Nyght's Eve

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Nyght's Eve Page 14

by Laurie Roma

  And their nights were filled with passion.

  Evie was surprised how well Dare fit into her crazy life. He went into the rescue center with her after they left her house. Even thought they parted ways to do their own jobs, she loved being able to see him throughout the day. No job was too small for Dare, from cleaning to helping make small repairs, but she knew he was being wasted working there and it would only be a matter of time before he had to go back to being a doctor full time.

  It didn’t seem to bother Dare that Shane followed him around like a sidekick whenever he was at the center. Despite all his grumblings about kids, he actually seemed to enjoy the boy’s company. And when he needed a break from people, Dare went into town to work out at Fight Hard or to hang out at The Fox Hole with Dante. Regardless of the time he spent away, he always came back to Evie at the end of the day. He even brought dinner home whenever he was in town.

  Dare had been living with her at her house since that first night they had spent together, although he still kept his room at the boarding house. It bothered her that he was careful not to leave any of his belongings, except for a small bag he brought over every day. It was a constant reminder that he still had one foot out the door. He’d given no indication of whether he would be staying in Breakers, and Evie was afraid to bring up the subject. But every day she spent with him made her want a future with him...a future he might not be interested in.

  She was glad when Kali stopped by the center on Thursday afternoon. The week had been so hectic around the center with Tony, Maddy and Francesca still out of town that Evie hadn’t really had time to see any of her friends. Hunter had tried to help out with the adoptions, but that meant she was stuck at the center overseeing things. Her other cousin Beckett made sure she didn’t have to worry about the clinic, and she had spoken to him about taking Eugene and Claudette on as interns. He had been all for the idea, and also told her they were considering hiring a new veterinarian at the clinic in town to help with the workload, which would free up more of his time to spend at the rescue center.

  Evie and Kali decided to take a walk since it was such a nice day. It wasn’t usual for Kali to stop by in the middle of the day, so Evie assumed privacy would be good for whatever Kali wanted to talk to her about. They each held a leash for one of the dogs from the center. If they were going to take a break, they might as well let a few of the animals enjoy it as well.

  “It’s such a nice day out. I always forget how much I miss being outside when I’m at the bakery all day,” Kali said as they walked around the pond.

  “It really is. I’ve been stuck doing paperwork and rearranging some of the cages inside most of today.”

  “So, how are things going with Dare?” Kali asked.

  They both looked over to where Dare was playing with Hero in a small fenced enclosure outside. Evie found herself smiling as she watched the pair. “Great. Even though he’s kind of rough around the edges, everyone loves working with him and he’s wonderful with the animals. Shane idolizes him like he is some sort of superhero or something, and he has been such a help around the center.”

  Kali laughed. “That would be useful information if I was interested in interviewing him for a job. I mean how are things going between you and him? I heard he’d living with you now.”

  “Not really. He’s over at my place every night, but he’s not all there. It’s like he’s holding back a part of himself from me that I can’t reach.” She sighed. “He’s amazing. I’ve never met another man like him.”

  “You’re in love with him.”

  Evie stopped in her tracks. “What? No! Crap, I don’t know. Maybe I do. It’s crazy, I’ve only known him for a few weeks. I can’t, can I? It’s way too soon.”

  “Oh my God, you are totally in love with him. You’re babbling. You never babble.”

  “Shut up.”

  Kali bumped her shoulder as they started walking again. “I think I started falling in love with Jared the moment I first saw him. I didn’t know him that well, but as soon as we began spending time together I knew I loved him.”

  “Dare and I aren’t like you and Hammer. Dare is...complicated. He has a whole life that he’s been hiding from, an exciting and dangerous life.”

  “I know Jared wants Dare to stay. He’s been worried that Dare will go back to doing...whatever it was he was doing.”

  “I am, too. Worried that staying in Breakers won’t be enough for him. That I won’t be enough.”

  “Evie! How can you say that?”

  “This has been like a vacation for him. A break from the real world. He’s a trauma surgeon, for Christ’s sake. He can’t give up being a doctor to work at a rescue center.”

  “He could get a job at the hospital.”

  “I know, but I’m not sure if he wants to. You know that I don’t have the best track record with relationships. I work too much, and men usually don’t like coming in second on my list of priorities. Hell, not even second. They always seem to fall further down the list. Dare is...he confuses me. Half the time I don’t know whether or not I want to kiss him or smack him.”

  “How is the sex?”

  “It’s...there are no words.”

  “Right on, sister!” Kali grinned.

  “But we can’t build a future together just because we have great sex. I guess I’m just greedy. I want it all. My work at the center and with my SR team, my home here in Breakers, and a man that loves me enough to stay here and start a family.”

  “There is no reason you can’t have all those things.”

  “If Dare doesn’t stay, then I don’t see how we could work out. My life is here. I think I do love him, or at least I’m beginning to, but it doesn’t matter if he’s going to be leaving. I’ve just decided to enjoy whatever we have while it lasts. I’ll deal with the fallout after he’s gone.”

  “Oh, Evie...”

  She smiled, trying to hide the anxiety she felt just thinking about losing Dare. Now would be a damn good time to change the subject. “Enough about me. You didn’t come here just to ask me about my love life. What’s going on?”

  Kali blew out a breath and looked over at Evie. “Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you. As you know, Jared and I have started all the wedding planning stuff.”

  “Has he finally stopped bugging you about Vegas?” Evie asked with a chuckle. A few weeks ago, Kali and Hammer had gone to Las Vegas for a Cage Fighting League MMA fight that he had been an announcer at, and he had tried to convince Kali to get married while they were there. It was lovely to see that her cousin so in love that he couldn’t wait to get married to the woman he loved, but he had backed off when Kali had said she wanted a real wedding.

  Kali laughed. “I love how he can’t wait for me to take his name, but I really do want the white dress and everything. Jared said he would be happy with whatever made me happy. I love him so much. It’s just that he is absolutely clueless when it comes to wedding planning.”

  Amused, Evie shot her a look. “That doesn’t surprise me. You know I’ll help you with whatever you need.”

  “And this is why I love you.” Kali said with a smile. “We’ll have to figure out a day where we can all go dress shopping soon.”

  “I still can’t believe you got Nikita and Sam to agree to be bridesmaids. I can’t wait to see them in their dresses. It’s going to be a Kodak moment for sure.”

  Kali had a mischievous glint in her eyes when she said, “I’ve decided my colors are pink and silver.”

  “Oh lord, Niki is going to kill you.”

  “Of that I have no doubt,” Kali agreed. “But I really wanted to talk to you about is the venue. Jared and I have been looking at places all over. My parents insist the wedding should be in Houston, because of all their connections there.”

  “Your parents should be the last people you consult on wedding plans.”

  “Exactly. My mom was saying if I don’t have it in Houston she might not come, and I don’t think I would mind if
she didn’t show up. The thing is...I want to have it here.”

  “Well, of course you should have it in Breakers. This town is important to both of you.”

  “Yes it is, but I mean I want to have it here, on the Beaumont estate. I’m sorry, is that too much to ask? I swear you wouldn’t have to do any of the work. I know it’s—”

  “I think it would be perfect.” Evie said, reaching out to take Kali’s hand. “I would be so proud to have you and Hammer get married here on the property.”

  “Thank you!” Kali threw her arms around Evie, almost strangling her with the leash. “Uh oh, Dare is headed this way, and he doesn’t look happy.”

  When Kali released her, Evie turned to see that Dare was indeed stalking toward them. His scowl was so fierce she was surprised steam wasn’t coming out of his ears. When he was within hearing distance, Kali called out a greeting, but he ignored her. Kali reached out and took the leash from Evie’s hand.

  “I’m just going to...go.”

  Kali took off with the two dogs, leaving Evie standing there alone while she waited for Dare near the edge of the pond. She frowned at him, crossing her arms across her chest.

  What in the world was wrong with him?

  Dare had never been so angry with a woman in his entire life.

  He had just returned Hero to the kennel after playing with the dog for a little when he stopped into Evie’s office to take a look at some of the applications for new hires. Evie had spoken to Hunter about the idea, and he had been all for the plan. Dare was glad when Hunter approached him, and together they had been looking at some of the candidates, but Hunter had been busy with several adoptions this week, so Dare thought he would try to make some progress while he was busy.

  Dare had just settled on the couch in her office when her phone had started ringing. He let it ring until the answering machine had clicked on.

  What he’d heard had turned his blood to ice.

  “Evie, this is Dr. Crestwell. I’ve been trying to reach you on your cell phone for the past few weeks. I know you’re busy, but I’d really like to schedule you for that biopsy as soon as possible. I have an opening tomorrow afternoon if you can make it in to Houston. Let’s try not to worry until we have the results. Please call me back as soon as you can. Thanks.”

  First had come the rage. What the hell was she doing putting off a procedure like that? She was putting her health at risk, not to mention the longer she waited the worse it could be.

  And why the fuck hadn’t she said anything to him?

  Dare had stormed around the center searching for Evie. His anger must have been palpable, because for the first time no one had tried to talk to him. When his head cleared enough, he realized she was probably outside still. He’d seen her walking with Kali, so he left the building in his search for her. As he saw her, the fear had crept in. If she was sick, she would damn well take care of it soon. He couldn’t lose her when he’d just found her.

  Jesus, he couldn’t imagine a world without her in it.

  “God damn it, Eve! What the hell were you thinking?” The words just burst out of him. He saw her stiffen as her eyes fired like two blue lasers. So, she was pissed too now. Great. Weren’t they a fucking pair!

  “Excuse me? Don’t you use that tone with me. Keep your voice down, people are going to hear you!”

  “I don’t give a fuck about who hears me! You’ve got some explaining to do. I just heard a message from your doctor. A Dr. Crestwell. She has an opening tomorrow, and you’re going to call her right now and book it.”

  Dare watched as the blood seemed to drain from her face, leaving her pale and swaying on her feet. He reached out and gripped her arms, holding her up.

  “You...heard what she said?”

  “I did. Book the fucking appointment. I’ll take you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t just take a day off. I have to—”

  “We’ll get someone to cover.”

  “Cover what?”

  Dare and Evie turned as Francesca walked over to join them. Francesca was a beautiful woman with long, dark, curly hair the color of mahogany and hazel eyes that always sparkled with a hint of mischief. Those eyes dimmed as she looked back between Evie and Dare. “Did I interrupt something?”


  “Yes,” Dare said at the same time. “Can you take over for Eve at the center tomorrow?”

  “Eve?” Francesca’s eyebrows lifted. “Sure I can.”

  “Good.” He turned back to Evie. “Make that call.”

  Evie watched as he stalked away. She had never seen Dare so furious before, and she’d had no defense against his anger. He’d caught her totally and completely off guard, and now she was still reeling from the revelation that he’d heard that call and discovered her secret.

  “Evie? Are you okay?”

  “I...I will be. Sorry to spring this on you when you just got back. Welcome home by the way.” Evie hugged Francesca. “I’ve missed you. How was your trip?”

  “Good. It’s Vegas, so anytime I don’t wake up married there, it’s a good trip.” Evie laughed, but her cousin wasn’t fooled. “Hon, tell me what’s wrong.”

  She let out a sigh. “I don’t want to worry you.”

  “Okay, now I’m worrying. You have to tell me now, or I’m going to think of the most horrible scenarios imaginable. You know me and my imagination. I can think of some really crazy shit.”

  Evie let out a little laugh as she linked arms with her cousin. “Oh, Frannie. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and she found a lump in my breast.”

  Francesca froze, eyes wide with fear as she turned toward Evie. “Oh my God!”

  “It’s nothing. Or I hope it isn’t. I have to go have a biopsy and Dare...well, obviously he’s mad about it.”

  “Damn fucking right he is! Why didn’t you call me? And why in the hell haven’t you gotten it done yet? A few weeks ago? Hell, Evie!”

  Evie might have missed Francesca, but she certainly did not miss her cousin’s temper. “I wanted to wait for you and Uncle Tony and Maddy to get back.”

  Francesca’s anger disappeared as if it had never been, and she once again linked their arms so they could walk back to their house. “Of course you did. I’m sorry, sweetie, but this isn’t something you wait on. Now Dare knows, and you’ll take care of it. And can I just say that Dr. Kick-Ass is looking mighty fine. I’m guessing from the blast of heat he just gave you that you two have a thing?”

  “We do.” She paused. “He was so angry...”

  “Guys don’t ever do well when something is wrong, and it’s even worse when it has something to do with our girlie bits.”

  “You certainly have a way with words.”

  “So, why did he call you Eve?”

  Evie could feel her face flush with heat. “That’s...a long story.”

  “Well, then that is definitely one I want to hear. Come on, let’s go back to the house so you can make that appointment. Since I think I heard him say he will be going with you, I’ll take care of everything here, so don’t worry. You just take care of this business and come back to us healthy and whole.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “And as for your man, I have some gifts I got you from this huge sex toy warehouse in Vegas. Maybe you can use it to cheer Dare up.”

  “Oh no! More glow-in-the-dark condoms?” Evie asked on a groan.

  Francesca laughed as they walked up the front steps of the house. “No. Something much better. And Evie, shame on you for keeping this from us. You know the rest of the family is going to be furious when they find out.”

  “I know.” Evie sighed as she opened the front door.

  And wasn’t that something to look forward to?


  Evie stared out the window as Dare drove them toward Houston.

  They were fifteen minutes into the drive and they could have been in separate vehicles considering the lack of conversation between them. He was still angry with her. That was abundantly
clear. She had to admit that she hadn’t made it any better by telling him she wanted to spend some time alone with Francesca last night. It was true that Evie had missed her cousin, but she had also wanted some time away from Dare to think. She’d been stunned when he had confronted her about her doctor’s phone call. Granted, she had been putting it off, but not for the reason she’d told him and Francesca.

  Or at least it wasn’t the only reason.

  It was a relief being able to talk to her cousin about her relationship with Dare. Evie might have been a few years older at thirty-one, but Francesca understood men far better than she did. While Francesca had been engaged a long time ago, she had ended that relationship before she’d made the mistake of marrying someone who didn’t suit her. Francesca was a free spirit, and she never made excuses for who she was or how she lived her life. She had tons of male friends and dated often, but she still hadn’t found the one. Francesca was one of those unusual women who remained friends with the men she dated. Hell, she practically ended up introducing all her former boyfriends to their current girlfriends. Some had even ended up getting married.

  Francesca was looking for that great love, the kind she wrote about in her romance novels, and she wouldn’t settle for anything less.

  Maybe that was why Evie had the courage to wait for love as well. Many of her childhood friends had ended up getting married at a young age, and Evie had always felt as if something was wrong with her when she remained single. It wasn’t until Evie had watched the way Francesca seemed to navigate the dating minefield that she realized that she wasn’t the only one who was picky about who she let into her heart.

  Since Evie had met Dare, something just seemed to click into place. Kali had been right when she said that Evie had finally fallen in love. He wasn’t a perfect man. No, she would never call him that by any means. But he was the perfect man for her. He could be tactless and surly, but there was an inherent goodness in him that appealed to her. He was a complicated man, then again, she wasn’t exactly the easiest person to deal with either. They suited one another, no matter their faults.


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