Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo

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Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo Page 9

by Robert Lubrican

  Boy darted off the trail and into the jungle, where there were only lions and Pythons to deal with.

  Jane chuckled to herself and called down. "Come on, then. I've got hot water up here."

  It was the anger that gave her the strength to climb the tree, and Penny didn't realize how sore and tired she was until she got to the tree house and stepped onto the platform. She looked around in astonishment at the home - and there was no other word for it - that had been made there. There were chairs, made from branches held together with vine lashings, and a table made the same way. Along one side was a storage container system made from, of all things, metal! To Penny's eyes it looked a lot like the metal they used to cover the outside of an airplane. And, there was a bathtub made from what was obviously the engine nacelle of an airplane as well.

  Jane went over to this tub and reached out to grasp a short length of wooden pipe that went up and through the roof. "There's a catch basin up in the upper canopy that gets filled when it rains and warmed by the sun. Let's get you a bath and you'll feel much better." She pulled a fibrous plug from the end of the pipe and water poured into the tub. Penny stood as though riveted to the platform.

  "I'm Jane Parker" Jane introduced herself as she got a cake of the soap she made and put it on a small table next to the tub. "And you are?" She heard a thud and turned to find the beautiful blond woman unconscious on the floor.

  Julia Penelope Milton, third in her class at Oxford, the woman who held in her hand the balls of Hoffington, Burke, Jeffries and Bedletter, barristers par excellence, had fainted.

  Jane cupped her mouth and gave her ululating call. Boy came flying through the trees, swinging on vines, within three minutes. When he landed on the platform his mother instructed him to pick up the woman and put her in the tub. He did.

  "Did you have relations with this woman?" asked Jane.

  "Relations?" responded a puzzled Boy. No one had ever thought to discuss either birds or bees with him.

  "Did you have sex with her?" his mother amended.

  "Like you and father? When he lies upon you?"

  Jane colored. "Yes" she admitted. "Like that."

  "Oh yes!" her handsome son's smile was brilliant.

  Jane blushed even deeper. "And she asked you to do this?"

  Boy heard something in his mother's voice that suggested there was a right answer to this question, and a wrong one as well.

  "Well, it was night and we were in the cave by the stream off that way" he pointed and she nodded. "And the bats came flying by us and she was scared, so I covered her with my body so they wouldn't touch her and it just... sort of happened. So no, I guess she didn't ask me to." He had simply answered her question literally, leaving out the part where Penny told him in no uncertain terms not to stop what they were doing.

  Jane wasn't sure what to do. She had lived in the jungle for a long time and had become accustomed to the fact that survival often involved death. Sometimes it involved death caused by her hands. If this woman caused trouble...

  Jane shook herself. Who could this woman cause trouble with? She noticed that Boy was looking at her... differently. He was staring at her breasts.

  "Did she fight against you doing ... that?"

  "Oh no" said Boy, thinking he might get out of this. "She seemed to like it very much. I think it hurt her at first, but then it was all right. She held me very tightly and we kissed."

  * * *

  Penny came up from a deep fog gently, like a feather in a quiet room that is dropped and wafts back and forth on it's peaceful trip to the floor. She felt warm. She heard voices. She realized she was lying partially submerged in warm water and then remembered one of the voices. Jane. Jane Parker, the very woman she had come seeking. The other voice was male. She cracked one eye open and saw it was the boy. They were speaking in English.

  Jane said "So tell me about this woman. How did you come to meet her?"

  "Well" started Boy, and then, in typical teenage fashion, he told about hearing her screams and finding the trespassing Wanatu tribesman trying to eat her alive. He glossed over the fight, knowing that his mother didn't respond well to stories where there was danger and he was involved in that danger too. Even though he knew nothing in the jungle could actually hurt him, his mother didn't seem to understand that and worried.

  He paused. "Where's father?" he asked. "I need to tell him about the trespassing."

  "He took your sisters to stay with the Walana people, in case Cheetah's warning turned out to be something of real danger. He said he'd check back with me before going to look for you," said his mother. "He should be back any time. Go on."

  Boy told her about letting the woman loose. "She pissed herself when she was staked out and I approached her. That's when I knew she didn't know who I was."

  "And just why would she know who you were?" Jane asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  "Everybody in the jungle knows who I am" he said proudly. "At first I thought she was retarded or something. She talked funny, saying each word all by itself, like she was reciting them. Then I realized she thought I was stupid."

  Penny flushed in the tub as he said these words.

  "And she was very demanding and unpleasant. So I decided not to say anything to her in English. I mean if I did then she'd talk all the time and I wouldn't be able to hear things as we walked, right? Was that OK mother? I knew I had to bring her here."

  Jane skirted the issue of whether it was all right to lie to a woman and concentrated on his comment about bringing her home.

  "Why?" asked his mother. "I mean I'm glad you did. She obviously has no business being in the jungle unescorted, but why didn't you just take her to one of the villages, so she could get back to civilization?"

  "She had a briefcase. It was full of papers... legal stuff. Your name was on some of them."

  It was quiet. Penny cracked an eye open again. Jane was sitting and staring off into the jungle.

  "Where is this briefcase?"

  Boy went to the edge of the platform and looked down. "Down there by the base of the tree, where I left it when we got here."

  "Well, go and get it then!" barked his mother.

  He was suddenly gone, as if he'd just dropped over the edge to fall to the ground. Then, faster than Penny would have thought possible, he was back, with the stained and battered satchel. Penny knew she should "wake up" now, and assert herself. Jane was obviously going to go through the papers in the case. But Penny had learned more in the last ten minutes than she had in the previous two days, so she played possum a little longer.

  Boy held on to the case. "I think it's a will, mother." he said softly. "I think it's Grandfather's will. I didn't take time to read it all."

  "Oh no" said Jane Parker, her shoulders sagging. She took the case from him, and put it on the table, but didn't open it. She stared at it, like it was some evil thing she didn't want to touch. Then her shoulders shook and she straightened up.

  "Quit staring at my breasts" she said to her son. "Go and wash this woman off so that at least she's clean when she wakes up."

  Penny had to decide what to do now. If she "woke up" she could resume her role as a barrister, and complete her mission. If she stayed "asleep" the boy would bathe her and she'd get to feel his strong hands running over her body. For some reason she longed for that feel. She decided to stay the way she was.

  "Here comes father" said the boy.

  There was a swish and the platform shook and rattled as something heavy dropped onto it.

  "Tarzan, my love" said Jane Parker in a voice full of emotion. "Is all well?"

  "Yes" he said simply, his voice deeper, but of the same general timbre as his son's. "What have you brought us Boy?"

  "Mom will tell you all about it" said Boy. He wanted to get on with his chore. He lathered up his hands and placed them directly on Penny's breasts while his mother repeated his story. He slid his soapy hands across her chest and gently cleaned her throat and cheeks.

y wanted to sigh. Boy's hands were so sure and firm and they felt so good on her body. She heard Jane telling Tarzan that she had told Boy to clean up the woman before she woke up.

  "But she's already awake." said Tarzan.

  Jane turned to look at the woman, whose head was lolling, eyes closed. Tarzan went on. "Can't you hear her breathing? She's not asleep."

  Penny opened her eyes and Jane barked a laugh. "Well, did you get an earful then?

  Penny pushed Boy's hands away from her. It hurt her to do so. She stood up, not knowing her cheeks and neck were still soapy, and that she looked quite silly, standing there naked. She held out her hand to Boy, who took it and helped her out of the tub. She moved regally, like she thought the Queen must.

  "Good afternoon" she said formally. "I'm Penelope Milton, of Hoffington, Burke, Jeffries and Bedletter, of London. I have been

  dispatched to find you, Lady Parker, to execute your father's last will and testament. I'm sorry to inform you of his death. You have been... incommunicado for some time."

  Jane reached for a towel and handed it to Penelope. She glanced at Tarzan, who was looking at the woman curiously. He was not looking at her naked body. Then she glanced at her son, who was looking at the woman like a puppy looks at it's master. He was ogling her naked body. And his penis was stiff again.

  She sighed.

  The proceedings went on as they might have anywhere, except that everyone present was stark naked and they were in an equatorial jungle. Business was conducted and concluded. It appeared that Jane Parker had been left a sizable fortune, which would need to be managed. Jane would need to appoint a caretaker for all that lovely money, which should, of course, be invested so as to gain value. Commissions would have to be paid to the manager, naturally, and Jane nodded, uninterested, when Penelope

  Milton suggested that ten percent was the 'normal' fee. They had talked for over an hour before Penelope Milton thought to thank Jane for her reception.

  Jane waved her hand. "We don't turn anyone away in the jungle." she said carelessly.

  Penny was startled. "But what if someone was a criminal, or tried to hurt you or something?"

  "If he was a risk to health or safety then we would simply kill him." said Jane, also carelessly. Her eyes sharpened. "But we wouldn't just turn him away."

  "Speaking of criminals, where did you find Miss Milton, Boy? It was the first thing Tarzan had said in over an hour.

  Boy closed his mouth, which had fallen open as he stared at Penny's naked form. "It was over near the border of the Luluas tribe." he said.

  "And the cannibal was Wanatu?" asked Tarzan. "You're sure he was Wanatu?"

  "Yes father" groaned Boy. "You taught me how to recognize the people of the jungle." He rolled his eyes. "Why does it matter anyway?"

  Tarzan's eyes glinted dangerously. "Because, Boy, you and I are going to take his skull and weapons back to his people, and remind them they are not welcome here. If we can find them." he added as an afterthought.

  "I took his knife. Will that do?" asked Boy.

  Tarzan nodded. "I don't suppose you hung up the carcass? That would make it a lot easier to find again."

  "I was sort of busy father. She was screaming and it hurt my ears. Besides, all that noise was bound to attract trouble." said Boy.

  Penny jerked as she realized it was getting dark. She also realized she was famished.

  "Do you suppose you might have something I could eat?" she asked meekly. Her job finished, she was again cowed by being in the presence of a living legend.

  Jane shook her head. "Where are my manners?" she asked rhetorically. Soon they were eating and then it was almost too dark to see any longer.

  Jane eyed Penelope Milton. "Are you... married Miss Milton?"

  Penny was glad it was dark. "No, I am not." she said.

  "We have only two beds, Miss Milton. You may have one. I assume you prefer to sleep... alone?"

  Penny thought about that. She thought about it for so long that Jane had to prompt her again.

  "Miss Milton?"

  "Please, call me Penny" said Penny, who was thinking furiously. She knew she was perfectly safe here, and that she could claim a bed and no one would mind. But what had happened last night, in that cave, had been so glorious and so wonderful. If there was any way she could experience that again before she had to leave and go back to civilization...

  Jane had an idea what was going through Penny's mind. "Would you feel safer if someone ... guarded you ... in the night?" she asked.

  Penny took the offered branch. "Yes, I believe I would be more comforted if I were not alone."

  Jane had to tease her. "Would you prefer it were I who accompanied you? Or would you prefer a man? Tarzan, of course, is not available, but I'm sure Boy might be persuaded to... accompany you... if that would be all right."

  Penny flamed red now and was exceedingly glad for the darkness. "Um... yes... I wouldn't want to keep you apart from your... husband. If Boy would consent to accompany me I would... feel better."

  Jane leaned close and whispered in Penny's ear. "This is the jungle dearie. Enjoy yourself." Then she kissed Penny quickly on the cheek and took Tarzan's hand, leading him to their bed.

  Penny turned and said "Boy?"

  "I'm here" came his voice. He approached and she melted into his arms, feeling safe and secure.

  * * *

  Tarzan held Jane close and stroked her, as he did most nights before he mounted her and made love to her. "What was that all about?" he asked as his fingers played between her legs.

  Jane spread her legs for him. "Our little boy found himself a woman in the jungle... just like you did" She kissed Tarzan and reached for his thick stalk. "And he did to her what you did when you found me." She stroked his manhood several times. "Like you're about to do to me again."

  "But won't they hear us?" asked Tarzan.

  "I hope so" she breathed.

  Penny was led through darkness to a soft bed, where she willingly lay down with the young man who had saved her life. She didn't wait for him to try to touch her. When he got into the bed she climbed on top of him and kissed him hungrily.

  "I thought you didn't want to do this any more." he said.

  "I changed my mind." she said.

  There was a moan that came from the direction of another tree house.

  "There they go again." sighed Boy.

  She felt for his penis. It was inflamed and ready. She notched it in her sex and sank down on it gratefully, releasing her own loud moan. His fingers found her nipples and she moaned again as she rode him and let herself enjoy the fabulous sensation of her loins and nipples being stimulated at the same time. This time, as she rode through a gut tightening orgasm and heard his rasping breath, she thought of babies. "Give me your seed" she whispered into his ear.

  He did.


  Seven months after J.P. Milton was sent off to deepest, darkest Africa, hopefully there to complete her mission and then be tragically slain, the doors to the offices of Hoffington, Burke, Jeffries and Bedletter, of London, opened and the cursed woman - obviously still troublingly alive - swept through them in triumphant return. Her startling entrance was without warning, the old men of the firm having given her up for dead long ago.

  Her entrance was both theatrical and eye catching. For one thing she was dressed in a colorful caftan, with a distinctly African pattern on it. Her hair was braided in an intricate arrangement up on top of her head and held there with carved wooden combs. She had in her hand, a very battered and obviously hard-used briefcase.

  All in all, it was a magnificent entrance, and one that the employees of Hoffington, Burke, Jeffries and Bedletter would remember and tell stories about for the rest of their lives.

  Her entrance was enhanced, scandalously, by the fact that she was heavy with child... seven months heavy, to be exact. But she was one of those women who look fabulous when pregnant, who bring to the loins of every man who sees her the desire to ma
ke some woman look just like her. And all four partners had dreamed of making her look like this. There was almost immediately the atmosphere of male resentment in the air as her bulging belly preceded her fluid walk through the offices to that of Mr. Hoffington himself. Everything was so unsettled by her sudden and fantastic appearance that Hoffinfton's secretary sat frozen long past when she would have stopped someone from barging in on the senior partner without an appointment.

  Penny opened her battered and stained case, laid three pieces of paper on Hoffington's huge oak desk and said "Sir, my assignment has been completed. Here is Lady Parker's assignment of trustee for her fortune." She pushed one piece of paper forward.


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