Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC Page 11

by Crystal Daniels

  “Hey, Logan,” she purrs, while running her hand up his arm.

  Obviously, the whore has lost her damn mind. Just as Logan is about to say something, I put my hand on his chest. “It’s okay, baby. I got this one.” Very calmly, I stand up from my stool, getting right in Cassie’s face. “You have about two seconds to take your hands off what’s mine. You see, my sister being with me the other day in the store was the only reason I walked away. Make no mistake, I won’t be walking away twice,” I warn her.

  “Logan, baby? Are you going to let this little bitch talk to me like that?”

  That’s it.

  In one swift move, I bring my fist up, punching the whore right in her nose. I hit her so hard, it causes pain to explode in my hand. The crunch I felt when hitting her nose is satisfying though.

  Cassie drops to the floor cupping her nose. Her shrieking sounds like a dying cat.

  “Fuck me! I think you broke her nose, sweetheart,” Quinn says.

  I see Logan looking at me with an intense look on his face. He then turns his attention to Cassie, who is still on the floor. “You stay your ass there,” he barks out.

  Turning back to the bar he tells Austin to get a bag of ice. “Sit. Let me see your hand, babe.”

  He hisses at my swelling, red knuckles as he places the ice pack on my hand.

  “Watching you punch that bitch, and claiming me as yours, has my dick so fuckin’ hard,” He growls in my ear.

  “I do hate to interrupt you two, but what do you want to do with her?” Quinn questions Logan, pointing at Cassie, who now has a towel to her nose to stop the bleeding.

  Logan turns his attention back to Cassie, who is glaring up at me. “You need to get your shit and leave. You’re no longer welcome in this clubhouse.”

  Cassie stares at Logan, with her mouth gapped open. “You don’t mean that? You’re kicking me out because of her?” she yells, pointing her finger at me.

  “Bella is my woman. You just fuckin’ disrespected her. Hell fuckin’ yeah, I mean it.”

  “Your woman?” Cassie sputters.

  “Gabriel,” Logan barks.

  I look over to see he’s coming this way. Gabriel is so quiet, I forgot he was even in the room.

  “Make sure Cassie gets all her shit, then escort her off King’s property,” Logan instructs him.

  “You got it, brother.” Reaching down, Gabriel grabs Cassie’s arm. “Let’s go,” he grunts.

  “About fuckin’ time you dealt with Cassie’s crazy ass,” Quinn says out loud, as we watch Gabriel lead her out of the room.

  “Yea, brother. It was definitely overdue.”

  Coming over to me and taking my uninjured hand, Logan guides me from the stool I’m sitting in.

  “Come on. We need to go see Jake.”

  Logan and I walk into Jake’s office, when I go to sit, Logan stops me. He sits in the chair first, then pulls me down to his lap.

  “Alright, Prez. What’s up?”

  Letting out a sigh, Jake leans forward in his chair. “After our conversation last night, I made some calls. Lee has been hangin’ around Los Demonios lately.”

  As soon as Jake says that, I feel Logan stiffen under me.

  “So, what exactly does that mean?” I ask.

  “Not fuckin’ sure, but I don’t like it,” Jake tells me. “For now, I want you and Alba staying here at the clubhouse.”

  “Fuckin’ right they’ll be staying here,” Logan says.

  I don’t even have to think about it. I trust both men. If they say my sister and I need to stay here, then that’s what we will do.

  “Let me call Alba really quick. She stayed at a friend’s house last night, and I need to go pick her up.”

  I tap her contact in my phone. She answers on the second ring. “Hey, Bella. What’s up?”

  “Alba, I’m going to come pick you up at Emma’s house. I should be there in about twenty minutes.”

  “I’m already home,” she tells me.

  “When did you get home?”

  “About ten minutes ago. Emma’s mom brought me home.”

  “You should have called me. You know I don’t want you home alone.”

  “It’s fine. Lee isn’t even here.”

  “Hold on, Alba.”

  Looking at Logan, I tell him, “I need to go get my sister.”

  “Not by yourself you’re not. We’ll go back to my place to get my truck. That way we can grab all your shit while we’re at your house.”

  Jake stands and opens the door, motioning for Gabriel to come into the office.

  “Gabriel, I need you to go over to Bella’s house and pick up her sister. Bella, tell Alba that Gabriel will be there in ten,” Jake instructs.

  Alba was a little apprehensive about Gabriel coming to get her, but I assured her it was okay, and that I would explain what was going on when she got here.

  After going back to Logan’s house to get his truck, we head to my place so I can get some of mine and Alba’s stuff. “How much do you think I need to pack?” I ask him as I walk into our bedroom.

  “Everything. You won’t be coming back.”

  “What are you talking about? I live here. Of course, I’m coming back. Just as soon as all this shit with Lee is over.”

  “I claimed you last night, Bella. That means you’re mine. Therefore, you’ll be staying with me indefinitely,” he informs.

  “I’m not just going to up and move in with you Logan. I have my sister to think about. I would never leave her.”

  Logan’s face goes soft, “I know you wouldn’t, Angel. I would never ask you too. That’s why she’s coming too. My place is plenty big enough. She’ll even have her own room.”

  I’m completely shocked at what he’s saying.

  “Really?” I ask.

  “Of course. You’re my woman, and Alba is your sister. That makes her family. I’ll not only take care of you, but I’ll take care of her too. There’s nothing I won’t do for you, Angel.”

  Blinking away the tears that are threatening to fall, I walk over to Logan and wrap my arms around him.

  He places his finger underneath my chin, tilting it up, then kisses me. It’s not just a kiss, but a promise to take care of me. A promise to give me everything.

  “Logan, I need to go to the diner to talk to my mom,” I tell him while sitting in his truck after leaving my house. “If she comes home and sees all of mine and Alba’s stuff gone, she’ll worry.”

  “So, let her fuckin’ worry. It’s because of her husband that you’re leaving in the first place.”

  “Logan, I understand what you’re saying, but she’s still my mother. Even though she has made some poor choices, I refuse to turn my back on her. She’s been a victim too.”

  He lets out a sigh. “I get it. I don’t agree with you, but I get it.”

  We pull up and park in front of the diner my mom works at.

  “You go on in and talk to your mom, babe. I’ll wait out here for you. I got some calls to make.”

  I walk in, spotting my mom behind the counter, filling drinks.

  “Hey, Mom,” I say when I reach the counter.

  “Hey, sweetheart. What are you doing here?” She smiles.

  “I need to talk to you. Can you take a break?”

  “Sure. Just go sit in the corner booth, and I’ll be over in a few minutes.”

  I’m sitting in the booth when I look out the window. I see Logan on the phone, having what looks like a very intense conversation.

  “So, what’s up, sweetie?”

  “I wanted to let you know that Alba and I won’t be home for a while. In fact, we probably won’t be coming back.” I’m gauging her reaction, and she doesn’t look the least bit surprised. Why would she be? She knows how things have been, dealing with Lee.

  “I think that’s for the best, Bella. I think Lee has gotten mixed up with some bad people.”

  “Yeah, Mom, he has,” I tell her, confirming her suspicions.

  “I kicked h
im out for good,” she tells me staring out the window.

  I’m shocked. “What?”

  “Yeah. I told him yesterday that my girls come first, that I wanted him to leave.”

  I honestly can’t believe what I’m hearing right now.

  “You did that for us? For me and Alba?” I ask her.

  “Bella, believe it or not, I love you and your sister very much. I let you both down. I let myself down. I won’t make the same mistakes I did with your father. I did what I had to do to protect you then and I’m doing what I need to do to protect you both now. Never again, I promise.”

  My dad? She did what she had to do to protect us then?

  A knot forms in my stomach at the mention of our father. My mom seeing my discomfort, changes the subject.

  “Is that your guy out there?” she asks pointing out the window at Logan.

  Nodding I say, “Yeah, Mom. He’s mine.”

  “Does he make you happy, sweetheart. Does he treat you right?”

  “He makes me very happy. Logan and his club have been nothing but wonderful to me and Alba.”

  I smile just thinking about all those crazy ass men.

  Patting my hand, she tells me, “I’m happy for you then Bella.” I know she means it.

  “Well, sweetheart. I need to be getting back to work. Call me. Let me know you’re doing okay?”

  Standing up, I give my mom a hug.

  “Sure. I’ll see you later, okay Mom?”

  I watch her as she heads back behind the counter. I silently pray that she’s strong enough to get her life back.

  Walking out to Logan’s truck, I see he is no longer on the phone.

  “You get shit straight with your mom?”

  “Yeah, Logan. Everything is good. She kicked Lee out, permanently. Said she was done.”

  “Good for her, babe,” he says taking my hand in his and linking our fingers.

  “Now, let’s take all this shit to our house and get it unloaded before we head to the clubhouse. I know you’re anxious to see your sister.”

  I smile, welcoming the butterflies in my stomach as he says ‘our house’.

  I walk into the clubhouse with Logan, immediately scanning the room looking for Alba. I spot Gabriel first because, as usual, he’s in his spot. I take in the weird, intense look on his face. Following his gaze, my eyes land on my sister who is sitting on the couch with her Kindle.

  I let my eyes dart back and forth between her and Gabriel, who has his eyes boring into Alba. My sister is so into her book, she’s clueless.

  I turn to Logan who has made the same observation as me.

  “Well fuck.”



  “Babe, why don’t you go see your sister while I take care of some shit,” I say giving her a slap on the ass. Bella rushes off towards Alba, not even giving me a second glance. I chuckle and shake my head when she gives Gabriel a death glare as she walks past him.

  Ignoring her attempt at being intimidating, Gabriel gets up from his chair and makes his way to me. “Come on, brother. Prez is waiting for you in the basement,” he says walking past me.

  “The basement? What the fuck’s going on?”

  Gabriel turns his head back to me with a smile. “Got a present for you, brother.”

  Now he’s really got my attention. I continue to follow him down the hall that leads to the basement, while he fills me in on what’s going on.

  “After I went by to check on the sister last night, I decided to go to Bella’s house to see if the stepdad was home. The place was dead, but as I was leaving I caught sight of a bike parked about a block away. Something didn’t feel right about it, so I decided to double back to the house and take a closer look. That’s when I found one of Los Demonios’ men climbing through a window around the back of the house and I knocked the motherfucker out. I had one of the prospects bring the van, load his ass up, and bringing him here.”

  “Nobody thought to call me about this shit?”

  Stopping and turning towards me, Gabriel asks, “Did you really want to be interrupted, brother?” Fuck no I didn’t, but I wasn’t going to say it out loud. From the smirk on his face, he knows what I’m thinking.

  “Yeah, didn’t think so,” he chuckles. Asshole.

  “It’s all good, brother. Nobody touched him, per your request. I only put his ass in the box.”

  “Wait, what do you mean, per my request?”

  “Did you not tell Prez last night that you wanted the son of a bitch who fucked with your woman?” he asked.

  “Are you telling me the motherfucker you got last night is the same guy who was after Bella? You know this for sure?”

  “Yeah man, the pussy only lasted a few hours in the box before talking. The idiot is giving up info left and right, but I figured you still wanted your time with him, considering he fucked with Bella.”

  Opening the door to the basement, I’m hit with an overwhelming feeling of heat. Turning the heat up is something we like to do when putting someone in the box. The one we use is about sixty-seven inches in length and nearly thirty inches wide. So when you put a man over six feet tall inside, he must slightly bend his knees to fit. But once the lid is closed, the fit is so tight he is unable to move or stretch out. Being in that position for hours on end, the claustrophobia, combined with joint stiffness —not to mention, the heat? Yeah, few people last before giving up.

  I see Jake sitting off to the side of the room smoking a cigarette. When my eyes land on the box, Quinn is sitting on top of it with his phone in his hand. From the sounds of it, he’s playing Call of Duty. I swear he’s like having a fuckin’ kid around sometimes, but you gotta love him.

  He looks up from his phone when he sees me walking over. “Well, hey there, brother. Glad you could finally join us.”

  “Shut up asshole, nobody fuckin’ called me last night.”

  “Of course we didn’t, we weren’t about to interrupt you while you were with your woman. Look at you man, all glowin’ and shit.”

  I hear Jake chuckle. Gabriel is over in the corner shaking his head, but his shaking shoulders let me know he’s at least trying to hold in his laughter. “Shut the fuck up before I put a bullet in your ass,” I say, slapping him on the back of his head as he hops off the box.

  “Alright brothers, let’s get this party started. Gabriel gets him out, I’d like to hear what this cocksucker has to say.” With a chin lift, he walks over and starts to unlatch the box. Once the lid is removed, the smell of piss fills the room. Gabriel proceeds to haul the man out. The fucker is so stiff and dehydrated from the heat he can barely move on his own.

  A moment later there is a knock on the door. Jake walks over and lets Austin in. He brought bottles of water and some sandwiches. This is something else we do, because what’s the fun in beating a man that’s already half-dead, so we’ll give the man some water and something to eat—the last meal of sorts. Though I’m sure he suspects he’s not coming out of this basement alive. After Gabriel sets him in a chair, I offer him the food and water, which he greedily accepts. Once he’s finished and I take a seat in front of him, I notice the SGT AT ARMS patch on his cut. I also recognize him as one of the men who ambushed our run, and stole our guns.

  “You speak English?”

  “Sí, I speak English.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Alright Carlos, we have a lot to talk about, but first we’re going to start with the woman you were following last night.”

  “The bitch is payment owed to us, her and the sister. My Prez has big plans for them, we already have a buyer lined up. He’s coming in from Columbia next week and is expecting us to deliver. The stepdad assured my Prez that both girls are untouched.”

  I hear Gabriel growl from the corner of the room, and I give him a look that tells him to rein it in. It’s all I can do to keep myself in check, but I need to keep Carlos talking.

  “What are they payme
nt for?” I grind out.

  “That gringo, Lee, owes my club some money, and when that puta, bitch couldn’t pay, he offered up his stepdaughters. It’s just too bad my Prez wants to sell, I’d love a go at big sister. I bet her pussy...”

  Carlos doesn’t get a chance to finish, his words get cut off when I come out of my chair and punch him in his face. I hit him so hard his neck snaps back, and he and the chair fall to the floor, knocking him out cold.

  Quinn walks over to where he’s lying on the floor. “Maaaan Carlos, you got knocked the fuck out,” he says in faux Spanish accent.

  “I can’t believe you lasted that long without hitting the motherfucker,” Gabriel spits.

  “So,” Jake says when he walks over. “What you make of what he’s saying?”

  “I believe him, but I don’t like how he’s too forthcoming with the information. I don’t know Prez, something’s off.”

  “He’s playing with us,” Gabriel says.

  Hearing movement behind me, I turn to see the piece of shit picking himself up with the chair and sitting back down, then uses the back of his hand to wipe the blood from his busted lip.

  I walk back over to Carlos. “I want to know where we can find Lee,” I bite out. I’m so over this bullshit.

  “Sorry, gringo, I’m all talked out,” He says with a smirk on his face.

  Without a second thought, I stride over to a table on the far-left side of the basement and grab the nail gun. By the time I make it back to him, I see Quinn and Gabriel cuffing him to the chair. Without a word, I press it to his right shoulder and pull the trigger.

  Carlos howls in pain, a string of Spanish is coming from his mouth.

  “You still all talked out?”

  “Bésame mi culo. Kiss my ass.”

  This time I press the nail gun to his knee and pull the trigger—once again, hitting bone.

  “How about now, you cocksucker, still got nothing to say?”

  Carlos is in so much pain, he has sweat dripping from his face.

  “I don’t know where Lee is,” he says through gritted teeth, “He was supposed to meet us at my club last night, but he never showed. That’s why I was at his house last night. My Prez is becoming very impatient, he wants what was promised.”


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