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Addicted Page 62

by Claire Adams

  "Alright." Vivian let out a soft sigh and gave the officer the information.

  After they wrapped up their conversation, we got back into the car and drove back to the hotel. Vivian was a bit shaky, her legs not seeming to want to hold her up any longer. I helped her sit down in the lobby and walked to the front desk.

  "Hi. I'm Easton Parks. I wanted to see if the penthouse was open for tonight. I know I stayed in there Sunday night, but I'd like to revisit a few things if it's available." I hardly ever twisted the truth, but I wanted something nice to treat Vivian with as she waited to hear back from Casey. It was about all I had to offer.

  "It's available until Sunday. We'll move you in there now, Mr. Parks. Would you like your things delivered from your previous room?" The woman gave me a caring smile.

  "Yes. Thanks for your help. It's appreciated." I took the key she offered me, turned and walked toward Vivian.

  She glanced up and reached for me, standing with my help as she let out a long, tired groan. "I feel like I've been beaten with a baseball bat."

  "You're just tired, Viv. Come on. Let's go up to my room and rest. We can take a nap and get back some of your energy. I bet that we'll hear from Casey soon and can put this madness to bed."

  "Okay. I guess I'm out of options anyway." She wrapped her arm around my lower back and moved with me toward the elevator. "I don't know what I'm going to do if something has happened to her."

  "Nothing has happened. Stop thinking like that." We got into the elevator and I pressed the button for the top. "I'm back in the penthouse, so we can raid the mini-bar or order something if you're hungry. They have a special menu up there with extra goodies on it. A foodie like you will be in hog heaven."

  "I'm starving, but I feel like an ass for eating when Casey could be lying dead somewhere." She shuttered, and I pressed my hand to her lower back, urging her to get off as the elevator opened.

  "Let's check out the dessert bar they advertise all the time. It's the only thing I don't think I've tried. Sound good?" I typed in the code and inserted my key, pushing the door open and ushering in the beautiful girl beside me. Just having her close to me left my heart beating a little harder than seemed necessary, but I was falling hard. I prayed I wasn't the only one.

  Her phone buzzed and she yanked it from her back pocket, lifting it to her ear as her eyes filled with tears again. She turned her back to me as her shoulders curled in tightly.

  "Where the fuck have you been?" Her voice was tense and filled with hard emotion.

  I moved to the phone in the living room and ordered a few dishes as well as the dessert sampler bar. She needed a few minutes of privacy with Casey, and I didn't want her holding back. It was a shitty move on Casey's part, though something told me that the girl would never willingly hurt Viv. It had to be a potent combination of liquor and sexual attraction to the right guy.

  I glanced up as Vivian walked into the living room, her cheeks stained with tears, but an air of resolve to her. "She's okay. She got toasted and went home with some guy. She's headed back to the hotel now. I told her I would find her later this afternoon. She needs a shower and a nap."

  "And a good ass whooping from what it sounds like?" I smiled. "You can go if you need to. I don't want you to feel any pressure from me."

  "I don't want to, unless you need to be somewhere." She stopped in front of me and pressed her hands to my chest, sliding them up to cup my neck. "If you have meetings that you need to attend to, then go. I know I used up your whole damn morning. I'm sorry."

  "I want you right here with me. I ordered us a bunch of goodies. How about a long meal and a nap?" I pressed against her hold and gripped her hips tightly as I bent down to consume her mouth. She didn't need to forget for one second how much passion lay between us. I couldn't seem to shake it, so it only seemed fair to make sure she couldn't either.

  Chapter 19


  His kiss was deliciously overwhelming and only helped to make the struggle within me rage harder. Fear over having lost Casey in Miami to some drug lord or sex trafficking unit left me weary and almost unable to hold my head up. The right thing to do would have been to get back to my hotel room, but everything was fine, and being with Easton was a diminishing commodity. I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say I wanted to spend most every day getting to know him better.

  "Food sounds good, though I can't promise that I'll be great company. I'm so tired all of a sudden." I pressed my cheek to his chest and scraped my nails down the back of his thighs over his jeans. He smelled divine and felt even better.

  "I'm sure you are. It's been a long-ass night. Let's eat and then you, Missy, are due for a nap." He kissed the top of my head and moved back.

  I walked to the over-sized white leather couch and sunk down into the comfort it offered.

  "So before you doze off, tell me about your dreams and aspirations of being a food critic. What are you planning to do when you graduate to ensure you get a job in the right area?" He glanced over at me as he draped a blanket over my legs.

  I curled up and studied him, his dark features combined with his perfect balance of muscle and smooth skin left me not wanting to talk at all.

  "I figured I would have to get a regular job working at a hotel or corporate restaurant chain while I continued to work on submitting my articles." I shrugged. "Casey is the go-getter who has the next ten years planned. I care about the future, of course, but it doesn't consume my thoughts like it does hers."

  A yawn left me, and I was grateful for the knock at the door. Sleep was pulling at me hard, and I had a few more minutes of watching the dreamy guy in front of me before I willingly succumbed to sleep.

  "There's breakfast or lunch?" He smiled, and I forced myself to sit up as he spoke with the hotel attendant. Three large trays were delivered into the room.

  I got up from my comfy position and moved to take the tops off as the smell of cinnamon, sugar, and cheese brushed by my senses. Picking up a blackberry, I popped it in my mouth and turned in time to watch Easton close the door and move toward me.

  "It's far too much food, but there’s a full kitchen in here. We'll pack up the leftovers and heat them back up for Casey when she's up and moving." He stopped beside me and slid his hand along the small of my back. "Let's have a little bit of fun with this, if you're up for it."

  "What kind of fun?" I wanted to sound more energetic, to show him how grateful I was that he'd been the kind of guy to get up far too early to help a frantic stranger, but I couldn't muster much more than a monotone response. I couldn't remember the last time I'd stayed up all night, but it had been a while. It would seem my 'up all night' days were dwindling fast, if not completely over.

  "Go sit on the couch, and I'll bring over a dish for us to try together." He smiled warmly at me and nodded for me to follow his lead.

  "Okay." I turned and walked back to the couch, grabbing the blanket and cuddling up as I worked my tennis shoes off of me below the covers. My eyes were drawn to the sexy swell of his butt in his jeans, his body a sensual delight that I hadn't had a chance to really enjoy as thoroughly as I wanted to. Too bad the trip was almost over and we would have to go back to our lives apart from each other.

  "Alright. This one is a fruitful delight. Should be fun." He sat down on the coffee table in front of me and reached out, brushing his strong hand up my thigh and squeezing softly. "You okay?"

  "Much better now. I can't thank you enough for going with me." My eyes burned, and I pressed my fingertips to them. "I'm sorry. I'm just not real good without sleep."

  "None of us are." He squeezed my leg again and released me. "Close your eyes and tell me what fruit I've put in your mouth. You ready?"

  "Yes. If I start snoring, cease the tasting game. I don't want to choke and die." I chuckled and finished wiping at my tears before settling back and letting out a slow breath as he chuckled.

  "Open your mouth, Viv." The sound of him shifting toward me caused my stomach to tense.
br />   I opened my mouth and jerked back a little at the cold, odd texture. Taking my time to chew the sweet goodness, I quickly realized that he'd started with a tough one.

  "Kiwi." I opened my eyes and smiled at him as he licked at his fingers.

  "Good. I won't ask for a descriptor on what you tasted. You're too tired for that, and as sexy as you are when you're critiquing, I'd want you naked and in my bed once again." He wagged his eyebrows once before giving me another command. "Close your eyes again. Next fruit."

  "Oh no. It's your turn." I moved to the edge of the couch, pressing my knees against his inner thighs and waiting patiently until he closed his eyes.

  "Feminist," he mumbled playfully.

  "Equal opportunist." I picked up a piece of pineapple and lifted it to his beautiful lips. "Open for me."

  He growled low in his chest, but opened, licking at my fingers as I put the fruit in his mouth. "Delicious. Pineapple."

  "Good." I moved to my knees on the floor between us and snaked my way between his thighs, lifting up and letting my lips hover over his as he opened his eyes. "I wanna taste it."

  "You should." He slid his fingers into my unruly hair and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine and sliding his tongue deep into my mouth. The tangy flavor of the pineapple rushed over my taste buds and caused a moan to leave me. The sound only seemed to feed his aggression.

  His fingers tightened around my face as he explored every inch of my mouth graciously. By the time he pulled back, all the air had escaped from my lungs and I was a bit lightheaded.

  "Wow. Where have you been all my life?" I mumbled and moved back to the couch, hating to break the moment, but knowing I didn't have much left in me.

  "I was just thinking the same thing." He got up and walked to the fireplace across the room, and worked to start it up as I reached for the fruit platter and sampled various treats from it.

  "Let's try all these cheese and meats next." He grabbed another platter and sat it on the coffee table before pushing the table toward me and reaching for the fruit tray. "Give me that and we can just snack on it as we like."

  "Get the desserts too. I love sweets." I smiled playfully at him, though I doubt it was much of a come-on. My eyes were growing heavy, and with the fire and the sunlight playing along the closed blinds in the living room, I was extremely comfortable.

  He chuckled. "Hey, before you pass out, I have four tickets to Imagine Dragons tonight at the Amphitheater downtown. I got them via courtesy of the hotel. I rarely go to these things just because I travel alone, but maybe if you and Casey–”

  "We'd love to, or I would. I'm not sure how she's faring. I need to go check on her soon, but I'll go tonight with you." I patted the couch in front of me as I stretched out. "Come here and snuggle up with me. Our time is running out."

  He tugged his shirt off, leaving a beautiful display in front of me. "We can still hang out some in New York when I'm home. It's just rare."

  I reached for him as he dropped down on the couch and worked on his shoes. My fingers traced the wickedly hot curves of his back and played with the curve of his ass as it poked out the top of his jeans as he bent over.

  He yelped as I pinched him, and turned, tickling me as he moved down to stretch out beside me. His expression shifted from playful to loving as his fingers brushed sensually down my cheek.

  "I want to push this thing with us, but I know it would only lead to heartache. I don't want any more lonely nights, but I'm afraid that's all I'd have if we decided to be more than friends."

  "Hush. I'm too tired for this conversation right now. My heart is locked away as best it can be. Let's just enjoy our brunch, the concert and we'll see what happens when we get home. There's no reason to plan every detail of what might happen. You lose the spontaneity of making a split second decision that could change everything for the better." I ran my hand along the side of his head, playing with his raven's colored hair before pulling him down for a series of soft kisses.

  "Food or sex?" He kissed me again and moved down, pressing his soft lips to my neck as his hand ran over my breast and rested on my stomach.

  "Food," I whispered with lust in my voice.

  "Yeah. It sounds like you want food." He laughed against my skin.

  Chill bumps raced along my chest and arms, leaving me cold. I tugged the blanket up and turned toward him. "Give me something new to try."

  "What the lady wants, the lady gets." He smiled and reached for something as I settled in. I could have fun and not get too terribly connected. Besides, we'd only known each other for a few days.

  Then why does it feel like a lifetime already?


  We finished up our food testing fun and Easton packed up the rest of the goodies for Casey as I let my eyes grow heavy. I didn't remember falling asleep, but waking up next to him was a treat. He was on his back on the couch next to me, his large body spread out and his breathing deep and relaxed.

  I snuggled into his side as his arm that held me against him tightened. There was no doubt in my mind that I could have stayed there forever wrapped up with him. We could have created a new life together that would have long nights of hot sex and great mornings of making breakfast together while we danced in the kitchen, but it was a pipe dream.

  He was right about his career not allowing for much more than a once a week tango, but I knew myself and that wouldn't last long for me. I wasn't needy per se, but I did want to find someone to share life with on a regular basis.

  After kissing his shoulder softly, I got up and put my shoes back on. I was itching to check on Casey, and it would have been better to not be tucked against him when he woke up. I could tell he was struggling as much as I was with our parting. One of us had to be mature about it, and though I hated like hell that it was going to be me, it simply was.

  I left him a note to text me a time to meet up for the concert, and slipped out of the room. I'd have to get my grand tour of the penthouse later that night if we weren't too tired after the event. A smile brushed by my lips as I waited for the elevator to open. The evening would be fun, and with any luck at all, I'd not see Jackson again on the trip.

  I rode the elevator down to our floor and walked languidly to the room as a million thoughts buzzed through my mind. Easton was the culmination of everything I wanted in a man. He was driven, intelligent, kind, and considerate, beautiful and a total beast in the sack. I pressed my hand to my stomach as butterflies resurrected deep inside of me. I couldn't remember having sex with Jackson and feeling the same elation as I had the night before with Easton. Maybe it was because it was all new, or maybe it was because he seemed genuinely interested in my pleasure, where Jack just wanted to make sure he got off as many times as he could in a night.

  I knocked and slipped my key in the door as Casey called out.

  "Come in."

  "Hey." I crossed the room and pulled her up from her seated position on the edge of the bed. After wrapping her in a tight hug, I pulled back and gave her a scathing glare. "Don't you ever do that shit to me again! You understand? I thought something bad happened."

  "I'm so sorry." She pressed her cheek to the top of my chest and pulled me back into a hug. "I just got drunk and couldn't find you guys. Paul is a great guy, I promise, but I get it. I could have been hurt or raped. I promise it will never happen again."

  "Alright." I moved back from the hug and dropped down on my bed as I tugged my fingers through my wild messy hair. "Easton has tickets to the Imagine Dragon's concert tonight if you're up for it."

  "Oh yeah?" She smiled and sat back down on her bed. "How many?"

  "Four I think." I dropped back and pressed my hands to my face. "You want to bring this Paul guy with you?"

  "I'd love to, but if not, it's really no big deal." She pounced on the bed next to me. "Either way, we totally need to get something new to wear tonight. Don't you think?"

  "Yeah, we could do that." I rolled onto my side as she flopped down on hers and cuddled up tow
ard me. "Did you get any sleep?"

  "Some. Enough. Did you sleep with Easton?" She wagged her eyebrows as my expression softened.

  "Yeah. It was fantastic." I shrugged and shook my head. "I'm sure it was one of many mistakes to come in this new single life, but it was well worth it."

  "Why was it a mistake?" She reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears.

  "Because, I'm falling in love with him." I swatted her hand away.

  "Falling or have fallen?" She swatted back at me playfully.

  "I don't know. I just want to enjoy the rest of the vacation and not think too much about it. I need to get my ass in gear when we get back home. I graduate in a few months. I need to get serious about a job." I rolled onto my back before sitting up. "Get dressed and let's go shopping. It's already two. I would think we need to meet up with handsome around seven or so to head out for the night."

  "Text him about the extra ticket." Casey sat up beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "You know if it's meant to be, that it will be."

  "I guess so." I got up and stretched. "And if not, fuck it."

  "Yeah right." She rolled her eyes, knowing me far too well to let me bullshit her with my pseudo lackadaisical attitude.

  "Shut it." I picked up a pillow and started what turned out to be the longest pillow fight in our history. We needed it, or at least I did.

  Chapter 20


  I woke to her having left sometime during my nap. I missed her warmth the minute I realized that I didn't have her next to me anymore. My phone was ringing from somewhere in the kitchen, but it took me a few minute to register what the noise was. I got up and half-stumbled toward the sound.


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