Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2)

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Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2) Page 1

by Nellie C. Lind

  Sense of Romance

  High-level romance for romance lovers!

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  Loved Cyborg

  Bound by Her - Book 2

  Copyright © Nellie C. Lind 2017

  Cover and layout: Nellie C. Lind

  Editor: Chrissy Szarek

  Publisher: Sense of Romance

  Second edition

  ISBN: 978-91-983127-6-8


  This book may not be reproduced or shared in any form without the author’s written permission. The book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination.

  book description


  Can’t find Mr. Right? Why not create him? MedAct is the company that can make all your dreams come true! Just give them a call and let them create the perfect man for you. But remember, you can never give him up. It will kill him, literally.

  For as long as Celise has known the cyborg Wind, she’s been in love with him, but he’s bound to another. A relationship between them is impossible, and the last thing she wants is to ruin her friendship with him, or his bound one, Diane.

  But there’s a problem. Diane is sick, and if she dies, Wind will die with her, or end up with the Fighters, the dangerous and unbound cyborgs who care about nothing but themselves.

  Celise’s entire life is thrown into chaos when she’s propositioned in a way she never saw coming. Diane wants Celise to take her place, but if Wind can’t accept her as his new bound one, there will be more at stake than her heart.



  “Please, don’t make me do this.” Wind looked into Diane’s beautiful blue eyes from where he stood by the window in the living room.

  She sat on the bright sofa with a white blanket over her legs. Her skin was paler than usual, she’d lost a lot of weight over the past few months, and her hair lacked vitality. Her cheeks were flushed from the fever that tormented her body, and there was nothing he could do to help her.

  He was losing her.

  “It’s either Celise or a woman MedAct will introduce you to, Wind. The doctors can’t cure my leukemia. Besides, I can’t hide how sick I really am anymore from everyone. Phoebe and Shade have already figured out I don’t have minor heart disease.”

  “I know.” His chest tightened. Sorrow filled him. He didn’t want to talk about this, but the conversation was inevitable. Who knew how long Diane had left? Judging by her appearance, it wasn’t long.

  “I don’t want to force you. The final decision must be yours.”

  “If I don’t do it, I’ll die with you.”

  “Or end up with the Fighters.”

  Wind clenched his fists. That was the last thing he wanted. He remembered Silver and the other Fighters when Nightmare had imprisoned him, Shade, Phoebe, and Faye in the abandoned house. The crazed looks in their eyes, the aggression, and the madness that had lingered in their minds was enough for him to never want anything to do with them again. “Why her?”

  “Because she loves you.”

  He took a deep breath and looked through the window when he heard a noise.

  Celise’s car turned into their driveway. She was as usual on time.

  Wind recalled the day when he’d opened his eyes and seen Diane for the first time. She’d smiled, and the love in her eyes had filled him with joy. She’d been so beautiful.

  His time as a newborn cyborg had been amazing. He’d been overprotective of her but hadn’t had any issues adapting, and once they’d left MedAct, they’d been happy together for fifteen years.

  Now, those fifteen years were coming to an end.

  “She’s so different.”

  “She is, but she’s also a doctor, and she works for MedAct. She’ll be able to take care of you once I’m gone.”

  He hated this. “But she’s nothing like you. She might be a doctor, but you’re an artist, like me. Your paintings are on a level few can reach, and that’s why you were able to make enough money to create me. You gave me my artistic skills. They are what makes me … me. How am I ever going to be happy with someone who’s so different?”

  Diane didn’t answer. She didn’t have an answer. “Do you at least like her?”

  Wind hesitated. “She’s a friend, so yes, I like her.”

  A gentle smile curved her lips. “That’s a start, and besides, you won’t have to move far. She lives here in Glaswell as well, taking care of all the cyborgs.”

  Everything within him protested. He didn’t want this. He wanted to stay with Diane until the very end. He wanted to die with her, but that wasn’t what she wished. “Would it make you happy if I bonded with her?”

  Diane nodded.

  He turned his gaze back to Celise, who’d gotten out of her car. The agony in his heart only grew as he swallowed and tried to control his rapid breathing. “Then I’ll ask her.”


  Celise shut the car door.

  With a deep breath, she stepped in front of the two-story villa that belonged to Wind and Diane. It was a decorated masterpiece in light blue colors and a black roof. The colorful flowers and the white curtains reminded her of a castle. Diane and Wind had spent a lot of time creating the perfect home for them.


  Her heart clenched.

  He and Diane fit perfectly together. It was obvious every time she saw them. She and Wind, on the other hand, were too different. She was the doctor and the scientist. He was the painter and the artist.

  After her medical education at MedAct, Celise had started taking care of all the cyborgs in Glaswell, including Wind. She came by from time to time to make sure everything was all right, and today was such a day. She hated and loved these days because she loved him. She had for many years and being near him was difficult. The desire to touch him often became too much to handle.

  Nerves swept over her as she approached the door. She knocked and tried to calm down, but her heart pounded, unwilling to relax. Even if she’d been here many times before, she always had the same reaction, always had a hard time being herself in front of him.

  Someone approached the door.

  Celise tensed even more, and when Wind opened it, blood rushed to her face. She could do nothing but stare at his handsome features. They pulled her in like a flower to the sun. He gave her that gentle smile she loved so much, with his plump and wide lips, and the caring gaze in his mesmerizing aluminum-colored eyes made her insides melt. The glow in them didn’t ease the powerful impression he’d always had on her.

  His light-brown hair hung over his broad shoulders. He was dressed in simple black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Paint stains decorated both garments, and there was even a green dot on his cheek.

  The soft scent of paint came off of him, and Celise couldn’t help but smile. “Um … hi … That’s a nice … shirt.” She cringed on the inside. Could she have said something more stupid?

  Wind’s lips twitched. “You like dirty shirts, Celise?”

  She shrugged. It’d be best if she just remained silent before more foolish things came out her mouth, but when she noticed the sadness in his gaze, she couldn’t help but take a step closer. “Are you all right?”

  He nodded. “I’m fine. Come inside.” He moved from the door and allowed her to enter.

  It was like stepping into a fairytale in light blue and white. The wide and well-lit hallway was filled with amazing landscape paintings, two pillars, and a huge chandelier. In fro
nt of her was a white staircase with a beige carpet attached to every step.

  Celise followed Wind to the second floor.

  The smell of more paint hit her nose as she entered his study. It was a big and bright room with huge windows. There were brushes, cans with dirty water, and canvases all over the place.

  She’d been there many times before and never grew tired of the beautiful paintings on the walls and the floor. It was like looking at landscapes of mountains and forests that looked so real she almost believed they were.

  Celise approached his couch and the table that stood near it. “Why am I here so soon, Wind? I examined you just two weeks ago.” She didn’t mind being here again for a basic examination, not at all. An examination meant she could touch him without it being wrong.

  “Diane wanted you to check me again.”

  “Did I miss something last time?”

  There was that sadness in his eyes again. “Let’s find out.”

  Diane wanted her to examine Wind for no apparent reason? That sounded strange, but if that was what she wanted, then Celise would do it. “All right.” She put her bag on the couch.

  She opened it and took out a small box, but before she got the chance to do more, Wind stepped in front of her. He invaded her personal space, and the deep gaze he gave her sent shivers down her spine. “Why are you—?”

  “Do you like me, Celise?” he asked. “Do you like what you see when you look at me? Is it all right for me to stand this close to you?”

  Celise almost jumped out of her skin.

  What was this? Some kind of interrogation?

  Something was up, but she couldn’t pull herself together to ask what. His nearness affected her in ways it’d never done before. He’d never looked at her the way he did now. He’d never stood this near before either.

  Silence lingered between them.

  Wind never looked away, he never said anything, but his eyes whispered of emotions she was unable to read. The sorrow in them spoke of a secret she wanted to know. It was mixed with a pinch of curiosity, and when his gaze traveled down her body, she couldn’t help but tense.

  Without warning, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and took it off.

  Celise gasped. “Oh, shit.”

  Warmth gathered between her legs as she stared at his fit and muscular body. Solid muscles and a six-pack filled her hungry gaze.

  She swallowed. Would never get used to this. She’d examined him many times over the years, but seeing him without a shirt only got her going in the worst kind of way. The need to touch him, to gently glide her hand down his chest was difficult to hold back.

  “Is something wrong?” Wind asked.

  Celise snapped out of the spellbinding effect he had on her and turned to her bag. She searched through it frantically. “Where’s that damn scanner?”

  “You’re holding it.”

  She froze and looked to her other hand, and true, she was holding it.

  Damn, that was embarrassing.

  Her cheeks were on fire, and she couldn’t stop herself from looking at him again. His wide shoulders, slim waist, defined biceps, and large hands got her fantasy going.

  She wanted him so badly. If she just could …

  “You didn’t answer my question, Celise.”

  She winced. “What?”

  Wind moved even closer, too damn close. All she’d have to do was tilt her head a little bit, and she’d have his lips against hers.

  He caressed her arm. The touch made her tremble. “Do you like me, Celise?” His voice was like a seductive whisper that sent goosebumps all over her body, igniting that undying fire within her, making it more and more difficult to breathe.

  “You know I do.” Celise was unable to keep her voice steady.

  “Yes, I know.”

  She studied his kissable lips, and couldn’t hold back anymore. Her self-control was gone. He was too close, too tempting, too appealing. Her body acted on its own as she leaned closer and pressed her lips to his.

  Heat and softness hit her. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, but before she was able to make another move, Wind jerked away.

  Celise opened her eyes and stared where he stood about five feet away. His eyes were wide, his massive chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, and an underlying anger radiated from him.


  She’d screwed up.

  Big time.

  Shame and pain flooded her. Celise considered apologizing, but then it hit her. It might not have been his intention, but he’d caused this. Him being close was too much for her to handle. He knew that. She had so much desire burning within her that one gentle push was all it took for her to lose her mind. “Why’d you do that?” She kept her voice low.

  “I … I …” He looked shocked, but the anger wasn’t there anymore, thankfully.

  “You should put your shirt on.” She put the scanner in the bag. “I have no idea why Diane wanted me to examine you, but I can’t do it. Not now.” She zipped the bag and threw the strap over her shoulder. “I should go …” She made for the door.

  Wind grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry, Celise.”

  His anger might be gone, but hers was awakening. She was tired of this. Tired of always wanting him. He was always on her mind, always in her daily fantasies. Celise couldn’t make it stop. Her heart just refused to let him go, and after all these years, it would never happen.

  She had to make a drastic decision. It was either stay local and keep tormenting herself, or move to a place far away. Never see him again. That tore her open on the inside, but it was the only way. If she stayed, she’d live a half-life, always longing for someone she could never have.

  Celise jerked her arm from his grip. “Don’t touch me.” She wasn’t the angry type, but he’d pushed her too far. His touch made everything inside her boil over. “Why did you do that?” she demanded again with an irritated voice, and she tensed her jaw. She glared at Wind. “Did you expect me to react differently? You know how much I want you, and we both know you’ll never be mine, and yet, you behaved as if you were trying to seduce me.” She took a few breaths. “Maybe there is something wrong with you, but I’m not staying around to find out what.”

  She started for the door again, only to find Diane standing there. It had been two weeks since she’d seen her, and her friend looked weaker than ever.

  Diane had to use a cane to support herself. Her once beautiful eyes looked hollow, and her skin was pale.

  Wind went to her as he put his shirt back on. “You shouldn’t be up, my love.”

  Hearing Wind calling Diane “my love” hurt Celise more than usual.

  Diane gave him a gentle smile. “I heard Celise yelling at you. I figured I should come and explain.”

  Confusion struck her. “Explain what?”

  Wind helped his bound one to the couch.

  “I’m sorry, Celise. It’s my fault Wind came close to you.”

  Celise’s gaze narrowed. “What do you mean?”

  She watched Wind sit at Diane’s side. He took her hand in his, and the love in his eyes made Celise want to turn around and walk away again.

  “Please, sit down, Celise.” Diane pointed at the armchair in front of the couch. “I’ll explain everything.”

  Chapter 2

  “Why would you ask such a thing of Wind?” Celise asked as she sat and placed her bag next to her on the floor.

  Diane smiled but wasn’t able to hide the grief in her eyes. “I’m dying.”

  She winced, not expecting her to say that. “Yes, I know.” She took a deep breath. “It’s not Heart Disease you have, is it?” Her voice was low, filled with sadness.

  “No, it’s not, and I’m sorry I lied about that. I have leukemia.”

  Disbelief filled Celise. “Why would you make all of us believe you had heart disease?”

  “So you wouldn’t worry, but Phoebe and Shade already figured it out some time ago, and I guess you did, too.” />
  “I’m a doctor. Your symptoms didn’t match with the ailment you claimed to have.”

  Diane was one of her best friends. They’d known each other for over five years, ever since Celise had moved to Glaswell to take care of the cyborgs. They’d always gotten along, and it didn’t matter that Diane was ten years older. Seeing her like this was difficult.

  “If I’m lucky, I have a few months left to live,” Diane said. “As you can see, I can barely walk anymore because of the pain. I have no appetite, and I just want to sleep all the time.” She closed her eyes for a second. She looked so tired.

  Celise clenched her jaws. “You should’ve told me sooner. I could’ve helped you around the house, make life easier for you.”

  Her friend smiled gratefully. “Thank you, but Wind helps me out.”

  “Oh.” She licked her lips. “Is there anything else I can do?”

  “Yes, I need your help with something. I invited you here today to talk about it.”

  Celise nodded. “Anything.”

  Diane looked at Wind with an unspoken question in her eyes.

  He gave her a sad smile and hugged her hand before he nodded.

  Something was definitely going on.

  “Aren’t you curious about why I called you to examine Wind so soon?”

  Celise frowned. “I thought at first something had happened to him, but when he opened the door and looked fine—”

  “And then he touched you.”

  Celise avoided Diane’s gaze. “He did.” She couldn’t get away from the feeling that she’d betrayed her friend. She wasn’t supposed to touch Diane’s cyborg, and yet, she had.

  The last thing Celise wanted was a conflict. That was why she’d never mentioned her feelings for Wind, but he’d figured it out a few years ago. It was obvious Diane knew too.

  Diane turned her gaze to Wind. “Did you like being close to Celise?”

  “Yes, I did, but I wasn’t prepared for the kiss.”

  Celise stared at them with a pounding heart.

  “The kiss couldn’t have been bad,” Diane said.

  “No, it wasn’t. I registered her lips as soft and warm. She wanted more, but I moved away. My bond wasn’t happy with me touching her.” He sighed. “I’m sorry, Diane. I didn’t see it coming. I shouldn’t have moved away. I should’ve let her kiss me, but she has never touched me like that before.” He gave Celise a gentle smile. “She’s been a true friend, despite her feelings for me.”


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