by P. M. Thomas
“I thought we could have something to eat first, I saw this nice little place, be great to have some company.”
Tommaso managed to break himself from the trance by a margin to accept her legendary request “Sure, I'd be honoured.”
His legs found their fortitude, his feet found their balance, he caught up to her and walked along the trail beside her, how they would have loved to have held hands right there and then, but they had formalities to get underway before they could follow their hearts and do as they desired.
“That was the best day of my life, knowing her.”
The two youthful budding companions, Tommaso and Sara sat at a table, enjoying a cup of coffee and a nice chat, knowing more about one another, peeling the mystique of the beautiful mask to see truthful beauty that lay within.
“We talked right through the whole evening, so much so we almost missed the party.”
Arriving at the party, fashionably late, better than never showing up at all, Sara blended in seamlessly and made herself part of the social gathering, standing out from the crowd with her unparalleled beauty, grace and charm.
She found herself snatched up by an enchanted and captivated editor to a popular fashion magazine who at first sight was determined to have her model for his latest line of dresses to start the summer season with a bang.
“The party, it was the first time in my whole life that I actually belonged in a vast crowd. The first time in my whole life, I enjoyed myself.”
The beguiled admirer supported the wall, admired her having the night of her life, it was her time to shine, he would not put it in the shadows. She spotted him in the corner of her eye, gave him the sweetest smile in the world, she signalled him over. Shyly he accepted and stood beside her.
Tommaso and Sara leaned side by side on the balcony, observed the enchanting view of the city basked in the night, illuminated by the array of lights from the windows like stars containing the diverse lives of many varied people. It was a romantic sight to behold for two youths boarder-lining on love.
“It was at that moment that I should have said something, should have said anything, everything was right, the time, the mood, but I was shy, nervous and foolish. I sometimes ask myself what would have happened if I had told her. Would it have been the start of something more?”
He looked over at her, his moonlit goddess, wanting to open his heart all to her and only to her, sadly his nerves refrained him from expressing himself, his mouth remained sealed shut. He looked back at the view, enjoyed her company as she did with him on the magical, enchanting night.
“Would she had felt something for me?”
The memory held such beauty and such anguish for Tommaso, he strived to hide his pain, his yearning for the woman he loved and his regret for stopping himself from being with her when he had the chance.
Gloria could see it, clear as day. “You're still in love with her, aren't you?”
His eyes said everything to her: “yes”.
“After all these years?” she found it both incredible and endearing.
He nodded slowly, he could not deny it to her, it would be like denying it to Sara.
“Can I ask you a little personal question?”
Tommaso finally spoke with a brief “Sure.”, he had a feeling he knew what she was going to ask him.
Gloria asked it as softly as she could to not upset him “Have you ever, you know, been with someone else?”
Tommaso looked away from her, he did not have to tell her, but to give her closure from her curiosity and make her happy, and to rid himself of the burden of keeping it locked to himself for as long as he could recollect. “No... never.”
“Never?” Gloria gasped, taken aback by his ludicrous allegiance to Sara.
“That's right.” he said with a deep flatness.
Gloria had to know “Why?”
“She's the only one for me, I wanted to experience it all with her. Holding hands, kissing, love making.”
“You've been waiting for her all these years?” Gloria asked, finding his commitment to Sara was commendable, if strenuous for himself.
“Wow, you must really love her.”
“I do.”
“If only she knew.” she felt for him, she really did, she could only imagine the loneliness and hardship he had faced during his lifetime, wanting his dream to come true but fearing the risk of losing what he wanted the most at the same time, it caused an immense moral dilemma that was not easily overcome by the faintest of hearts.
“If only...” he sighed with a lamenting ruefulness “I wish I could tell her, now that I have the courage and nothing else to lose, but I can't.”
“Why not?”
“She has your boyfriend now.”
“Oh...” her own moral dilemma came storming back, she was so distracted listening to another's, her own problems were an afterthought. “Good point.”
A thought came to her, something to give her troubled companion a reason to hope and, also for herself. “Ah, but think about it, clearly Paulo is just a bit of fun for her vacation, once that's over, she'll part ways from him. She will be free to be all yours.”
Tommaso looked to Gloria, his eyes glimmering, his face lightening up with a hopefulness, it was maybe not too late after all, he could be with her and make up for the lost years. “Do you think so?”
“It has to be, why else would she be with a younger man without even getting to know him first? It's obvious she just wants a little holiday romance.”
“I never thought about it like that.” his passion to come clean to Sara was rising, only to be stunted by his self-inflicted doubt clouding the sun at the end of his own horizon “Still, I'm not sure if I can tell her.”
“Why not this time?”
“I'm afraid of rejection. I'm afraid to tell Sara how I feel about her and find she doesn't feel the same, I'm afraid it could jeopardize out solid friendship, I'm afraid of losing her.”
“You're not afraid of much, are you?” she remarked with her sardonic flare.
“I don't know what to do, I want to tell her, but every time I come close to her, I just can't find the courage to open my heart and express my feelings for her. I want it to be right, I can't screw it up.” he rubs his forehead, his expression showed great conflict.
Gloria was thinking for someone else, striving to give him the happiness he had been lacking for way too long, it was not humanely possible to live like that, how he managed was a testament to his dedication and love for Sara, he was entitled more than anyone to be with the special somebody who he could not live without. Her own problems seemed smaller in comparison to his. She gave him some friendly words of encouragement “Hey, don't worry about it. You will find the confidence, all you need to do is push all thoughts out of your head and follow the love in your heart. You do that and I'm sure Sara will melt into your arms. I know you can do it, somewhere in you, beats the heart of a lover, the kind of lover Sara deserves more than anyone else in the world.”
The conflict faded off his face. “Really?” the doubt was minuscule in contrast to the beam of light from a new hope, there was a chance, he just had to believe in it, and himself, like Gloria did. That was the encouragement he could never have given himself, he had her to thank for enlightening him and giving him the faith he needed to make his dream come to life. He could still win her yet, even fight for her with a passion and be with her, taking her from her younger lover. Anything was possible when setting their heart on it. He had to be stronger than he had ever been, thinking for himself for a change instead of putting himself at the bottom and concerning himself with the thoughts of others. He had to stand at the top, focusing his efforts on himself and the woman he loved, and not anyone else, especially not Paulo.
The moonlight shined over the island, it was a work of art to what was already a masterpiece. It was a perfect night to conclude a day close to near perfection for two special souls lost i
n paradise. They approached the grand hotel, blazing through the dark, it was a sparkling beacon in the night.
Sara and Paulo walked through the reception together, it was devoid of any high classed life, a quiet and empty lobby. After a lovely time, his troubles over losing Gloria and having no remorse over it had melted away, he was living high on life and enjoying every second of being with Sara Sarracini. He was in heaven, as she was with him, they were made for one another.
“Night, Ms. Sarracini.” spoke the receptionist, her gentle voice was so acute in the deep silence.
She looked kindly to the solitary Receptionist, all alone in the barren ground floor, able to hear herself think without the guests checking in or out, and gathering in the nearby lobby. “Night, and please, call me Sara.”
“Yes, of course, Sara.”
Sara gleamed at the kind Receptionist as she and Paulo entered the elevator, ascending off to her grand palace, her young and handsome companion was in for a treat when they arrived there.
The Hotel Manager hurried out his office right as the elevator door closed and the metal box was pulled upwards in the lengthy shaft.
“Did I hear Sara's name?” he said with a burst of euphoria over the thought of seeing his dear star to make his night a sweeter one.
“You just missed her.”
“Damn it, what a shame.” he grumbled with a seething disappointment, he would have to wait until tomorrow for the pleasure of being graced by her great presence. In his tiredness, he was sloppy and not quick enough to overhear her. All fresh in the morning from a good night's sleep, he would be on the ball and ready to catch her on the way out, to brighten his day and get it started on the right track.
“She had a young man with her.” commented the Receptionist, spreading a little gossip. She could not keep it to herself, she had noticed the handsome stud the minute he walked in with the diva he was evidently head over heels in love with.
“Oh, really?” he hummed with much interest, whoever it was, he was one lucky guy.
“Yep, looks like they're in for the night.”
“I wish I was him.” remarked the Hotel Manager, yearning to be the one spending such an unforgettable night with such a divine woman like Sara.
“I wish I was her.” remarked the Receptionist, yearning to be the one spending such an unforgettable night with such a raring stallion like Paulo.
Sara and Paulo walked into the penthouse. The elegance of the penthouse and the elegance of Sara were a perfect match made in heaven. “This room definitely suits you.”
“You think so?”
Paulo smiled and nodded. “Absolutely, I couldn't think of you anywhere else.”
“I find it all overwhelming, a little too much for little old me.” she told him with a sweet modesty.
“What do you mean?” He did not share the same opinion, he respectfully disagreed “This is hardly too much for a great star like you.”
“A place like this should be for an A movie star diva, not for an old B-movie actress from the eighties. It feels a little strange for me.”
“You, a B-movie actress? Please, you are an A-lister who ranks up higher than any of the others.” he argued, not able to stand there and listen to her think of little of her massive amount of star power. “Sara, you deserve this room, you deserve the best. You want to know why?”
“Because you're the jewel most precious and rare in all the world, you're Sara Sarracini and there’ll never be another woman like you.” he said so passionately from his pulsing heart, speaking from it for her, to let her know how special she was, because she was so special. “I could stand at the top of the most extremely high mountain on the earth, overlooking all creation and call out at the top of my voice to the heavens, thanking them, letting the world know that I am a man, because I am the most truly fortunate and the most truly happy man to be blessed, graced and enriched by you, the most truly beautiful, the most truly wonderful and the most truly special woman in all womanhood”
Sara looked at him with a deep, pounding affection. “I could listen to your sweet voice all day.” she admired every inch of him. “Close your eyes.”
“Close my eyes?” Paulo looked at her with disbelief, he could not believe he heard her correctly.
“I have a surprise for you.” she said in a low, heavy, sultry voice, a powerful mood was filling between them, she could feel it, and he was starting to detect its strong, intense traces around him.
“What kind of surprise?”
“Wait and see.” she answered with a suggestive tone and passionate gaze in her eyes.
Paulo said no more. He promptly closed his eyes, doing what she asked for him.
“No peeking.” Sara stepped back, at the perfect distance for her big reveal to have its striking effect to him. Paulo awaited his surprise with much eagerness, whatever it would be, he knew it would be something he would be remembering for a long time with a great fondness.
Through the anticipated darkness, unsuspecting to what awaited him, he heard her soft, sensual voice call out to him. “All right, you can open them now.”
Paulo opened his eyes, his face turned bright red, he could not believe what he was seeing: Sara stood before him, completely naked, her divine body was a perfect masterpiece.
Sara grinned, she knew he liked what he saw. Paulo could not move, he was frozen by the sheer amazement laid out at him. He became even more amazed as Sara leapt at him, wrapping her arms around him, compressing her lips intensely onto his in an instant. She moved her hands sensually down his body, caressed his young firm buttocks.
Paulo was left stunned and red hot by her sensuality enveloping him, he did not know how to react or what to do, when he woke up in the morning, he never imagined the day would end with his beloved superstar naked in his arms, wanting him with full sexual desire, but there he was, in her hotel room, swallowed by his greatest arousal in full motion and he was in her power, at her command, he was hers to control and willing to do as she pleased, to please her.
“Touch me.” she commanded in a soft, excitable whisper from her fevered kissing lips.
He quivered in indescribable excitement and anticipation. His dream had come full circle, it had became a complete reality. He moved his hands up her smooth body, felt her smooth curves, caressed her firm breasts, pressed his thumbs into her petite hard nipples.
Sara moved her hands to his crotch, gently rubbed it at the widening bulge at first, her soft touch soon changed to rough as she grabbed his package. Her hard grip on his tender crotch sent him jolting. The soreness and tenderness felt so good in her hands.
“Oh.” he exclaimed.
Acting on a reflex action, he squeezed her breasts with the same hard clutch, sending her jolting with the same mix of soreness and tenderness that felt so good in his hands.
“Yes.” she exclaimed.
Gloria and Tommaso stopped outside the hotel she once occupied with her boyfriend, it would be a far cry from the sweet intimate excursions flooding every floor of the building tonight, they would be having the peace and quiet they yearned-for. The young couple would not be making their rowdy and raunchy noises for the current night or any night that followed.
“Well, it's been a fun evening, I surprisingly enjoyed myself. I hope we can do that again.” Gloria had not expected the day to turn out how it did when she got out of bed with her boyfriend cuddled at her side. It never could have been foreseen, not in a million years, it just happened out of the blue without any anticipation.
“Me too.” replied her mutual kindred spirit, the day had turned out relatively the same for him. Had he known what would take place, he would have told Sara his feelings on the cruise and knew for sure where their future together would take them. He would have been with the love of his life, and his twin soul would have still been with her boyfriend. But at the same time, the two lost lovers would not have met and spent a pleasant day together. In the end, lif
e was a double edged sword with two results at every fork in the road.
The two looked at each other, not sure what to do next but their despairing gazes made one thing clear: neither wanted to be left alone for the night or any night.
“So...” Gloria awkwardly hummed “what are you going to do now then?”
“I don't know. I suppose I'll go to bed, I'm a little exhausted.” he sighed with hesitancy.
“I'll probably do the same. I've had a tiring day.”
They were still both reluctant to walk away from each others company. They weren't fooling anyone, not even themselves about managing on their own.
“Can you... would you... like to...” she struggled to ask him, she did not want to give off the impression of being weak or desperate for some kind of companionship during the prolonged, lonesome night, left to be reminded by the painful thoughts of her predicament.
Tommaso had not departed from their wave length, he knew exactly what she wanted to ask. “Yes.”
Gloria's eyes sparkled in relief, she did not have it in her to ask him, it sounded too close to begging. “Great.”
The same relief sparkled in Tommaso's eyes. Both were spared a lengthy night of hardship.
“We can just sit and talk, or watch television. We wouldn't have to get intimate or make love.” Gloria explained to him, to ease his mind of any complications.
“I'm okay with that.” it had been lingering in the back of his head, he was gladly relieved to know it would not come to that, he did not want to offend her or disappoint her by turning any advances down. It would not be her fault, it would be down to him, he could only give his love to Sara, he appreciated her understanding that.