Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2)

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Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 2) Page 5

by Nellie C. Lind

  Wind grabbed her hand. “You have no idea how difficult it is to say this, but I have to. The three of us must move beyond those kind of thoughts if we want to make this work. Yes, the bond is protesting like crazy. Yes, you’re taking me away from Diane, but don’t let those feelings rule you. We’re all doing this because we have to. Our fates are sealed. The contract is signed. I’m yours now. We have no other way to go but forward.”

  Celise blinked and stared at him with wide eyes. “I thought you didn’t want this.”

  “I want to die with Diane, but I also want to live.” He sighed. “I’m a little bit messed up right now.” He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb. Hers was tiny compared to his. It looked so fragile and gentle with long fingers and slim palm. “Jade has given us plenty of ideas. I think we should try them.”

  “The kissing game.” Her cheeks turned pink.

  Wind couldn’t help but smile. Strangely enough, the idea started to appeal to him more and more. “Yes, the kissing game.”

  She cleared her throat. “Jade said we have to do everything in our power to make this work.”

  “She did, but I worry my bond will turn on the primitive instincts that rule every newborn cyborg.”

  Celise pulled her hand back, her cheek trembled. “You believe you’ll want to protect Diane from me.”

  “Yes. Jade didn’t say anything about it, but it has crossed my mind a few times.”

  She took a shaky breath, and her gaze darkened. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

  He didn’t like the sudden coldness in her voice, but he understood. His words had hurt her … again. It was written all over her face as she dried away a tear. He was becoming an expert on that lately.

  “I need to go. I’ll be back within the hour. Don’t waste it.” She stormed through the open front door.

  Wind didn’t move from his spot as he watched her drive away. He’d never meant to hurt her, but his bond didn’t allow him to be on the usual friendly terms with her anymore. Instead, it made him edgy, and overprotective of Diane. He, who usually never raised his voice, was in defense mode.

  It sure was a messed up situation.

  Wind closed the door and went back to the living room.

  Diane sat where he’d left her. She was crying again. Her eyes were red and swollen, and he wanted nothing more but to hold her. He wanted to tell her everything was going to be all right, but it would be a lie.

  Nothing was going to be all right.

  Once Celise returned, he’d show her to her room, and they would initiate the process of making her his bound one.

  Diane dried her eyes with a tissue as he entered the room.

  Wind sat by her side but didn’t touch her. He remembered Jade’s words.

  She gave him a gentle smile. “I’m trying to tell myself, over and over again, we did the right thing, but it hurts more than I thought it would. At least, now I know you’ll be safe when I die.”

  Wind lowered his head. “You should let me die with you.”

  Diane gasped. “Never. That would be selfish of me, and what if you’d survive my death?”

  He clenched his jaw. “Most cyborgs die when their bound one dies.”

  “I’m not willing to risk it. Besides, the contract is already signed. Celise is your bound one now. She loves you, and I know she’ll take good care of you. I know you two will take good care of each other. I just wish—”

  Wind couldn’t hold back the need to touch her anymore. He placed his hand on hers. “Wish what?”

  She gave him another smile. “I just wish I could have you by my side until the very end.”

  He pushed the damaged table away and placed himself on his knees in front of her. “I just told Celise that we must look beyond our emotions; that we must be professional about this, but I don’t know if I can. I don’t want this, Diane.” He laid his head on her legs. “I’m so torn. One second, I’ve accepted this, and the next, I feel like this. Everything protests within me.” Wind felt Diane’s hand on his head.

  She pulled her fingers through his hair.

  Her touch was bliss, and it calmed his chaotic emotions.

  “Have your feelings changed toward her since all this began?”

  He hesitated. “There was a moment in the hallway, when she and I spoke, it felt like the bond had slightly accepted her. It was as if it allowed her to come a little bit closer.”

  “That sounds like progress.” She dried her eyes yet again with a handkerchief. “I have stopped crying now. The ache in my heart will never go away, and I’ll miss you like crazy, but you’re right. We must handle this professionally. Your life is at stake, and I refuse to let you die with me.”

  Her words filled him with pain he couldn’t ignore. It meant he wouldn’t be allowed to touch her … ever again … “Celise told me she’d be back within an hour. She also told me not to waste it.” Wind sat up on the couch again. “Let me hold you one last time.”

  Diane moved closer and nodded.

  Wind wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes and took an unsteady breath.

  A new chapter in his life was about to begin …

  … and another was closing.


  Everything still felt strange and surreal as Celise parked her car outside Wind’s and Diane’s home a second time this day. She looked at the huge villa and could barely believe what was about to begin.

  She’d imagined being Wind’s bound one so many times, but it had always been just a fantasy. She’d never dared to believe it would actually come true.

  He was bound to her now, according to the contract, and that was even more surreal. It would take some time getting used to.

  It didn’t feel like he was bound to her, though. He’d been insensitive toward her, and that hurt. Celise understood why, but she wasn’t doing anything wrong. At least, she tried to tell herself that, but he’d made her feel like she was guilty of a crime. It was definitely not a good base to start a relationship on.

  And what if he’d snap and try to defend Diane? Would he hurt her?

  Celise shook her head. No, he wouldn’t do that. She’d known Wind for several years, and she trusted him. He’d always been kind. He’d never treated her badly because of her feelings for him, and she’d always be grateful for that. His behavior these past few hours was a new side of him she’d never seen before. She couldn’t expect him to be his usual self, considering the situation, but she hoped it’d go away once everything was over.

  Celise prepared herself and stepped out of the car. It was time to face her future, and all she could do was pray it’d end well.

  She grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder. It was packed with everything she’d need. It was everything from clothes to cosmetics, but she hadn’t taken any of her books. She doubted she’d have time to read.

  Celise knocked on the door, and a short minute later, Wind opened it.

  Their gazes met, and silence filled the hallway.

  Celise couldn’t help but take in his beauty as they watched each other. He wasn’t as tall as Shade, but almost a head taller than her. His broad shoulders, muscular arms, and fit body flushed her with a tingling feeling all over.

  She had no idea what to do, or say, but Wind seemed calmer now. His shining eyes had always mesmerized her. The wisdom, kindness, and gentleness she’d always seen in them was there, but also something else.

  He seemed amused for some reason.

  That was rather surprising.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

  His lips twitched. “I find your insecurity rather cute.”

  Celise winced. “What?” That was the last thing she’d expected him to say.

  He took a step closer, and she held her breath.

  Wind grabbed her hands. “I want to try something. Is that all right?”

  Celise swallowed. “Depends on what it is.”

  “I want to kiss you.”

nbsp; She gasped.

  Wind took another step closer, and when he wrapped his arms around her, she feared her heart might burst. It was beating so hard and fast it almost hurt.

  Celise placed her hands against his chest and stopped his progress. “Wait.” She took a deep breath in a meaningless attempt to calm herself. “Won’t that hurt you?

  “That’s what I want to find out. Things have changed since yesterday.”

  She squeaked when he grabbed her neck and, without warning, pressed his lips to hers. He didn’t give her time to react before he opened her mouth with his and pushed his tongue inside.

  His grip on her neck was like solid rock. She’d never experienced his strength first hand, but now, it slowly sank in how strong he really was. She’d seen him snap the wooden table leg, but to actually experience it physically was a completely different thing.

  There was no way for her to get away.

  Not that she wanted to.

  Wind held her in place. All Celise could do was put her hands on his strong arms, and tag along.

  She couldn’t help but wonder if this behavior was because of the bond transfer, but the more his mouth tasted hers, the less she cared. Heat traveled to her sex, dizziness filled her head, fogging her mind, and she slowly sank deeper and deeper into the sweet pleasures his mouth gave her.

  She starved for his touch, and when he gave it to her willingly, Celise was ready to give in completely to get what her body so badly longed for.

  Wind jerked away with a loud groan, much too soon. He leaned forward, grimacing, and pressing his hands to his chest.

  Guilt filled her. She should’ve known better. “I’m so sorry.” Touching her had hurt him … again.

  He gave her a stiff smile. “Don’t worry. I wanted to see if something had changed, but I guess I was wrong.” He took a deep breath, straightening his back as he relaxed. The pain appeared to wash off him.

  Celise’s turned her head when she noticed movement in the corner of her eye.

  Diane stood near the entrance door to the living room, watching them.

  Ice slid down Celise’s spine, and she froze in place, gasping.

  Diane had seen everything.

  “What did it feel like this time?” Diane asked Wind as she joined them.

  Wind smiled. “It wasn’t as painful as before, and I was able to kiss her for at least two seconds longer than last time.”

  She stopped by his side. “Did it turn you on?”

  He remained silent for a while. “No.”

  Diane only nodded.

  Celise entered the house and closed the door behind her. She tried to ignore her arousal and their conversation, but it was difficult. Her touch maybe didn’t affect him, but his sure affected her. She wanted nothing more but throw herself at Wind and finish what he’d started.

  “Wind and I’ve been talking,” Diane said. “We’ve come up with a plan.”

  Celise licked her lips. She could still taste Wind on them. “What kind of plan?”

  Diane seemed to feel better judging by her gentle smile. Her eyes were still red from all the crying, though. “The day is coming to an end, but before we go to sleep, we thought it’d be a good idea to try out Jade’s suggestion.”

  Celise gulped. “Which suggestion?”

  “The kissing game. The sooner, the better. We have to fool the bond into thinking it’s all right to kiss you.”

  “I thought it might work without the kissing game,” Wind said. “That’s why I kissed you now, but it didn’t.”

  Celise could only nod. Her head was already spinning from all this.

  “I have a feeling we have to play the game a few times,” Diane said.

  “A few times?” It sent her heart into a frenzy. A few times meant constant arousal from his touch. That was a disaster! He wouldn’t feel a thing, but it would slowly push her out of her mind until she’d reach a point where she’d be unable to handle it.

  “Yes, until I feel a change, some kind of improvement. If my bond can accept us kissing, I should be able to move forward after that.”

  She tightened her fists, trying to hide her chaotic emotions. “I understand.”

  “Oh, and another thing,” Diane said.

  Celise tightened her fists until her nails bit into her palms. “What?”

  “We thought it’d be a good idea if you and Wind sleep in the same bed from now on.”


  Celise couldn’t believe she was unpacking her things into Diane’s and Wind’s wardrobe. As if that wasn’t enough, Diane had decided she and Wind would share their bedroom. The bedroom they’d slept in for fifteen years.

  She glanced at the huge king-sized bed as she put her shirts away. It could easily fit three people. The white linens were fresh, and it looked inviting with its fluffy pillows and cozy comforter. She didn’t doubt it was comfortable to sleep in … or do other things in.

  An image of her, Wind, and Diane naked together on those white sheets, playing and caressing each other entered her mind when she remembered Jade’s suggestion of a threesome.

  Celise shivered and averted her eyes, pushing the thought away; didn’t want to think about it. Instead, she grabbed her pants from the bag, but when two hands suddenly grabbed her by the waist, she squeaked and dropped them.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Wind whispered in her ear.

  She froze in place, just staring ahead with a pounding heart as his big hands gently, but firmly traveled toward her stomach. A gasp left her lips when they slid under her T-shirt, touching her bare skin. “What are you doing?” she asked. His touch shot a wave of arousal through her, but the thought of him pulling away lingered in the back of her mind. Any second now, he’d leave her frustrated and wanting.

  “I’m feeling you. I figured I’ll have to do this a lot for my bond to accept you.”

  She held her breath when his fingers slipped down her pants. “This is torture.”

  His hand stilled. “It’s not my intention to hurt you. I’m just trying to make my eyes flash.”

  She understood, but for her, it meant a lot of touching with no satisfaction, as long as he didn’t feel anything. She doubted he understood that. “And is it working?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  He leaned closer her ear, gently nipping the tip with his lips.

  She couldn’t stop another gasp from the unexpected touch. Weakness filled her knees, need grew greater.

  “No, but it doesn’t hurt touching you anymore. My bond is still protesting, though, but this is progress.”

  Celise rested her head against his broad shoulder and closed her eyes as he kept exploring her stomach. “You feel nothing? Nothing at all?” She tensed but refused to let it hurt, whatever his answer would be.

  Wind was silent for a while. “This doesn’t arouse me if that’s what you’re wondering.” His voice lowered to a whisper. “But it arouses you.”

  Blood rushed to her face. No words were able to leave her mouth.

  “You’re easy to read, Celise. You’ve been aroused all day. I might not be able to do anything about it yet, but I promise you, as soon as my bond is all right with it, I’ll make you feel good. Really good.”

  Her knees gave finally in beneath her, and she would’ve landed on the floor if he hadn’t been holding her.

  A chuckle came from behind them.

  “You’re bringing the poor girl to her breaking point, Wind. I doubt you’ll be able to stop her from jumping you if you keep talking like that,” Diane said from the other side of the room.

  Celise jerked away and spun around when she heard the female voice, then stared right into Diane’s eyes. Shame flooded her.

  Diane had heard and seen everything … again!

  Desperately, she tried to shake the lustful haze Wind had put her in. It was almost painful, but she had to do it. The last thing she wanted was Diane seeing her like this.

  Her friend’s eyes were filled with understanding as she came closer. “Don’t
worry, Celise. This is what we have to do to transfer the bond, isn’t it?” She waved a piece of cloth in front of her, and a grin spread across her face. “Since Wind is so tall, he can sit on the stool. It will be easier for us to kiss him. What do you think?”

  She grabbed the stool that stood next to the closet and placed it in the middle of the floor.

  Wind sat and took the cloth from Diane, gave them both one last look, and tied it around his head, covering his eyes. When he was done, he lowered his arms, took a deep breath, and waited.

  Celise swallowed. Her heart refused to calm. “Now what?”

  Diane’s face lit up. “Now, we begin.”

  Next to the bed on the wall hung a wireless player, no bigger than a small book. Diane waved her hand in front of it and it turned on with a few blue lights on the digital screen. Diane touched the screen, and seconds later, slow and romantic music began to play. Then she pushed a switch on the wall, and a gentle light filled the room.

  Wind was still not moving or speaking, but his chest heaved faster, and he clenched his fists.

  Celise watched him. Was he nervous? Or was this turning him on? She couldn’t tell, but maybe, it was a mix of both. After all, Diane was about to touch him. That had to awaken his interest.

  She just wished his interest would awaken from her touch as well.

  Diane placed her hands on his arm.

  He inhaled deeply and licked his lips.

  Would he be able to tell who was touching him with the blindfold on? Celise thought so. After all these years, he should be able to recognize Diane’s touch, and besides, he was a cyborg. His senses were more heightened than a human’s. If that was the case, this game was pointless.

  Diane’s hands glided up his arm and continued over his chest, gently and sensually caressing one of his nipples over his shirt before continuing.

  His lips parted, and he tilted his head back as a silent groan left his mouth.

  The sight was the most erotic thing Celise had ever seen. Her hands shook, her chest heaved with every deep breath. Would she ever be able to touch him without giving away it was her?

  Wind’s lips twitched when Diane unbuttoned his shirt. He straightened his back and pushed his chest slightly forward, inviting the touch.


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