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Page 102

by Claire Adams

  I walked out to the garage to find the SUV gone.

  "Great." I walked back into the kitchen to see a short note from him. It was a reminder that people who wanted to win the game were willing to play it.

  I rolled my eyes and hated just how accurate his statement was. There were a few jackets in the hall closet that were his, which would be a good start to my experiment. Designing for functionality was completely different than just letting my mind go. I had to test out what was wrong with the other jackets and move on from there, discerning how to make them better, more effective.

  I tugged on a large gray jacket and zipped it up, moving around and liking the feel of it.

  "Let's see how you do in the cold." I grabbed my notepad and slipped my feet into a pair of furry house shoes by the front door before walking out on the porch and sitting down on the swing at the far end. I hadn't realized there was someone shoveling snow, but seeing him left me feeling badly for him.

  It was far colder than it had been a week back when I arrived. Why would my father have some poor guy working like that in the freezing cold temperatures?

  This guy must really need money.

  I got up and walked back into the warmth of the house to make him something warm to drink. I mixed up a mug of hot chocolate and debated far too long over whether to put marshmallows on the top or not. I changed into a big pink winter coat and zipped it up tight before slipping on mittens and trying to get back out of the house without spilling the hot chocolate.

  Walking quickly down the pathway, I slowed as I approached him and called out, not wanting to scare him and get a shovel to the side of the face.

  "Hi! I just realized you were out here. I figure you might like something to-" I stopped as my breath caught in my chest. "You have to be kidding me."


  His smile was beautiful, but the bright red on his cheeks and over his nose was concerning.

  "That for me?" He nodded toward the mug and laid his shovel down.

  There was a split second that I visualized myself tossing it on him, but I couldn't do it.

  "No. It's for me." I took a sip and stifled a scream as it burnt my tongue.

  "Oh." His eyes adverted from me and he turned, picking up his shovel and starting to work again. "I'll be done soon. I'll leave the invoice in the mailbox as not to bother you again."

  I let out a long sigh as indecision tore up my insides. "The drink is for you."

  "Just set it on the porch and I'll come get it in a minute. I'm almost done." He continued to work, ignoring me, which I probably deserved. The sound of him panting softly melted my heart and left me concerned for him. It was too cold to be sweating outside. He shook slightly and I was sure it was from the freezing cold temperatures.

  "I'll have it waiting inside for you. Just knock and I'll let you in." I turned and walked back to the house, not wanting to keep him out there much longer. I was angry at him, but it was for selfish reasons. I had pushed Cindy onto him and had no reason to be angry with him for doing what was natural.

  I was the idiot.

  Chapter 12


  The look on her beautiful face was priceless, but I kept my emotions locked away. She was angry and I was at fault. She had played a part in it, but ultimately, I'd been a dick. I had gone over my apology at least thirty times by the time she walked out with the hot chocolate.

  Her face was so pretty all snuggled into her jacket and furry hat. She was feminine and petite, yet feisty as hell. I closed my eyes and continued to shovel faster as the remembrance of having my hands on her while we dance filled my mind. She fit against me in a way that made me want to keep her there, pressed to me and in my arms forever.

  I was falling for her in a way that made little to no sense, but I couldn't help it. It wasn't about sex, though some part of me wanted to push it there. It was safe to think that I was physically attracted to her and nothing else. I was beyond attracted to her, but there was so much more bubbling up inside of me.

  The last shovel full of snow was the hardest, but it always was. I finished up and put the shovels up and dusted the snow from my hands and jacket before walking up to the house. I knocked twice on the door and moved back.

  Chloe opened the door, her jacket gone and a pretty cream-colored sweater in its place. Her hair was down and a little messy, which drew me in fast.

  I extended the invoice to her and smiled. "I'll get something to drink at home. Thanks for the thought, though."

  "Did you know this was my house?" She lifted her eyebrow and opened the door a little farther. "And, get in here. I'm not letting you drive home without knowing that you've warmed up a little. I hope your dad has good worker's comp insurance. You're lucky you didn't get frostbite out there."

  I chuckled and walked in, working to take my jacket off before leaning over and getting my shoes off. Everything was soaked in sweat and I started to shiver, which seemed to piss her off even more.

  "Get over here." She tugged at my arm and pulled me toward the fireplace before turning it on. "Let me heat up your drink. Take off your shirt and I'll throw it in the dryer."

  "This your way to see me half-naked?" I teased her, unable to help myself.

  "I could have done that ten times already, playboy. Do what I told you to do." She disappeared into the kitchen as I worked to get my socks and t-shirt off. My jeans were soaked, too, but I didn't think she would appreciate me being naked in her living room.

  "Do your dad or brother have a pair of sweats I can use?" I called out to her and followed her path into the kitchen, stopping at the edge of it and taking time to simply watch her.

  She turned and let her eyes move across me before turning back toward the microwave and grumbling something.

  "Sorry?" I took a step into the kitchen as she pulled a mug from the microwave and handed it to me.

  "Yes. I'll grab them and you can change in the bathroom."

  "I'm good changing here. It's not like you've never seen a man naked before...right?"

  She put her hand on her hip and closed her eyes. "Don't make this hard on me or I'll kick you out of here so fast it will make your head spin."

  "Hard on you?" I laughed and moved closer to her. "You went home with my best friend last night and left me with eight drunks."

  She opened her eyes and pushed at my chest, hard. "You wanted to go home with Cindy and I dropped Brian off at his house. You're crazy if you think anything happened between us."

  "He's a damn idiot if he didn't try." I dropped my clothes and reached out, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward me. "Nothing happened with Cindy. You know why?"

  "Why, Finn? Because of your month off from women?"

  I smiled and released her before walking toward the small room by the kitchen that held the washer and dryer. I slipped out of my pants and tossed everything in the dryer. After finding an oven mitt, I walked back in the kitchen holding it in front of my crotch and laughed at the look she gave me.

  "I didn't do anything with her because she's not you. Go get me some damn pants or I'm going to resort to other means of warming up." I moved toward her and she turned, walking back down the hall quickly.

  "Don't touch me. I'm not interested in anything you have to offer." She disappeared into a dark room and I forced myself not to follow her. Our relationship couldn't be built on sex. It needed a solid friendship. I needed one. Hell, she seemed to, as well.

  I moved to the fireplace and moved the mitten, warming my body fully and relaxing as the chill finally began to leave me.

  The sound of her gasp caused me to look over my shoulder. "Like what you see?"

  "It's an ass. Everyone has one." She walked over to me and laid the pants over my shoulder. "I'll wait for you at the table."

  "Thank you," I mumbled and put them on, grateful that someone in her family was tall. Too bad they had SpongeBob and Patrick dancing across them in various motions. "You did this on purpose."

  "I did." She pressed her
fingers to her lips and laughed. "You look great, though."

  "Right?" I flexed my pecs and sat down, reaching for the drink. "Thanks for this."

  "Did you know this was my father's place?" She sat back and drew her legs up to her chest.

  I wanted to lie, but couldn't force myself to do it. "I did. I heard Cindy say your last name at the club and realized that my father had a client by the same name. I had to pull a few strings, and it's creepy, I know, but I couldn't not see you again. I shouldn't want to, but I do." I shrugged and lifted the mug to my mouth.

  "You're right. I've done nothing but judge you." She rubbed her fingers over her lips and watched me closely, leaving my need to reach out for her rising by the minute. "Forgive me."

  "Already done." I shrugged. "So, tell me why you were the designated driver last night?"

  "Because I'm a light weight and alcohol usually leads to horrible decisions for me."

  "Note to self, get her drunk." I winked and set the mug down. "Let me take you on the slopes again?"

  "You don't give up, do you?"

  "Not sure. I've never had to try, honestly." I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a content sigh. Things were going far better than I'd imagined.

  "You've never had to work hard to get a woman's attention." She snorted and dropped her legs down before leaning in. The sweet smell of her perfume rushed in to greet me, and I jerked back to keep myself from accosting her.

  "Nope. I'm not saying I'm all that, Chloe. Just telling you the life I've lived."

  "Why don't you have a girlfriend or a wife then? Surely, one of the women would have meant something to you over all these years." She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "I'm struggling with this a lot."

  "I understand that. I struggle with it, too." I sucked my bottom lip in my mouth, trying to figure out how to explain it to her. "So, the last girl I took out took me back to her place..."

  She cut me off as her hand flew in the air. "Hold up. I do not under any circumstances want to hear any of your sex stories."

  "Why? You jealous?" I chuckled, expecting her to swat at me or flip me off.

  "Yes. Actually, I am, and I'm struggling with that, too." She kept my gaze, not at all uncomfortable with admitting that she was feeling something for me.

  Something loosened inside of me and I relaxed.

  Good. It's not just me.

  "I'm not telling you any of my stories, Chloe. I was just going to explain how ninety-nine percent of women aren't looking for a second date, but just another fuck. I'm just a fuck." I shrugged and glanced outside, not realizing how much it would hurt to say it out loud.

  "What happened with the girl?" Her voice was soft as she moved closer, her knees brushing mine.

  "She invited me back to her place and showed me off in front of her two friends, basically inviting them to join us." I turned my attention back to her.

  "Did they join you?"

  "No. I'm not like that." I shrugged again. "I guess most guys would be, but I can't be with more than one woman at a time. I left after her friend told me that the girl had herpes."

  "Oh my God." She lifted her hand to her face as she visibly paled.

  Probably not the best thing to tell a girl that I wanted to take to bed for the rest of my life, but she needed to understand my side of the story.

  "Right? My fucked up life." I let out a chuckle, but it fell flat.

  "I'm sorry for being so cruel. I'm just not interested in a one-night stand. I just got out of a long relationship and honestly, falling for someone that's not going to be in my life in the future isn't something I'm willing to do."

  "I understand that. I'm not asking you to sleep with me, nor am I offering you a ring."

  "Then what are you asking, Finn?"

  "A friendship? A ski buddy? Do you like horror movies?" I smiled and moved closer. "We can be friends from a distance, right? And when you come back, if you do, we'll hit the slopes again together. I'd love a new friend, someone who didn't prance me around town."

  She shook her head. "I'd like a friendship, but understand that I'm leaving in two weeks. My father is helping me start a clothing line and that's the only reason I'm in this house."

  I looked around and nodded. "Where is your mother?"

  "She died eight years ago." She lifted her free hand up to wipe at her face. "It's been different since then. Everything has."

  I wanted to pull her in my arms and promise her the world so damn bad, but she didn't want that. Hell, she barely wanted the friendship I offered so freely.

  "I understand that completely." I smiled. "I need to go, but let me take you around town tomorrow. Nothing but good times and great treats. I know some killer dessert shops."

  "You don't have to work?"

  "I'll be calling in sick if you're free." I smiled wickedly.

  "I think I can swing it, but no telling anyone that it was my fault." She got up and walked back to the laundry room, coming back out with my clothes folded.

  I finished the drink and took them from her. "Thanks for this. I can't tell you how much better I feel. I was a dick last night and have been hating myself since. So, forgive me."

  "Already done." She smiled and nodded to the back of the house. "You can change back there."

  "I'm good, unless your dad will miss his favorite pants." I glanced down at them and laughed as she did, too.

  "No. Keep them, but get your shoes on. You'll freeze out there."

  "Yes, ma'am." I worked to get my boots on and pulled my coat over my shoulders before opening the door and turning to tell her goodbye. Her nearness surprised me.

  "Promise me that we can be friends and nothing more." Her gaze moved down toward my mouth. She wanted a kiss as bad as I did. Well, so I hoped.

  "I'll try my best, Chloe." I leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I'm only a man, though. Remember that."

  "It's hard to forget." She moved back and smiled. "Get out of here before I make a bad decision."

  "Sounds like I might be a bad influence on you."

  "Or me on you." She winked and closed the door behind me, leaving my heart pounding in my chest and body completely on fire for her.


  Chapter 13


  Getting a chance to talk to Finn and clear the air left me with a new perspective on things. I set my alarm and woke up early the next morning, wanting to get a fresh start on the week and hoping to figure out a way to impress my father beyond what he thought me capable of. He wanted a new jacket that was incredibly functional. I wanted something cute and modern that left women feeling attractive. Why not combine the two? I was buzzing with ideas as I danced toward the kitchen, singing my favorite Adele song off-tune.

  "What are you doing up so early?" My father glanced up from the kitchen table. He was dressed in a black suit and a blue button down shirt.

  "Just decided to gain new perspective on all of these changes in my life. It feels good. I want to get the day started." I shrugged and stopped behind him to brush a string from his back. "I'm making me an omelet. You want something?"

  "I'd love two eggs over easy, but I usually have to get up early enough to stop by Jerry's to get them. I never did get your mother to teach me how she made them." He smiled and my heart broke over his loss. He still wasn't over her. Jessie was right about his angst most likely being tied to losing her. Where Parker and I had another life ahead of us, my dad was still trying to push past the one he'd expected to last forever.

  "Well, she taught me, so I'll make you some. Ham or bacon for you?" I moved to the fridge and started to pull the various items out that we would need.

  "Whatever is easiest." He went back to his paper as I cut up items for my omelet. I figured I'd make one for Parker seeing that he would eat anything I put in front of him.

  "So, why did you and Parker decide to stay here for the full semester? His idea or yours?" I poured me a cup of coffee and checked my phone, realizing that I hadn'
t given Finn my number.

  Damn. Wait...the invoice.

  "He likes it here, and I really didn't mind working remotely to let him try it out. He's been taking snowboarding lessons, but I don't like the guy he's been training with. He's just not as good as Parker needs him to be. The pupil has already become the master."

  "Really? I met a guy the other day that supposedly has insane snowboarding skills. I could ask him to help Parker in his spare time." I shrugged as my Dad glanced up from his paper.

  "That would be great. Let me know his fee, and I'll want to meet him." He pulled out his phone and turned from me, which gave me a minute to snoop around the house for the invoice as the oven heated.

  I had no luck and the smell of butter burning on the stove had me jogging back to my place in the kitchen.

  My father stood and walked to the coffee pot as he ended his call. "That was one of my clients. I might have to fly to Texas tomorrow night, and Parker has a sleepover with some friends. Are you going to be okay alone here?"

  "Of course. I'm a grown-ass woman, remember?"

  He gave me a smirk and stole a pinch of the shredded cheese from the pile I'd grated. I lightly slapped his hand away, and he chuckled.

  "You're so much like your mother." He lifted his mug to his lips and got a faraway look in his eye.

  "You still miss her, Dad?"

  He looked at me and smiled sadly. "So much. I never imagined a day in my life would be without her. I feel like she took my warmth with her."

  Tears filled my eyes and I turned back to the stove, not responding so that he wouldn't hear how deeply I hurt for him. He wouldn't appreciate it.

  "I'm going to wake your lazy-ass brother up. I want him to see about getting a job in town. He needs to learn responsibility." As he walked down the hall, I pulled a paper-towel from the roll, dabbing at my eyes and promising myself that no matter what, I was going to work on my relationship with my dad. It would take every bit of patience I possibly had, but my mother would have wanted us closer, and here I was helping to fuel the fire that forced us apart.

  I finished my father's breakfast and handed him the plate as he walked back into the kitchen.


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