by Dick Cheney
Iraqi acquisition and use of, 364–68, 391–94, 412
Iraqi inspections and, 394, 412
terrorists and, 319, 330, 345, 369, 374, 384–85
U.S. defenses against, 384–86
Blair, Tony, 389, 447–48
on Hussein, 373–74
Iraqi Freedom and, 372–73, 398, 448
and UN resolutions on Iraq, 391, 397–98
Blanco, Kathleen, 430, 432
Blix, Hans, 394
Bodami, Jack, 496
Bodman, Diane, 446
Bohrer, David, 531
Boland Amendments, 144, 146
Bolling, Dick, 128–29
Bolten, Josh, 3–4, 443, 448, 460, 495, 516–17
botulinum toxin, 341–43
Bradley, Bill, 50–51
Bradley Woods and Company, 64, 68–69, 111
Brady, Nicholas, 228, 288
Brock, Bill, 45
Broder, David, 108
Brooks, Arthur, 531
Brown, Monica, 496–97
Brown & Root, 248, 254–55
Burns, Bill, 378
Burton, Nelson, 532
Bush, Barbara, 221, 254, 289 on Inauguration Day, 303–4
Bush, George H. W., 45, 68, 96, 140, 184–91, 197, 230, 242, 252, 273, 275, 289–90, 303, 322, 367, 425, 468
arms control negotiations and, 233–34
Cheney-Gorbachev relationship and, 167
Cheney’s Defense Department nomination and, 152–57, 161, 336, 388
Cheney’s Defense Department tenure and, 137, 159–62, 164–65, 170–75
CIA appointment of, 91, 102, 156, 258, 299
considered for Ford’s running mate, 102
and deployment of U.S. troops to Persian Gulf, 187–88, 190–91, 193–94, 203–6
Desert Storm and, 198–99, 203–4, 208, 212, 214, 216, 218–24, 226–28, 239
Iran-Contra affair and, 144, 409–10
and Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, 137, 184–86, 189, 198, 205–6, 239
Panamanian crisis and, 168, 174–75, 177
presidential campaigns of, 151, 153, 238–39, 267
Soviet collapse and, 231–33
U.S.-Iraqi cease-fire and, 218, 221
Bush, George W., 2–10, 131, 293, 314, 321–26, 338, 342, 389–92, 519–22
ABM Treaty and, 325–26
Abu Ghraib abuses and, 420
Afghanistan and, 336–37, 340, 363, 445, 498–500, 502
Andrews Air Force Base departure of, 519–20
cabinet selections of, 298–300, 394–95, 425–26, 442–44
Cheney as running mate of, 259–61, 265–68, 517
Cheney’s Middle East trips and, 371–75, 377, 380
Cheney’s relationship with, 305–6, 308, 519
debating of, 277, 279–80
DUI of, 285–86
education programs and, 269, 273, 276, 298, 328
energy policy and, 315–18, 328
enhanced interrogation techniques and, 358, 361–63, 520–21
financial crisis and, 505–10
Hurricane Katrina and, 430–32
on Inauguration Day, 302–3, 517
Iranian nuclear program and, 477–79, 492
Iraqi Freedom and, 369, 372–74, 377, 388, 391, 396–97, 399, 445, 447–54, 458, 481, 502
Iraqi inspections and, 389, 391
Iraqi uranium acquisition and, 402, 404–6
Iraqi WMD and, 367–69, 395, 413
Israeli-Palestinian crisis and, 374–75, 380–82, 384
last goodbye to staff of, 517
Libby not pardoned by, 410
McCain’s presidential campaign and, 511–12, 520
on military commissions, 356–57, 361
9/11 and, 2–9, 328, 334, 369, 519, 522
North Korean nuclear program and, 465, 473–74, 476–77, 481–82, 484–88, 490–92
on nuclear weapons proliferation, 465, 468–73, 488, 490–92
Plame case and, 406, 408
presidential campaigns of, 103, 252–77, 279–82, 284–87, 298, 308, 416–18, 422–23, 425
presidential transition of, 295–96, 300
running mate search of, 254–66
Supreme Court honored by, 515
Supreme Court nominees of, 322–24, 516
tax cuts and, 298, 308–11, 313, 328, 494, 502
Terrorist Surveillance Program and, 348–49, 351–52, 363
Texas governorship of, 252, 263–64, 282, 289
2000 election results and, 288–89, 291, 294–97
and War on Terror, 330–31, 336, 354–55
WMD task force and, 318–19
Bush, Jeb, 289
Bush, Laura, 254, 258–59, 267, 269, 272, 302–3, 512, 515–17
Bush Doctrine, 9, 415, 419, 485, 488
Bush v. Gore, 296–98
Butler, Pat, 94
Byrd, Robert, 6, 143
Calame, Byron, 353
Caldwell, Pat, 497
California, 57, 103, 117, 128, 139, 238, 273, 284, 312, 350, 362
energy crisis in, 315
Ford’s presidential campaign and, 89, 104–5
Cambodia, 53, 82–83
Camp David, 101, 148, 196–97, 237, 331–34, 336, 381, 390–91, 435
as Cheney’s undisclosed location, 338, 516
and deployment of U.S. troops to Persian Gulf, 187–88
9/11 and, 3, 10, 329, 334
and U.S. War on Terror, 331–32
Card, Andy, 288, 322
Hurricane Katrina and, 430
Terrorist Surveillance Program and, 351, 353
Carlucci, Frank, 48–49, 55–56
Cheney’s Defense Department nomination and, 161–62
Carter, Jimmy, 72, 77, 110, 123, 187, 299
Cheney’s congressional career and, 131, 136–37
Ford’s relationship with, 137–38
Iranian hostage crisis and, 136–37
Panama Canal and, 116, 168
presidential campaigns of, 101, 103–6, 131, 136, 139–40, 289
presidential election victory of, 101, 107–8, 137–38
transition from Ford to, 106–7
Casey, Bill, 139–40
Casey, George, 435–36, 438–39, 442, 451, 454
Casper, Wyo., 28, 30, 34, 126, 163, 243, 267
Cheney honored in, 253–54
Cheney’s congressional campaigns and, 114–16, 118, 123–24
Cheney’s heart attack and, 120–21
Cheney’s life in, 20–26
Cheney’s return to, 111–12
Ford’s visit to, 118–19
Cavaney, Red, 71, 93, 244
CBS, 196, 203, 424
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 385–86
Central Command (CENTCOM), U.S., 183, 336, 369, 457, 478
and deployment of troops to Persian Gulf, 186, 203
Desert Storm and, 215, 219
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 161–62, 189, 219, 349–50, 357–63, 479, 498
Afghanistan and, 332, 340, 345–47, 354, 370
and al Qaeda in Iraq, 368, 414–15
Bush’s appointment to, 91, 102, 156, 258, 299
Cheney’s congressional career and, 141–42
Cheney’s vice presidency and, 314–15, 413
Congress on, 81, 416
enhanced interrogation techniques and, 358–63, 521–24
Iran-Contra affair and, 410, 416
Iraqi Freedom and, 370–71, 386, 398
Iraqi uranium acquisition and, 402–5
Iraqi WMD and, 392, 395–96, 413
9/11 and, 415–16
Plame case and, 406–8
Rockefeller’s investigation of, 80–81
Syrian nuclear program and, 466, 468
Chanock, Foster, 93, 104, 122
chemical weapons, 318–19, 345, 411–12
Desert Storm and, 220–21
Iraqi acquisition and use of, 182, 184, 206, 214, 364, 368, 373, 389, 391–93
Iraqi inspections and,
389, 394, 412
terrorists and, 369, 374, 384, 414
Cheney, A. N., 247–48
Cheney, Bob (brother), 11–13, 16–19, 21, 23, 253, 532
Cheney, Elizabeth (daughter), 34, 38, 108, 178, 241, 295, 429, 512, 524–26, 532
childhood of, 57–58, 64, 111, 117–18, 520
father’s congressional campaign and, 117, 121–23
father’s fellowship and, 39–40
father’s heart problems and, 524–25
father’s one-on-one trips with, 148
father’s vice presidential campaigns and, 267–68, 276–78, 282, 284, 287–88, 422
father’s vice presidential candidacy and, 264–67
father’s vice presidential search and, 255, 257
on Inauguration Day, 303–4
Thanksgiving dinner and, 293–94
2000 election results and, 288, 296–97
Cheney, Lynne Vincent (wife), 57–58, 64, 108, 129, 167, 178, 210, 221, 227, 244–45, 249–50, 259–62, 266–68, 295, 307, 321, 331, 338, 341, 374–76, 401, 446, 462, 516, 526, 529, 531–32
Afghanistan trip of, 426
charitableness of, 261, 328
education of, 25–27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 45, 57, 268
Greenspan’s July Fourth party and, 259–60
Hurricane Katrina and, 431
husband’s congressional campaigns and, 112–13, 117–24
husband’s courtship of, 25–27, 32, 267, 327
husband’s heart problems and, 151, 292, 524
and husband’s internship and fellowship and, 34, 39–40
husband’s vice presidential campaigns and, 271–72, 276, 284–88, 422, 424–25
on Inauguration Day, 302–4
marriage of, 32–33, 113, 119, 126
Middle East trip of, 375–76
9/11 and, 2, 4, 10, 329
return to Wyoming of, 240–41
student protests and, 37, 45
teaching career of, 111–12, 148
2000 election results and, 289, 292, 294, 296
Vice President’s Residence and, 326–27
Watergate scandal and, 66
writing of, 148–49, 327–28
Cheney, Margaret Tyler (grandmother), 12–16
Cheney, Marjorie Lorraine Dickey (mother), 15–23, 30, 32, 43, 93, 109, 111, 119, 122, 303, 532
death of, 243, 253
husband’s courtship of, 16
life in Lincoln of, 18–19
softball played by, 16, 243
and son’s childhood and adolescence, 11–13, 16–19, 21–23
son’s education and, 18, 26–27
Cheney, Mary Claire (daughter), 108, 154, 178, 247, 295, 512, 524, 526, 529, 532
birth of, 57–58
childhood of, 57–58, 64, 111, 117–18, 121–23, 126, 520
father’s congressional campaigns and, 117, 121–23
father’s one-on-one trips with, 148
father’s vice presidential campaigns and, 267–68, 271–72, 275–76, 283–84, 287–88, 422–25
on Inauguration Day, 303–4
Thanksgiving dinner and, 293–94
2000 election results and, 287–88, 290, 296
Cheney, Richard Bruce:
athletics enjoyed by, 19, 22–27, 119–20
awards and honors of, 33–34, 38, 194, 239, 253–54, 265, 301, 418, 496, 519
birthdays of, 57, 108, 304, 327
birth of, 11, 16
on boards of directors, 241
Capitol offices of, 306–7
charitableness of, 261
childhood and adolescence of, 11–13, 16–23, 327
code names of, 92, 327
debating of, 277–84, 422–24
draft status of, 36
DUI of, 30, 38, 51–52, 157–58
education of, 18–28, 31–34, 36–42, 45–47, 49, 113, 115, 119, 126, 154, 156–57, 263, 268
on evil, 333, 343, 428–29, 526
on executive power, 308, 317–18
finances of, 19, 27–29, 31, 33–34, 36, 51, 64, 113–14, 121–23, 125, 139, 241–43, 261–62, 282
fishing enjoyed by, 12, 19–20, 22–23, 25, 33, 228–29, 241–42, 246–48, 279, 290, 517, 525
heart attacks of, 119–22, 150–51, 242, 254, 263, 292–94, 320–21, 524
heart surgeries of, 151, 156, 242, 263, 292–93, 524–25
heritage of, 11, 13–16, 42–43, 119, 156, 227, 304, 505
honeymoon of, 32–33
hunting of, 21, 143, 243, 249–52, 525
on Inauguration Day, 301–4, 517–18
influence of, 413
interest in intelligence issues of, 140–43, 145, 155, 160–61, 315
internships and fellowship of, 33–36, 38–50, 112, 156, 302
investment advisory work of, 64, 68–69, 111
last goodbyes to staff of, 517
marriage of, 32–33, 113, 119, 126, 158, 180
musical tastes of, 117
part-time jobs of, 19, 24–25, 27, 32, 36
pets of, 18, 58, 64, 326, 338
power line building of, 28–32, 374
pro-life stance of, 113
public profile of, 305–6
reading of, 20–22, 29, 31–32, 149, 290, 374
sense of humor of, 193, 276, 282–83, 297, 337, 517
shooting accident of, 250–52
speeches of, 24, 116, 126, 132–33, 178–79, 241, 267, 269–76, 317, 342–43, 376, 389–90, 422, 456, 522–23, 529–30
think tank and academic institute memberships of, 128–29, 241
undisclosed locations of, 337–38, 344, 516
vacations of, 110, 126, 460
vice presidential campaigns of, 124, 262–64, 266–88, 297–98, 308, 313–14, 418, 422–25, 530
vice presidential candidacy of, 254–55, 259–68, 517
vice presidential search of, 255–60, 264–65, 517
vice presidential transition of, 295–98, 300
vice presidential trips of, 371–80
wife courted by, 25–27, 32, 267, 327
Cheney, Richard Herbert (father), 11–12, 14–20, 30, 32, 43, 93, 111, 119, 243, 532
civil service employment of, 15, 20, 253–54
death of, 253–54
fishing of, 19, 25
life in Lincoln of, 15, 18–19
in military, 12, 17
politics of, 20, 303
and son’s childhood and adolescence, 17–20, 23
son’s congressional campaigns and, 122, 124, 303
son’s education and, 25, 27
wife courted by, 16
Cheney, Samuel Fletcher, 13–15, 156, 227, 304, 505
Cheney, Susan (sister), 33, 253, 284 birth of, 16, 23, 532
Cheney, Thomas Herbert “Bert” (grandfather), 12–16
Bible of, 303–4
finances of, 14–15, 504
grandson’s childhood and, 12, 16
politics of, 42–43
Chertoff, Michael, 431–32
Cheyenne, Wyo., 20, 28, 30, 33, 112, 163
Cheney’s congressional campaigns and, 115–16, 119, 121, 124
Cheney’s heart attack and, 119–21
China, 84, 91, 326, 328
Hu’s U.S. visit and, 382–83
North Korean nuclear program and, 473–76, 481–87, 490, 492
Chowder and Marching Society, 128
Christopher, Warren, 290
Chrysler, 510
Church committee, 81, 147, 416
Churchill, Winston, 31, 374
Civil War, 13–14, 57–58, 126, 134, 156, 163, 227, 245, 304–5
Clapper, Jim, 489
Claunch, T. J., 25
Clausen, Aage, 36, 38
Clinton, Bill, 129, 240, 266, 365, 381, 413, 516
Bush-Cheney campaign and, 269–70
Bush-Cheney inauguration and, 302–3
national security policy of, 242–43
North Korean nuclear program and, 473, 488, 493
l campaigns of, 238–39, 242, 270
Clinton, Hillary, 302, 392–93
Clymer, Adam, 274
CNN, 151, 157, 167, 211–12, 393, 416
Coalition Provisional Authority, 387, 411, 433
Coast Guard, U.S., 7, 429, 431
Coates, Victoria, 530
Colby, Bill, 91
Cold War, 7–8, 27, 84, 86, 129, 184, 235, 239, 417, 514
end of, 166, 180–81, 325
Cole, U.S.S., 330, 419
Colgan, Celeste, 113
college campus protests, 36–37, 45–47, 53
Colorado, 28–29, 65, 293, 299, 425
Colter, John, 21
Comey, James, 350–52, 407
communists, communism, 20, 83, 86, 144, 167, 180, 230–31, 382, 515
Conable, Barber, 128
Concerned Local Citizens (CLCs), 458
Congress, U.S., 35–38, 58–59, 69, 71, 81–82, 143–50, 184, 275–76, 317, 320, 348, 365–66, 372, 383, 412, 420, 441, 495
A-12 construction and, 236–37
Afghanistan and, 336, 368, 501
and authorizing use of force against Iraq, 204–5, 207–9, 391–93, 395
Bush-Cheney transition and, 295, 300
Cheney’s Defense Department tenure and, 158, 161–66, 173
on CIA, 81, 416
Desert Storm and, 204–5, 207, 225, 393
enhanced interrogation techniques and, 359–61
financial crisis and, 504, 507–10
Ford’s economic policies and, 76–79
Iran-Contra affair and, 143–48, 409
Laird’s career in, 35–36
9/11 and, 6, 8, 339
North Korean nuclear program and, 483, 486, 489
OEO’s relations with, 49–50
Republican control of, 244–46, 310
surge and, 455, 458–62
Terrorist Surveillance Program and, 350–51 see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
conservatives, conservatism, 97, 99, 116, 200, 264, 308–9, 324, 372, 398
Bush-Cheney campaign and, 269–70, 298
Cheney’s congressional career and, 128, 132
Ford and, 87, 90, 101
Constitution, U.S., 79, 130, 133, 158, 208, 272, 352, 423, 494–96, 520
on bearing arms, 494–95
Cheney’s vice presidential candidacy and, 263–65
Iran-Contra affair and, 146–47
on vice president, 300, 305, 318, 320, 494
Cooke, David O. “Doc,” 158
Cooley, Denton, 262–63
Cooper, John Sherman, 84–85, 95
Cost of Living Council (CLC), 59–63
Cowgill, Mildred, 113–14
Crawford, Tex., 3, 258–59, 298, 370, 377, 454
Crocker, Ryan, 455, 457, 460, 462–63
Crouch, J. D., 441
Crowe, Bill, 161, 169–70, 181, 205
Cruikshank, Tom, 248–49
Czech Republic, 398, 514
Dagan, Meir, 466
Dailey, Dell, 336–37