Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  “Sorry, what were you saying?” Rowan asked, and he immediately scented lust in the air that was not his own.

  Dillon was blushing again, but he seemed to have himself somewhat under control, and his pale blue eyes were cloudy and half-lidded. “I asked if you wanted to go back to my place with me. We could get to know each other a little better.”

  There was indeed some form of God up there.

  * * * *

  Dillon didn’t normally do stuff like this, so he didn’t know why he was starting now.

  Other than the fact that Rowan was incredibly handsome, and for whatever reason he clearly thought that Dillon was attractive as well. The man also had a great ass, really. Dillon thought he could get back to his writing desk and jot out a couple of poems about that ass, or maybe even write a story about it.

  Yeah, never mind. He knew why he was bringing a virtual stranger home with him. He was horny, incredibly so, and he wanted to get laid by this amazing guy.

  Rowan was likely to go on his way and never be seen by Dillon again, but at least Dillon would get this with him.

  In fact, Rowan was so eager for it, that the second Dillon finished repeating it for a second time, Rowan immediately pulled the bills he needed out of his pocket to cover the expenses for the food and tip, and he all but pulled Dillon out of his booth.

  Dillon had to fight back a little at that point before Rowan could drag him out of the diner. He had to collect his notebooks and pens, and Rowan still had to put his books away before the man forgot about them, and then they were done and out the door.

  “Where do you live?” Rowan asked.

  “Cabin. It belongs to my family now that my uncle’s gone, and I’ve got it for the next month,” Dillon said, and he began to pull out his keys to his Honda Civic. “Do you want to follow me in your car, or I can drive you there and back—”

  He had to stop himself before he could finish that. Drive him back when? When they were done fucking? Yeah, that wasn’t awkward.

  Rowan must’ve realized that as well because he decided that he wanted to take his own ride, wherever it was. “Just give me the address.”

  Dillon gave it to him. “You might have some trouble finding it. There aren’t any other cabins around for a couple of miles, but if you turn left on the unpaved road near—”

  “I know where it is,” Rowan said, and he cupped Dillon’s face and pulled him close for the most amazing kiss Dillon had ever experienced in his twenty-four years of life.

  God, the man’s lips were soft, and they made every part of Dillon’s body tingle, like how a limb felt right before it fell asleep, only not in a bad way. No one had ever made Dillon tingle before.

  There was a brush of the man’s tongue, and then he pulled away, and it was done, leaving Dillon so empty-headed that he swayed on his feet, and probably shouldn’t be allowed to drive either.

  “I’ll meet you there,” Rowan said, and he opened the door to Dillon’s car and gently helped him inside of it. Dillon grinned at the man like the fool that he was.

  Rowan gently shut the door behind Dillon, and the man stood back away from the car and waved.

  Right, he needed to get this thing started. Dillon fumbled with his keys, but he eventually got them in the ignition and started the engine. It was hard for him to keep his eyes on where he was going, and off of Rowan, as he slowly pulled out of the parking lot and got onto the road.

  Fuck. He was so fucked. In a good way. This was going to be great and he could still hardly believe that he’d had the balls to actually go through with asking the man out and offering him…God, he was so fucked.

  Dillon was so busy floating on cloud nine that he barely stopped to think about what had just happened until he was almost back at the cabin. Rowan’s kiss had actually left him a little disoriented, and Dillon didn’t even stop to think about the fact that there were hardly any cars in the parking lot when he’d left it. He’d seen the cars and trucks in the employee spots, but then there weren’t that many of those because, the last time he’d checked, the owners lived in the apartment above the diner.

  That was what he’d heard from the few other people he’d either spoken to or listened in on—They were talking too loud! What was he supposed to do? Plug his ears?—so where was Rowan’s car? In fact, hadn’t Rowan just been standing there? Watching Dillon pull away? Dillon would have thought that he’d at least see the guy start to walk to his car, but he hadn’t seen that at all.

  Which was why it was something of an extra surprise when he pulled up the long and thin drive through the trees that led to his family cabin and saw Rowan standing there.

  “What the hell?” Dillon asked.

  The man had a carefree, and way too gorgeous, smile on his face as he stepped forward when Dillon pulled the car up and parked it.

  He stepped out and could only stare at the other man. “How did you—? I mean…”

  Rowan only had a shrug for him, and that same sexy smile on his face that promised all kinds of things.

  That was about when Dillon decided that he didn’t care. Not in the least. He closed the door and walked over to him, never taking his eyes off of Rowan’s face.

  “I thought we could have a bit of a race,” Rowan said.

  “Hm, clearly,” Dillon replied, and he leaned up, put his hand on the back of Rowan’s neck, and pulled him down for another one of those soft kisses that he seemed so great at.

  The tingle was back, on Dillon’s hand, his lips, and his tongue, and the little hairs on the back of Dillon’s neck were standing on end. His balls felt almost unbearably tight, it damn near hurt, and his dick was throbbing in time with his heartbeat.

  It didn’t feel any better when Rowan let his hands slide down, his large, strong fingers, sliding over the back of Dillon’s ass, and then grabbing him hard and pulling their hips together.

  Dillon moaned, and Rowan broke the kiss. “I meant,” he said, wetting his lips with his tongue, his voice sounding like sex. “We could race to your bedroom.”

  Dillon was all over that.

  Chapter Three

  Because he still had to get his keys out and unlock the door, the race didn’t technically start until the door itself opened, and that was when Dillon ran as fast as he could, not even bothering to take his shoes off, to the bedroom he’d claimed as his when he’d first gotten here.

  The door was already open and he rushed inside, jumping onto the bed with its white sheets and comforter. He damn near bounced off because of his momentum, but his heart was racing, his adrenaline was high, and he was struggling to get out of his shoes so they could do this already.

  Rowan came and stood in the doorway, and he leaned against it with one arm above his head, smiling at the goofy sight that Dillon no doubt made.

  “I win,” Dillon said, and he was stupidly happy about that. It wasn’t like it was a real race or anything.

  “You had an unfair advantage,” Rowan said. “I might just demand a rematch.”

  “The words of the man who lost,” Dillon teased, and when his shoes were finally off, he did his best to look sexy as he leaned back on the bed, one hand behind him to keep himself propped up, legs spread just enough to be enticing without being too lewd about it, and then he crooked his finger at the other man. “Come here,” he said.

  Rowan did as he was told, and he was unbuttoning the red plaid shirt he wore on the way over, letting it slide down his shoulders just as he reached the bed. He was wearing a white T-shirt beneath that, which was tight enough for Dillon to be incredibly impressed by the sight of his muscles.

  His many, many muscles. Dillon was a runner in high school, and on the soccer team, but ever since then, he’d gone just a bit soft around the middle, and he totally felt inadequate.

  That feeling multiplied by about ten and a half when Rowan reached down, grabbed the bottom of his shirt, and pulled it up and over his head, letting Dillon see all of his chest.

  “Holy God,” Dillon said, and
he reached his hand up to touch the man’s abs. They were hard. He should have known they would be.

  Rowan leaned down and crawled onto the bed, on top of Dillon. The man’s large legs stayed on either side of his body until Rowan was straddling Dillon’s waist.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “Are you kidding? How could I not?” Dillon replied, and then he naturally wanted to kick himself for saying that.

  Rowan just smiled at him, as if what Dillon had said was cute, instead of pathetic.

  Dillon never wanted this man to leave his house. Okay, that was weird. He just always wanted to keep this feeling, though. That was a better way of looking at it.

  Rowan kissed him, and at first it was slow, like they were kissing because they liked each other, not because they were trying to get off, and Dillon liked that.

  He liked it to a point, but then it got a little tedious. He wanted to get his heart racing again, and he wanted to make Rowan’s heart go insane as well. He wanted to leave the other man breathless, and prove, at least to himself, that he deserved to have such a gorgeous guy in bed with him.

  Dillon tightened his hold around the back of Rowan’s strong neck, and he had to put some effort into it, but he did manage to turn the both of them over so that he was now on top.

  “There’s fire in you. I like it,” Rowan said.

  “You talk…different than other people,” Dillon said.

  Fuck, maybe that was rude.

  Rowan, however, didn’t seem insulted. He only shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve lived in different places throughout my life, heard many different accents and tongues. It all tends to bleed through sometimes.”

  That made sense. Dillon once had a female neighbor whose mother was British, but whose father was American. She was raised in the U.S, but because of hearing her mother’s accent all the time, she had a soft one of her own.

  “Now,” Rowan said, and he reached his hand up to cup Dillon’s face. “I think you were in the middle of something before asking me about my speech?”

  He was right, but Dillon suddenly couldn’t think of what to do. He felt stuck and completely frozen in place. It wasn’t like he’d had a lot of lovers in his time and knew how to be kinky or anything. He was as vanilla as they came, and he could only stare down at the other man, feeling his hard prick pressing against his thigh through the layers of their jeans.

  That was when Dillon got his idea. The simple always worked best, right? He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the middle of Rowan’s chest, and then moved to the left, just enough so he could dart his tongue out and give one of Rowan’s brown nipples a lick, and then suck it into his mouth.

  He wasn’t pressing his ear to the man’s chest or anything, but he swore that he could hear Rowan’s heart. It was beautiful and picked up in speed, and obviously got louder, too, as the man inhaled a shaky breath.

  “Yes, put your tongue on me. Lick me all over and make me yours.”

  No one had ever said anything quite like that to him while in bed before. It was different, and it was good. Yeah, the decision on that one was easy. Dillon liked it.

  Dillon quickly moved over to Rowan’s other nipple, hardening his tongue and licking around the nipple until it was a firm bud, and then taking it into his mouth. Rowan’s shiver, and the way he carded his fingers through Dillon’s short hair and bucked a little on the bed, was a victory if there ever was one.

  He quickly pulled away to look up at the man. “You like that, baby?”

  Rowan’s hair had come loose from the tie that kept it back. It almost looked like a small strip of leather, but it was on Dillon’s pillow as Rowan turned his head back and forth.

  “I would like it even better if you were to suck on something else,” Rowan said, and he looked down and Dillon’s breath got caught in his throat.

  His eyes, the man’s eyes were gold, an interesting shade that Dillon had never seen before, but now they were glowing.

  He had to blink a few times before they went back to normal. Confused, Dillon looked toward the window, which wasn’t open, but the curtains were parted just enough to let in some light.

  That must’ve been it. They’d just caught the light and made Dillon think that he saw something he really didn’t.

  “Something the matter?” Rowan asked.

  Dillon shook his head, and he began to shimmy his way down Rowan’s body, until their crotches were no longer pressed together. “No,” he said.

  The movement eased the ache on his dick, but he was still throbbing, and he needed to get out of these jeans.

  He crawled right off the bed, until he was kneeling before it. “Come down here a bit. I want your knees to hang over the side of the bed.”

  Rowan didn’t say anything to that, he just smiled and obeyed, but that smile showed off perfect white teeth. Rowan moved down just enough so that his feet were flat on the ground, but he was still lying on the bed. Dillon lifted himself up enough to reach for the man’s belt and fly. “This what you want?” Dillon asked.

  “Yes,” Rowan said, and he was panting the words like Dillon had already put the man’s cock in his mouth.

  Rowan was huge. That was the first thing that went through Dillon’s head. Dillon didn’t want to think something as cliché as he was hung like a horse, but, well, he was hung like a horse.

  His dick was nearly as thick as Dillon’s wrist, and it was arched up and pointing at the man’s navel. The head was dark and swollen, but there were no veins bulging out of the shaft. He wasn’t cut.

  “I’m sure it tastes better than it looks,” Rowan said.

  Dillon looked up at the other man abruptly, and Rowan laughed at his own joke.

  It was a little funny, so Dillon laughed too. He quickly got himself back under control and curled his fingers around the root of Rowan’s cock, right before he wet his lips, pointed the man’s dick right where it needed to go, and then sucked it down.

  Dillon’s lack of skills was in the spotlight when he immediately choked on it.

  Right, what had he been thinking when he tried to deep throat a guy that size?

  “Are you all right?” Rowan asked.

  Dillon was somewhat stunned to look up and see that there was some genuine concern in the man’s eyes. Dillon wasn’t exactly sure if he would be able to have any patience when someone was trying to go down on him.

  “I’m fine. I just…I can do it,” he said, and he was determined to do it, too.

  It was going to have to be more of a slow and steady wins the race sort of thing if he was going to do this right.

  Dillon decided he was going to focus more on teasing before he got to the actual act itself.

  He let his tongue slide up the erect side of Rowan’s cock, right before he pressed a kiss to it.

  Rowan’s hand went to the back of Dillon’s head as he sighed, so Dillon figured he was doing something right, and he started to relax as feelings of inadequacy began to leave him behind.

  “That’s nice,” Rowan moaned, and he started to thrust his cock up toward Dillon’s mouth, trying to get more of his tongue while holding Dillon’s head in place. “Very nice.”

  Good, that was exactly how Dillon wanted it. He thought it would be a good idea to scrape his teeth gently down the side of the shaft, and Rowan shivered as he stared down at him.

  “I hope you don’t have plans on using those teeth of yours too much,” he said.

  “You don’t like it?” Dillon asked.

  “It’s different,” Rowan said, and then he put his head back again, his hair all over the pillow. “Though I wouldn’t ask someone I didn’t trust to do it.”

  That had to mean that the man trusted him on some level, right?

  Ugh, Dillon wanted to kick himself. Rowan didn’t trust him at all. He was just here to get laid, that was it, so Dillon had best get back to what he was doing before the guy got impatient and decided he could find something better elsewhere. Dillon’s pseudo-fame could only g
o so far if he wasn’t giving up what he’d been offering before.

  He wanted to wow the guy with something, and even though it wasn’t exactly unique, it was more than what Dillon had been doing before.

  He put his mouth around the thick head of Rowan’s cock, which in and of itself was a mouthful. He kept his mouth wet and tight around the bulb of it as he sucked on the head.

  Rowan’s fingers were painfully tight as they gripped his hair, and the man tried to thrust his dick the rest of the way into Dillon’s mouth, so he had to grab on to Rowan’s hips and hold him down.

  “Ah! You’re killing me,” Rowan said.

  Dillon tried to relax his throat so he could take more of the man inside of him. There wasn’t much farther he could go, and he finally had to admit to himself that he just wasn’t very good at this.

  That was fine. He could take Rowan at least halfway at his best, and even he knew how well a blowjob could be done when hands were involved.

  Dillon pulled his mouth away, stupidly pleased at the sound of Rowan’s almost pained moan. “No, don’t stop.”

  “Not going to,” he said. His voice already sounded raw from sex, and they hadn’t even gotten to the main event yet. He reached over to the side of the bed, to the place where he always hid away the things he needed when he just had to get off.

  For a writer, he wasn’t exactly clever when it came to where he put his lube, but beneath the two mattresses of the bed always worked best for him, always within easy reach, and there was less risk of a visiting relative finding it.

  He pulled it out and opened it, squeezing some of the lube onto his hands before he quickly got back to Rowan, and he smiled as his confidence soared.


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