by David Garrow
East Bank Club, 622, 921
Easterbrook, Frank H., 566, 575
Eastland, James O., 70
East Roseland Pullman Concerned Citizens Organization (ERPCCO), 201
East Side Republic Steel Plant, 207, 217, 234, 236
East View condominium, 491–92, 973
Eaton, Sarah, 384–85
Ebony, 66, 493, 953, 973
Echols, Barack, 78, 492–93, 535, 575, 709
Economic Development Administration (EDA), 3, 4, 12, 262
Economist, 624–25, 1052–53
Ecumenical Coalition of the Mahoning Valley (ECMV), 6, 7–8
Edelman, Marian Wright, 286, 528, 533, 574
Eden Green complex, 30, 32–33, 212, 266, 267
Edgar, Jim, 517, 539, 581, 599, 592, 594, 783
and campaign finances, 611, 635
and Chicago public schools, 523
designation of gubernatorial successor, 611
and education funding reforms, 607, 608, 616
and gubernatorial primary, 503
and Jack Ryan’s divorce records, 895, 915, 925
on Jack Ryan’s withdrawal from U.S. Senate race, 927
and Juvenile Justice Reform Act, 626
on Keyes U.S. Senate candidacy, 950
and legislature leaders, 586, 587
and National Voter Registration Act implementation, 506, 512, 565
Obama’s appraisal of, 590
and Obama U.S. Senate candidacy, 907, 926, 949
as potential U.S. Senate candidate, 816–20
Safe Neighborhoods Act veto, 684
State of the State address, 588
Edley, Christopher, 328, 372
Obama’s Harvard Law School classes with, 370, 371, 381, 383, 399, 432
on Obama’s Law Review presidency, 394
opposition to Emanuel as Obama White House chief of staff, 1051
Edmonds, Nat, 724
education reform. See school reform
Education Summit, 281, 292, 316
Education Under Mao (Unger), 155
Edwards, Joella, 75
Edwards, John, 1019, 1040, 1041
Edwards, Steve, 875
Egan, Carlos Alan, 116, 136–37
Egan, Jack, 315
Ehrbar, Tom, 174
Eichmann, Adolf, 314, 315
Einstein, Albert, 377
Eldredge, Boy, 96
Eldredge, Hastings Judd Kauwela “Pal,” 74, 80, 81, 83, 86, 88, 96, 536
Electric Knowledge Interchange (EKI), 723–24, 729
Obama’s consultant income from, 753, 755, 758, 826
Obama’s resignation from, 758, 789
electronic surveillance, 574, 830, 853, 1065
Elia, Bob, Obama’s life-changing encounter with, 193–95, 202, 324–25, 458, 529, 530, 993
Eliot, T. S., 156
Elleithee, Mo, 818
Ellen, David, 442, 445, 456
Elling, Kurt, 973
Ellison, Ralph, 172, 1049
Ellman, Lisa, 935
Elrod, Richard, 774
Emanuel, Rahm, 749, 760, 826, 975
as White House chief of staff, 1051–54, 1057, 1058
Emerging Viruses (Horowitz), 1056
Emmanuel Baptist Church, 255
Emmet, Dorothy, 426
Emmons, Katrina, 777, 784, 785, 792, 796–97
Employment Division v. Smith (1990), 381
employment of ex-offenders, 831, 860, 888, 1033
“End of the Rainbow, The” (Lind), 613
Enforcement Act (1871), 424
Envirodyne Industries, 2, 3, 4, 11, 262
settlement for plant closure, 560
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 21, 32, 34, 200, 248, 290
Ephedra Prohibition Act (Ill.), 801, 810, 823, 825
Epstein, Richard, 497, 575, 732
Epstein, Susan, 497–98
Epton, Bernard, 18
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 565
Erickson, Paul E., 206
Erikson, Erik, 1009
Erkes, Jason, 749, 882
Esquire magazine, 1032
E2 Club, 801–2
Evans, Clay, 835
Evans, Harold, 825
Evans, Lane, 795, 810, 812, 827, 829, 830, 861, 898
on Obama DNC keynote speech, 942
Evans, Michael, 481
Evans, Tim, 225–26, 268, 291, 292, 374, 459, 461–62, 546, 548
Ewell, Marc, 545, 553, 558, 560, 561, 562, 563–64
Ewell, Raymond, 545, 562, 563–64
Eyes on the Prize (TV documentary), 249–50, 307
Eyman, Barbara, 391
Ezrol, Lauren, 356–57, 358
Fab Five (state Senate), 592, 595, 596
Face the Nation (CBS), 933, 987, 1023, 1071
Factual Fictions (Davis), 153
Fairchild, Mark, 553
Fairway Inn, 193, 202, 458, 529
Fallows, James, 1061
Falsani, Cathleen, 909
False Necessity (Unger), 447
FamilyCare, 776, 825, 829, 839
Fannie Mae, 27
Fanon, Frantz, 123
Farier, Stanley, 30
Farley, Bruce, 611
Farrakhan, Louis, 255, 314, 407, 546, 617, 805, 1030, 1045–46
Farrell, Mike, 136
Farrow, William, 322
Far South Side, 1–41, 249, 271, 313–14
beginning of decline of, 31
Beverly Bank loans to, 284
cancer rates, 32
Career Education Network proposed for, 249–53
DCP improvement plans, 219, 220, 221, 229, 239
environmental problems, 240
high school problems, 264, 287, 289
jobless steelworkers, 213, 216, 217, 219, 236
lack of employment services, 229, 239
parks improvement, 230
religious institutions, 29–30, 266
Faruqi, Muhammad Umar, 261, 262
Faux, Jeff, 7
Favreau, Jon, 936–37
Fawell, Scott, 754–55
Fecych, Ruth, 501, 515
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 69, 70–71, 215, 261, 822, 824
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 357
Federal Courts and the Federal System, The (Hart and Wechsler), 424
Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC), 284
Federal Election Commission (FEC), 777, 789, 800, 812, 829
advertising stipulation, 883
and candidate’s self-funding, 795, 821
and Obama staff compliance team, 906
and presidential nominees’ (2008) funding, 1025
and Rezko irregularities, 869–70, 886
strictness of contribution rules, 869–70
U.S. Senate candidate filings, 830–31, 845, 869
U.S. Senate primary candidate filings, 789
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (2006), 999, 1001
Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 26–27
Federalist Society, 339
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), 27
Feigenbaum, Brent, 179
Feinberg, Gerald, 147, 148, 159
Feinberg, Jeremy, 159
Feingold, Russ, 795, 929, 951, 986, 989, 994, 1052
Feinstein, Dianne, 1033–34, 1072
Feldman, Diane, 673
Feldman, Leonard, 419
Feller, Dave, 780
Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, 988
Felsenthal, Carol, 1058, 1071
Felsenthal, Edward, 353
Ferguson, Andrew, 1032
Fernandes, Julie, 488
Fernwood United Methodist Church, 254
Ferraro, Gayl, 935
Ferris, Henry, 490–91, 500, 501, 515
Field, Richard H., 332
Fiesta Educativa, 236
Finfer, Lew, 375
Finkelman, Paul, 352
Finney, Leon, 546
p; Fire Next Time, The (Baldwin), 695
First Amendment, 399, 444
First Lutheran Church of Harvey, 33, 206
Fischer, Sunny, 496, 508, 546, 568
Fisher, Lisa, 483, 571, 613, 614, 647–48, 716, 750, 989
Fisher, Rob, 331, 382, 399, 400, 409, 414, 415, 458, 499
and Ames Moot Court, 354–55
belief in rational discourse, 452
brilliance of, 332, 371
and Civil Society seminar, 425–26, 432
and complaints against Macneil, 356
editing of Dreams From My Father by, 483–84, 490, 498, 500, 515
editing of The Audacity of Hope by, 989
exam preparation rule of, 416
and Glendon’s Property course, 353
and Harvard Law exam grades, 354
and Harvard Law magna cum laude degree, 457
on Macneil’s Contracts course, 335
marriage of, 571 (see also Fisher, Lisa)
on Obama and Michelle Robinson, 361
Obama campaign contributions from, 666, 814
Obama close friendship with, 332, 337, 338, 340, 341, 344, 346, 347, 359, 374, 406, 428, 441, 453, 457, 606, 609, 613, 614, 847
and Obama coauthored paper for Minow, 432–34, 448–53, 457, 578
and Obama Law Review presidency, 383
and Obama’s career, 647–48
on Obama’s disinterest in Law School politics, 411
and Obama’s interest in Joyce presidency, 750, 751
on Obama’s Law Review problems, 404
on Obama’s possible 2008 presidential candidacy, 991
on Obama’s public image vs. true self, 1036
on Obama’s smoking, 347
Obamas’ visit to, 716
at Obamas’ wedding, 478
and Rosenberg’s course, 342, 343, 348, 476
third-year law classes, 424, 425, 435–36, 447
Tribe association with, 357, 371, 376–77, 400–401
Fisher, William “Terry,” 352
Fitch, James A., 35, 323
and O’Brien Locks landfill deal, 276, 290, 294, 299
UNO’s ambush against, 299–300, 302, 306, 308, 310, 311
Fitzgerald, Patrick (U.S. Attorney), 925–26, 927, 1003
Fitzgerald, Peter (U.S. Senator)
at AIPAC event, 811
on downside of U.S. Senate, 962
filibuster to avert state misuse of federal funds, 719–20
Jack Ryan candidacy for U.S. Senate seat of, 926, 927
Obama candidacy for U.S. Senate seat of, 760, 764, 788, 789, 790, 794
Obama’s assessments of, 650, 957
on Obama’s over-diligence, 596
and poll results, 762–63, 765, 771, 772, 802, 814, 815, 816, 926
possible 2004 reelection bid, 720, 738, 748, 772, 787, 788–89
retirement from U.S. Senate, 538, 814–16, 817, 844, 923, 926, 957, 977
successful U.S. Senate campaign against Moseley Braun, 636, 640, 641, 719, 772, 788, 927
as “too honest” for politics, 753, 862
voter negativity toward, 788–89
Flannery, Mike, 878, 905
flat income-tax, 620
Fleming, Thomas, 11
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 652
Ford, Harold, 982
Ford, Lula, 691
Ford, Richard Thompson, 1051
Ford Foundation, 139, 144, 162, 175
Fornek, Scott, 951
Forrest, Terry, 888
Forte, Tania, 245
Forth, Gary, 493
Fortier, Fred, 521
FORUM—Fulfilling Our Responsibilities Unto Mankind, 678–79, 719–20, 753
Foster, Andy, 517, 587, 619, 629
Foster, Leo, 678
Fourez, Bunny, 781
Four Quartets (Eliot), 156
Fourteenth Amendment, 359
Fox News, 956, 983, 1030, 1042, 1045
Frank, Barney, 399
Franken, Al, 980
Frankl, Viktor, 231
Franklin, David, 580
Franklin, Homer D., 249, 265, 290
Frank Lumpkin v. Envirodyne Industries (1991), 559
Freeman, Aaron, 779
Freiwald, Susan, 370, 377, 378, 391, 396, 400, 402
and affirmative action, 397
and Law Review book notes, 396, 402
and Obama as Law Review president, 383, 423, 437
and Yu, 378, 383
French, Howard W., 1055
Fried, Charles, 399, 413–14, 420, 422, 426
Federal Courts course, 424, 435
and Law Review muffins, 425, 456
Friedman, Milton, 1049
Friends of Barack Obama, 546, 638, 747, 757
formation of, 526–27
Friends of the Parks (FOP), 221–22, 261, 269
Frist, Bill, 984, 986
Froman, Mike, 413–14, 420–21, 422
From the Yaroslavsky Station (Pond), 155
Frontline (PBS), 258–59
Fross, Roger, 751
Frost, Wilson, 586
Frug, Gerald, 353, 382, 399–400, 415–16, 448, 451, 455
Frug, Mary Joe, 455
Fuchs, Amanda, 910, 927, 945
Fuchs, Jackie, 336, 342, 345, 346–47, 356
Fugitive Days (Ayers), 743
Fundamentals of Criminal Law (Robinson), 333
Fund for Neighborhood Initiatives, 267–68
Furishima, Kelli, 90, 94, 536
Gabriel, Darryl, 96
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 407, 409
Galica, Larry, 234, 253
Galland, George, 230, 486, 505, 547–48, 565, 590, 634, 641
Obama campaign contribution, 668
on Obama’s talents, 961
Galluzzo, Greg, 9–15, 19, 22, 222, 293, 323, 405
and Alinsky-style organizing, 9, 281
and Back of the Yards, 284
and Dreams From My Father, 530, 537
formal mentoring of Obama, 238, 260–61
as former Catholic priest, 9, 219
and Gamaliel Foundation, 235–36, 264
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
hiring of Kellman, 13–14
and IAF training event, 230–31, 373
and Kruglik replacement of as DCP counsel-adviser, 350
marriage to Mary Gonzales, 9–10
Obama disagreement with, 373
and Obama leaving DCP, 311–12, 318
and Obama’s African American identity, 313–14
on Obama’s pragmatism, 469
and Obama weekly meetings, 247–48, 263, 270, 276, 281, 282
and organizing power of local churches, 231
training network, 287
UNO founding, 10–12
Galston, William, 1057, 1066
Gamaliel Foundation, 235–36, 241, 242, 247–48, 249, 282, 572
and Chicago school reform, 296, 350
and training sessions, 263–64, 287, 311–12
UNO split with, 405
gaming, 655–57, 668, 714, 821–22
Gandhi’s Truth (Erikson), 1009
gang activity, 266, 290, 501, 503, 556, 684, 851
and Altgeld Gardens, 244, 294
and death-penalty bill, 735, 740, 748
Ganis, Steve, 447–48
Gannett House, 366, 442, 445
bagel and muffin amenities, 420, 424–25, 445
See also Harvard Law Review
Gantt, Harvey, 428–29
Garcia, Evelyn, 518
Garcia, Jesus “Chuy,” 318, 518, 520, 593, 600, 623, 628
and anti-Iraq war rally, 779
on Daley’s politics, 665
Garcia, Romeo, 117
Gardley, Randon, 792, 797, 836, 841, 847, 853–55, 866, 884
Gardner, Edward, 475, 476
Gardner, Frank, 280
Gardner, Joe, 472, 473, 474, 478, 480, 494, 504
challenge to Daley machine, 516
and Jones congre
ssional primary bid, 539
Gardner, Terri, 476
Garg, Sunil, 989
Garhart, Molly, 580
Garin, Geoff, 755
Garrett, Betty, 24, 29, 209, 212, 238–39, 267, 274, 308, 350
Garrett, Major, 1042
Garrett, Susan, 868
Garrett Ripley’s bar (Chicago), 896, 900
Garvey, Marcus, 487
Gates, Robert M., 1057, 1076–77
Gaughan, Norbert F., Bishop, 223
gay and lesbian rights, 113, 127, 137, 637, 748, 812
and domestic partnerships, 561, 574, 845–46
and military service, 845, 1057
Obama positions on, 864–65, 875, 889, 955–56, 1057
See also same-sex marriage
Gay Pride Parade, 828
Geaney, Dennis, 20, 21, 22, 410
Gecan, Michael, 184, 231, 232, 233
GE Commerce Financial Corporation, 966
Gellhorn, Walter, 370
Genachowski, Julius, 383, 385, 396, 428, 675, 716, 851
Gendler, Harry, 632
Geoghegan, Tom, 13, 38, 262, 302–3, 559, 560, 570
Geo-Karis, Adeline, 599, 606, 754, 824
George, Erika, 481
George Mason University, 1025
Gephardt, Richard, 910, 939, 1012
Gerberding, Julie, 977
Gergen, David, 1067–68
gerrymandering, 1013, 1025
Gervais, Christine, 8, 23, 29
Gettleman, Robert W., 724–25, 728, 729, 735
Ghulam Safdar Shah, 137
Giangreco, Pete, 669, 720, 778, 789, 799–800, 812
and Obama prime-time DNC speech, 913, 914, 928
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 906, 910, 913
and Obama U.S. Senate primary strategy, 820, 821, 832–33, 837, 838, 841, 855, 863–64, 883–84, 891, 896, 897
postprimary analysis of success, 903–4
Giannoulias, Alexi, 814, 988, 989, 990, 992, 996, 998–99, 1003
elected state treasurer, 1011
Gibbs, Robert, 996–97, 1003
journalist relations with, 1049
as Obama communications director, 910, 913, 927, 948, 957, 967, 973, 976, 1007
and Obama-McCain ethics reform exchange, 985–86
and Obama presidential bid, 1011, 1020
and Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 928, 936, 937, 939
and Obama White House, 1054, 1058
reaction to Rolling Stone article, 1027
Shomon’s discord with, 921–22
Gibson, Aletha Strong, 221, 238, 239, 249, 254, 266, 268, 269
Obama’s respect for, 302
on Owens as DCP executive director, 350
and school reform movement, 294, 316
Gibson, Charles, 1044, 1048
Gibson, Eugene, 254
Gift Ban Act (Ill.), 761
Giglio, Frank, 205
Gilboy, Janet, 557
Giles, Calvin, 601
Gill, Tom, 54
Gilliam, Sharon Gist, 276
Gilligan, Carol, 425
Gills, Jeanne, 487, 488, 546, 576
Gilman, Richard C., 109, 114, 122, 128, 136