by Alice Toby
The two men run over to one of their friends who drives his old jeep onto the beach. The two men help Karin get Ryan onto the back of the jeep. The driver takes the jeep off of the beach and onto a gravel road. The road cuts through the palm trees and makes it to a clearing. Karin tries her best to secure Ryan as he bounces around the back of the jeep.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry!” Karin tells Ryan.
“What are you sorry about?”
“I made you take this surfing trip. You almost died.”
“Life isn’t worth living if you don’t take risks.”
Karin wants to break down. Every cell in her body wants to break down. She doesn’t. She remains strong.
The jeep pulls onto a paved road. Karin looks up and sees the center of the island coming into view. There are several concrete buildings that signify the center of population of the small island nation.
“We are coming up on the hospital,” the driver tells Karin and Ryan.
The jeep pulls up to a small one-story building with a scattering of mobile trailers next to the structure. “Palau National Hospital” the wooden sign announces. The locals help Ryan off of the back of the jeep. He is placed in a wheelchair by one of the hospital orderlies. The young billionaire is taken to the hospital’s emergency room area, which is nothing more than an open barracks-like space with twenty or so modest beds. The area appears more like an army hospital than a civilian facility.
“How are you feeling?” Karin asks her husband.
“My leg really hurts.”
“How about your head and your lungs?”
“I think they are fine.”
After a couple of the emergency room nurses look over Ryan, he is changed into a hospital gown. Instead of a room, a couple of privacy partitions are pulled around the bed as Ryan strips down. The nurses place the gown on the young billionaire. He looks at his young wife and smiles. “Hey, at least I am conscious.”
“You were under water for a long time.”
“How long?”
“Maybe a minute.”
“It felt like longer. For a moment, I didn’t think I was coming back up.”
A doctor walks over to Ryan’s bed. “Hello, I am Dr. Tabelual. So I understand you were in a surfing accident?”
“Yes,” Ryan answers.
The doctor takes a penlight and flashes it into Ryan’s eyes. “Follow the light,” the doctor commands as he waves it around in front of the patient. Ryan is able to easily follow the light. The doctor then takes his stethoscope and listens to Ryan’s heart and lungs. “Breathe deep for me,” the doctor commands. Ryan takes a deep breath. He coughs a little.
“You had water in your lungs?”
The doctor takes note of that. Then he feels Ryan’s head and begins to inspect it for bruises. “How does your head feel?”
“My head feels fine.”
The doctor begins to press his hands and fingers all over Ryan’s body. When the doctor reaches his right leg, the young man winces.
“Okay, you have feeling in that leg. That’s a good sign.”
“Yeah, too much feeling!” Ryan responds. The doctor smiles slightly.
“Can you bend the leg?”
Ryan grimaces as he tries to bend his injured leg.
“It hurts.”
“It looks like you bruised your leg. We will x-ray for any signs of fractures,” the doctor responds.
“Thank you, doctor.”
“Have you been on Palau long?”
“We just arrived.”
“Sorry to hear your trip started off on a bad note. The waves can be a little dangerous.”
“Yeah, I learned that the hard way!” Ryan responds.
The nurses then move the partitions away for another new patient who needs to be changed. Ryan gets his first look at the emergency room.
“Are we inside the hospital?” Ryan asks.
“This is the emergency room area.”
“Oh,” Ryan responds. The young man looks at the barrack structure and notices that nothing more than a shed like structure with unreinforced aluminum. He then looks over at several other patients, all locals who are being treated with more severe injuries.
“Is this a temporary area?”
“Well, it’s been temporary for almost ten years.”
“Really? Why?”
“After the typhoon destroyed half the hospital, we’ve had to make due with makeshift structures.”
“But this is a hospital?!”
“Yes. It is the only hospital on the island. But we find a way to serve everyone.”
“What about really severe cases?”
“They are airlifted to the Philippines.”
Ryan shakes his head. “I have to imagine that costs precious time. Do you ever lose people during the flight?”
“Yes,” the doctor remarks sadly.
Ryan sits up in his bed. He doesn’t feel the pain in his leg anymore. “Doctor, how much would it cost to build a first-class hospital on this island?”
The doctor is intrigued by this question. “Well, a 200 bed facility with the latest equipment. Something suitable for Palau would cost about seventy-five million dollars. Good luck trying to get that money from our government. We don’t even have a standing army.”
The young billionaire just shakes his head. He can not believe that such a small amount could ensure the safety of an entire nation of 21,000 people.
“Doctor, what about a 200-bed five-star facility? Something that would rival anything in Australia or the United States?”
“In the U.S., a 200-bed facility, with all the bells and whistles would cost twice that much. About $150 million dollars.”
The young billionaire looks over at his new wife. Karin is wondering what he is up to. “Honey, I think we should do something about this.”
Karin is shocked that Ryan is referring to the couple as “we.” She leans in and asks, “What do you have in mind?”
Ryan looks over at the doctor. “After my x-ray, I would like to meet with your health minister.”
“Why?” the doctor asks.
“My wife and myself would like the honor of building a new hospital for Palau.”
The doctor laughs. “Now, I am beginning to wonder if you actually did sustain any head injuries.”
“You don’t know who I am, I guess.”
The doctor looks at Ryan. He stares at the young man’s face. “You do look familiar. I feel like I may have seen you on TV. Are you a celebrity or something?”
“Well, perhaps a celebrity in Silicon Valley,” Ryan answers. Then he notices that the doctor is wearing one of Emperor’s Satellite Phones on his hip. The CEO points to the phone. The doctor looks at his phone. He picks it up. Then he looks at the young man. The doctor’s face turns white. “Are you Ryan Wilde?!”
The young billionaire extends his hand. “At your service, Dr. Tabelual.”
“Newlywed Billionaire Ryan Wilde To Build National Hospital On Island Nation of Palau,” reads the headlines across the business wires.
The government of Palau announced that Emperor CEO Ryan Wilde has pledged over $350 million dollars to build a new national hospital on the tiny island nation. Mr. Wilde has been on a two-week honeymoon with his new wife Karin when they arrived on the island nation aboard the billionaire’s 450 mega yacht ‘The Octavian.’ The newlywed’s island hopping honeymoon was interrupted when the 36-year old CEO was taken to the island’s only hospital after sustaining a scary leg injury while surfing the island’s twenty foot waves.
The current Palau National Hospital has sat half-renovated after a devastating Super-Typhoon Nida nearly destroyed the entire facility in 2005. The new 200-bed hospital will be built to withstand super-typhoon level winds and feature state-of-the-art medical equipment. The new Palau National Hospital will be constructed at a cost of $175 million dollars with an additional $175 million
dollars to be held in a trust to fund ongoing operations and recruit top-level medical staff.
Mr. Wilde was inspired to fund the new hospital after his emergency room visit at the current half-renovated facility. After hearing of the challenges being faced by the overwhelmed staff at the hospital, Mr. Wilde immediately pledged to build the “finest medical facility in the South Pacific.”
“It is truly a blessing and a testament to the couple’s generosity. They shall be considered a brother and sister to every Palauan from this day forward,” Palau President Tommy Remengesau said in a statement. The Emperor CEO and his wife were bestowed the “Friend of the Palau People Award” at a ceremony at the Presidential Palace followed by a traditional Palau feast. Mr. and Mrs. Wilde will also have the emergency facility named in their honor. The newlywed couple is expected back in Palo Alto, California in five days where Mr. Wilde continues to work on the massive Emperor-IBS merger.
“Fuck him!” Tor Janz yells as he tosses his laptop across his office. “Get Rick in here!” the blogging boss yells at his secretary. Less than a minute later, the haggard editor of “The Barbarian Blog” Rick Graves rushes into his boss’ office.
“Did you read this bullshit about Ryan building a hospital on some island in the Pacific?”
“Yeah. It’s big news.”
“I want to push that damn feel-good story off of the front page. What have our overseas hackers gotten for us?”
“They are still trying to break into The North Face computer systems.”
“I gave you this assignment seven days ago!”
“I know. It’s harder than they thought. The company has some serious cyber-security countermeasures in their system.”
“Thirteen-year old kids can break into the Pentagon computers and we can’t find one idiot to break into a fucking clothing store website?!”
Rick just closes his eyes. He doesn’t have an excuse.
“Rick. Open your eyes and look at me.”
Rick opens his eyes.
“Ryan and his wife are going to be back in Palo Alto in five days. If I don’t have something in that time, I am going to step on your head and dig my heel into your eyeballs. Do you understand me?!”
“Yes, Tor.”
“Well, don’t just stand there like a slack-jawed half-wit. Get out of my office and get to work!”
Karin has no idea what to expect next. The Octavian has docked in Maui. Ryan escorts her from the mega yacht. “So, the plane will be taking us back to Palo Alto tomorrow,” Ryan tells his new wife.
“Wow. So we’ll get to spend a night in Maui. That’s great.”
“Yeah, I thought it would be nice to stay at my place.”
“You have a place here as well?!”
“Uh huh. Though I don’t see it as much,” Ryan comments as he continues to walk with a little bit of a limp. The couple is greeted by a helicopter. Karin helps her husband aboard the craft. They strap in and look out of the window as the chopper lifts them up into the sky. Karin just shakes her head at the whirlwind lifestyle of her new husband. Every day it’s a new surprise for her. The copter takes them along the coast up towards Kahului.
“This is incredible,” Karin comments.
“Yep. I’m trying my best to enjoy this. Because after today, it’s back to work.”
The copter hovers over a large estate and slowly descends onto a helipad. Karin sees one large one story home near the beach and seemingly nothing else. “Is all this yours?”
“Eight acres right on the water. It’s my little private getaway.”
The helicopter lands on the estate’s helipad. The couple exits and finds a housing staff of about six people waiting for them.
“Aloha Mr. and Mrs. Ryan,” the head of the housekeeping staff tells the couple.
“Aloha!” Ryan responds. Karin is a little self-conscious. She nervously responds with an “Aloha,” herself. Being that this is her first time in Hawaii, and the first she has ever addressed someone with the salutation, “Aloha,” the young wife feels very much out of her element.
The couple enters the sprawling one story home. The space is casual with nearly 360-degree views of the ocean and the lush countryside. The home makes the occupants feel as much outside as they do inside. The housekeeping staff has arranged fresh native flowers as well as bowls of fresh pineapple and coconut slices for the newlywed couple.
Karin walks around in a daze. She just stares at the amazing views and listens to the waves crashing less than one hundred feet from the house. Out of every place Ryan calls home, this is her favorite. Ryan notices the look on her face. He gets off on her appreciation for the oceanfront home.
“I take it you like the place.”
“I could really stay here forever.”
“You’re not even seeing the best part!” Ryan tells her. The young CEO escorts his new wife out of the glass double doors. They walk out through the bamboo patio and place their shoes on the sand. Ryan removes his sneakers. “Feel the sand between your toes!” Ryan tells Karin.
The young woman doesn’t need to be asked twice. She immediately takes off her shoes. She places her toes into the soft white sand of the private beach. The couple slowly walks out towards the surf.
Karin looks at the sun setting over the Pacific. She feels a warm comfort of home. In fact, she has never felt more at home than she does now. The warm air breezes across her body while the welcoming presence of her new husband and lover makes her feel relaxed and secure.
As the couple is staring at the surf, one of the housekeepers lights candles on the patio area. Ryan turns around and tells the housekeeper, “Tell the staff they can go home for the evening.”
“Yes, Mr. Wilde,” the housekeeper responds as she finishes lighting the last of the candles.
Ryan looks down at his leg, which feels steadier on the soft sand. “This sand is doing wonders for my leg,” Ryan remarks. Karin looks over and notices that her husband is walking with less of a limp.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Actually, I’m feeling 100%. Though I think that leg is going to have a nasty bruise for a while.” Ryan unzips his jeans and pulls them down. He shows off his left leg with a light bruise right above the knee. The young man slowly bends it. He grimaces slightly but is able to walk more normally than he has before.
Ryan takes his jeans and tosses them back on the patio, leaving him dressed in nothing but his shirt and his boxer shorts. For a moment, Karin becomes self-conscious. “I wonder if the neighbors will complain about you walking around in boxer shorts on the beach,” she asks.
“I don’t have any neighbors. This is a private beach. We could naked if we want!” Ryan jokes. The he proceeds to take off his shirt. Karin starts to laugh. Then she quickly removes her jeans. Ryan removes her top, leaving her wearing nothing but her underwear. The young woman stands there topless on the private beach. She has never been this exposed out in the open. However, she is learning to love the freedom.
The couple stare at each other’s bodies. Ryan slowly moves towards his new, young bride. He wraps his arms around her and begins to kiss. Karin can feel her lover’s excitement. The couple begins to pull at each other’s final article of clothing. They leave their clothing on the sand, standing against the sunset naked, hot and horny.
Ryan runs his tongue down to his bride’s supple breasts. He licks and sucks on her flesh. Karin runs her hands through his hair. She takes her turn exploring with a curious and hungry tongue. She works her way from Ryan’s neck to his broad chest. She kisses his stomach and teases his lower regions with her full lips.
The couple quickly retreats to the patio to grab a couple of beach towels. They splay the towels onto the warm sand and take each other to the ground. Ryan pushes the young bride unto her back. He gets on top of Karin and fondles her body. His mouth wanders between her legs. Ryan orally ravages his young bride. Karin’s body begins to spasm as her man whips himself into a frenzy.
p; Karin pulls on her lover’s hair. She slaps her thighs against the side of his head. She curses her approval at Ryan’s oral skills. The young woman finally has to pull his head away so she doesn’t cum too early. Ryan “punishes” her with a firm tweaking of her nipples. The wild billionaire isn’t about to allow the young bride get away that easily.
Ryan spreads her legs again. This time he takes his fingers and begins to slowly rub her out. Karin bites her lower lip so hard, that she is convinced that she has pierced her own flesh. The louder Karin moans, the faster Ryan’s fingers move. The young stud does not stop until the sun goes down.
The bride sways her head from side to side. Her man turns her over and begins to sink his teeth into her round ass. He playfully teases her flesh with a wet tongue and a violent slap across the buttocks. Karin lifts her ass up into the air begging for more. Her man responds with a hard spanking and a playful pull of her hair.
Ryan gets behind the young bride and slowly enters her body. The couple makes love as the waves of the beach crash closer and closer towards their bodies. Karin can hear the waves getting louder. They compete with her moans of approval. The sex becomes more intense. The waves more violent.
Karin gets on top of her man and begins to ride her stud. The waves creep up on the beach towel as the beach mist sprays across Karin’s back. Ryan reaches for the young bride’s breasts and gives them a nice squeeze. Karin rocks her hips as she feels her insides ready to erupt. The waves invade the couple’s personal space. Wet sand surrounds the beach towel. The crescendo of crashing waves and sexual screams builds as the couple brings each other closer to climax. Ryan digs his fingernails into Karin’s hips. The young bride screams. They cum.
The young woman collapses on top of her man. They embrace as each of them try to catch their breath. A high tide wave slowly washes over them, sending a momentary shock across both of their bodies. The couple looks out at the water, in close embrace listening to each other’s heartbeats.
The couple watch the waves approach their naked bodies. The warm Pacific water soothes their sweaty bodies. Karin rests her head on her husband’s chest. Ryan runs his hands through Karin’s wet hair. No words are spoken. The young billionaire kisses his young bride on her soft shoulder. Karin couldn’t think of a better place to be.