The Lost Fleet: Genesis: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Genesis: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 26

by Raymond L. Weil

  Race let out a deep breath. “I know, but we have no other choice. Recall all exploration missions currently down on the surface. If we have to depart, I don’t want to leave anyone behind.”

  “What about Kelnor and Reesa?” asked Colonel Cowel. “We’ll be abandoning them.”

  “I think with as much time that has passed we have to assume they’re dead,” Race said evenly. He didn’t like the thought of leaving anyone behind, but even Major Nolan had indicated there was very little chance of the exploratory team still surviving.

  “Do we attack or wait for them to come to us?” asked Commander Arnett.

  Studying the tactical display, Race noticed the Simulins weren’t moving. “Let’s wait and see what our friends there do. If we have to go to them, I’ll lead the fleet out. Admiral Lankell will accompany us with his battleships. Vice Admiral Tolsen, Admiral Stoddard, and Fleet Admiral Baasil will remain beneath the defensive grid. Fleet Admiral Baasil will be in charge until we return.”


  Simulin High Commander Hark Brasht gazed at the tactical screen with a deep scowl on his face. There was a large fleet of organics in the outer part of the system as well as two small fleets of the same type in closer. What concerned him the most was the one in low orbit around the Great Sphere. From the sensor scans they had made, there were a large number of organics down on the hull of the sphere working in a small area. From the sensor readings, he suspected they were going to attempt to blast their way in. Nuclear devices had been detected. From past experience, he knew that was doomed to failure. In the remote past, when his people had discovered the first Great Sphere, they had found out the material they were constructed of was impervious to all known explosives, even antimatter.

  “There is a second much larger organic fleet in low orbit as well,” Second Commander Habra pointed out. “They seem to have put in place some defensive satellites and even a few battlestations.”

  “Is there any indication of them attempting to gain admittance to the sphere?”

  “No,” Habra replied. “There are a number of shuttles leaving the surface but no signs of any attempts to gain entry.”

  High Commander Brasht knew he was heavily outnumbered. However, he had the small golden globe which would allow entrance to the intergalactic vortex sites. It had been sent from the Simulin Grand Council. If he could activate just one of the sites, he could summon reinforcements from another Simulin controlled galaxy where a large fleet was waiting at its Great Sphere.

  “We will not attack any of the fleets of this galaxy’s organics,” Brasht announced. “We will proceed to the Great Sphere and take up a position above one of the intergalactic vortex apertures. If we can activate it, the Great Sphere will be under our control and we can summon our other ships. Once that has been done, we will then proceed to annihilate all the organic ships in the system.”


  High Lord Aktill of the Shari gazed with great worry at the tactical screen showing the large Simulin fleet that had just appeared. He knew from reports of past encounters with these vessels that they were highly dangerous, perhaps more so than the Humans and the Altons.

  “It’s as the Humans said,” Lower Lord Samarth said grudgingly. “The Simulins have come for the Dyson Sphere.”

  Aktill glanced over at Samarth. “We don’t know that yet. Their fleet hasn’t moved since it arrived.”

  “We must give Abrade permission to detonate the nuclear charges,” urged Samarth. “If we can gain entry to the sphere before the Simulins do we can secure the technology inside.”

  High Lord Aktill knew that, in this instance, Samarth was right. If he waited and the Simulins managed to gain access to the Dyson Sphere, then all might be lost. The Alton Ambassador had warned the Simulins might possess a way to gain entry during the negotiations with the representative from the Grand Council.

  “Send a message to Abrade. He may detonate the charges if and when the Simulins get within one hundred million kilometers of the sphere.”

  Aktill had received a message from the Shari Grand Council of High Lords authorizing him to detonate the charges if he felt it was the only way to gain access to the Dyson Sphere. In the back of his mind, he recalled the message from the Human admiral warning him not to set off the nuclear devices on the surface. The admiral said if there was a controlling intelligence inside the Dyson Sphere it might consider the detonation of the charges a threat and react in kind.

  In all the time the different fleets had been in the system, there had been no indication of any type of response from the megastructure. Abrade was certain that if there had been a guiding intelligence in the distant past, it had long since ceased to function. Even so, Aktill had still hesitated about giving permission to set off the nuclear charges. However, with the arrival of the Simulins he didn’t see he had any choice. He would give the order to detonate the charges and then wait and see if there was a response from the Dyson Sphere.


  “Admiral,” Major Nolan said. “Captain Abrams is requesting permission to take the exploration cutter back down to the surface of the Dyson Sphere. She still believes the exploration team is alive and trapped inside.”

  Race frowned and shifted his eyes over to the major. “If we’re forced to leave they may end up trapped. If the Simulins find them, they won’t last long.” He didn’t want to put more lives in jeopardy.

  Major Nolan nodded in understanding. “There’s a structure close to where the exploration team went inside the Dyson Sphere she can park the cutter beneath. It will be out of sight of the Simulins and should be safe from sensor scans.”

  “The cutter has the capacity to make it back to Federation space,” Colonel Cowel said. “It won’t be easy, but it could be done.”

  “Volunteers only,” Race said, reaching a decision. “While he thought the likelihood of the exploration team still being alive was minimal, if Major Nolan and Captain Abrams felt the risk was justified he was willing to take the gamble. “Fill that cutter up with supplies.” Looking at the tactical display and the Simulin vessels, he gave an additional order. “I assume you’re putting a full platoon of Marines on board. Make sure they have weapons that can take out Conqueror Drones. The Simulins might deploy some on the surface of the Dyson Sphere.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Nolan promised. Nolan had suspected what the admiral would say and had already taken care of everything. The cutter could launch immediately.

  “Tell Captain Abrams good luck and I hope she succeeds.”

  “Admiral, the Simulins are opening up spatial vortexes,” warned Captain Davis as a warning alarm sounded on his sensor console. “I believe they’re getting ready to jump closer to the Dyson Sphere.”

  “All ships, prepare for combat,” Race ordered over his minicomm, which was set for ship-to-ship communications. Looking around he saw the Command Center come alive with intense activity as the crew prepared for battle. He knew it would be the same across the entire fleet, both in the Human ships and the Alton ones.


  Reesa was inside the Central Control Station deep within the massive Dyson Sphere. There were four other AIs present besides Leeda and Rakell.

  “The Simulin ships have activated their hyperdrives and are preparing to jump closer to the Shrieel,” reported one of the male AIs.

  His name was Vidor if Reesa remembered correctly. “Is there any chance the Simulins can access the Dyson Sphere?”

  A look of troubled concern crossed Rakell’s face. “I don’t know. If they have brought the command key with them, it’s possible they could access one of the intergalactic vortex sites. We believe they only possess one.”

  Reesa’s face paled upon hearing that. “You can’t let that happen. They would only bring in more of their ships. If that happens billions, possibly trillions of beings in this galaxy will die!”

  Leeda looked frightened. “If they make it inside, we have no way to fight them. There are only a handful of AIs ever programmed wi
th that ability. To the rest of us, the thought of armed combat is repulsive. We can contain them to just the areas around the vortex generators, but nothing else.”

  Reesa well understood the problem as most Altons were also nonaggressive. Reesa suddenly had an idea. “Back at Raelen, there’s a full platoon of Marines under the command of Sergeant Wilde. They have weapons that could be used to keep the Simulins out.”

  Leeda looked over at Rakell, who slowly nodded. “Send a small space transport. Bring the entire group here. If the Simulins gain entry, we may indeed need them. Reesa is correct; we can’t allow the Simulins to endanger the organic races of this galaxy.”

  “Rakell, let me send a message to Admiral Tolsen and warn him of the danger. He can stop the Simulins with his fleet if he knows about the command key. You know what our people are like from the friendship message that’s being broadcast.”

  “Never in our long history of maintaining the Shrieel have we ever allowed communication to the outside. It was prohibited by the Originators to ensure no other species ever gained access.”

  Reesa felt desperate. “The Simulins already have access to over thirty of your Shrieel. Do you want to add this one to the list? What would your Originators say?”

  Rakell hesitated and then gestured for Reesa to follow him. “I will allow you to communicate with your admiral, but do not reveal any of what we have told you about the Shrieel, only that the Simulins must not be allowed to come near.”

  “Thank you,” said Reesa, feeling immense relief. She was finally going to get to tell Admiral Tolsen the exploration team was still alive.


  “Simulin vessels are exiting hyperspace,” reported Captain Davis. “Distance is one hundred eighty million kilometers from the Dyson Sphere.”

  “What are they up to?” asked Colonel Cowel as he gazed at the tactical display. “Why didn’t they jump in closer and attack either the Shari or us?”

  “The exploration cutter has landed,” added Major Nolan. “It’s hidden, so the Simulins shouldn’t be able to spot it.”

  “If we’re forced to leave, how long can they stay and still be able to make it back to the Federation?” Race didn’t like the idea of leaving the cutter behind at the Dyson Sphere, but Major Nolan was determined to do everything in his power to give the trapped exploration team a chance if they still survived.

  “Four weeks and then they’ll have to start back,” answered Nolan.

  “We could leave a dreadnought in a nearby system,” suggested Commander Arnett. “With its stealth energy shield, it would be undetectable.”

  Race nodded. “That sounds like a plausible plan.” The dreadnought Corvus under the command of Commander Edison Smart would be ideal as Smart wouldn’t take unnecessary risks. It made Race feel better knowing the cutter wouldn’t be entirely on its own.

  “Sir,” called out Captain Denise Travers, her eyes wide in shock. “I have Reesa Jast on the comm.”

  “What?” Colonel Cowel said in disbelief. He looked over at the admiral. “How is that possible? Have they made it back to the cutter?”

  “No, sir,” Travers replied. “The signal is coming from inside the Dyson Sphere.”

  Race felt a chill run down his back. There had to be a reason why Reesa had finally contacted him, and with the appearance of the Simulin fleet he strongly suspected it wouldn’t be good news he was about to hear. “Transfer her over to me.”

  “Admiral,” came Reesa’s voice over the comm channel.

  “It’s been a while,” Race responded. “We’ve been worried about you. What’s the status of the exploratory team?”

  “We’re all fine,” she answered. “But that’s not why I contacted you. I’ve been informed the Simulins may have something that’s called a command key. This key will allow them to access the intergalactic vortex areas of the Dyson Sphere. If they can use the key, they can activate a vortex and summon their fleets.”

  “How do you know this?” demanded Race. He was right about not liking what Reesa was saying. If the Simulins came through in mass, they could endanger the entire galaxy.

  There was a long silence on the comm as if Reesa was speaking to someone else and then her voice returned. “There are Originator AIs with me. They say you must stop the Simulin fleet from reaching the Dyson Sphere and landing.”

  “I was already planning on engaging them,” Race said as he thought over Reesa’s words. Just what was this command key and who were these Originator AIs?

  There was silence once more and then Reesa’s voice returned. “You should also be aware that under no circumstances is any part of the Dyson Sphere to be attacked. To do so will activate defensive measures capable of destroying every vessel in the system.”

  “The Shari have placed nuclear charges on the surface,” Race replied. “I’ve already warned them about the possible consequences of setting them off.”

  “I have to go,” Reesa said, sounding rushed. “The AIs are concerned about the Simulins using the command key to gain entrance. They have no way to force them out once that happens other than to keep them isolated at the intergalactic vortex apertures. We’re going to use Sergeant Wilde’s Marines to try to push them back if necessary.”

  “Reesa, Captain Abrams has landed in the exploration cutter near where you entered the Dyson Sphere. She has a full platoon armed with weapons capable of taking out Conqueror Drones.”

  “I’ll speak to the AIs. Tell Captain Abrams we’ll send someone to her if we need the Marines. Be aware the AIs on the Dyson Sphere have physical bodies, they’re not holograms. Admiral, I have to go. The AIs don’t like communicating with anyone outside the Dyson Sphere. If you have to leave, don’t come back for us or your ships will be destroyed.”

  Race heard the comm line go dead. He had a horrible feeling this was not going to end well. It sounded as if the Dyson Sphere was much more dangerous than they had believed, particularly if it was capable of taking out all the ships in the system. There was only one decision he could make.

  “Commander Arnett, I want all the battlestations evacuated and placed on automatic. Inform all fleet units to be prepared to go into hyperspace at a moment’s notice.”

  “What was that all about?” asked Major Nolan, looking confused. “Is the exploration team safe?”

  Race nodded and then spent a good minute repeating what Reesa had told him.

  “AIs,” muttered Colonel Cowel with a deep frown. “Why is it always AIs?”

  “I’ll send a message to Captain Abrams informing her they may be contacted by someone from inside the Dyson Sphere,” added Major Nolan. “I would hate to see them accidently blow one of these Originator AIs apart.”

  “Simulins are moving again,” reported Captain Davis. “They’re heading toward a part of the Dyson Sphere with one of the concave surface areas.”

  Commander Arnett shifted her eyes from the tactical display to Admiral Tolsen. “They’re heading toward one of the vortex areas between the Shari and us.”

  Race knew, after talking to Reesa, he had no choice but to use everything he had available to keep the Simulins from reaching the surface of the Dyson Sphere. If they did, it could be a disaster.

  Activating his ship-to-ship comm, he spoke to all the fleets under his command. “This is Admiral Tolsen; I have just received a message from Reesa Jast inside the Dyson Sphere. Under no conditions can any Simulin warships or shuttles be allowed to land on the hull of the Dyson Sphere. There’s a slim possibility they could activate one of the intergalactic vortexes and bring thousands of their ships through, just as they did at the galactic center. All ships form up into attack formation AA14; we’ll be moving out shortly to engage the enemy.”

  Race turned toward Talon Briez, the Alton navigation officer. “Plot an intercept course for the Simulin fleet.” He then contacted Massie on the battlecarrier Hera. “Massie, once we engage the Simulins you’re to keep your battlecarriers back behind the fleet formation. Launch all of your fighters. They�
��re to intercept any Simulin shuttles that might try to make a run toward the Dyson Sphere. You will also be responsible for protecting the Alton science ships, the supply ships, as well as the four fleet repair vessels.”

  “We won’t let any of them get through,” promised Massie. “We’ll keep the noncombat ships safe as well.”

  Race then contacted Commander Smart on the Corvus. “Edison, I need you to remain behind and finish the evacuation of the battlestations. I’ll let you know when you can rejoin the fleet.”

  Leaning back in his command chair, Race let out a deep sigh. He had no idea how this was going to end. Then he realized he needed to send one more message. “Captain Travers, contact the Shari High Lord and warn him they cannot set off those nuclear charges they’ve placed on the hull. Tell him we’ve just learned the Dyson Sphere does have defenses which will be activated if they do.”

  “Course is plotted,” reported Briez from Navigation.

  “Send it to all ships and implement,” Race ordered. He was once more going into battle, and this was a battle he couldn’t afford to lose.


  Sergeant Wilde was at camp with the rest of the exploratory team and her Marines. For days they had searched the museum and surrounding buildings for an entrance that would allow them to rescue Reesa. It was with great sadness that Brenda knew, in all likelihood, Reesa was gone. No water and no food would have been her downfall.

  “I’m sorry, Kelnor,” Brenda said, standing next to the campfire by the esteemed Alton research scientist. “We’ve searched every nook and cranny, and we can’t find any way into the part of the museum Reesa vanished into.”

  Kelnor gazed deeply into the fire, seeing the red and yellow colors of the flames. “She was always so impulsive. All she ever talked about was her research into the Originators. It’s only fitting her life ended here on the Dyson Sphere.”

  “Sergeant!” said Corporal Metz, pointing up into the sky and toward the city.

  Brenda turned around and her eyes grew wide. A large aircraft or small spaceship was coming toward them. “I think I spoke too soon about Reesa being lost.” She watched as the craft landed a short distance away and a hatch slid open. The Marines around her gripped their assault rifles, ready to defend themselves if necessary. “Everyone hold your fire. I don’t want anyone getting jumpy no matter what comes out of that hatch.”


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