Dragon Me to the Flame (Dragons of Emberside Book 2)

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Dragon Me to the Flame (Dragons of Emberside Book 2) Page 2

by Thalia Frost

  Roland huffed. “Whatever. I don't.” He glanced away, unable to meet Niall's gaze, obviously, because he was lying.

  That was all Niall needed. He grabbed the ax handled and bound across the space between the two men.

  Roland turned to look at him, but it was too late. Niall brought the ax handle down on his head, hard.

  The crack was sickening.

  “That's going to hurt,” Niall said, but at the moment, he didn't care. In fact, if he had killed Roland, that was all the better for everyone concerned.

  Roland crumpled to the ground with a moan. He was still breathing, so no luck on the dead thing.

  “Mm Humph!” Skye said, her gaze throwing daggers at Niall.

  “I am, my love. Let's get out of here. He's going to come to. Meanwhile, I need to signal my brother from afar. We have to get an army together. There's going to be a battle.”

  * * * *

  Skye listened to Niall, enraged. How dare this idiot drag her into this mess? She didn't even believe in dragons, and now she was going to be in the middle of a dragon clan war!

  He pulled the gag out of her mouth.

  “You...you!” She couldn't even talk, she was so angry. Skye shook with rage.

  “I know. I'm sorry. I had no idea Roland would do something like this, but I should have. He's a terrible...person.” Niall grinned at his little joke.

  “Save it. Hurry up.”

  Niall worked at her bonds as Skye drank in the scent of him—grass, blood, and raw masculinity. She was turned on more than she had ever imagined she could be. It seemed that the danger they were in just made Niall Gregor seem even hotter.

  “Damn you,” she hissed as she stood up, stretching.

  Niall gave her space, smiling at her knowingly.

  “I know. You hate this whole thing, right?” He grinned.

  “Yes, I do!” She stamped her foot.

  “Yeah, yeah. Dragon shifters feed off of war and threats of war, even though we try to be nice to each other. It happens. It's just in our nature to fight for what we want.” Niall stepped close to her now. “We have to go.”

  Skye wanted him to take her right there on the floor of the cave. Her knees wobbled, and that feeling of changing came over her. “Can we fly to where ever it is that we're going?” She looked up at him, her voice trembling.

  “You mean?” He stared at her, his gaze wide.


  “We can. I'll make sure you get there, but it won't take you but a few minutes to get the hang of it, and it will definitely be faster.” Niall smiled.

  “Let's go, then.”

  They ran out of the cave. As soon as they got outside, Niall threw Skye up against the outer cave wall.

  Chapter 4: First Mating

  “What the--?” Skye asked. She wanted to struggle, but he had moved at dragon speed.

  Niall kissed her, pinning her to the rocky wall. His lips on hers were like fire, and her blood sizzled. Her vision went hazy, and everything was just the feeling of melting limbs and incredible lust. “Stop. Stop,” she murmured.

  “I want you to shift. You want to as well, right? Isn't that what you just said?” Niall asked, his mouth pressed against her cheek.

  Skye could hardly think. Her brain was foggy with the impending change she had never allowed before. “Yes, I do, but just so we can...go faster.”

  “Right.” Niall grinned. “Any reason is a good reason to shift. Believe me. So, let me kiss you again.”

  Skye nodded and gave herself over to the sensation of Niall's lips on hers. Fire raced through her body, and she didn't fight the feeling of beginning to shift now. Her core felt like lava bubbling up, and her heart beat so hard she thought her chest might burst. Niall's tongue caressed hers, and she groaned, wanting him more than she had ever wanted anyone. With a popping sensation that put immense pressure on her gut, Skye realized she had changed. Shimmering scales lay on her chest when she looked down. She flexed unfamiliar hands—paws?--with claws at their ends. These babies could really do some damage.

  “Let's go.” Niall took her hand, and she was in the air, screaming. “It's okay. I've got you. Just flap your wings.”

  “Wings?!” But it was true. Skye could feel them move when she pushed, concentrating on the motion. She was flying; she really was a dragon...a dragon shifter.

  They rose in the sky, and strength coursed through her like she'd never known. “Now I see why you don't mind this dragon shifter thing,” Skye shouted over the wind in her ears.

  “Yes, among other reasons.” Niall squeezed her hand and then let go.

  Skye squeaked in fright.

  “You're okay.” Niall smiled at her—a toothy dragon smile. Pretty sexy, she thought.

  She nodded as the wind went under her wings, and she flew next to him. “Woohoo!”

  “You've only just begun, baby dragon shifter.” He winked, his green eye glittering. “C'mon, this way.” Niall spread his fabulous, glittering cerulean and dark blue wings, and Skye flew after him into a cave.

  They landed, and she caught her breath. “Where are we?”

  “A cave some distance away.” Niall gazed deeply into Skye's eyes. “I'll have to summon my brother soon and tell him that war is coming.”

  Desire that was simmering under the surface reared up as she gazed into his clear, animal eyes. He was gorgeous, powerful—all dragon now. And she was, too. “Okay, but first, take me. I want you now. I don't want to wait.”

  “Um, okay.” Niall looked surprised. “Does this mean?--”

  “It means I want you,” Skye rasped, reaching for him as if by instinct. It was as if all the years of putting her sexual needs to sleep had come rushing at her. She was hornier than she'd ever been, but only for this magnificent, sexy dragon.

  “I thought I'd never hear those words,” Niall said, his breath coming in loud puffs in the silence of the cave. “We don't have a lot of time, though.”

  Skye rested her new dragon paws and claws on his shoulders. “I don't care. It's enough time to feel you inside of me.”

  “Yes, it is. I'm going to claim you now, if that's what you really want.” Niall kissed her.

  She broke off the kiss with a supreme strength of will. “Let's just mate—have sex, whatever it's called in dragon world. We'll talk about the rest later.” Skye pressed her lips against his again, groaning deeply.

  Fire filled her belly, and every particle of her being was filled with desire. The sensation was almost overwhelming, and she grew lightheaded.

  “Stay with me now, Skye,” Niall whispered, nipping at her throat. “We'll do as you wish, but it won't be the only time. I want you...for life.” He licked the nape of her scaly neck.

  Skye saw stars. “This is so damned hot.”

  “There's nothing else like it,” Niall said as he found her lips with his again.

  “What's weird is that I haven't even done this in human form before.” Skye said and laughed shakily. “Now, I'll be doing it dragon style.”

  “You will, with me. We'll do everything together. Don't worry.” His voice was a low growl, full of passion.

  “I hope that's a promise,” Skye said. She realized her clothing was still on somehow, just stretched strangely around her.

  Niall worked at the buttons, brushing her chest with his hands. Where her breasts would have been, scales covered sensitive areas. Jolts of fire ran through her lower body.

  “What the hell?”

  Niall laughed softly. “You won't just have an orgasm. It will be more like—three or five. That's why dragon mating is amazing.”

  “And you?” Skye teased him as he raked his claws down her body. She shuddered with the pure pleasure of the sensation.

  “I'll have at least two. Dragon shifter males can mate and then have another orgasm almost immediately.”

  “That's a bonus, too.” Skye pushed against his chest, wanting him inside of her right then.

  “Shut up, and let's do this. Then, we have to g
et Magnus.”

  With all of their clothing out of the way, Niall reached down where Skye's pussy would have been.

  “Careful, please. Be gentle.” She felt a frisson of fear as his paw grazed her there. “Oh, oh...” she trailed off, groaning deeply.

  “I will be. You're going to love it.”

  Niall entered her with part of his paw, and Skye saw stars. He moved his paw back and forth a few times, and an orgasm rocked her—like she'd never known just from using a vibrator or touching herself. Waves of pleasure buffeted her as she shouted loudly.

  “Holy hell,” she said, gripping him tightly above his furled wings as the pulsing slowed down enough for her to speak. Her whole body felt like a nerve ending, waiting for his touch.

  She stared at his emerald and cobalt wings with admiration and desire. Apparently, male dragon shifters' wings spread gloriously when they were aroused.

  “You ain't seen or felt nothing yet.” Niall licked his lips. “How about this?”

  He pressed himself against her for the first time. She realized he'd been holding out on her—saving the best surprise for last.

  “Um, wow. I don't even know what to say about that.”

  That was his huge, dragon cock. “You can take a closer look if you'd like to.” Niall gave her a wicked grin—even for a dragon.

  Skye slid down and grasped it in her hand. “I'm a little scared now. Remember, this is my first time.”

  He smiled. “I'll be gentle. You'll enjoy it. I promise.”

  Skye stroked his cock, mesmerized by it in spite of her sudden attack of nerves.

  “Lie down.” Niall's words weren't a request.

  Skye did, feeling awkward on her back. This new dragon personality and being was going to take some getting used to.

  Niall touched her between her legs, and all thought vanished.

  “How does that feel?” He asked.

  “Amazing.” Skye moaned.

  “You're so wet already. I think you're ready to go. I promise we'll have more time in the future. These are special circumstances since Roland will be out for blood soon.” Niall flipped her over, surprising her.


  “We often mate this way.” Niall pulled her up against him, his chest to her back.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered as he entered her slowly.

  “Feeling alright?” He asked.

  “I think so.” Skye swallowed hard. She was tingling all over and felt full like she never had down there.

  “Good.” Niall pulled out of her and pushed in slowly again.

  Skye groaned. “Definitely feeling good. Don't stop.” She couldn't believe it didn't hurt—not even a bit, but maybe things changed in every way when dragon shifters mated as dragons.

  Niall moved in and out of her slowly, caressing her chest as he did so.

  Skye moaned with pleasure.

  “See? I told you you'd love it. You're so tight...and gorgeous. My god. Look at you.” Niall breathed the words near her ears.


  “Yes, really. Your wings are the prettiest shade of jade I've ever seen, too, with little yellowish gold flecks on them.” You're just...stunning. Niall started to speed up with his thrust, and Skye arched back against him.

  “That feels so amazing.”

  “I told you it would.”

  When he reached his paw around to play with her nub, Skye thought she was going to fly through the roof of the cave. The sensation poured over her like fire.

  “You like that, huh?” Niall laughed softly.

  She couldn't answer. An orgasm was coming upon her swiftly, like a roaring flame. Skye gave herself over to it, whimpering and pawing at the ground as Niall continued to pump in and out of her.

  “Oh, yes. Let it go, Skye. Come again for me.” He flicked his claws against that spot one more time, and she saw stars as another orgasm burst through her.

  This time, Skye roared, and flames shot out of her mouth. “Oh my god.” She panted with shock.

  “Pretty good, eh?”

  “More than pretty good,” she said, hot and feeling flushed.

  “Are you ready for me to come?” Niall asked.

  Tingles rushed through her body. “Yes, come for me, baby. Show me what a dragon can really do.”

  He thrust into her once again—hard--and the world exploded for both of them. He came almost immediately again. Warm liquid spurted inside of her as he shouted for the second time.

  Skye was surprised that her orgasm was even more earth shattering than the last—like fireworks and explosions in the center of her being. Niall's fire on her neck burned her, but there was no pain—only intense pleasure.

  “Damn, you're amazing,” he said as he pulled out of her slowly and kissed her neck.

  “Me? I thought it was you.”

  He laughed softly. “We both are in our mutual appreciation society, but...bad news. We have to get going.”

  “So, should I stay in this dragon suit or what?” Skye leaned against him, her breathing returning to normal.

  “Actually, yes. For the moment. I have to call my brother.” He frowned, his teeth bared.

  Niall went to the edge of the cave and let out a strange sound that was something between a bird call and a wild animal's shout.

  “Wow. What a strange sound.” Skye joined him and looked out at the dark night. They had been there for some time.

  “He will hear that and come to me. It's our signal for trouble. It always has been.”

  “I sure hope it works,” Skye said, worry filling her heart.

  Chapter 5: Dragons and Men

  “That's my brother calling to me,” Magnus said to his mate, Icantha.

  “At this hour? Where? And what does he want?” She grumbled as he rolled off of her. They had just mated, and she liked for him to stay inside of her. They were trying to make offspring, too. So, it was important.

  “I don't know, but he will call again, and I'll find him.” He'd been in the forest all day, scouting for food. Something was going on, and it wasn't good. Niall hadn't called him like this in years. Even if they often disagreed, they were still brothers, and he would fight to the death for Niall. He knew Niall would do the same for him.

  “Okay, be careful.” Icantha gave him a fierce kiss.

  “Wait here or in the nearest cave until I know what's going on. I'll come for you.” Magnus flew away on shimmering navy wings to find Niall, not waiting for her answer.

  * * * *

  “You may not like it, but we're going to be together. Roland knows it, and he took Skye hostage today. As you can see, she truly is a dragon shifter,” Niall said to Magnus when he found them in the far flung cave.

  “I can see that.” Magnus puffed and huffed. “I'm not happy about what you did concerning Morighan.”

  “Roland's in love with her, too. Don't you know that?”

  “No, I didn't.” Magnus's green gaze widened.

  “I knew it for some time. I don't care. They can have each other. I would hope she wouldn't side with him, but it might settle things down and bring the clan together.” Niall pawed at the ground.

  “Perhaps. But anyway...” He trailed off.

  “Yes, brother?” Niall asked.

  “You have my blessing to mate formally if that is what you both want.”

  “We do.” Skye spoke up, and Niall's head swiveled.

  “Yes, we do.” He moved to stand next to her.

  “Fine. Just wait until all of this blows over then. I'll go talk to Roland.”

  “Be careful, brother. He's probably not going to be in a good mood with that sore head of his.” Niall laughed softly.

  “Probably not, but he'll have to deal with things as they are. I'll call you when it's safe to come back to Emberside Cave.”

  Without another word, Magnus flew off into the night, his wings silent against a dark sky.

  * * * *

  “Where is he, then?” Magnus roared to the group of dragons in the m
eeting room of Emberside Cave.

  “We don't know. He left, and he took Morighan with him. She went willingly.” One of the elders spoke up.

  “Great.” Magnus sighed. “Be on your guard.”

  “We think he's gone for good. He took his things from his chamber, and hers are gone as well.” A younger dragon spoke up.

  “I see. Thank you for scouting that out,” Magnus said. “I'm going to call everyone back. If they show up later, we'll deal with it.”

  The clan members nodded their agreement and dispersed.

  * * * *

  “Mates for life, then?” Niall asked, a teasing note in his voice.

  They had both shifted back. Skye liked her dragon body, but she was more used to her human one. Besides, she wondered what it would be like to be with Niall—the man.

  “Yes, how could I not want you?”

  “Ah, so it was just the amazing dragon sex then?” He grinned at her, as they sat on the floor of the cave, a small fire in front of them for warmth.

  Skye punched him lightly on the arm. “No. It's...the way you care for me, but the dragon sex isn't bad either.”

  “Oh, really?” Niall leaned down to nibble on her ear lobe, and she moaned.

  “I was wondering...” She trailed off, grinning.

  “Yes?” He licked her neck.

  “If it's as good with you this way.”

  “There's only one way to find out.” Niall turned her chin gently and captured her lips in his own.

  She returned his kiss, hungry to have him. Skye couldn't believe she had gone from virgin to vixen just like that. It had only taken Niall Gregor, a dragon shifter, and her own sexual awakening as his mate to do it.

  Niall pulled her shirt off without a word and unfastened her bra with deft fingers.

  “Seems like you've done that a few times,” she teased.

  “Not really. I'm just in a hurry, because you're smokin' hot.” He moved to her jeans and unfastened them. He remained clothed.


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