Luvin' the Son of a Savage 3

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Luvin' the Son of a Savage 3 Page 3

by Tina J

  You could hear sirens coming and I thought the bitch would leave. She fired off a few shots in our direction. Where the hell did she get a gun from? Me and the guy were running in different directions so she wouldn’t hit one of us.

  The cops got closer and sadly the bitch pulled off. I couldn’t focus on that right now because my stomach began to form knots.

  “You ok?” The guy asked looking down at us.

  “I’m ok. Where’s the phone?” We both started searching for it.

  “Where is the ambulance?” The cop yelled on his radio as he ran over.

  “Let me check. Hi ma’am.” He kneeled down and checked my pulse.

  After asking a few questions and checking over Aniya, he had us sit in the back of his car until the EMT’s arrived. I asked him not to close the door. I’ve seen too many shows where the door gets shut and someone pulls off with people in the back.

  “Sir. Do you know Mr. Santiago or Mr. Banks?” I asked the cop who just finished getting statements from the worker.


  “Please put a call out to them. Mr. Santiago is my father and she is Mr. Banks granddaughter. We lost his phone and I have no way of getting in touch with him.” He picked his phone up and you could hear him telling someone to contact them and which hospital we’re going to.


  “It’s gonna be ok Aniya.” I kissed the top of her head when the ambulance parked in the ER.

  As of right now, none of our family members were here yet. I guess they wouldn’t be because were a few towns over and it took us a minute to arrive. They tried to take us to a different hospital, but I refused.

  Thank goodness I woke up because it’s no telling where Jaquan was taking us.

  “Ok miss. We’re gonna take her back and you upstairs.” The doctor said walking over and reaching out for Aniya.

  “NO!” Him and the nurse jumped.

  “Please check her first. I can wait.”

  “Miss you need to be seen.” I stood toe to toe with the doctor.

  “We were both kidnapped by two crazy people; one being her birth mother. She tried to kill her once and made another attempt today by trying to throw her out of a moving car. While we waited for the cops, she tried to hit us with her car and then shot at us. So if I tell you she’s not going anywhere without me, she’s not.” I said all in one breath.

  “I understand but...”

  “BUT MY ASS! CHECK HER OUT AND THEN WE’LL WORRY ABOUT ME!” I shouted and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and there was my father.

  “Daddy, he kidnapped us and...” He hugged me tight.

  “BRIELLE! WHERE’S ANIYA?” Colby ran in with tears streaming down his face. I moved outta my dad’s embrace and went to him.

  “I’m so fucking glad y’all are ok.” He kissed all over Aniya and then me.

  “Colby she...” is the last thing I said before passing out. At least Aniya was safe.


  “VANITY NOOOO!” I heard my mom yell as I made my way to Ant who was definitely experiencing a seizure of some sort.

  When my wife heard the things my son told her, she removed the gun out my waist and headed straight to my ex. I didn’t stop her because if she murdered Sharika it would be best for everyone.

  “Antoine, he needs to get to the hospital.” Ariel said holding his head on her lap. The seizure stopped but his eyes were closed. Ariel said even though it stopped he may have lost oxygen and needed to be seen.

  I lifted my son up and started walking to the door. Out the peripheral, I could see my pops and others tryna get Vanity off my ex.

  “VANITY LETS GO!” I shouted and she stopped.

  “You’re lucky they won’t let me kill you but they won’t always be around.” She said and kicked Sharika in the head.

  “Damn Vanity. All he had to do is call your name?” VJ joked.

  “Is he ok?” Vanity ran behind me and sat in the back seat with Lil Ant. I jumped in the front and sped over to the hospital.

  “It’s gonna be ok Ant.” I glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw my wife wiping her eyes. She loved my son.

  “Is he awake?” I asked.

  “Barely. He’s holding my hand and breathing slow.” I went faster and five minutes later we were pulling up at the ER.

  There was five cop cars and an ambulance. I noticed Jax and some of his other family members there. Something must’ve happened if they all here because I didn’t see him at the party.

  “I’m sorry Antoine.” I took Ant from Vanity.

  “For what?”

  “Reacting like that. She pushed me and...”

  “Not right now.” I said making my way inside. I wasn’t mad at her but at this moment it was no need to discuss it either.

  “Antoine.” She grabbed my arm.

  “Vanity let me get our son inside and we can talk about it later.” She smiled and stood on her tippy toes to kiss me.

  I called Ant our son because anyone who knows me, can attest that Sharika will be dead soon. Vanity will be my sons’ mother and I don’t care who has something to say about it.

  “My son had a seizure.” I told the receptionist and waited for her to take down the information.

  “What happened?” We turned to see my uncle Marco sitting in the waiting room with Aniya.

  “Unc, you have no idea. Let me get him in situated and I’ll tell you.” He stood and followed us.

  “Is she ok?” My mom came running in. I didn’t even know she left the house.

  “Is who ok?” I asked when the nurse placed us in a room. They didn’t even triage him.

  “Brielle. Jacinta kidnapped her and Aniya. She tried to kill them. Come to aunty.” She took the baby and stood next to Lil Ant as they placed monitors on him.

  “WHAT? Where’s Colby and Marco Jr.?” I asked and felt my wife holding my hand.

  “Colby’s in the back with Brielle and no one can reach Marco.” My uncle said and picked his phone up to call him again.

  “How long did the seizure last?” The doctor asked when he walked in. I gave him as much information possible and what happened. They took him in the back to get a MRI and make sure there’s no brain damage.

  My mom told him Ant fell and hit his head. I didn’t know because of everything going on. I sat down and pulled Vanity on my lap.

  “Did they say what all went down with Aniya?” I asked my mom and listened to her explain as much as she could from what my uncle told her. Brielle tried to tell them on the phone but evidently, Jacinta tried to run her over with the car and the second time, she passed out.

  “I’ll be back.” I told Vanity and went to check on my uncle who stepped out the room. I found him outside speaking to my father who just arrived.

  “Is she good? How’s my grandson?” He asked and all of us went to the room.

  “Hey.” Colby spoke as he sat on the side of the bed holding her hand. My aunt Rakia was on the other side but in the bed with her.

  “What they saying?” My uncle walked over and kissed her forehead. My pops did the same.

  “Her pressure was so high she almost had a heart attack. It’s the reason she passed out.” My aunt had distress written on her face.

  “Is the baby ok?” My father questioned.

  “As of right now, he good.” We all saw the smirk on his face.

  “She doesn’t know because he gave her a small dose of medicine to sleep. It’s gonna relax her body; which she needs.” He said and stepped out to check on Aniya.

  “When is she gonna wake up?” I asked my aunt.

  “Later or tomorrow. Can you ask your mom to keep Aniya? I know you have to stay with Ant.” I told her yes, kissed her cheek and walked back to check on my son.

  “Ma, can you keep Aniya?” I didn’t see Colby in here with her.

  “Yea. Vanity can you hold her while I go see Brielle?” My wife took Aniya and my mom closed the door on the way out.

  “Where’s Colb
y?” I asked.

  “He stopped in, kissed her cheek and said he’d be back. He wasn’t worried about Aniya because all of us are here.” I nodded.

  “What’s wrong with these ex’s in y’all life?”

  “I don’t know. Bitches crazy but you don’t have to deal with it much longer.” Aniya sat on her lap playing with her phone.

  We sat there for the next hour waiting for Ant to come out. We knew it would take long because of the tests they were running. I wonder if this is his first seizure and has Sharika put her hands on him before. I’m all for disciplining but she bugging.

  “Why the fuck did you attack my niece like that?” Sharika’s aunt barged in the room. Vanity stood but I made her sit.

  “Why not? The bitch made my stepson have a seizure?” Vanity spoke with hate in her voice and I didn’t blame her.

  “How could you let her fight your sons mother?”

  “The same way you told her to try and fuck me thinking it would make me want her.” I rose outta my chair.

  “The same way you put the dumb ideas in her head to try my wife.” I moved closer and heard her body hit the wall.

  “Let me be clear on a few things because you got me fucked up.” She grabbed the door handle.

  “I’m gonna kill her as soon as I find out if my son is ok.” I looked her up and down.

  “If you lay one hand on her...”

  “You’ll what? Go to the cops.” I laughed.

  “Be my guest.” I opened the door.

  “Your wife beat my niece with a gun. You really think her family is gonna stand for it?” I turned to my wife who shrugged her shoulders.

  “Too bad she’s not a killa because I would’ve shot her right there and kept it moving.”

  “What is wrong with you? Sharika used to be the love of your life.” She tried to make a claim on the relationship I used to have with her trifling niece.

  “Nah. The love of my life is holding my little cousin and waiting for our son to come back.” Of course we claimed Aniya because even if Brielle and Colby don’t work out, she’ll still be around. Brielle is the only mother she knows.

  “The love of my life never cheated on me or became pregnant with another man’s baby at the time we were together.” She sucked her teeth.

  “The woman behind me is the only woman who could make me kill for her and it’s exactly what I’m gonna do.”

  “But why you tryna kill my niece because you cheated?” I shook my head.

  “Ain’t nobody killing her for that.”

  “Then why are you?” She stood there smirking as if any of this is funny.

  “The bitch don’t know how to stay away; therefore, I’m gonna help her.” I yoked her up by the shirt and pushed her out the door.

  “Antoine.” I walked over to Vanity mad as hell. I wanted to find Sharika and get it over with.

  “I love you baby but I need you to stay calm for now.” I sat down and she turned my face.

  “When we get home and get the kids situated, I want my husband to make love to me all night.”

  “You sure?” I asked. Not that she didn’t want me to touch her but we’re both aggravated about the shit and I thought she’d be mad at me.

  “I thought you wanted another baby.” She slid her tongue in my mouth.

  “I do and since we don’t know if I am yet, we should keep trying.” I ran my hand down her face and smiled. Why in the hell did I cheat on her?


  “What the hell?” My mother snatched me up off the ground and took me in the bathroom. I was so dizzy she had to hold my hand in order for me not to fall.

  When I smacked my son, everything happened so fast there wasn’t a way to stop it. I had no idea Vanity had a gun in her hand, nor did I expect the beating she put on me with it. It felt like my life would end shortly and if Antoine didn’t yell her name it probably would’ve. What I didn’t understand is why no one stopped her; not even my family members stepped in.

  I know my mother wasn’t getting in it, but my aunt didn’t say a word and she’s partly the reason I’m in this. If I hadn’t listened to her maybe this situation would be going a lot different. But then again, I did want Antoine back so who knows.

  We walked in the bathroom and blood poured outta my forehead. My lip was swollen with deep gashes in them and my nose was crooked. Two of my teeth on the side were missing and I’m not even gonna talk about the one eye swollen shut. I could barely see out the other one. I’m gonna get Vanity back. How dare her attack me at my sons’ party? Antoine had no business allowing it to happen.

  “What’s up?” My cousin Tanna walked in and sat on the sink.

  “She got her ass beat, that’s what.” My mom said holding me against the wall grabbing paper towels to try and clean me up.

  “If she didn’t have the gun I would’ve...”

  “You would’ve what? Got yo ass beat by her sister in law or maybe Antoine?” Tanna had her arms folded against her chest with a smirk on her face.

  “I don’t know why you continue testing that man. What I do know is, this was most likely your last straw.”

  “Excuse me.” My mom said and patted my lip with the paper towel.

  “Auntie, he told Sharika to stay away from Vanity after he had her sleeping with the dog.” I sucked my teeth the best I could.

  “I saw him at the club and regardless of him cheating, he would do anything for his wife; include kill.” She hopped off the sink.

  “I’m not worried. He won’t kill me because of Lil Ant.” She laughed.

  “You do know they have the reaper on their team now?” My one eye grew big.

  “Yea right.”

  “Ughhh, his cousin Armonie is married to Vanity’s brother VJ. Duhhh, of course they’d link up.” I didn’t say a word. Everyone knows who the reaper is and if you’re name comes across his list, there’s no escaping his wrath.

  “Yup and that’s who he was speaking to.” She opened the door to leave.

  “If I were you, I’d get outta town because even if you’re right and he won’t kill you due to y’all son; the reaper won’t give a fuck.” She shrugged and left.

  “Who is this reaper guy?” My mother asked. I began explaining and she too let her facial expression tell me what she thought.

  “Is Antoine worth all this?”

  “Ma, she had no right...” I tried to finish, and she cut me off.

  “No, you had no right.” She turned the water on and had me lean over and wash my face the best I could. The gashes were so wide, I know stitches are needed.

  “You had a party for your son and as his stepmother, she came. You get in your feelings over the way he catered to her and started some shit.” She made me look at her.

  “Sharika, he doesn’t want you. Leave them alone before I end up burying you.” I could see how upset she was getting.

  “I need to see a doctor. Ma, these gashes are bad.” She rolled her eyes since I ignored her last statement.

  “DAMNNNNN! My sister fucked you up.” Vanity’s brother joked when we stepped out the bathroom. I assumed everyone left but I guess not.

  “Tanna, can you straighten up? I have to take her to the ER.” My cousin told her ok.

  I sat in my mother’s car and put my seat back. My head was killing me, and the bleeding wouldn’t stop. She handed me some napkins out the middle console. We pulled up to the ER and noticed my aunt talking to a cop.

  “What the fuck is she doing?” My mother couldn’t stand her sister because of how messy she is. I found humor in my aunt most of the time, where others didn’t.

  “Who knows?” We stepped out and made our way to the door.

  “See officer. Look at my nieces’ face. The woman who did this is inside and needs to be prosecuted.” The cop looked at me.

  “Do you want to press charges on whoever did this to you?” I had no clue what to do or say.

  “No, she doesn’t and why are you here for someone who isn’t even the so-ca
lled victim?”

  “Ma’am, we have to show up at any call made to the station.” He said and I walked past to check in.

  “How can I help you?” The receptionist looked up and immediately contacted a nurse.

  “Follow me.” The nurse said and me, my mom and my aunt followed. I couldn’t help but noticed Antoine’s family there, along with Marco Jr’s. Were they all here for my son? Granted they were at the party but all of them showed up.

  “He’s doing ok and we’re going to put him on a medication called Keppra.” I heard a doctor saying and stopped in front of the room. There stood Antoine, his wife, and both of their parents. Why were her parents there? He’s not related to them.

  “Don’t even think about it.” My mother said. I asked the nurse to give me a minute and stepped in the room.

  “I thought both biological parents had to be present to hear what the doctors say.” Everyone turned around and if I could be murdered with their looks, I would have been.

  “I’m sorry ma’am but who are you and it appears you need to be checked out.”

  “I’m his mother and the reason I look this way is because of her.” I pointed to Vanity.

  “Don’t move.” Antione told her when she stood.

  “Miss, you should…”

  “I should nothing. He is my son so continue.” Antoine nodded to the doctor and he continued.

  Overall, they’re gonna keep an eye on my son and have him see a neurologist to run more tests. Once he walked out, the family looked at me. My aunt was standing next to me, while my mother kept passing me paper towels to wipe my face.

  “What happened to you mommy?” My son asked in a low whisper.

  “Your stepmother thought it was ok to use a gun and hit me.” The entire room got quiet. Ant looked at Vanity who you could tell was fuming.

  “What the fuck you tryna do Sharika? Huh? You want my son to see me cut up?” Antoine started walking towards me, but his father stopped him.

  “Mrs. Vanity, did you do that to my mom?” I glanced over at her.

  “Let’s go.” Antoine didn’t let her answer and picked him up.

  “Where are you taking my son?” I stood in front of Antoine.

  “Sharika stop this shit right now.” My mother yelled.


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