SECRET BABY (Book Three) (Billionaire Secret Baby 3)

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SECRET BABY (Book Three) (Billionaire Secret Baby 3) Page 5

by Layla Wilde

  The officiant nodded. “Can I please have everyone’s attention again now that the drama is over?” He waited for a few seconds before he continued. “As I was saying, we are here today to celebrate the union of Stephanie Sanders and Damian Masters. Do you two have your vows?”

  I nodded and looked at Stephanie. Now was as good a time as any. “Stephanie?” When she locked eyes with me, I took both of her hands. “I vow to always be here for you, regardless of circumstance. I vow to never put anyone, myself included, ahead of you ever again. You are my light and my heart. You showed me the kind of man I really am, and you showed me the kind of man I could be. And I want to be everything to you. I promise to respect and care for you, and I promise never to turn my back on you. I love you so much. You’re the only woman I want.”

  Her eyes welled with tears, and she bit her bottom lip. “Damian, I vow to always be honest with you. I vow to love you unconditionally, even when all I want to do is strangle you.” There was laughter from the small crowd and even I chuckled a little. “And I vow that I will always be here to support you, even when you don’t realize that you need it. I love you so much, too, and I never want to let you go.”

  There were sniffles and the sound of soft crying from the guests, and I felt tears dripping down my own cheeks. Unable to help myself, I kissed her before pulling out the rings. I put one on her finger after removing the engagement ring and allowed her to slide my ring onto my left finger. My chest was tight as I watched it go on, but instead of feeling trapped, I felt a sense of accomplishment and joy. I was happy for the first time since I could remember. What I had often thought of as a 'ball and chain' was actually something freeing and exhilarating.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I whispered to her with a smile.

  “I know… me neither. We’re crazy,” she responded as she gave me an excited little squeak.


  I glanced over at the officiant and gave him an apologetic, one-shouldered shrug. He eyed me but smiled before he spoke again. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Damian, you may—”

  Before he could finish, Stephanie grabbed my face and kissed me deeply and with passion. I moaned softly and melted into her, our tongues dancing around each other. I felt hot and full of desire for the first time in months, but before my hands could slide down over her rear, she pulled slowly away.

  “Kiss the bride.” the officiant finished with a low laugh. He spread his hands and inclined his head. “Now, how about we get some music going, some dancing happening, and some food eating?”

  “That sounds perfect to me. Thank you so much.” I wasn’t usually so humble, but today marked a very special occasion. This man made this all very possible and very real.

  “Shouldn’t we cut the cake first?” Stephanie looked toward the cake on the table. It towered over everything else.

  I couldn’t help but snicker a little. “You want to cut it?”

  She looked thoughtful. “No. I think we should cut it together.” Her hand wrapped around mine, and she led me over to the food amidst laughing and cheering. She was blushing so brilliantly that I was almost afraid her face would stay that red forever.

  As she lifted a beautiful silver knife engraved with random patterns, she looked at me with a shy smile. I returned the smile, making sure mine was more confident and reassuring, and placed one of my hands over hers. Just as she’d said, we cut the cake together and pushed one long slice down the middle. There was clapping and cheering, and Stephanie laughed with them. I chuckled and inhaled deeply. Finally, for the first time in my life, I actually felt fulfilled.


  I was thinking about how everything had changed for me. One of my hands rested against my huge belly, and even through the wedding dress, I knew it was the same as it had been for the last several weeks. I was massive, and I walked funny. My back hurt, and I couldn’t help but throw up every time I smelled peanut butter. I felt so drained I wondered how on earth I’d come this far.

  And then I remembered Darla and Damian. They had done so much for me. When I needed it, they’d dragged me through this crazy life despite the fact I’d kicked and struggled. Even now, I wanted to fight it, but there was no going back. I was married to a man I’d fallen in love with ages ago but hadn’t realized it. I was pretty sure he loved me back, which only made life that much better.


  I heard Damian’s voice through the door, and my whole body welled with emotion. “Yes?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.” I inhaled deeply. “Can you give me a minute?”

  “Sure. I’ll be in our room.” He sounded concerned, but a few seconds later, I heard him walk away.

  When I felt ready to get up, I was shaky and unbalanced, so I used the towel racks to help me stand. After finding my footing, I slowly and awkwardly made my way into the bedroom. When I got there, I turned around and sat heavily on the edge of the bed with a loud sigh of relief.

  “Baby…” Damian stroked fingers through my hair and sat down next to me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. I promise I’m okay. It’s just… everything, I think. When we came to this hotel, I thought it was so beautiful and so amazing. And I remembered that I’m really your wife, and that you love me after all, when all that time I thought you hated me. To top it all off, I realized we’re going to have a baby together. A little girl. It really hit me, you know? And then I thought about all the crap I’ve had to go through. And how peanut butter makes me throw up.”

  He placed a hand on my belly and nodded as he listened. At the peanut butter comment, though, he snorted out a laugh. “Seriously, peanut butter?”

  “Yeah.” I laughed, too, the laughter dying into a little giggle. “Kind of dumb, isn’t it?”

  “No. I think it’s cute.” He tipped my chin up and looked into my eyes. “I really am sorry for what I did, Stephanie. For how I treated you. You make me feel so vulnerable, like all I want to do is tell you everything about me. That kind of depth in a relationship seriously scares the hell out of me, but—”

  I grabbed him by the face and brought him close, pressing my lips to his in a deep, passion-filled kiss. It felt so good to taste him again, to feel his tongue massaging mine. I had missed the warmth and the strength of his body, and my hands automatically unbuttoned the buttons on his suit jacket before pushing it off.

  “I don’t care anymore,” I murmured against his mouth. “Because we made it.” I sat back and cupped his face in my hands. “We made it, Damian. Yes, we had some help, but look at us. You don’t need to apologize anymore. Just show me that you want this as much as I do.”

  He looked floored by my words, and I smiled before kissing him again. “One of the reasons I say that is because you have never—not once—asked me why I have done something. You have never asked me how I came to be this way. And I don’t think it’s because you didn’t care. I think it’s because you’ve always, somewhere in there, just accepted me for who I am. And I want to do that for you, too.”

  The smile that lit up his face was absolutely breathtaking, and I almost felt a sense of awe as I stared into his gaze. His eyes had always been so green, but now that they glittered with tears of what I could only assume was joy, they looked like dark jade under the sun.

  “You are absolutely right, Stephanie. I do accept you as you are. Every beautiful part of you.”

  I smiled at him, which I hoped was just as breathtaking as the one he had given me. As I pushed my hands beneath his button-down, I started to yank it over his head. His fingers unzipped the back of my wedding gown, and his lips were against my neck. I felt goosebumps everywhere, and my body started to heat up.

  He was absolute magic with those hands. My dress, bra, underwear, garter, socks, and shoes were off in moments. That left me sitting naked next to him, and all I’d managed to remove was his jacket and his button down.

  “How do you even do that?�
�� I stared at him in confusion.

  “You said you liked my secrets.” He wiggled his eyebrows. He kissed me softly, one of his hands sliding over my very pregnant belly. I had been self-conscious about it from the beginning, but he seemed attracted to it. “Stay where you are.”

  I watched him remove his shoes, socks, pants, and boxers. I drew in a sharp breath and let my gaze roam over the lines of his body. As far as I could tell, he looked better than ever. “I swear you were created by the gods, Damian.”

  As he moved to stand between my thighs, I gripped his length, which was already hard, and stroked it gently. My fingers played across the broad head so that I could watch him squirm. He rocked his hips toward me, and his hands gripped my thighs, pushing them up. I wrapped them around his waist and lay back. He ran his hands up my belly to my breasts and felt them as though for the first time. As he leaned over me, his mouth took my own, and he kissed me with so much love that I felt overwhelmed and helpless.

  “Oh, Damian…” I whispered into the kiss, the sound of my voice muffled in my ears. In response to my whisper, he took me by the hips and guided me onto my knees. My face lowered against the pillows as I spread my knees and arced my back. With my forearms supporting me under my head, I looked over my shoulder at him and smiled seductively.

  When he sank into me, I melted into both he and the mattress beneath me. I felt boxed in, trapped between comfort and love. I felt safe, like I had the last time we made love. His thrusts were slow and powerful, rocking the mattress. My fingers clenched into the sheets, and I gasped with each thrust... He started to thrust harder, but everything that he did was soft and gentle. Even when I tightened my hot womanhood around him to try and make him go faster, he kept his pace. The rhythm was driving me crazy, and as he held onto my hips, I felt overwhelmed with joy. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

  “I love you… I love you…” I heard him whisper to me over and over again.

  “I love you, too, Damian… so much.”

  He nipped and kissed my neck, and I could feel his tongue traveling behind my ear and over the back of the shell. As he sucked on the lobe and gripped one of my breasts, I cried out his name. His other hand was all over me, and he touched and explored my body as though he had never felt it before.

  “Yes, please… harder.” I kept encouraging him, bucking back to meet him even with a growing baby in my belly. In this moment, I didn’t feel awkward, ugly, or fat. Instead, I felt loved, like I mattered to someone. “Don’t stop. I need you, Damian. I need you.”

  “I need you, too,” he gasped. He finally obliged me and pumped into me with more speed. I gripped the sheets so hard my knuckles grew white. It felt so good! Every thrust felt better than the last, and in seconds, I screamed out his name so loudly the walls were ringing. The orgasm was unexpected and explosive, and it tore any sense I had left to pieces.

  My silky, wet walls clenched and undulated around him, and I felt his member throb with the same desire I felt. I tried to control the muscles despite my inexperience, wanting to feel more of him. He pounded into me, and I could feel every slap of his balls against my backside. His gasping and panting made me breathless, and I could feel my breasts each time they jiggled from his pumping hips.

  He started to thrust faster and more insistently inside me, and I braced my knees and my forearms harder against the bed. With every thrust, he called my name, and when I looked back at him, his face was twisted and pinched in pleasure.

  His hips began to move with less and less control, and he stopped calling my name. He kissed me, my neck, and my ear with more urgency. All I could hear was the sound of our bodies slapping together. Mine was slick with sweat, and so was his. Our skin slid together with ease, hot and sticky. Every nerve ending in my body was aware and awake, and as he started to climax, I could feel another one of my own rushing up to meet his.

  When he finally came, hot, creamy seed jetted into me and filled me with heat. My ears rang when he screamed my name over and over again. The feeling of him exploding inside me caused a simultaneous orgasm in me, and I called out his name in answer. Our voices rang through the room, reverberating wildly. I rocked against him with all the strength I could muster, breathless and panting.

  “Damian… oh, yes… Damian… You feel so good!” I barely even knew what I was saying as the words tumbled out of my mouth to mirror my emotions.

  Gradually, he slowed before stopping completely. He rolled me to my side and hugged me close. His face pressed into my neck, panting and kissing my skin with nearly every breath. Our hands clasped together, and he used his strong arms to move me further up the bed. I cuddled close to his chest and kissed his collarbone. With a contented sigh, I nuzzled him while I reveled in how wonderfully warm he was.

  He cupped a hand around my rear and dragged me closer while his other hand pulled up the blankets. He snuggled against me, letting out a low, happy sound. As he closed his eyes, I brushed his hair back from his face and stroked it repeatedly with a small, contented smile on my lips.

  “I love you, Damian,” I said softly. When he didn’t respond, I knew he was asleep. I kissed his jaw, my hand still stroking his hair. I was rewarded when he made a quiet sound and shifted closer. As he did so, I felt the baby kick, and I drew in a gasp. Glancing down, I pressed a palm against my belly, rubbing it in slow, gentle circles. She kicked again and wiggled, and it made me smile.

  “You like his voice, too? He does have a lovely baritone, doesn’t he?” Months ago, I would have considered myself crazy for talking to the little being inside of me, but now it seemed normal. She only ever responded to my voice, and this was the very first time she had reacted to Damian’s.

  Maybe, I thought, we’ll be okay. Maybe we’ll be that perfect little family I’ve always wanted.

  My hopes were running high as I eased out a sigh. This was a new and unbelievable reality, but for the first time, I accepted that I wasn’t alone. I let my eyes drift closed, and sleep came to me quickly. When I woke up in the morning, Damian would be there, asleep in my arms. What had once been an unbearable and frightening life had become absolutely perfect.

  *** THE END ***

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