Love Struck

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Love Struck Page 17

by P. M. Thomas

  They stopped at the front door. “I won't be long.” Paulo said with a loving kiss, he could hardly keep himself from her, seeing his diva in that striking bikini was getting his blood hotter than the sun, it was reminding him of the famous bikini scene in 'A Tender Madness' and that was rubbing him the right way, he would stay in that frame of mind, there was a scene from that film he desired to re-enact with her, for real “Just you wait until we get on that boat.”

  She could hardly wait. “It'll be so romantic.”

  Managing to tear himself away from her sexiness, he stepped into the boat house to get their romantic getaway together underway and on the go.

  Sara basked in the beautiful weather, loves the feeling of the warmth on her smooth skin. She noticed Tommaso walking beside a familiar looking girl up ahead.

  “Hey, hey.” Sara called out at the top of her voice, it was impossible for anyone to mishear her.

  The two stopped on their way to the plaza, there were some other stores she had in her sights to pay a visit, he agreed to tag along, he had nothing else to do for the day. They faced the direction of the call. In the space of a microsecond, he recognized that the bikini clad maiden was Sara, answering her call, he walked on over to her. Gloria naturally stayed where she was, less she ended up doing something irrationally to the woman who stole everything from her.

  “Sara, you look...” The closer Tommaso got to his dazzling beauty, the more blinded he was by her luminous appearance and seductive bikini. “so gorgeous.”

  Seeing Tommaso was always a highlight to her day, and his reaction and compliments were the sweet icing to make it even more completer. She hadn't seen him in a few days, she was missing him dearly, Sara hoped he was having as much fun as she was “How's your vacation going?”

  Tommaso put on a brave face, he could not tell her so soon how he really felt about the vacation, Paulo and her, it would have been too sudden. “Not bad, not bad.”

  “Who's the young lady? Have you finally found yourself a date? I knew you would meet a nice girl if you put your mind to it.” saying that did not make her as happy as she let on, in fact it hurt her, seeing him with another was so strange after the years spent together. On the other hand, it meant she was free to spend her days with her young admirer without any complications towards Tommaso.

  “Oh, no, no, she's just a friend.” he assured her.

  “It's a start. Keep at her and she will be swooning in your arms in no time.” she did not know how to fully feel, she figured she would have to let go and wish him happiness, he earned it after the years spent making others happy, it was time he had his own ambrosial taste of its enriching nectar.

  Tommaso quickly changed the topic, he was finding himself leaning on the edge of giving in to his impulsive urges and telling her on the spot. “So, how's your vacation going with your...” he bit at his tongue, held his rivalry back “tour guide?”

  “It's going wonderful. He's like a dream come true. The sweetest guy I've ever met, right next to you.”

  “Great...” envy took a firm hold, he pushed it back. His time would come “that's great.”

  “Are you free tonight at nine?” came an unannounced change of subject from Sara.

  “For what?” he asked softly, intrigued to know what she had planned and what he could do for her.

  “A party, they're holding one at the hotel. It'd make me happy if you went too. It wouldn't be complete without you.”

  Tommaso could never refuse the woman he loved so very much. “What kind of a personal assistant would I be if I didn't?”

  “I love you so much.” She flung herself at him, held him dearly in her arms, she had embraced him many times before but not like this, her everlasting feelings for him, kept to herself were coming through.

  Tommaso tried to stop his composure from crumbling, he hadn't felt this side of her, it was overwhelming, he got the feeling she had loved him like he had with her all along. “I love you... so much too.”

  His trembling arms held her strongly, expressed his deepest emotions pent up for too long in his own sealed heart to her. She could feel his love, she knew in that one small instance in a big disclosure he had always loved her. They wished their hug would have never ended, they knew it had to.

  Slowly they released one another, both pined to tell the other, but both were stopped by a pressing matter at hand: Paulo. She could not break his heart, not after what he had given to her, it would have been too heartless. She was at a loss, torn between two men she adored with a passion.

  Tommaso could see the conflict, he did not press on, he let it slide, would wait for her to make the ultimate decision, it would have been unfair to tear her away from Paulo for his own needs. He had impulsively told her everything through his gesture of deep affection. What happened next was down to her.

  Whatever choice she made, he would love her all the same and she would with him.

  “I'll... see you at nine.” Tommaso promised, changing the subject to ease her conflicted turmoil.

  “Don't be late.” she said in her usual playful manner he adored so much.

  “I could never be late for you.”

  Paulo stepped out holding a boat key, interrupting their revelation and chat. “I got us a boat, we're stationed at dock eight.”

  He stopped, noticed the tall, lanky older man in the presentable suit and tie, a bit overdressed for an island paradise, let alone the sea. “Another fan wanting an autograph or a picture taken with you?”

  “No.” laughed Sara, she remembered they had not been properly introduced “this is Tommaso, a dear friend of mine. We go back a

  long way.”

  Paulo extended his hand out to Tommaso, to shake his hand, a good friend of Sara was a good friend to him. “Pleased to meet you, Tommaso.”

  The old friend put on a fake smile, shook at his rival's hand firmly. His strength took Paulo off guard, he almost dislocated the young man's shoulder. “Pleased to meet you too, Paulo.”

  He released his rival's hand to Paulo's relief. “Well, I'll leave you both to your plans.”, with a sweet goodbye, he walked off, stopped, turned to them, there was one last thing he had to say to the possible lover who would spend the most indescribable days of his life with an indescribable woman. “You take good care of her, you hear?”

  “I will, you can count on it.” Paulo assured him, he would not let Sara's good friend down.

  Tommaso nodded, turned ahead, walked up to Gloria. Paulo recognized her instantly, he could not believe such a turn of events, his ex-girlfriend was with his diva's friend.

  Gloria looked at Paulo, seeing the sight of him beside the diva caused her to look away immediately, the grief he caused her from his betrayal was unconscionable. She could not stand seeing him with someone else. Even with a far more polished alternative at her side, it could never fully substitute the imperfect charms of the original.

  The feeling was mutual for Paulo, as Gloria and Tommaso walked on together to resume their plans at the plaza, they had each other, that was enough to see themselves through the vacation and whatever awaited afterwards with each other holding onto one another's back, they could not have carried on without the supporting companionship of the other.

  A hint of agitated jealously sparkled in Paulo's staring eyes, he could not stand seeing her with someone else, it triggered a response he did not anticipate. There was a side to him that was not over her.

  “Come on, the boat's waiting.” Paulo said, forcing himself to look away from the distancing shapes of his lost love and her new lover, holding onto one another to see them through the adversity of their own lost loves.


  The boat sailed gently across the sparkling ocean. Paulo sat on a chair, holding a sketchbook, drawing a portrait of his perfect artistic model Sara as she sat on the edge of the boat, looking out at the sea. He had to cleanse his thoughts of his ex-girlfriend, it was ancient history, he had the woman of his dreams to attend with, he would have t
o have been mad or a fool to squander that on petty jealousy.

  His diva's friend could have Gloria, at least she would not be alone to dwell on their break-up, she would have her new love, and he would have his new love.

  They may have arrived on the island together, but that did not mean they had to be leaving it as a couple, times changed and with it, came an alteration of people to go with the new times. They had to move on, put their past behind them. What they had together was finished when he chose to be with his beloved starlet, Sara Sarracini.

  Completed, he unveiled his masterpiece to his eagerly anticipating Sara. It was a beautiful work of art based on a work of artistic beauty. Sara's graceful elegance and majestic beauty was expressed flawlessly.

  Sara's expression said it all: 'I love it'. Paulo's expression said the obvious to his star model: “I knew you'd love it”.

  Paulo recreated his favourite love scene from one of his many favourite Sara Sarracini films, frame for frame, in the exact kind of spacious blue ocean on the very floor of the vessel. Sara subconsciously knew what he was doing and jubilantly played along, she enjoyed acting out his fantasy and giving him such a thrill, it thrilled her too to imitate a piece of art that she was a part of. Sara and Paulo made out on the floor of the boat. His hands slid up and down her gorgeous legs. She grabbed his hands, moved them to her breasts nestled in the bikini top. He squeezed and fondled them. His mouth explored Sara's mouth. He removed her bikini top, kissed his way along her chest, to her neck, to her lips again. Next went off her bikini bottoms and his trunks. The two blurred figures made love in the glowing flare of the sun light.

  Sara and Paulo were snuggled together, the boat drifted calmly. There was not a care in the world on Sara's mind. For Paulo it was a complete different story. He wished he could relax, however the sight of seeing Gloria next to another man hounded at him. He let out a troubled sigh.

  “What's wrong?” Sara asked, she could feel something was bothering him.

  “Oh, nothing... nothing at all.” he did not want to spoil the romantic, sun kissed mood.

  Sara gave him a look. “Paulo, I'm not a girl. I've heard the line all before. I know something is troubling you, you simply don't want to tell me. I did have a husband for ten years.”

  Paulo chuckled, she was on to him, he could not hide it from an experience woman of the world like her, “Men, no matter how old, are alike in one way or another.”

  “So, tell me what's bothering you or do I have to tickle it out of you?” her fingers touched his sensitive stomach, his one weakness.

  “Oh...” he laughed with a trembling gasp, she was exploiting his Achilles heel, using it against him with her sensual, teasing fingertips sliding all over his quaking body like crazy.

  “Will you tell me now? Or do I have to resort to drastic measures?”

  ““Ok... ok...” Paulo couldn't handle it anymore, he submitted to her method of interrogation, “I'll talk.”

  Sara ceased her sexy torture.

  “I was thinking of Gloria seeing her with your friend, it made me feel so, so, so... jealous. I didn't expect to still have such strong emotions.”

  Sara sympathized with him, she had felt it before and still did. “It's understandable to still have feelings for your lost love. I did, when mine found a new woman, I could have strangled her. It's weird, give it time and you'll accept the thought of her with another man.”, she wasn't sure if she was trying to convince him or herself.

  “I guess you're right.” Paulo sighed, it would take a lot of time but he figured he would get over it, Gloria was trying to get over him. Whether they were successful or not at it was a whole another story.

  “I am right, you'll see.”

  She caressed him. Kissed his nipple. “You want to make love again

  before the party?”

  Paulo smirked, “You've read my mind.”

  Both needed some good loving to divert their minds off the thoughts of their dear ones out of their grasps. They would overcome the strange vertigo it caused them and triumph against it, they were fortunate with the gift of each other, there was nothing more they could have asked for. They were the quintessential lovers.


  The whole grand and elaborate courtyard was decorated all over to honour the greatest living embodiment of a superstar of all time, the one and the only Sara Sarracini.

  The guests, staff and Hotel Manager waited eagerly for their diva to arrive and get the party going strong and loud all through the night and into the early hours of the morning.

  The Hotel Manager impatiently checked his watch, “Where could she be?”


  He looked to the door, constantly waiting to see his illustrious diva explode out like a golden blonde bombshell that blasted in an absolutely sensational, absolutely spectacular, absolutely electrifying mass of glorious splendour, rosy enchantment, gold captivation that was supremely dazzling and supremely incredible for all to see and admire what a truly magnificent, truly sublime phenomenon of epic proportions, of volcanic energy, of splendorous charm she was, witnessing that she was an extremely passionate, an extremely fascinating, an extremely beguiling diva of all dreams, ascending far out to the top of the grandest mountain, imprinted in the hall of fame where a great star like her belonged, she was greater than Marilyn Monroe. She would be truly honoured, truly proud to have Sara Sarracini, the diva of all divas, surpass her august legacy with a true legend, a true great, a true legendary great like her.

  “Relax, she's probably making herself look presentable.” The Receptionist placed a calming hand on his restless shoulder, she knew how much time was demanded of a woman when making oneself look stunning for a big event.

  The Hotel Manager cooled himself. “You're right... you're right.”, he was just impatient to have the privilege of seeing her in a classy, beguiling formal wear.

  Gloria and Tommaso stood at the corner, dressed presentably for the occasion. He was there as a favour to his darling Sara, she was there because she couldn't bear to be left alone in the hotel without him, she would have to put on a brave face and see her Paulo with his diva, it was better than being left out from the party.

  But by the look of it, she was beginning to think the honourable guest would not be showing up. “Not turning up to her own party.

  How stuck up can you be?” she was looking for an excuse to insult the diva, it felt to gratifying to let her have it.

  Tommaso had faith in his diva, he knew her too well, she wouldn't miss the party and would never let her fans down, “She did this before.” Tommaso smiled nostalgically, “Her birthday party back in eighty five, she arrived thirty minutes late to the party. I was at her apartment, she took about ten minutes to find the perfect dress, then twenty to get her hair right. Presentation is a big thing for Sara when it comes to social events. She'll be here, I know it.”

  “Don't expect me to be cheering when Sara and him show up.” she remarked with a sour bitterness that caught the taste-buds of his tongue.

  “I told you not to go if you felt uncomfortable.”

  She could have done, but there was another reason from her subconscious leading to why she was there, she hadn't lingered on it when accepting to tag along but there was a side of her that wanted to go for him, it really meant a lot to him with being there for Sara, and she felt an obligation to come and support him, to make him happy, seeing him through the hard feelings of witnessing Sara with her boyfriend, he would see her through the same harshness of watching Paulo with his love.

  Sara and Paulo at long last entered the lordly courtyard, both were dressed to impress in their formal clothing, they looked like a prince and a princess attending a royal ball.

  Tommaso's attention shifted to his beloved, as he thought, she would show up and leave them all in delighted awe by her glamorous appearance.

  Even Gloria had to admit, Sara had a fascinating presence about her, she was idolized and worshipped by many for a reason, she was
starting to see why, not that she would ever openly let anyone know.

  The Hotel Manager was relieved, and stunned by Sara with her hair tied in a frizzy ponytail, her hands covered in satin black long gloves, her neck garmented in a necklace just over her bust, her dark blue silk dress that fit nicely over her womanly physique, complimenting it well and showing off its slick shape. She was just as classy and elegant as he had hoped for. He warmly greeted his divine Sara with a huge volcanic enthusiasm “Sara, fashionably late, I see.”

  Sara smiled, “It's a long story.”, she didn't have it in her to tell him she and Paulo had fell asleep in the boat after making love, all memories of the celebrated evening slipped them by, and didn't wake up until late at night. If the chilling sea breeze had not woke them and they had not raced back to the hotel, they would have missed the entire party. Thankfully it did not come to that, she narrowly made it by a thread.

  “Not to worry, it's better to be late than never. Now that you're here, let the party begin.” he balled out like a maestro signalling his orchestra to commence.

  Right them after the word had been given, pyro effects went off, spelling out

  Welcome back Sara Sarracini

  Everyone gave Sara a round of applause. Gloria even found herself clapping spontaneously, it made Tommaso's night to see her applauding the woman of his dreams, it meant more than any words could express having her at his side, supporting him in so many ways, he was grateful for her, she really was a special young woman to him. His time at the resort would not have been the same without her, she held an important place in his heart, he could not deny it.


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