Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1)

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Love Changes Everything (Chateaux Ste. Margaux Book 1) Page 3

by Jamie Salisbury

  "Nothing that can't wait."

  "How would you know?"

  "Margaux, you have a concussion. You heard the doctor. You need to rest. If you're feeling better by Sunday I'll take you myself."

  "No! I need to get out there. It's imperative."

  "What could possibly be so important, you'd risk your health?"

  "I need to privately see everything."

  He cocked his head. "Sounds like you don't think things are on the up and up. Do you have reason to believe someone might be doing something underhanded?"

  "I can't say. I need to follow up on a hunch my grandfather has without my siblings, or the present winemaker being there."

  "My opinion, and you can take it for what it's worth. It might be better if you just started Monday. If anything's amuck, it'll still be there then."

  She closed her eyes and sighed. "I know you're right. I'm simply not used to being sick."

  "I know from personal experience. It's not easy, especially when you're an active person."

  "Still I was hoping to be able to attend the private winemaker wine tasting tomorrow evening. I had Pier get me tickets ahead of time."

  "Why don't we see what tomorrow brings. If you're a good girl today and tomorrow, I'll take you myself."

  "You would do that? Why?"

  "I happen to like fine wine, Ms. Simone," he replied, looking at her untouched plate. "Now eat. Please."

  "You didn't have to do this," she said poking her fork through the eggs.

  "You need to eat."


  She looked delectable even with her hair mussed up from a night of fitful sleep. Stubborn too. Margaux Simone was one tough cookie. She hadn't been up an hour and she was already trying to devise ways of getting out of the house and doing things she wasn't supposed to be doing.

  Though Nikalye had a ton of things screaming for his attention, he was determined to make sure Ms. Margaux did exactly as the doctor ordered. Why, he had no idea. He'd taken her to the hospital, spent the night at her place, checking on her. Waking her up every few hours per the doctor's orders. She has family here. Why not tell her to get one of them to come play nursemaid to her? He couldn't. He didn't have the heart. Not after hearing her conversation with her sister. The last thing she needed was family drama.

  He watched her as she ate every bit of breakfast he'd prepared. She'd evidently gotten her appetite back. It was nice to see a woman eat, and not just push food around on her plate.

  Her phone rang, and they both grabbed for it. Margaux was the faster of the two

  "It's my grandfather. I need to speak with him."

  He nodded his head, sitting back into his chair with a piece of toast.

  "Good morning, Grandpapa. Are you back?"

  Nikalye could only guess at the conversation from the other end, but he'd about bet her grandfather was back and had heard all about her spill on the ice.

  "I'm fine, really. Yes, Mr. Fox was kind enough to take me to the emergency room and bring me home..."

  "No, I'm fine. If I'm feeling up to it, I plan to come to the wine tasting tomorrow evening. But please don't tell anyone."

  "Nikalye? Well, I'm sure he has other plans on a Saturday night. I'll check in with you later today, okay Grandpapa?"

  She hung up the phone, a grin crossing her face. It's obvious she loved her grandfather very much.

  "What's so funny?" He asked, leaning forward and grabbing the cup of coffee sitting on the table.

  "Nothing. My grandfather tends to overreact at times."

  "That's a good thing, I guess. I was pretty much raised by my grandparents. Actually, I didn't know they were my grandparents until I was older."

  Now why had he told her that? He shared nothing of his personal life with anyone, especially some woman he'd just met.

  "Really? I never knew my mother's parents. My father's parents however, different story. My grandfather insisted. We made the trip to France every summer."

  "That must have been wonderful."

  "It should have been, but try telling that to a thirteen year old girl who'd rather be with her girlfriends."

  Silence. Only broken by a persistent Jack wanting attention, or better yet food.

  "Are your folks still alive?" he asked. More out of curiosity, than anything else.

  "Yes, but they seem to have their own ideas of how one lives their lives after the children are out of the nest."

  "How's that?"

  "They travel. Very unusually. Right now, I believe you'll find them somewhere in South America. My father purchased a motor home and they've embraced the open road of the two continents."

  "I take it you don't approve?"

  "If that's what makes them happy, then they should live their dreams. Too many of us don't."

  "You still didn't answer my question, Margaux."

  She sighed. "It's not that I disapprove, I'm afraid they're going to miss out on family things like the birth of their first grandchild."

  "And are they going to miss out on that anytime soon?"

  "Yes, I'm afraid they are. My brother Hayden and his wife Isabel are expecting their first."

  "Perhaps your parents will surprise you all and come back in time for the birth."

  "We can always hope," she replied. "What about your parents? You said you were raised by your grandparents."

  "I know nothing of my father, and my mother has always been in and out of my life. Whenever it suits her."

  "A free spirit?"

  "She might see herself as such. I find her to be selfish and self-absorbed."

  "Are your grandparents still alive?"

  "My grandmother is. She lives in Brighton in a cottage I bought for her after my grandfather died. She'd always loved the seashore, Brighton in particular. The house I'd grown up in was to be demolished for something newer, so anyway, she now lives there."

  "Does she like it? Being uprooted at her age and all?"

  "She thrives, loves it. Keeps talking about wanting to open a small shop or something."

  "So why doesn't she?"

  "It scares her, making a decision like that. I told her next time I'm in England, I'd visit and she could discuss her idea with me. If she wants it, I'll help her get it."

  Why was he telling her these things? He never shared his personal life with anyone. Not since Lauren.

  "May I ask you something?"

  "Of course," he replied, cocking an eyebrow in curiosity.

  "How did you become Nikalye?"

  He grinned and chuckled. "That is something even I'm not sure of. I've been told various stories by both my grandmother and my mother. When she's been around. And you, Margaux?"

  "Something to do with Hemmingway. Or my French relations. I've never been sure what's true and what's made up."

  "That's family for you."

  Chapter Five

  True to his word, Nikalye took Margaux to the wine tasting Saturday evening. Since the tasting was scheduled for early evening, he'd contemplated taking her to dinner afterwards. A restaurant closer to their building, rather than eating at the winery restaurant.

  She'd been quiet on the ride over. He didn't push her into mindless conversation.

  Pulling his Rover into the parking space, he shut the engine off.

  "You still feel up to this? Because if you aren't we can turn around right now and head back."

  "No, I'm fine. Really."

  "Okay, but if at any time..."

  "I know, Nikalye. I promise I'll tell you if I need to leave."

  He got out of the vehicle and walked to her side, helping her out. Again, he caught a whiff of her perfume. Chanel. He'd recognize that scent anywhere. Classic perfume for a classy lady.


  Margaux looked around as she and Nikalye entered the main structure of the winery. Wine tastings, she'd learned from Pier were held in a small private dining room off the main restaurant. That would be one thing she would change. A tasting should be near the actual wine
making. Somewhere to put the people in the mood to focus on nothing but the delectable fruity bouquets they would be savoring. Even though the room was closed off from the main room, it was still in a busy restaurant. The smells from the kitchen couldn't help but interfere with the wine they would be tasting.

  Pier was at the door to greet the small group. The wine tastings were limited to no more than six couples. This kept the atmosphere intimate, and gave the patrons one on one time with the winemaker.

  "Margaux, are you sure you should be here this evening?" Pier asked, glancing from her to Nikalye, who was directly behind her.

  "I'm fine, really."

  "She actually looks one hundred percent better than she did two days ago."

  "Thank you for looking after her, Nikalye. I'm afraid I've had my hands full here."

  "What's been going on?" Margaux inquired, trying to peer into the room.

  "Nothing out of the ordinary, but this weather forced me to reschedule some of my appointments."

  A middle aged couple approached them. Nikalye gently pulled Margaux to the side to let Pier check them in and take them inside to their seats. Out of nowhere Simone appeared. Seeing Nikalye at her sister's side, she glared.

  "Good evening, Nikalye. I see you've been conned into the wine tasting by my sister," she said. "This will be an excellent way for me to repay you for looking after her."

  "I'm quite fine. Thanks for asking, Simone," Margaux hissed at her sibling.

  "Oh, Margaux? You're going to have to host the tasting this evening. It seems Jean-Claude has a nasty bug and didn't want to chance coming this evening."

  "Not a problem," she replied. Turning to Nikalye she continued. "We need to get you seated, and I need to make sure the wines are ready."

  "Then let's go. Simone, nice to see you as always."

  They met up with Pier inside the tasting room where Margaux conveyed their sister's news about Jean-Claude's illness.

  "That was fast because when he was here earlier this afternoon he was fine. He was excited about the tasting as a matter of fact."

  "Well, as long as the wines have been pulled and are ready for pouring we can begin on time."

  "You're sure you want to do this Margaux? I'm perfectly capable, you know."

  "I know, but this would be the perfect way for me to get my feet wet. Besides, I can show off all that education to you and Nikalye."

  "Okay, but if, at any time, you feel you need a break, you let me know," Pier told her sternly.

  "I will. I promise."

  She stood to the side as Pier welcomed the six couples before introducing her. As this was not a blind tasting, everyone would know what they were tasting as it was served. Tonight was all about red wines. The newest, and some old favorites. Eight wines total.

  "Good evening. Unfortunately Jean-Claude has taken ill. But good for you is the fact that I get to introduce my sister, Margaux. Why would I want to do that? Well, in case you can't guess by her name, Chateau Ste. Margaux was named for her by our grandfather. Second, come Monday, Margaux will be stepping into the position as our new general manager."

  Margaux stood and walked to the front of the small room beside her brother. Giving the small crowd a rundown of her credentials and history, she began the tasting.

  Everything went smoothly. Questions were asked, antidotes told. Margaux was feeling quite relaxed doing this. The couples were all fairly knowledgeable in wines, which meant they didn't have to be walked through anything.

  On the second to last wine, a brand new cabernet was poured. It was one which had been highly anticipated and already given high marks by the trade. If not for Margaux's quick thinking, the evening could have ended in ruin.

  The wine had been poured, and as Margaux passed each glass out, she explained the characteristics, what they should be looking for when they tasted it. She swirled the dark red liquid in her glass and sniffed it. It smelled off. Her grandfather had personally shipped her a case, so she was familiar with its taste as well as smell.

  As she took a sip, she noticed her sister standing at the back of the room, smirking at her. At the same time, everyone was spitting out the mouthful they'd just taken. She did the same.

  Acting quickly she asked her brother to fetch some sorbet for their guests while she uncorked the backup bottle.

  "I apologize. There is always bound to be one or two bad bottles due to cork issues. Unfortunately it had to be us. I should have been paying better attention."

  The second bottle was no better and while Pier served the sorbet, she went in search of a fresh case of the cabernet. Finding one in the restaurant cellar, she picked it up, her head pounding by now and returned to the tasting.

  "Where are you going with my wine?" Simone asked.

  "Your wine?"

  "Yes. You're taking it out of the restaurant's cellar, therefore it's my wine. My inventory."

  "So sue me, Simone," she replied, brushing past her sibling. "I'll make sure it's replaced."

  Returning to the tasting, Margaux uncorked the fresh bottle and found it satisfactory. By the end of the evening, she'd made twelve new friends. As they left, Margaux handed each couple a bottle of the cabernet.

  She looked at her brother standing next to Nikalye smiling in her direction.


  "That was brilliant, Margaux," Pier stated.

  "They will remember this, and they will come back for another tasting," she replied. "I want those two bottles boxed up. I'm taking them with me."

  "Why, they're just corked."

  "No, they're not corked, Pier. There's something else going on with them."

  "She's right, Pier," Nikalye agreed. "It tasted nothing like a corked bottle."

  "Okay. Let me know when you figure out what is wrong with it."

  "I will. Oh, and I need to replace this case and a half to the restaurant's cellar. Think you can make that happen for me, Pier?"

  "Sure, but it can wait until Monday."

  "Not according to our sister, it can't. I'd rather have it replaced tonight."

  He shook his head. "She's..."

  "Did Grandpapa get home yet?"

  "No, he'll be here tomorrow. He called to say the day had gotten by him. He hates to drive at night."

  "Good, he needs to stay then. I'll see him Monday."

  "Are you ready to go?" Nikalye asked, picking up the remaining open case.

  "Yes, let's go. I've had enough for one day."

  "I can't interest you in dinner? Payment for stepping in and taking over tonight?"

  "Not tonight, Pier."

  Walking out to Nikalye's Rover, a light rain had begun once again. He opened the back door and stowed the case, opening the front door for Margaux. He got in and started the engine.

  "You sure I can't interest you in dinner? Somewhere quiet?" He asked as he pulled out of the winery drive and onto the main road.

  "I appreciate the offer, Nikalye. Really I do, but I don't think I could sit in a restaurant."

  "How about if I order in again? We could have a glass of wine, you can explain to me what you think is going on with those bad bottles."

  "You've been too kind already..."

  "Enjoy it while you can," he said quietly. "I have to leave Tuesday. Business trip I cannot put off."

  "Where to?"

  "New York."

  "Do you stay in hotels when you're there? Or do you have a place?"

  I've sold my place in Manhattan, but I'll always keep a place in London. Plus now I have my place here."

  "Well, Jack and I will be fine. By Monday I should be fine. I'll go in to work and if I'm not feeling up to it, I'll leave at lunch time."


  "Good what?"

  "Good to know you've thought this out."

  "I know my grandfather well enough to know that he will run me off if he suspects I'm not feeling well."

  "I'm sure he will. He's a very wise man, very personable."

  "Yes, he is. He's also very
protective of his family."

  "That's good."

  "Yes, yes it is."

  The town loomed in front of them, and Nikalye maneuvered the Land Rover through the busy Saturday evening traffic with ease. He pulled into the parking garage underneath the building. Finding his parking space, he parked the SUV and shut the engine off.

  "Here we are. All safe and sound," he announced as he opened his door and climbed out. He made his way around to Margaux's side and opened her door, helping her out.

  Chapter Six

  Monday morning found Margaux quietly cursing under her breath as she drove through traffic toward the winery.

  Proceeding through the monogrammed, wrought-iron gates she followed the drive to the left turn leading to the winery offices, outbuildings, and restaurant. The road was well marked with carved wooden signs. The family estate sat out of sight further down the main road. The house was perched on a hill, an exact duplicate of the French family estate.

  Her grandfather had purchased both the land for vineyards and this parcel of land in the nineteen seventies after a difference of opinion with his brother regarding the blending of a new wine. Or so the story went. He brought both his ambitions and French winemaking skills to Kentucky which, even back then, was beginning to be sought after for its similar climate to some of the wine growing regions in France.

  Pulling up in front, she parked her BMW in the spot bearing her name. Margaux Simeon, General Manager.

  Walking into the administrative offices, she found her two siblings seated in a small conference room with their grandfather. She quietly entered the room.

  "You're late!" Simone spat.

  "I wasn't aware there was a staff meeting on Monday."

  Jacques got to his feet, walking over to greet her.

  "There's no set time for family staff meetings, Margaux. Don't listen to your sister. I for one wasn't expecting you today."

  "Yeah," Pier said. "How's the head feeling?"

  "Much better," she replied, placing her messenger bag, coat and purse in the chair next to her. "Thanks for asking."

  "We were just discussing the bad wine at the tasting Saturday evening," her grandfather murmured. "That's never happened before."


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