Star Wars - To Fight Another Day

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Star Wars - To Fight Another Day Page 4

by Kathy Tyers

  He has an uncanny ability to appraise situations, and often leaves an area just before trouble walks in. Cheever acts as the band manager.

  Sprig Cheever. All stats are 2D except: blaster 2D+2, musical instrument operation: KeyBed 5D+2, Knowledge 3D, bureaucracy 4D, cultures 4D+2, languages 5D, planetary systems 4D+1, streetwise 5D, Perception 3D, con 5D, gambling 4D+2, sneak 4D, musical instrument repair 4D+2. Move: 10. Hold-out blaster (3D), portable KeyBed.

  The band’s Bottom Viol player is a Bith named Yccakic. He is always concerned the group won’t make enough credits for passage to the next system, fears his instrument will be damaged in the cargo hold, and wonders if the band should rehearse a few new numbers now and then to keep the show fresh. He’s also worried about Imperial entanglements, especially now that the band’s traveling with Tinian.

  Yccakic is also a very good Bottom Viol player, and keeps the bass line and the tempo going for the band’s songs. He’s also responsible for hooking up Redd Metalflake before each show and fixing the ancient droid whenever he breaks down.

  Yccakic. All stats are 2D except: dodge 3D, musical instrument operation: Bottom Viol 4D, Knowledge 4D, bureaucracy 5D+2, Streetwise 5D, droid programming 3D+1, droid repair 4D+2. Move: 8. Bottom Viol, droid repair tools.

  Redd Metalflake helps process the band’s music so everything sounds professional. He can also link into computer networks to access information useful in planning concerts — useful in helping his friends. Redd usually propels himself on a set of malfunctioning treads, but Yccakic has installed a handle on the droid’s top side so band members can easily and quickly pick him up and carry him when he lags behind.

  Redd Metalflake. All stats are 1D except: Mechanical 2D, communications 3D, sensors 3D. Can manipulate music and sound wired through him as a skill of 4D. Move: 3.

  Una Poot

  Type: Resistance Leader


  Blaster 4D+1, dodge 3D+1, grenade 3D


  Bureaucracy 7D+1, business 6D+1, streetwise 8D+2, value 6D, willpower 6D+2


  Astrogation 3D, communications 4D+2, sensors 4D


  Bargain 7D, command 6D+1, con 5D, investigation 8D, persuasion 6D+2



  Computer programming/repair 3D+1, security 5D

  Force Points: 2

  Character Points: 10

  Move: 9

  Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), tugship Sitting Duck

  Capsule: Una Poot’s stringy gray hair, round face with yellow teeth and shabby old clothing fool the unwary. This unlikable old crone masterminds Rebel operations in the Doldur sector. From Silver Station, she oversees seven planetary resistance cells: but she has no military expertise and depends almost entirely on stealth to keep Silver Station secure. Few know of the station’s true location — those who do know are close contacts of Una’s or have been checked out by her intelligence organization. All visitors undergo background checks.

  Una arrived at Silver Station, then Machenry Station, as a young merchanter fleeing with her husband from Imperial Customs officials who tried to seize their cargo, two dozen tanks of rare conductive gases. Her husband died prospecting the nearby Dragonflower Nebula for valuable gases. Una remarried the engineer who attached the tanks to Machenry Station. They renamed the new facility Silver Station.

  An unidentified microorganism later caused a plague on the station, killing 30 percent of the population, including Una’s second husband. Her third husband vanished on a procurement mission for the infant Rebel Alliance. Una is now a single-minded warrior with no personal life.

  Sitting Duck

  Capital, astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D+1, capital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields 4D+2. maneuverability 1D, space 8, atmosphere 365; 1,050 kmh, hull 4D, shields 3D. Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire control 2D, damage 5D).

  Silver Station

  Craft: YsreTech Mining Outpost Station

  Type: Modified space station

  Scale: Capital

  Length: 400 meters

  Crew: 10

  Crew Skill: Communications 3D, sensors 4D

  Passengers: 100

  Cargo Capacity: 1,000 metric tons

  Consumables: 6 months

  Cost: Not available for sale

  Hull: 3D+2

  Shields: 1D


  Passive: 25/0D

  Scan: 50/1D

  Search: 75/2D

  Focus: 3/4D

  Capsule: Originally a base station for exotic gas prospecting in the Dragonflower Nebula. Machenry Station fell into disrepair as its major markets vanished. Nearly abandoned for several years, it was found by fleeing merchanter Una Poot, who made it her home. Her first husband left her two dozen enormous, silver-lined tanks originally designed for hauling pressurized conductive gases. Her second husband, an engineer, attached the tanks to the station — now renamed Silver Station — and installed an array of gravidic generators stolen from an Imperial transport. The cubical inner structure of the original station is still visible inside a maze of cylindrical outer corridors lined in tarnished silver.

  The station is now home to Una Poot’s small Rebel support organization, coordinating activity throughout the Doldur sector. The station offers support and some services to ships and personnel stopping by. Ships may dock at any of several docking umbilicals or in one of two small docking bays. Starship repairs are effected in one small-craft repair bay. The station also offers various illegal services, from information brokering and data-forging to transponder alteration and weapons trading.


  Type: Wookiee Hunter


  Bowcaster 11D, dodge 7D+2, grenade 3D+1, melee combat 7D+1


  Alien species 5D+2, languages 4D+2, planetary systems 5D+2


  Starfighter piloting 4D


  Investigation 2D+1, search 2D+2


  Brawling 7D, climbing/jumping 6D+1, stamina 6D+2


  Security 2D

  Special Abilities:

  Berserker Rage: +2D to Strength or brawling in berserker rage

  Climbing Claws: +2D to climbing

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 13

  Move: 15

  Equipment: IPKC bounty hunter license, comlink, datapad, light repeating blaster (6D), magnetic binders, medpac, neural inhibitor (5D stun), syntherope, Wookiee bowcaster (4D), black leather bandolier studded with apparently decorative silver cubes, small aging ship (Wroshyr), 500 credits

  Capsule: This determined Wookiee was once a peace-loving being far removed from galactic politics. One night he killed an Imperial officer he found beating a defenseless Wookiee child. Forced to escape Kashyyyk, he emerged in the galactic underworld with a false identity: Chenlambec the Wookiee bounty hunter. He refuses to speak of his previous life.

  Chenlambec accepts only “dead or alive” assignments for Rebels and escaped slaves. The Empire believes he has never brought back an acquisition alive. In reality, the Wookiee helps his “victims” escape to freedom. No one has ever connected the mysterious deaths of several Imperial officers to the “raging Wookiee,” as he is known.

  Chenlambec’s appearance is stunning — he is 2.2 meters tall with blue eyes. His dark brown fur is tipped in silver, projecting a shimmering, grizzled “silvertip” image.


  Starfighter, maneuverability 2D, space 5, atmosphere 295; 850 kmh, hull 3D, shields 1D. Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire control 1D, damage 4D).

  Daye Azur-Jamin

  Type: Young Intellectual


  Blaster 4D+2, blaster: hold-out blaster 5D, brawling parry 2D+2, dodge 2D+2, grenade 2D, melee combat 2D, melee parry 2D+2

  Alien species 4D+2, bureaucracy 6D, business 5D+2, languages 4D+1, streetwise 6D, survival 5D+1


  Beast riding 4D, repulsorlift operation 3D+2, starship shields 4D


  Bargain 6D+1, command 5D+2, hide 7D, persuasion 4D+2, search 6D+1, sneak 7D


  Brawling 2D, climbing/jumping 2D+2, stamina 5D+2


  Computer programming/repair 5D, demolition 6D, droid programming 4D+2, droid repair 5D, first aid 4D, repulsorlift repair 3D+2, security 5D

  Special Abilities:

  Force Skills: Control 1D, sense 2D

  Control: Control pain

  Sense: Life detection, magnify senses

  This character is Force-sensitive

  Force Points: 3

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 2

  Capsule: Although severely injured, Daye is a young man of undiminished determination and intelligence, with a passionate belief in doing what’s right — even if it means putting himself in danger again. He and Tinian intended to marry on Druckenwell, but when the Empire stepped in, he personally sabotaged I’att Armament’s research and production facility to keep the prototype shielded armor out of Imperial hands. Toalar, a Gotal freedom fighter, and Woyiq, Toalar’s Human companion, pulled Daye from the rubble. They are trying to get him to the Rebel Alliance … and a bacta tank … so he can offer his skills as an armament research and development specialist.

  Daye is sensitive to the Force, and is a shrewd judge of character. Although untrained in the ways of the Jedi, he knows that those who use the Force are considered criminals by the Empire, so he has mentioned his sensitivity to nobody but Tinian.

  His present priority is to find healing before his disabilities become permanent. He is severely injured and depends on his traveling companions for everything. He has no strength in his left arm, and has crushed legs and undetermined head injuries.

  Toalar and Woyiq

  This Gotal and Human pair secretly work for the Rebel Alliance. They began as scouts and gunrunners and are now attempting to bring Daye Azur-Jamin to a Rebel cell where he can be useful. The two have been trying to forge new Rebel contacts and start Rebel cells on new planets where resistance could hinder the Empire.

  Toalar Yalom Yalom. All stats are 2D except : Dexterity 3D, blaster 5D+2, dodge 3D+2, streetwise 4D+2, survival 5D, Perception 5D, command 6D, investigation 7D, search 6D, sneak 6D+2, Strength 2D+1. Move: 10. Energy sensitivity (+3D search), fast initiative (+1D on initiative), mood detection (for more information on Gotals, see Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races, page 48). Force Points: 3, Character Points: 11. Blaster pistol (4D), datapad, 250 credits.

  Woyiq is Toalar’s sidekick, offering his strength while relying on the Gotal’s cunning. He is a hulking, good-hearted Human — when asked about his past, he has been known to weep, but never talks.

  Woyiq. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D, blaster 4D, brawling parry 5D, melee combat 5D+2, melee parry 5D, intimidation 4D+ 1, Strength 4D, brawling 6D, lifting 5D. Move: 10.

  Adventure Idea

  The characters are smugglers who travel to Silver Station for starship repairs or supplies: but they haven’t got the right passwords to suit Una Poot. She allows them to dock and offers them two choices — stay aboard the station as docking bay labor, or run a mission for her. She’ll put an “enforcer” on board, to make sure the crew doesn’t steal the cargo she needs delivered to a Rebel rendezvous point. Along the way they’ll have to avoid Imperial patrols and criminals interested in stealing the cargo.

  The characters might accept the mission, befriend the enforcer and join the Rebel Alliance when they finally make the delivery — possibly breaking ties with any former underworld employers. The characters could also betray Una Poot by selling Silver Station’s location to the Empire, especially when they discover that the cargo consists of several crates filled with 50 stolen blaster carbines. If they choose to betray Una Poot, the enforcer tries everything to stop them — including sabotaging the characters’ ship.

  Adventure Idea

  The characters own the tramp freighter Quandary, which docks at Silver Station for much-needed repairs. But the station falls under Imperial attack before repairs can be made. The characters try to escape, but the ship is damaged even more, and the characters are captured and towed back to Silver Station, now under Imperial control. They’re locked up with another prisoner in one of the smaller living cabins.

  The other prisoner says he knows of a privateer’s ship still docked at one of the station’s umbilical docks — if they can break out and reach the ship, they could escape (the Quandary is too badly damaged to go anywhere). The characters must break out of the cabin, con or fight the guards and escape on the privateer ship. The other prisoner could be an Imperial spy, hoping the characters will lead him to some hidden Rebel base.

  If the characters do not escape, they are brought before the commanding Imperial officer, who makes them an offer — take the privateer ship, but deliver a courier message to an Imperial outpost before going along on their business. Two Imperial Navy troopers are sent with them to protect the message and insure delivery. Characters may deliver the message, or they might overpower the troopers and head on their way — possibly allowing the Empire to use a hidden tracking device to follow them to a Rebel base.

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (05-1995)




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