped to the side. “Tell me what happens. Tatiana is my daughter. I must go to her. Roxana’s too weak to withstand the evils of Tartarus. I won’t let her sacrifice herself.”

  Roxana’s arm curled around her shoulders as despair within all swelled. “Perhaps you won’t go to Tartarus. I can do this on my own.”

  “You’re not going
without me,” Katarina declared.

  Roxana melted into her embrace. Together they collapsed to their knees on the smoldering ground.

  “We’ll figure out another way.” Katarina’s mind searched for ideas. “Maybe I can connect with a spirit who may know—”

  “There is no turning back.” Minnie knelt beside them. “Roxana will go and you won’t be able to help her.”

  “Get up. All of you.”


  “You must not be weak. We all will do what we can to end the curses.” Her chin rose as she eyed each of the women. "Do it for Gretta. Do it for Sam.” Lucy touched Katarina’s arm. “You will let them down if you don’t allow Roxana to try.”

  Katarina discerned that Lucy had not only overheard Minnie’s predictions and warnings, but understood Sam and Gretta’s situation. A spark of anger ignited within her. She hated weakness, failure, and especially the fact the newest member of Purgatory-In-Tartarus brought her to her senses. Fierce determination displaced her fear.

  She stood alongside Roxana and prepared herself to face her destiny.

  “Lucy, Minnie, farewell. We will do our best.” Roxana assumed her usual regal composure.

  Katarina narrowed her focus upon Minnie. “You saw more than what you revealed,” she accused. “We have the right to know what we’re getting into.”

  “Enough, Katarina. It’s time for us to leave.” Roxana announced.

  Katarina glared at Minnie and took Roxana’s arm. Together, they hurried to the staircase.

  A few members reached out, successfully clutching their skirts. Others fell to the wayside in torrents of tears. Roxana compassionately touched the top of each member’s head as she walked past.

  Without looking back, they ascended the spiral stairs, leaving the members to their suffering.

  Upon exit, a violent storm engulfed them in torrents of rain and wind. Lightning slashed through the darkness.

  “It’s time for us to become one within the condemned. Minnie said you will entwine with Raja. I will entwine with Maggie.” Yet Roxana hesitated.

  Katarina nodded and clutched Roxana’s hand with both of hers. Wind whipped through their hair. “Get my Tatiana out. No matter what happens to me.” When Roxana began to protest she interrupted, “Two are predicted to leave the depths of Tartarus. I may be the sacrifice needed to break the bad luck curse.”

  “Don’t give up. Without hope, souls become part of Tartarus. We will all escape. If not, I promise to return for you, Lorenzo, and Anya,” Roxana cried over crashing thunder.

  “I’m ready.” Katarina took her other hand with determination.

  Roxana inhaled and summoned her powers. With the next bolt of lightning, the two vanished.

  Chapter 20

  Roxana entwined with Maggie


  “Time, Maggie.” Kurt’s tenor voice rang above her. Most of the guards were belligerent, condescending, or just plain annoying.

  Not Kurt.

  He proved different from the others. He treated her with the respect she deserved. With her plan firmly established, Kurt would help her get what she wanted.

  “Hey baby,” Maggie purred. She paused for a second before finishing her tenth set of sit-ups.

  Kurt worked weekdays and never missed a shift, unlike most in his position. A resident for eight years, three months and sixteen days, Maggie had yet to break his tough guy façade. She never failed. With time, every guard played into her hand.

  She missed Kurt’s predecessor. A smile crept on her lips at the memory. Wasn’t her fault the guy didn’t pay up. In completing the last set of fifty sit-ups, her heart pumped a little faster at the thought of inflicting pain again. A giggle escaped her lips as she stood, snaking her hands through the bars.

  “Good mood today?”

  Kurt proved to be a man of few words, but Maggie knew she impacted him. She sought out men’s weaknesses and used them to her advantage. It’d be just a matter of time.

  Kurt unlocked her cell without cuffing her wrists.

  Her smile widened. He knew what happened to the last guard. Everyone knew. Hell, maybe even the warden knew. Most guards were afraid of her. Not Kurt. He presented himself as a challenge. Once conquered, he would be extremely useful.

  “Just the thought of your touch sets me on fire,” Maggie purred as she stared into his brown-flecked green eyes. Despite being dwarfed by the six-foot-plus man, and at least a hundred pounds lighter, she remained in control. Her gaze ogled him slowly over his brown uniform shirt, intentionally pausing at his belt buckle.

  What? No reaction?

  “Go ahead. Touch me. I know you want to.” Maggie leaned closer.

  Without hesitation, Kurt took hold of her left bicep and led her into the hall.

  She timed her steps so her leg brushed against his. Kurt’s firm hand and feather touch of his uniformed leg let her know that he didn’t mind.

  “So good, Kurt. Oh, yes,” Maggie sang breathlessly.

  Jeers rose from the cells they passed. Kurt ignored the prisoners’ warnings and maintained his stride.

  The empty lounge room door stood ajar, yet he continued down the corridor.

  “Outside? Baby, I’d love to have you under a blue sky with the sun streaming through your hair,” Maggie cooed, knowing the only other option for her hour out was the courtyard.

  Walking past a window, she caught a glimpse of a cloudy sky. The lack of sunshine didn’t bother her. She missed inhaling fresh air and the thought thrilled her.

  Kurt’s hold tightened as they passed the door to the courtyard common area. His pace quickened.

  Curiosity filled her. Where am I going for my hour out? His intentional silence pissed her off. Attempting to remain calm, she stopped.

  Kurt halted and looked at her as if prepared to take her on verbally and physically.

  Her skin crawled with excitement. She knew he wouldn’t physically hurt her since he needed his job. As always, she had the upper hand.

  “You cannot possibly imagine how good I am,” she declared. Even in her orange jumpsuit and rubber shower shoes she knew she reeked of sensuality. There wasn’t a man alive who had the ability to resist her advances. It appeared ‘Quiet Kurt’ might soon give in to his carnal urges.

  “Janitor’s closet or the front office? Warden never arrives before two. Plenty of time for you and me, baby.” Maggie leaned even closer and smelled the pine scent of his aftershave.

  Kurt’s expression flinched for a split second. His gaze darted across the hall.

  Bingo. He’s considering the warden’s office. She finally found a guard with as much guts as she had. Well, almost. Each day of her life brought a challenge, and she had conquered many. The state of Indiana and its stupid governor had taken her out of the public world, but they had yet to control her.

  “Did you know, I’m the only woman in Indiana on death row?” Maggie paused to add drama. “Indiana’s row is in Michigan City. I got kicked out of there.”

  No reaction.

  “Killed a prisoner and two guards.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Maggie,” Kurt replied dryly.

  “I can see that. Solitary, here at the women’s prison in Indianapolis, is my punishment.” She licked her lips. “Your reward. With you, I could stay here forever.”

  “Rumor has it your execution date is three weeks from tomorrow.” He avoided her penetrating stare.

  “That gives me twenty-one fun filled days with you.”

  She gazed hungrily at Kurt. And saw his desire. Satisfied by the control she had achieved, she quickly thought over what she would ask for in return. Drugs? Her need to be in control of her body and mind overruled using. Any drugs she acquired she immediately traded for items more useful to her.
/>   Her eyes wandered over the length of Kurt’s long torso as she tilted her head up and slightly to the side. Leaning her shoulders back, she revealed an abundance of perky cleavage.

  A deep gaze fixed on her.

  She took an enticingly long breath, puffing her chest. Peeking under long lashes, she witnessed his arousal.

  Kurt inched closer.

  “Tell me your name, Maggie.” His soft, husky voice hung in her ears, nearly inaudible. An extra second had passed before his request registered in her mind.

  Jerk. How dare you ask for anything, let alone my name!

  It took every bit of sheer determination to not strangle the man. She could, and should, rip his eyes out, along with the balls he was suggesting he had. No one dared to ask about her name in over three years.

  “You want to know my name? Let me tell you a little story, Kurt. My mother abandoned me at the bus station when I was five. I hung out with the homeless until cops caught me stealing food. Because I needed to eat, authorities placed me in the system. I knew my name, but refused to tell because I’d have been returned to my drug addicted mother. A foster couple took me in solely for the money social services issued. Instead of buying me clothes and food, they purchased drugs. I stole every drug in the apartment when I ran away at fourteen. Want to hear more?”

  Kurt didn’t flinch.

  “Street life can be compared to a callous. Blisters, blood, and pain. All necessary to become tough. I learned from the best what I needed to do to remain alive. Gang initiations are simple compared to life alone on the streets.” She noticed Kurt’s lip twitch.


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