The next issue of the _Kicker_ contained many things of interest toits readers. Now that the drought had been broken, Union County couldproceed with its business of raising cattle without fear of any futurelack of water, with plenty of grass, and no losses except those from theusual causes. Dry Bottom merchants--depending upon the cattlemen fortheir trade--breathed easier and predicted a good year in spite of thedrought. Their worries over, they had plenty of time--andinclination--to discuss the _Kicker_.
More advertisements were appearing in the paper. Dry Bottom merchantswere beginning to realize that it deserved their support, and with fewexceptions they openly began to voice their opinions that the editorwould "make good."' The advertisements began to take on a livelier toneand the Lazette _Eagle_ grew more sarcastic.
When the _Kicker_ appeared following the incident in the sheriff'soffice, there was a detailed account of Dunlavey's now famous "ten dayedict," together with some uncomplimentary comments upon the latter'saction. This was signed by Hollis. He called attention to Dunlavey'sselfishness, to the preparations that had been made by him to shoot downall the foreign cattle on the Rabbit-Ear. He made no reference to hispart in the affair--to his decision to allow the small ranchers to watertheir cattle in the river at the imminent risk of losing his own. Butthough he did not mention this, the small owners and his friends tookcare that the matter received full publicity, with the result thatHollis was kept busy assuring his admirers that the incident had beenmuch magnified--especially his part of it. Then his friends applaudedhis modesty.
In the same issue of the paper was also related the story of Greasy'scapture by the Circle Bar men. But in telling this story Hollis was notso modest, for he spoke frankly of his part in it--how he had refused toallow his men to hang the thief, telling his readers that though Greasydeserved hanging, he did not purpose to violate the law while advocatingit. Following the story of the capture was a detailed report of theincident in the sheriff's office and a scathing commentary upon thesubservience of the latter official to Dunlavey's will. The article wasentitled: "Handling the Law," and Dunlavey's exact words when he stoodin the door of the sheriff's office as Hollis and Norton departed wererepeated.
Below this, under the rubric, "Union County Needs a New Sheriff,"appeared an article that created a sensation. This dwelt upon thenecessity of the county having a sheriff who would not permit his officeto be prostituted by any man or influence. The _Kicker_ named a manwho would not be bribed or cowed and declared that his name would appearon the ballot at the next election--to be held on the first Monday inNovember. At the end of the article he printed the man's name--BenAllen!
He had made this announcement without authority, and therefore he wasnot surprised, soon after the appearance of the issue containing thearticle, to see Allen's tall figure darken the door of the _Kicker_office while he sat at his desk.
"Durn your hide!" cried the latter as he stood in the doorway; "you'rethe biggest disturber in seven states!"
"Perhaps," smiled Hollis, motioning Allen to a chair. "Still, you don'tneed to thank me. You see, I have decided to clean up this county and Ineed some help. I supposed you were interested. Of course you may refuseif you like."
"Refuse!" Allen's eyes flashed as he took Hollis's hand and wrung itheartily. "My boy," he declared earnestly, "you couldn't have doneanything to suit me better. I'm just yearning to take a big hand in thisgame!"
"Interesting, isn't it?" smiled Hollis.
"Some," returned Allen. He grasped Hollis's hand and wrung it heartily."You're a winner and I'm mighty glad to be able to work with you." Hespoke seriously. "Do you think there's a chance for us to beatDunlavey?"
Hollis laughed. "I flatter myself that a certain editor in this townstands rather well with the people of this county since a certain thinghappened."
"You sure do!" grinned Allen. "Lordy! how this county has needed a manlike you!"
Hollis smiled. "Then you won't object to being the _Kicker's_candidate?" he inquired.
"Object!" returned Allen with mock seriousness. "Say, young man, if youdon't keep my name at the head of your editorial column from now tillthe first Monday in November I'll come down here and manhandle you!"
And so it was arranged. Dry Bottom gasped in public but rejoiced insecret. Many of the town's merchants personally congratulated Hollis.
But for two days following the appearance of the issue of the_Kicker_ containing these sensations, Hollis stayed away from DryBottom. Now that he had launched Allen's campaign and placed the othermatters before his readers, he began to devote some attention to theproblem of arranging for Ed Hazelton's visit to the great Chicagosurgeon. Both Nellie and Ed had been disappointed because of hiscontinued absence, and when, on an afternoon a few days after hisactivity in Dry Bottom, he rode up to the Hazelton cabin his welcome wasa cordial one.
"It seems like a year since I've seen you!" declared Hazelton as he camedown from the porch to lead Hollis's pony into the shade at the rear ofthe cabin.
While he was gone with the pony Hollis stood looking up at Nellie, whohad remained seated in her chair on the porch and who was now regardinghim with eyes in which shone unconcealed pleasure.
"It hasn't really been so long, you know," said Hollis, smiling at her."But then, I have been so busy that I may not have noticed it."
Of course she could not tell him how many times she had sat on the porchduring Ed's absences watching the Coyote trail. But she blushed and maderoom for him on the porch. Ed appeared presently and joined them there.The young man was not able to conceal his joy over the prospect of hisultimate recovery from the peculiar malady that afflicted him, andgratitude mingled with it as he looked at his benefactor. He had notrecovered from an attack the day before.
"We've got it all arranged," he told Hollis with a wan smile. "I'm goingto Chicago just as soon as I can get things fixed." He reddened withembarrassment as he continued: "There's some things that I'd like totalk to you about before I make up my mind when to start," he said;"I've been worrying about what to do with my stock while I'm gone. Iwouldn't want it to stray or be run off by Dunlavey's gang." The appealin his eyes did not escape Hollis's keen observation.
"I have thought of that too," smiled the latter. "In fact, I have talkedit over with Norton. He tells me that he won't have any trouble incaring for your stock while you are away."
"Thanks." Hazelton did not trust himself to say more at that moment. Heknew how great would be the task of caring for his stock during hisabsence, and had not Hollis come to his aid with this offer he wouldhave had to give up the proposed trip. He sat silent until his composurereturned, and then he looked up at Hollis gratefully.
"That will make things much easier for Nellie," he said. And then,remembering that Hollis knew nothing of his intention to ask him forpermission to allow Nellie to remain at the Circle Bar during hisabsence, he fell silent again.
"Easier?" inquired Hollis, puzzled. He had supposed that Nellie wouldaccompany her brother to Chicago. He did not look at either of the twofor a time. He had been anticipating a period of lonesomeness and thisunexpected news came like a bright shaft of light into the darkness.
"But you can't allow her to stay at the cabin alone!" he said when Eddid not answer. And then the thought struck him that this peculiarsilence on Ed's part could mean only one thing--that he and Nellie haddecided that she was not to accompany him, and that the problem that wasnow confronting them--since he had told them that his men would care forthe cattle--was the girl's welfare. He appreciated the situation andsmiled wisely into the yawning distance. But a deep sympathy made thesmile grim.
"I have sometimes wondered how it were possible for a woman to live inthis country without having close at hand one of her sex with whom togossip," he remarked, looking at Ed and deliberately closing an eye athim. "It doesn't bother a man so much--this being alone. If he is adrinking man there are the saloons; if a poet he may write wise sawsconc
erning the inconstancy of women; he may punch cows, another man'shead--or run a newspaper. In any case his mind is occupied.
"But a woman! Of course it is different with a woman. A woman musttalk--she simply can't help it. There's Mrs. Norton. Only this morning Ichanced to hear her remark to her lord and master that if he did notsoon provide her with a companion with whom she might discuss the thingswhich are dear to the feminine heart, he might as well make up his mindto requisition the mourners. All of which suggests the thought thatperhaps it would not be a bad idea for Miss Hazelton to bundle up herthings and advance on the Circle Bar. Thus two ends will be served--Mrs.Norton will secure her companion and Norton will find peace." He turnedto Nellie. "Of course if you are afraid that the cabin will stray duringyour absence I could manage to ride the Coyote trail each morning andevening--or you could ride over yourself occasionally."
He could tell by the light in her eyes that she was pleased over thesuggestion. He was sure of it when she smiled at him.
"If you really think that Mrs. Norton would like some one to talkto----" she began, and then hesitated, her eyes suddenly widening as shesaw an odd light in his. "Oh!" she said, "it isn't true about Mrs.Norton wanting to talk. You have guessed that I--that Ed--wanted me togo----" But confusion descended upon her and she flushed crimson withembarrassment.
"If you think it isn't true, why don't you ride over to the Circle Barand inquire?" he smiled.
"Perhaps I may," she replied, looking at him in mock defiance.
As a precaution against the carrying out of this threat, Hollis thatnight acquainted Mrs. Norton with the facts in the case, even going sofar as to inform the lady brazenly that he had deliberately lied abouther. But when she had been fully informed, she told Hollis that she didnot blame him very much, and that should Nellie carry out her threat tocome to her upon an errand having as its object a question of hisveracity, she would assure the young lady that he had spoken the plaintruth. Would that be sufficient?
Hollis told her that it would, and the following morning on his way toDry Bottom, he took the Coyote trail and stopped off at the Hazeltoncabin, where he informed Ed that he had decided to send Weary with himon his trip to Chicago.
Nellie spoke a few words to him while he lingered beside the porch, buther threat of the night before was not repeated and Hollis rightlyguessed that it would never be carried out.
The Coming of the Law Page 20