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WULF Page 16

by Alexi Ferreira

  They made their way towards the main area in the front of the compound, finding Cassius, Brandr and Bion sitting at the bar. Gloria, one of the Jezebel’s, was rubbing up against Bion, whispering in his ear. One of the prospects that had been with the MC for a while now was behind the bar serving the drinks. There were also three brothers from one of their other chapters sitting at a table with drinks and two Jezebels sitting on their laps. They were here to transport the guns. The Elementals MC were mostly legit but they also had their arms deals that all the chapters were involved in, transporting for the Russian mafia. The money was just too good to pass up on.

  “Hi Wulf.” He had been so distracted that he hadn’t noticed Sonia one of the other Jezebels closing in on him. “I haven’t seen you around here for a while. Old lady keeping you busy?” she asked, placed her hand on his chest as she spoke.

  “You could say that.” Wulf moved a step back making her drop her hand. Wulf had allowed Sonia to blow him every now and again before he met Jas. Now as he looked at her he couldn’t imagine having her anywhere near him.

  “Would you like me to relieve some of the pressure I see tensing your shoulders? Your old lady is most probably asleep now.” Again, she placed her hand on his chest.

  “Don’t ever touch me again. All of you know I now have an old lady for anything I might need. Go play with someone else!” Wulf growled. Taking hold of her wrist, he removed her hand from his body.

  “Your loss,” she turned stomping towards the couches where Ceric and Bjarni were sitting. Sonia had been with the club for just over eight months now. She was good with her mouth and the guys commented that she had some good tricks with her pussy, but she had an attitude on her that Wulf didn’t like. If she didn’t learn how to control her temper he was going to kick her out.

  “Where is Jas anyway? I haven’t seen her since this afternoon?” Draco asked, leaning over the bar to grab a bottle of Whiskey. He poured himself and Wulf another shot.

  “She has been feeling tired since the attack. I think it’s just been a lot to take in. Her body is trying to adjust. I looked in on her earlier, she was sleeping.” He was worried about her, but she assured him she was fine and that she was only tired. That was one of the things that had him on edge. He wanted her to be happy and relaxed with him; he wanted her safe, not worried about anything. As her man, he was supposed to assure her safety, but now he couldn’t do that and that was driving him crazy.

  Celmund approached Wulf and Draco with his laptop in hand, and a frown marring his forehead. “I got something,” he stated, placing the laptop on the bar facing them.

  “What are we looking at?” Draco asked, looking at the screen with a table of numbers and times on it.

  Pointing towards one of the numbers on the screen Celmund explained. “This here is someone’s number here at the compound. I don’t have this number registered to anyone but someone sent a text message from here fifteen minutes ago.” Both men looked at the screen as Celmund clicked on the number to open the message.

  All here, no casualties. Woman seems to be fine.

  “Motherfucker! How we going to find the person? Have you got the number of where the text was sent to?” Draco growled, looking around at everyone who was in attendance.

  “I tried to trace it but as soon as the text was sent the phone was switched off. I got a location for the other phone though its six kilometres away from here. Thought we could go and pay the recipient a visit that will maybe bring us clarity on who the snitch is.”

  “Celmund, you and Brandr are with me, let’s go find this fucker once and for all,” said Draco. “Wulf you stay here. Don’t let anyone leave.” Draco moved away from the bar, signalling to Brandr to follow as he walked out. Wulf moved towards the pool table. This would take some time. He might as well settle down for a little while and keep an eye on all the Jezebels, prospects and the guys from the other chapter while he waited.

  Chapter 22

  Two hours later Wulf was playing pool with Bjarni when his phone rang, looking at the screen he saw Draco’s name as the caller.

  “Yeah!” he answered.

  “We are on our way. We got the fucker that was taking photos of us. Is everyone still there?” Wulf could hear the anger in Draco’s voice. Draco was a mean motherfucker when crossed, his brothers and his club were everything to him, when any of them were threatened he would give his all to neutralize the threat.


  “Good, prepare the cell. We are bringing what’s left of this maggot with us!” After disconnecting Wulf captured Caelius’s eye. Caelius moved from where he was leaning against the bar, towards Wulf, as if that was his intention all along.

  “Prepare the cell. Draco is bringing company should be here in a few minutes.” Caelius turned and headed into the back of the compound. Bjarni was leaning against the pool table with his arms crossed looking at Wulf. When Wulf nodded Bjarni tensed, he seemed to grow. His gaze roamed around the area but he didn’t move.

  A few minutes later Draco walked into the bar area followed by Brandr and Celmund, dragging a guy who seemed to be unconscious. At their entrance, everyone settled down. As they got to the middle of the bar Draco turned, motioning for Brandr and Celmund to stop.

  “Wake him up!” he grunted.

  Bion walked over from the bar with a jug of water and tossed the water in the guy’s face. The guy awoke spluttering. “What’s going on?” Tina, one of the Jezebels, asked from behind the bar.

  Without turning towards her Draco responded. “It’s good that you ask. You see Tina, someone here has been feeding our rival MC information about us. We intercepted a message that was sent to this guy’s phone earlier on from here.” There were a few gasps. “So we decided to bring him along to join the rat that has been among us.”

  “What do you think Pamela?” At Draco’s words everyone looked around as no one was called Pamela among them, but one was creeping towards the back door that led to the interior of the compound. Draco motioned with his head for her.

  At Burkhart’s sudden movement the woman gasped and tried to run, but he was faster than her. Taking hold of her around her waist from behind, he lifted her off the floor. “Put me down! What are you doing?” she screamed kicking her legs, but Burkhart had a solid hold of her. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Bitch. You were trying to get information from me earlier on.” When Wulf saw that Pamela was Sonia as they knew her, his blood started boiling. He started moving forward, all he could think about was getting his hands around her neck and squeezing, but Draco intercepted him, placing his hand on his chest.

  “Not yet.” He spoke quietly but Wulf heard him. “Burkhart take her. Him too.” Burkhart, Celmund and Brandr moved towards the back of the compound at Draco’s orders. The brothers from the other chapter went back to their conversation at their table; the whores were in a circle talking. The other brothers had gone back to doing what they were doing before, but there was tension between them that wasn’t there before.

  Wulf knew all the men were wanting payback for the attack. Knowing that the rat in their midst had been caught, took a weight off his shoulders. He was going to go and check up on Jas then Draco, Bjarni and he were going to have a heart to heart with these two.

  After checking on Jas and finding her still fast asleep Wulf was tempted to lie down with her until morning but he had to get information. Only then would he feel more at peace about keeping his woman safe. Kissing her on her forehead, he left knowing that for now at least she was safe.

  Walking into the area right at the back of the compound where the cell was located Wulf found Draco and Bjarni already there. Bjarni was leaning against the wall arms crossed, anyone that looked at him would think he was relaxed but Wulf knew better. There was a rage in his eyes that was palpable. Wulf could relate to that, he was holding onto his rage by a thread.

  “The photos we found, who else has seen them?” Draco was asking the man, who had been chained to the wall.
The chains had been forged to withhold an Elementals strength, therefore no human could break them. Wulf could see the bruises on his face from before he had arrived, his left eye was also swollen shut. When the guy didn’t respond quickly enough for Draco, he punched him in the stomach, making him grunt.

  “Who else?” he asked again.

  “No one … I was supposed … to meet someone tomorrow.” The guy stuttered.

  “Who were you meeting with?”

  “I don’t know, I was just given a name and a location.”

  “Where were you going to meet?”

  “At the market. I don’t know anything else. I have told you everything I know. They hired me to follow you every time Pamela phoned, after that I was supposed to follow and take photos of you guys then report. They phoned me every week and booked a time and place to meet. It’s never the same place.” The way the guy was wheezing told Wulf that at least one of the fucker’s ribs were broken.

  Draco looked at Wulf nodding towards a black backpack that was propped against the wall in the corner. Picking up the backpack Wulf looked inside finding files on each one of them. There were photos of them from the last two weeks. There were also notes about things that happened day to day. There were photos taken of them inside the compound that could only have been taken by Pamela and sent to this piece of Shit.

  Looking towards the cot where Sonia or Pamela whatever her name was sitting, Wulf could feel the rage coursing throughout his body. This woman was responsible for the break into the compound and Jas getting hurt, he wanted to put his hands around her neck and squeeze for the pain that Jas went through.

  “Hold her,” Wulf said to Bjarni.

  “I don’t know anything. What are you doing? Take your hands off me.” Bjarni had one hand holding her hair firmly, straining her neck back and the other holding her hands behind her back. Standing directly in front of her, she glared at Wulf, but Bjarni wasn’t letting her move.

  “Why?” Wulf asked of her, when she didn’t answer, Bjarni strained her neck further back.

  “I needed the money asshole!” she screamed.

  “You did this for money? You ratted us all out because of money!” Wulf’s last words came out in a growl, he was so disgusted with this woman. “How long have you been giving them information on us?”

  “Since that bitch of yours came to the compound!” she spat. Wulf’s eyes turned a dark amethyst, he took hold of her neck squeezing.

  “You don’t talk about my Old Lady like that. You don’t talk about her at all.” At her gasps for air, Wulf let her go, noticing the red finger prints on her neck, which would bruise.

  “How do you know them?”

  “One night when I got home there was this guy sitting in my living room. He told me what he wanted and that I could either cooperate and they would pay me well or he could kill me.” She glared at Wulf as she responded.

  Draco, Bjarni and I carried on drilling them for a couple of hours until they had more answers and there wasn’t much left of them.

  When Wulf managed to make his way back to Jas it was nearly daybreak. He just wanted to crawl into bed and hold her against him, to relieve the rage that was still coursing through his body from the interrogation. Soon he would have to get up again. He and his brothers were going to go and burn down what was left of the location where they had found the photos.

  “Wulf!” Jas murmured snuggling up to his back.

  “Shh! Angel, go back to sleep,” he murmured nuzzling her neck, her warm body cuddled against him and her raspberry scent enveloping him, calmed his rage.

  Three hours later, Wulf and Jas made their way to the kitchen to have breakfast. All the others were already gathered there. Gloria was standing by the stove making pancakes. There was a large batch already by the table that most of the men were scoffing down. Gloria, even though a Jezebel, wasn’t like the others. She was friendly and always asked if Jas needed help when she was cooking or cleaning. She also kept away from Wulf which made Jas like her more than the others who would still look at him and sometimes draw close to him. But he would always send them away. Jas could feel the tension; the guys were all quiet, eating their breakfast. Even Ceric was in his own little world not trying to joke around, or making out with one of the Jezebels.

  After breakfast, all the guys made their way to the garage to prepare to leave. Jas walked next to Wulf holding his hand until they reached his bike. “Stay safe Angel, Celmund is in charge while we’re all gone. Listen to him, okay.” She nodded, lifting onto her tiptoes, she kissed Wulf lightly on the lips but he wasn’t about to let her go. Encircling her with his arms, he lifted her by the waist kissing her deeply. The noise of the others around them vanished into the background; only his arms around her, his lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth and his body flush with hers, was real at that moment. When Wulf finally lifted his head, she heard the cat calls and whistling. Blushing, she hid her face against his chest.

  “Enough, Assholes!” he growled, but Jas could tell that he wasn’t upset.

  “Be careful,” she pleaded, as he mounted his bike, he acknowledged her with a nod starting his bike, he looked behind her to Celmund.

  “Take care of her,” and then he was off with all the others.

  Chapter 23

  “Oh fuck!” Celmund ran towards her as she fainted, she was so pale. “Jas? Come on sweetheart wake up.” He called, patting her face. They had been sitting in the recreational area for the last hour, chatting when she had got up, stating that she was going to lie down, as she wasn’t feeling well and suddenly she just collapsed. He placed her on the couch they had against the far wall. He could see a bruise appearing on her temple and cheek where she had hit the ground. Damn Wulf was going to flip his mind.

  “Hey Sweetheart. What the hell happened? You want your man to kill me when he sees how banged up you are?” he teased when she started waking up, helping her to sit up.

  “How is your head? You have quite a bruise starting to show,” he asked, prodding her forehead to make sure she was fine, she flinched away.

  “Ow, I’m fine!” she cried pulling back from his probing. Helping her up and steadying her as she swayed a little

  “You okay?” he asked with concern. She nodded, she had been feeling dizzy the entire morning but as she got up she had lost her battle to stay conscious. She heard bikes and knew that the men were back. She was hoping to be feeling better by the time Wulf got back, but now that she had fainted and her cheek felt like it was exploding, there was no way out of telling him.

  Draco and Ceric were the first to walk into the compound. He turned from answering Ceric and looked at her. “What the hell happened to you?” he asked, with surprise, walking towards her. He turned her face so he could see the bruising. “Celmund?” he queried with a raised eyebrow at him.

  Celmund put his arms in the air. “Not my fault, she had fainted by the time that I got to her, she hit the floor.”

  “Here Babe. Sit down before you fall, you’re not looking too hot.” Brandr had also come in behind the two men and was now guiding her down into a chair.

  He squatted in front of her. “You’re very pale? Are you okay or are you going to faint again?” he asked, concern in his eyes.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. He nodded but didn’t get up straight away, she could see the concern on his face as he assured himself that she was fine. Her face was throbbing and she was so tired, she just wanted Wulf to return and take her in his arms.

  “So, did Celmund get a track on his car? Or did he get away again?” she heard Wulf asking, as he entered the compound. Brandr got up from his squat in front of her and moved away to give Wulf a clear view of her.

  “I don’t know, haven’t had a chance to ask him yet,” Bion responded.

  Lifting her head, she looked at Wulf just as he spotted her. “Hey Angel, you … What the fuck!” He started gently, but when he saw her face, his voice deepened to a growl and his eyes flashed that beautiful deep ameth
yst. He stroked a finger over her head and down her cheek; flinching in pain, she could feel that her cheek was slightly swollen. “What happened to you?” he asked angrily. “Where’s Celmund?”

  Jas placed a hand on his cheek. “Wulf please, it’s not his fault, I fainted and hit the floor. He couldn’t get to me in time.” She pleaded in a quiet voice.

  He looked at her still breathing raggedly, he could see how pale and strained she looked, her beautiful face was swollen and already a bruise was appearing on one side. He lifted his hand, placing it on the back of her head, bringing her closer to him, he kissed her face so gently it felt like butterfly wings. He needed to give her blood, so she could heal quickly, she was also still so pale.

  He wasn’t going to do it here though with an audience. He knew she would be embarrassed. He would take her back to their room to give her blood and make her rest for a while. She had probably been worrying about him. Once she was resting, he would go meet with the other. They needed to find out what the Keres MC knew about them. They had found a few other things at the house before burning it down, it looked like the guy they had caught hadn’t only been playing one side, but had been taking photos of the Keres MC guys too, and keeping notes.

  Picking her up, he carried her towards their room close to his heart. He hated knowing she wasn’t feeling well and that she was hurting. The feeling of not being able to take the hurt away made him want to tear things apart. Jas was still looking pale by the time they reached the room; she was telling him it was just her blood pressure that was low, he hoped so, and she shouldn’t be getting sick anymore with his blood in her system. “Bion needs to give you a check-up. I’m not comfortable with you not feeling well still. You shouldn’t be getting sick anymore, with my blood running through your veins.”


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