Beg for Mercy - kindle edition v3

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Beg for Mercy - kindle edition v3 Page 3

by Shannon Dermott

  Luke took a long pull on what surely was a beer bottle that was handed to him. He then offered it to me. I shook my head no in favor speaking because I knew I couldn’t be heard over the head banging music. He shrugged and continued to dance with the bottle in his hands. He wasn’t a bad dancer either. Most guys if not groping you stood and just bobbed their heads like they were way too cool.

  The music changed several times before I felt sweat begin to form on my back. I used my hands to gesture that I was hot and pointed in the direction to the right side of us to let him know I was going to take a break. He nodded and began to follow me. His hand met the small of my back guiding me through the crowd. I didn’t feel uncomfortable from his touch. He hadn’t groped me on the dance floor so I felt at ease with him. He’d actually been a perfect gentleman. His fingers were light and not pushy so I barely noticed them there after a few moments.

  Once the dancers parted, we walked towards the kitchen to get away from the masses. I was about to pass what surely was Maggie. Although red locks covered her face which was plastered to Brent but her hair color was too distinctive not to be her. There were other redheads in school but the others hair color was much more muted. Not to mention the clothes she wore were the ones I had helped her pick out earlier on today at her house.

  But what I saw had me stop when I noticed what she was doing. I admit I gaped. Maggie O’Bannon, the girl I have known forever since we both played candy canes in our kindergarten holiday play was sitting on Brent’s lap and kissing like she was the succubus. But before I was able to move to peel them away from each other, Luke tugged at my hand. He gently dragged me forward through a door that led into the kitchen. As the door closed behind us I was grateful the music was a bit more muted in here.

  I wanted to go back and stop my friend from being stupid with a senior boy who hung out with the likes of Flynn. It appeared that the truth and dare game had broken up sometime after my departure. I would have expected Maggie or Paul to check on me. Apparently Brent held Maggie’s interest more than I. Still I was her best friend and needed to give her a good dose of reality. But Luke hadn’t let go of my hand. His grip was light but secure. Before I could speak, Luke turned to the refrigerator and pulled out a green bottle and placed it in my free hand.

  I shook my head and said, “I don’t drink.”

  He met my gaze before looking down at the bottle. I followed his eyes and saw it was a bottle of Sprite. I looked back up at him as he raised his eyebrows and said, “I know.”

  I closed my lips and grinned at him. “Thanks,” I said wanting to put my foot in my mouth. He too had a bottle in his hand but I didn’t ask what it was because my mouth was already full with my feet.

  Still holding my hand, he led me out the back door to an expansive deck and I let him. Maggie was a big girl, I reminded myself. We sat in the cool night air gazing at the stars on the steps from the deck that lead to down to the gardens that made up Jay’s backyard. He’d let go of my hand so I fisted it in my lap not sure what to do with it now.

  When I thought about Maggie again and debated on whether or not I should go stop her from doing anything reckless, Luke looked at me.

  “People in life have to make choices,” he said surely reading my mind. “And you shouldn’t be ashamed yours. I think being a virgin is admirable.”

  I was stunned into silence for the fourth time tonight but for far different reasons. My face flushed while I looked at him. He took another long drink from the brown bottle. His words seemed a bit old for his teenage years and way to wise for the company he kept. I didn’t know how to answer nor did I really want to. I hadn’t even talked about my virginity with Maggie lately much less with a guy I barely knew before today. But there was something in his eyes made me want to.

  Feeling at ease all of a sudden, I responded in kind. “Purity isn’t always a choice but rather a life style.” I said half joking. I wanted to say more to open up about who I was, but I didn’t know him at all. In a weird way I felt safe with him. But I was sworn to silence and I couldn’t even tell Maggie, my very best friend. Had she known she wouldn’t have dragged me here tonight, I thought. Funny enough I needed to unload. Paul had his girlfriend now and we didn’t talk as much between school, homework, his job and now his relationship. So I wondered what I could say without revealing anything that would sound crazy to the average person. He wouldn’t have believed me anyway.

  “Still admirable,” he said with the bottle to his lips. After another pull that surely finished the contents inside he took my hand again and said, “I like you Mercy.”

  I turned to him to see his eyes and I was surprised by his admission. It felt like déjà vu all over again. He face was leaning in to kiss me. I turned just enough in time for his lips to brush the side of my mouth when a loud crash resounded through the silent air. We were up on our feet heading back inside the house before either one of us could register the moment.

  Chapter Four

  licentious (adj.) displaying a lack of moral or legal restraints

  Entering the massive family room through the kitchen door again people stood around rumbling. The music was no longer an issue and the lights were no longer dim but blaring in brightness. I squinted around and found Maggie sitting alone where she’d previously been lip-locked with Brent.

  I walked a few steps and put my hand on her shoulder as she stood shell shocked. “Where’s Brent?” was my first question. I couldn’t believe he’d left her standing alone staring into space.

  She looked up at me and blinked a few times as if she just recognized me. She pointed then said, “He’s outside with Flynn.”

  I took her hand and said, “What happened?”

  She seemed to snap back together again. “Flynn got in a fight with,” she stammered snapping her fingers as if she was trying to remember. “Ah, I can’t remember his name.”

  I felt hands on my shoulders and turned slightly as Luke bent down and whispered in my ear, “I’ll be right back.” I followed his stride to the front door where Maggie had pointed moments ago.

  “What were they fighting about?” I asked curious as to what sparked it.

  She looked into my eyes. “I don’t know I was really occupied, but I think I heard something about a hand on Amanda’s ass. But I doubt anyone would be crazy to do so.”

  “Why’d Brent leave you?”

  “Someone had to pry Flynn off the poor boy.” I should have felt sympathy for Amanda or the poor boy who gotten beaten up from the sounds of it. Instead I was ready to leave. Thinking back to that almost kiss I half wished he had kiss me. This night was getting to me and I just needed to get home.

  “Maggs, can we go now?” I asked. Hoping she would hear the pleading in my voice.

  “Eme,” Maggie said. She’d shorten my name to one letter long ago. “Can’t we stay just a bit longer? It seems Luke is keeping you company,” she said with a wink.

  I didn’t appreciate the suggestion. Breathing I calmed myself remembering that she had no idea why I couldn’t have a boyfriend. “You know I would stay if nothing for the fact you’re my very best friend in the whole world, but frankly I think I’ve done my fair share tonight. Anyway it looks as though the party’s over.”

  She looked up and over my shoulder and I followed her gaze.

  “I can take you home,” Luke said. Now when did he get back? I hadn’t heard his approach.

  “Thanks, but Maggs and I came together and I can’t leave her alone.” I said while turning to give Maggie a look that dared her to disagree with my statement.

  She through some misguided since of friendship thought otherwise. “I’m going to hang out a while and wait on Brent. I promised him a ride home since he rode with someone else.” She said with a wink. I silently cursed her. Brent had a car but I hadn’t noticed his car when we’d come. His black Camero with flames painted down the top was no car you could miss.

  My eyes closed to slits as I continued to look at her not believing she w
ould do this to me. She mouthed, He likes you. Go for it. I moved my head slightly from left to right before Luke pivoted in front of me to look me in the eye. I changed my expression quickly not wanting him to see how much I didn’t want to be alone with him. It wasn’t because I didn’t like him or appreciate what a nice guy he so far turned out to be. I simply didn’t want to have to turn him down.

  “I promise I won’t bite. Scout’s honor,” he said holding up his hand in the pledge.

  I shifted a little to the left to see Maggie behind him. She gestured with a finger pointing for me to go then held up the universal sign to signal me she’d call me later. Oh, I couldn’t wait for her to call. My useless best friend threw me under the bus tonight and she was going to pay when she called.

  “Fine,” I said with a tilt to my head and a smile to Luke. He took my hand again and I started to think he was a little too touchy-feely. As we made our way through the crowd still stunned by the fight, I made a plan. I hadn’t seen Paul yet. Maybe he was outside. I would simply tell Luke, Paul could take me home. I would do that while giving Paul the look and he would understand. I hated to break his evening with Amber, but life and death was far more important. So with a new plan, I relaxed feeling suddenly better.

  Stepping out the front door I was immediately chilled. I felt the goose bumps on my skin. When Luke and I had been over on the back porch earlier, the night air hadn’t felt so cold. We’d been virtually alone then. Here, the front lawn was littered with people. I saw Brent standing in front of Flynn making wild gestures with his arms. He was too far away for me to hear. I also saw Jay, Kathy, and Amanda nearby watching the conversation but not participating in it. I turned to my right looking for Paul feeling my last chance for escape drifting away.

  To my disappointment I saw Paul several yards away kneeling next to Flynn’s second victim of the night; I being the first. I recognized the guy but like Maggie I couldn’t remember his name. The guy was sprawled out on the ground supported by his elbow holding his jaw. I also think I saw blood. Paul’s back was too me so I had no chance. If I claimed I needed to talk to Paul for a second only come back to announce he would take me home, it would be blatantly obvious what our talk was about. Luke had been really great to me tonight. He hadn’t been overt with any of his actions. I could let him take me home and if he tried to kiss me I’d tell him I didn’t know him very well. It could work.

  He led me down the street to his car which of course as his status of elite was a white BMW. He unlocked the car door with a chirp from his remote.

  “You’re shaking. Are you cold?” he asked. I’d left my jacket in Maggie’s car figuring I wouldn’t need it inside Jay’s house. So I only wore the thin black tee and skinny jeans. My arms being exposed to the fall air were definitely freezing.

  I nodded. He opened the back door and pulled out his orange and white letterman’s jacket and held it out to me. I held a hand up and shook my head as I spoke. “It’s ok. I’ll be home soon.”

  He held it forward thrusting it on me. “I’m not going to watch you shiver,” he said with determination.

  Not wanting to argue because truly I was cold, I shifted so he helped me in it. I knew without seeing his surname, Bishop which popped in my head, was arched on the back as it did with all letterman jackets at our school. His achievements of sportsmanship displayed in patches on the arms of the jacket. He opened the passenger door as I glided into the supple leather of the fully loaded interior. The cold air was immediately shut out. Before he closed the door I heard footfalls behind us. I turned in time to see Flynn and Amanda jogging up. Then I heard Luke say What’s up right before the door closed.

  A few minutes more and the back door opened and Amanda got in. I turned to catch her eye. She didn’t speak to me so I turned back around. God she was rude. I thought about the jacket and what it meant when a girl was seen wearing one. It meant that girl and guy were an item. If I recalled correctly, she was friends with his recent ex-girlfriend. But before I could ponder anymore, I heard more muffled words I couldn’t make out while Luke and Flynn stood outside on the driver’s side speaking. When Flynn slid behind the driver’s seat, I’d guessed what they had been discussing. I shook my head in disgust when Flynn winked at me. I turned back at Luke who sat in the back of his own car and he shrugged.

  “Friend’s don’t let friends drive drunk.” Flynn announced. “So where do live, Mercy?”

  I rolled my eyes and rattled off my address as I held my forehead wondering if the night could possible get any worse. I hadn’t thought about Luke drinking because he hadn’t acted drunk. That could have been my perfect excuse to get out of riding with him home. That ship had sailed, so in a way I appreciated Flynn for stepping in. Thinking more from what I’d heard, Flynn had wrecked two cars in a short time frame. One was totaled this school year, which is why he wasn’t driving his own car tonight. His was in the shop. So my confidence in his driving me home suddenly wasn’t looking much better. I should jump out and run for it. My excuse would be my mad dash. But before I could put that plan into action we were already headed down the road.

  I closed my eyes silently praying I would make it home in one piece. I wasn’t overly religious or maybe even slightly religious, but praying couldn’t hurt. Flynn turned on the satellite radio to a station that was playing metal. I was glad I didn’t have a headache.

  Only a few moments more the car came to a stop. I thought maybe Flynn was going to turn around because we really hadn’t gone further than around the corner.

  “Just a minute,” Flynn said to no one in particular. He got out of the car and seconds later opened the back door for Amanda. I looked up to see we were in front of a house which must have belonged to her. I wondered why he hadn’t walked her home.

  “Sorry, about this Mercy,” Luke said jolting me from my inward thoughts.

  I turned back with a half smile. “It’s ok.”

  He breathed deep, “I didn’t think about the few beers I had otherwise I wouldn’t have offered you a ride. I don’t think I’m drunk but I wouldn’t want to risk your safety.”

  My phone vibrated and I said, “No worries” as I checked the screen.

  The text was from Maggie. It read Call me on the display. I put it back in my pocket just as Flynn got back in the car.

  We drove off again and I tried concentrated on the musical lyrics of the screaming vocalist over the roar of guitar and not the road. I didn’t want be scared enough that I would feel compelled to complain to Flynn about his driving. I didn’t want to speak to him at all. I lived about twenty minutes away and it couldn’t come soon enough. I started thinking about what I was going to say to my traitorous best friend.

  When only ten minutes elapsed and we’d come to a stop again, I looked up. A massive brick house the warm color of autumn with many windows in front of me was most certainly not mine. I wondered if it was Flynn’s as he was considered rich as well. But that didn’t make sense because then Luke would have to drive me home.

  “Mercy, can I borrow your phone?” Luke said from the back. I didn’t think. Pulling it out of my pocket again, I just handed him my phone without comment.

  He punched in a few buttons and a jingle of a song came from behind me. If he had his phone why had he needed mine?

  On cue he looked up at me after he’d hit ignore on his own phone holding mine out to me. I took it and he said, “Are you going right to bed when you get home?”

  “No,” I said honestly as I planned to ream out Maggie.

  “Ok, I’ll call you later,” he said simply. It dawned on me why he’d asked for my phone. “You have my number now as well,” he said smiling and got out the car.

  To Flynn he said, “Don’t wreck my car and have it to me in the morning. I have something to do.” And with that he closed the door and headed up his walk.

  I couldn’t believe it. He’d just given his car to Flynn, the school’s worst driver, like that. It must be nice to be rich. I would never let Flynn dr
ive my car if I had one.

  When Flynn pulled off, I couldn’t ignore that I was alone with the hottest guy in school. This would be a momentous day for your average teenage girl. Even thought I was average, I wasn’t enjoying this moment at all. This was not my choice. Furthermore, Flynn was a gigantic ass on top of being way hot. And after tonight the scales of hotness in my eyes lost to the fact he was a royal jerk.

  I was grateful for the silent ride home save for the tunes that crooned out of the superb sound system. If he’d engaged me with conversation I might have let him have it with all the SAT words I’d learned over the last few months that applied to him. Then I would have added a few choice curse words in case he wasn’t clear with my other deadlier ones. With that he might have dropped me off on the side of the road to walk home with no Luke to save me. Flynn wasn’t known for his kindness especially when it came to girls; which is why it was so unfathomable that he could continue to pull any girl he wanted.

  Instead I opted to close my eyes and in the late hour had almost drifted to sleep. My eyes flew open when the car came to a stop. Then with a turn of the keys, the car fell completely silent.

  I looked up and saw my house. It was dark so my mom wasn’t home. She was working the third shift tonight and wouldn’t be home until morning. It didn’t matter because I had no formal curfew. I never went anywhere these days except over to Maggie’s and occasionally hanging out with Paul. So my mom hadn’t set a formal time for me to be home and frankly I didn’t plan on doing anything that would make her think of doing so. Having no curfew meant when the time arose, I could use that for my advantage. Not that in my circumstances that time would ever come. But hey a girl could dream.

  It suddenly hit me that the GPS had not directed us to my house nor had Flynn ask me for directions. But realization dawned when I remembered that I think last year he dated a girl who lived in my subdivision.


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