by David Garrow
51. Minutes, CAC Board of Directors Executive Committee, 24 February 1998, Minutes, CAC Board of Directors, 19 March 1998, p. 3; CF, 26, 27, and 30 March 1998; Lynn Sweet and Dave McKinney, “Ethics Law Reveals Too Little, Group Says,” CST, 29 March 1998, p. 4; Obama to Mr. Falk, “Saul Mendelson Website,” 3 May 1998; Carl Shier, “So Long, Saul,” New Ground 58, May–June 1998; Bill Dedman, “Study Criticizes Illinois’ Rules for Legislators,” NYT, 30 March 1998; “Governor Delivers Final Message,” CWR 14 #1, 31 March 1998; James Evans, “Study Cites ‘Anything Goes’ Ethics in Legislature,” CDH, 1 April 1998, p. 15; Senate Floor Transcript, 1 April 1998, pp. 104–5; CF, 6, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, and 29 April 1998; Chinta Strausberg, “Pols Rev Up for Rainy Day Funding Battle,” CD, 9 April 1998, p. 6; “Little Local Difficulties,” Economist, 11 April 1998, p. 21; James Merriner (AP), “Simon Seeks Legislative Reform,” PJS, MJG and CTC, 11 April 1998; Barack H. Obama and Michelle Robinson-Obama, 1997–1998 Tax Summary, appended to Obama and Robinson-Obama, 1998 Income Tax Return, Vicki L. Hudson and Co., 9 April 1999; Joyce Foundation, 1996 Form 990-PF, Part VIII(1), 15 May 1997, and 1997 Form 990-PF, Part VIII(1), 14 May 1998 ($11,000 in director’s fees paid to Obama each year); “Sen. Obama to Hold Town Meeting,” HPH, 15 April 1998, p. 2; Charlie Halpern to Barack O’Bama et al., “Century Project Meeting,” 24 March 1998, Halpern to “Dear Colleagues,” 10 April 1998, and “Meeting Summary, New Institute Planning Group,” 20 April 1998, SHP; Jeanette Almada, “Reverse Commute: North Kenwood/Oakland Enjoying an Influx of the Middle Class,” CT, 26 April 1998, p. RE1; Almada, “Turning the Corner,” CT, 2 May 1999, p. RE1; Jacobs in Jonathan Kaufman, “For Obama, Chicago Days Honed Tactics,” WSJ, 21 April 2008, p. A1, and in Eli Saslow, “From Outsider to Politician,” WP, 9 October 2008, p. A1; DJG interviews with Bill Peterson, Denny Jacobs, and Pat Welch.
52. Obama, “Education Most Important Town Hall Issue,” HPH, 29 April 1998, p. 4; Kate Clements, “Legislative Group in Final Stages on Campaign Finance Reform Plan,” CDH, 29 April 1998, p. 10; Ray Long, “Philip Hoping to Give Campaign Reform a Shot,” CT, 30 April 1998; CF, 30 April and 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 May 1998; Christi Parsons, “Juvenile Reform Act Gets Edgar Backing,” CT, 25 April 1998; Senate Floor Transcript, 5 May 1998, pp. 10–15 (SB 363); Jason Piscia, “Senate Approves Edgar’s Changes to Juvenile Justice Bill,” Copley News Service, 5 May 1998; David Heckelman, “Revamped Juvenile Justice Bill Nears Passage,” CDLB, [6] May 1998, pp. 1, 22; Obama in Mary Wisniewski Holden, “The Juvenile Justice Reform Act: Walking a Fine Line,” Chicago Lawyer, June 1998, p. 1; Senate President James “Pate” Philip, End of Session Report 1998, pp. 61–63 (terming SB 363 “a major, desperately-needed step forward in revolutionizing the juvenile justice system”); “The Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 1998” and Daniel Dighton, “Balanced and Restorative Justice in Illinois,” The Compiler 18 (Winter 1999): 1, 4–5, 9–15, and 20; Daniel Dighton, “Three Years After Sweeping Reform, What’s Different in the Juvenile Justice System?,” The Compiler 21 (Spring 2002): 1–5; Christine Kraly, “Finding Justice and Peace for Illinois Youth,” Chicago Lawyer, April 2012; Zeituni Onyango, Tears of Abuse (Afripress Publishing, 2012), pp. 120–38; “State Senator to Speak at Annual ACLU Banquet,” SJ-R, 6 May 1998, p. 32; DJG interviews with Mike Lawrence, Jim Howard, Carter Hendren, and Zeituni Onyango. See also John Nelson Walters, “The Illinois Amendatory Veto,” John Marshall Journal of Practice and Procedure 11 (1978): 415–40.
53. Ray Long, “Edgar Sees Some Merit in Tax-Relief Proposal,” CT, 9 May 1998; Senate Floor Transcript, 13 May 1998, pp. 6–19 (HB 705, PA 90-736); Tom Schafer, Meeting the Challenge: The Edgar Administration, 1991–1999 (Jim Edgar, 1998), pp. 77–79; Nia Odeoti-Hassan, “Senate Democratic Staff House Bill Analysis 91st General Assembly, HB 1732,” 27 April 1999, Berman Papers Box 4 Fld. 31; David Moberg, “Back to Its Roots: The Industrial Areas Foundation and United Power for Action and Justice,” in John P. Koval et al., eds., The New Chicago (Temple University Press, 2006), pp. 239–47, at 243–44; Paul Merrion, “One Tiny Step for Campaign Reform,” CCB, 11 May 1998, p. 4; CF, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, and 27 May 1998; Christi Parsons and Mike Cetera, “Small Tax Break Is Seen Likely,” CT, 14 May 1998; [Mike Lawrence], “Talking Points,” n.d. [ca. 14 May 1998], MLP and PSP; SIU Public Policy Institute Press Release, “Bipartisan Group Reaches Consensus on Campaign Finance Reform,” n.d. [14 May 1998], PSP; Rick Pearson, “Campaign Fund Reform Talk Wears on Officials,” and “Some Common Sense Campaign Rules,” CT, 15 May 1998; Doug Finke, “Simon: Even Chance of Ethics Reform,” SJ-R, 15 May 1998, p. 13; Don Thompson, “Skeptics Question Legislators’ Resolve for Campaign Reform,” CDH, 15 May 1998, p. 10; John C. Patterson, “Rule Changes Will Center on Lobbyists,” DH&R, 15 May 1998, p. A3; Lawrence to Carter Hendren, “Ethics Legislation,” 18 May 1998, MLP; Simon to Obama, 18 May 1998, PSP; “Illinois Lawmakers,” 20 May 1998, MBC; Bruce Dold, “Why Pols, Porches and Lucrative Campaign Chests Are a Bad Mix,” CT, 22 May 1998; Senate Floor Transcript, 22 May 1998, pp. 55–57, 79–80, 114–17 (HB 455); House Floor Transcript, 22 May 1998, pp. 124, 159–211; Ray Long and Parsons, “Pork Tops Menu for State Lawmakers,” CT, 23 May 1998; Dave McKinney, “State Senate OKs Pay Raises, Tougher Ethics Rules,” CST, 23 May 1998, p. 4; James Merriner (AP), “House GOP Trying to Block Reforms,” PJS, 23 May 1998, p. B6; Thompson, “State Lawmakers End Session That Would Have Made Perfect ‘Seinfeld’ Fodder,” CDH, 24 May 1998, p. 10; Rick Pearson, “No Crises, No Fights to Detain Legislators,” CT, 24 May 1998; “Illinois Legislature OKs Most Restructive Ethics Bill Since Watergate,” SLPD, 24 May 1998, p. D10; John McCarron, “General Assembly Made Everyone a Winner, Sort Of,” CT, 25 May 1998; Lawrence to Cindi Canary, “Campaign Reform Legislation,” 27 May 1998, MLP; Madeleine Doubek, “Campaign Finance Reform, with Loopholes,” CDH, 28 May 1998, p. 14; Steven R. Strahler, “Chicago Observer,” CCB, 1 June 1998; CF, 3, 5, 12, and 20 June 1998; “Senator Obama Co-Sponsors Reform Bill,” CIB, 4 June 1998, p. 7; Parsons, “Ethics Bill Lets Lawmakers Squeeze Between Loopholes,” CT, 4 June 1998; Obama, “Important Lakeshore Funds Allocated,” HPH, 10 June 1998, p. 4; Steve Neal, “Reforming Elections,” CST, 15 June 1998, p. 27; “State Campaign Finance Reform,” Morning Edition, NPR, 16 June 1998; Paul Simon to Pate Philip, Emil Jones Jr., Michael J. Madigan, and Lee Daniels, 16 June 1998, PSP; Cynthia Canary and James Kales, “Voters Must Demand Clean Elections,” CT, 20 June 1998; Dennis Conrad (AP), “Campaign Trips Take Exotic Turn,” PJS, 21 June 1998, p. A1; CF, 24 June 1998; “Spring Session Ends,” CWR 14 #3, 25 June 1998; “Pate” Philip, End of Session Report 1998, pp. 87–89; Stephen S. Morrill, “Client Report for 1998 End of Session,” Morrill and Associates, June 1998, esp. p. 4; Kent D. Redfield and Paul J. Quick, “Reforming Campaign Finance in Illinois: Issues and Prospects,” Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, July 1998, pp. 2–3, 9; “Edgar Signs New Laws,” Illinois Politics 7 #5 (ca. 31 July 1998), p. 18; Jennifer Davis, “Campaign Finance Reform Is a Matter of Style Over Substance,” II, July–August 1998, pp. 6–7; Dan Shomon to Thomas E. Johnson, 11 May 1998, Larry O’Brien to Courtney Nottage, 20 May 1998, Shomon to Johnson, 22 May 1998, Davis v. Handy, #98-EB-RES-003, filed 22 May 1998, Herman W. Baker Jr. “Appearance,” Davis v. Handy, 1 June 1998, Chicago Board of Election Commissioners, “Findings and Decision,” Davis v. Handy, 11 June 1998, and Johnson to Obama, 19 June 1998 (enclosing a requested bill for $225), TEJP; “Governor Edgar Signs New Laws,” Illinois Politics, August 1998, pp. 12–13; Joyce Foundation, “Campaign Reform Roundup,” Work in Progress, September 1998, p. 16; Lawrence, “Mission Impossible,” II, September 1998, pp. 38–41; Lawrence, “Cooperative Approach Forges Campaign Finance Reform,” Illinois Country Living, October 1998, p. 4; Simon, P.S.: The Autobiography of Paul Simon, p. 375; Joyce Foundation, 1999 Annual Report, esp. p. 68 ($547,000 to the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform); Obama’s February 2000 interview with Ted McClelland; Redfield, Money Counts: How Dollars Dominate Illinois
Politics and What We Can Do About It (Institute for Public Affairs, University of Illinois, 2001), pp. 5, 37–40; Shomon in Philip Sherwell, “The Big Hitter,” Sunday Telegraph, 28 January 2007; Jones in Jackie Calmes, “Statehouse Yields Clues to Obama,” WSJ, 23 February 2007; Lawrence in Peter Slevin, “Obama Forged Political Mettle in Illinois Capitol,” WP, 9 February 2007, p. A1; Jones in Janny Scott, “In Illinois, Obama Proved Pragmatic and Shrewd,” NYT, 30 July 2007, p. A1; Jones on “The Candidates: Barack Obama,” MSNBC, 20 February 2008; Obama at the Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency, 16 August 2008, Lake Forest, CA (“I remember one of my colleagues . . . who said, ‘Where do you expect us to eat, McDonald’s?’”); Dillard in David Nather, “Obama’s Quick Rise on a Non-Traditional Career Path,” CQ Weekly, 21 August 2008; Conrad and Christopher Wills (AP), “Obama’s Role in Ill. Ethics Bill Was Complicated,” 6 October 2008; Jones in Kelly E. Carter, “Leadership Lessons from the Top,” Black Enterprise, March 2009, p. 105; Edgar’s 9 September, 8 November, and 14 December 2010 interviews with Mark DePue, pp. 912–14, 981, and 1087; Lawrence in John F. Harris and Glenn Thrush, “The Ego Factor: Can Obama Change?,” Politico, 5 November 2010; Shomon in George E. Condon Jr., “A Sense of Self,” National Journal, 22 September 2012; DJG interviews with Dave Syverson, Nia Odeoti-Hassan, Debbie Lounsberry, John Bouman, Steve Rauschenberger, Kurt DeWeese, Mike Lawrence, Jim Howard, David Starrett, Cindi Canary, Gary Hannig, Glenn Hodas, Carter Hendren, Patty Schuh, Pate Philip, Emil Jones, Denny Jacobs, Terry Link, Larry Walsh, Donne Trotter, Pat Welch, Chuy Garcia, Howie Carroll, Debbie Halvorson, Miguel del Valle, Lou Viverito, Jim Rea, Evelyn Bowles, Mike Ragen, Mike Hoffmann, Jill Rock, Courtney Nottage, Dan Shomon, and Jim Edgar. On Currie, see Jennifer Davis, “Designated Hitter,” II, September 1997, pp. 21–23. Also see Senate Floor Transcript, 13 May 1998, pp. 68–72 (HB 3063) and 96–97 (Obama on HB 3575, which passes 58–0). Research Department, National Republican Senatorial Committee, “Barack Obama (D-IL): On the Record,” 22 July 2004, JRORF, p. 5, identifies Barack as voting no on HB 3063 when the Senate Judiciary Committee on 6 May approved it 7–1–1, but on the Senate floor on 13 May, when it is passed 55–1–1, Barack’s committee colleague John Cullerton expressly states his opposition. On 14 May, the Senate approved HB 3129, a bill condemning the Kyoto global warming treaty, 54–3, with Barack in the majority. Senate Floor Transcript, p. 64. Ken Dilanian, “Obama Shifts Stance on Environmental Issues,” USAT, 18 July 2008, and Ben Whitford, “Coal and Clear Skies: Obama’s Balancing Act,” Plenty Magazine, 31 October 2008. On 21 May, Senate Judiciary approved 6–3 the House-amended SB 1846, which now addressed “unlawful contact with street gang members” by convicted criminals, and later that day the Senate passed it 54–3–1, with Barack voting no. See [Debbie] Lounsberry, “Barack Obama—The Record: A Summary,” 10 May 2004, p. 4, [“State Senate”], “Obama Votes—Lonely Votes, 1997–2003,” n.d., JRORF, Sam Youngman and Aaron Blake, “Obama’s Crime Votes Are Fodder for Rivals,” The Hill, 14 March 2007, p. 1.
54. Rashid Khalidi, “Israel’s Misstep, CT, 6 March 1997; Jon Anderson, “‘Bridge of Voices’ Links Lives Divided by Ignorance,” CT, 26 September 1997; Khalidi, “The Catastrophe,” CT, 10 May 1998; Louise Cainkar, “The Arab American Action Network: Meeting Community Needs, Building on Community Strengths,” June 1998,; Teresa Puente, “Arabs Built Solid Base in Chicago, Study Says,” CT, 18 June 1998; Barack H. Obama and Michelle Robinson-Obama, 1998 Income Tax Return, Schedule A, p. 1, Vicki L. Hudson & Co., 9 April 1999; Ali Abunimah, “How Barack Obama Learned to Love Israel,” Electronic Intifada, 4 March 2007; Philip Klein, “Obama Rising,” American Spectator, July–August 2007, pp. 24–31; Peter Wallsten, “Allies of Palestinians See a Friend in Barack Obama,” LAT, 10 April 2008; Hilary Leila Krieger, “Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood,” Jerusalem Post, 23 October 2008; David A. Miller, “Meeting Minutes,” Steering Committee of the New Institute, 2 June 1998, and Stephen Heintz, “June 2” [1998] notes, SHP; National Issues Forum, “Cities and Economic Revitalization,” Brookings Institution, 8 June 1998, C-SPAN Video, 14 June 1998, at 63:00–71:30, 84:30, 96:00, 103:00, 110:00, 113:30, 122:00, 166:00, and 181:00; Minutes, CAC Board of Directors, 18 June 1998 and 16 September 1998; Barbara Rose, “School Watchdog Loses Some Bark,” CCB, 29 November 1993, p. 1; Michael Klonsky, “Business Leaders Switching Sides?,” Catalyst, February 1994, pp. 1, 4–6; Ann Bradley, “Business Group’s New Agenda Worries Reformers in Chicago,” Education Week, 16 February 1994; Rose, “Reformer to Lead School Watchdog,” CCB, 7–13 March 1994, p. 36; Northwestern News Release, “Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. and Sen. Barack Obama Featured at Diversity Week,” 24 February 1999 (Leadership for Quality Education is among Barack’s board memberships); Obama, Illinois State Legislative Election 1998 National Political Awareness Test [Project Vote Smart], 2 July 1998; Obama, “Remarks at the White House,” 19 June 2009, Public Papers of the Presidents 2009 Vol. 1, p. 863; Obama, TAOH, p. 339; Anne E. Kornblut, “Michelle Obama’s Career Timeout,” WP, 11 May 2007, p. A1; Obama in Lisa Miller and Richard Wolffe, “I Am a Big Believer in Not Just Words, but Deeds and Works,” Newsweek, 12 July 2008; Geraldine Brooks, “Michelle Obama: Camelot 2.0?,” More, October 2008; Christopher Andersen, Barack and Michelle (William Morrow, 2009), pp. 185–86; Remnick, The Bridge, p. 302; Slevin, Michelle Obama, p. 166; Obama, “How the Presidency Made Me a Better Father,” More, July–August 2015, pp. 68–69; Zeituni Onyango, Tears of Abuse, pp. 135–38; Grant and Grant, The Moment, pp. 150–52; Scott Fornek, “‘I’ve Got a Competitive Nature,’” CST, 3 October 2004, p. 12; Michael Sneed, “Sneed,” CST, 7 July 1998, p. 4; Simon to Barack and Michelle Obama, 14 July 1998, PSP; Agenda, New Institute Steering Committee, 19–20 July 1998, Stony Point, NY; “Century Project Retreat,” 19–20 July 1998; Stephen Heintz notes, “NCF Retreat,” 19–20 July [1998], Mary Nakashian to Stephen Heintz and David Callahan, “Budget and Narrative for the New Institute,” 31 July 1998, Jennifer Paradise to Alan Morrison, and “Proposal for a New Institute,” 13 August 1998, all SHP; “Mitsubishi Settles with Women in Sexual Harassment Lawsuit,” NYT, 29 August 1997; “Mitsubishi Settlement Said to Total $9.5 Million,” WP, 30 August 1997; Greg Burns, “Mitsubishi, EEOC Settle Suit,” CT, 11 June 1998; Kathy Bergen and Carol Kleiman, “Mitsubishi Will Pay $34 Million,” CT, 12 June 1998; Barnett v. City of Chicago, 969 F. Supp. 1359 (N. D. Ill.), 9 June 1997, vacated and remanded, 141 F. 3d 699 (7th Cir.), 1 April 1998, cert. denied, 524 U.S. 954, 26 June 1998, on remand, 17 F. Supp. 2d 753 (N. D. Ill.), 7 August 1998; Scott Lynch-Giddings diary, 7 August 1998, SLGP; Andrew Martin and Abdon M. Pallasch, “Judge Favors City Remap Making 18th a Black Ward,” CT, 8 August 1998; Barnett v. City of Chicago, 122 F. Supp. 2d 915, 25 February 2000; DJG interviews with Mona Khalidi, Harry Gendler, Charles Halpern, Stephen Heintz, Sheryll Cashin, Martha Minow, Zeituni Onyango, Kevin Tyson, Kathy Stell, Judd Miner, Paul Strauss, George Galland, Laura Tilly, Steven Mange, and Scott Lynch-Giddings.
55. CF, 3 June, 15 July, 10 and 17 August 1998; Jim Edgar news release, “Governor Signs Legislation Installing Campaign Finance and Ethics Reforms,” 12 August 1998; Finke, “Edgar to Sign Ethics Reform Package,” SJ-R, 12 August 1998, p. 1; Long and Parsons, “Campaign Finance Reform Not Without Its Loopholes,” CT, 13 August 1998; Finke, “Edgar OKs Campaign, Ethics Reform, but Urges Changes,” SJ-R, 13 August 1998, p. 1; Ray Serati, “Campaign Reform Moves at Least One Step Forward,” Copley News Service, 13 August 1998; Obama, “Progress on Campaign Finance Reform,” HPH, 26 August 1998, p. 4; Kennedy Communications, “State Senator Barack Obama, Candidate for U.S. Senate: Background Report,” April 2003, Part 19, pp. 3–4, RRP; Mark Johnson, “New Kind of Mayor Is Emerging,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, 14 September 1998, p. A10; “6th Warders Discuss Local Concerns,” Chicago Independent Bulletin, 17 September 1998, p. 3; Michael Miner, “Saul Alinsky, Poster Child,” CR, 9 February 2012 (recounting Barack’s attendance at a Sunday 27 September 1998 panel discussion of a play titled The Love Song of Saul Alinsky); “Edga
r Vetoes 24 Bills,” CWR 14 #6, 15 September 1998, p. 4; Simon to Obama, 29 September 1998, PSP; “Governor Edgar Signs New Laws,” Illinois Politics 7 #7, n.d. [ca. September 1998], pp. 17–18; Christi Parsons, “New Laws Are Even Tough on Lawmakers,” CT, 1 January 1999 (Jim Howard calling the campaign finance reform bill “a very, very significant step forward” that “will make a difference in how business is conducted”); DJG interviews with Mike Lawrence, Jim Edgar, Cynthia Miller, Will Burns, and Freddrenna Lyle.
56. CF, 3, 14, 21, 26, and 31 August, 4, 8, 15, 16, 18, and 29 September, 2, 6, 8, 9, 14 October 1998; Matt O’Connor and Ray Long, “U.S. Says Ryan Fund Got Money in License Scam,” CT, 7 October 1998; Cornelia Grumman and Ted Gregory, “Ryan Setting Himself Apart from Scandal,” CT, 8 October 1998; Gail Mansfield, “Congressman Jackson Impresses Crowd at Bow Tie Event,” DL21C Report, January 1999, pp. 1–2; “Member Profile: Activism, Law Mesh for John Corrigan,” DL21C Report, Summer 1999, p. 2; UCLS Announcements 1998–99, pp. 36–37, 58; UCLS Directory ’98–’99, esp. p. 18; UCLS Course Evaluations, Autumn 1998; Obama, Constitutional Law III Final Examination, December 1998; DJG interviews with Glenn Poshard, John Corrigan, Jesse Ruiz, Laura Mullens Nolen, Jay Hines-Shah, Nat Piggee, Dan Sokol, Triste Lieteau Smith, John Eason, Will Burns, Dan Shomon, and Mike Hoffmann.