Space Chase (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 10)

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Space Chase (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 10) Page 12

by J. Naomi Ay

  "You're beautiful." She gave her thick blonde curls a toss. Now, turning sideways, Sara tried to see her profile in the mirror. Her figure was not quite as voluptuous as she would have liked. In fact, she looked exactly like an eleven year old, even though she was more than twelve. Fortunately, the hotel had provided a container of cotton balls on the sink for her to use.

  "Sara?" Joanne's voice called from the other room. "I'm sorry, but we're going to have to go find your dad."

  "Aw, do we have to?" Sara moaned. "I thought I was running away."

  "Come on," Joanne said. "I've got to take you back."

  "I'm leaving my makeup on," Sara announced, in case anyone objected. "This is my new face, the official style of Princess Sara."

  "You look different," Trudy remarked, thinking the Princess would make a good clown. "You're also leaking cotton balls all over the rug."

  "They're not mine," Sara insisted, haughtily lifting her head, which caused even more balls to fall out of her over stuffed bra.

  "Whatever you say." Trudy shrugged and jumped up to go along.

  To her, this was all a crazy new experience. Here, she was in the company of the Imperial Princess, after discovering that Rent Golden was really an Imperial Prince. This scared plain, geeky Trudy half to death. He was obviously far above her station in many ways. Probably, their relationship was completely doomed. He was meant to marry a princess or a daughter of a duke or at least an earl. There was no way plain, old Trudy from New Mishnah would ever be good enough.

  Back out in the terminal, Steve was trying to call Joanne. He had rung her phone several times, receiving only voicemail.

  "I wonder where they are," he murmured to Rent, who was standing by a window staring at the swirling clouds as the dust storm raged.

  "Don't you think that pink one looks like a large rabbit?" Rent pointed. "That green one definitely resembles an elephant."

  "Look at that yellow one with the purple blotches," Steve added. "If you turn your head sideways, it looks just like a reflection of our father sitting on the roof."

  "It is him," Rent agreed. "He's wearing a long, black cloak and smoking a cigarette."

  Steve laughed, although he wasn't sure his brother had been joking.

  Frankly, Steve wasn't certain his father wouldn't be out on the roof. Lack of oxygen, no air pressure, and massive cosmic rays wouldn't concern the Imperial HIM like anybody else. If their mother told their father to take his smoke outside, then, outside he went, regardless how toxic the environment.

  In any case, Steve wasn't too concerned. He had long since given up trying to understand his dad. Right now, his priority was to find Joanne and his daughter, Sara.

  Steve was wandering down the arcade searching in shops that sold women's intimate apparel in sizes for girls. His brother was a few doors back, having been distracted once again by the underwear-clothed droids, who were modeling the lingerie, or just their skin.

  Oddly, Steve's mind was on Joanne. He was picturing her dancing in those same lacy things. It was making him a bit hot, or maybe that was the faulty air conditioning system.

  "Man, what's wrong with me?" Steve wiped the sweat from his brow. Why was he fantasizing about his dead friend's wife?

  Although, come to think of it, he had always found Joanne attractive. In fact, Joanne was too hot for little green, Sam, but she was perfect for an Imperial Prince, like Steve.

  The largest problem Steve foresaw, other than the obvious that Joanne didn't like him, was that Joanne would probably want to mourn Sam for a little while. He had better be patient and try not to jump her right away. Let her come to him in her own sweet time. Steve would have to force himself to wait until she was good and ready. Steve fanned his face again while thinking poor, dead Sam had just done him a huge favor.

  "Rent," Steve turned and called to his brother. "Come on, dude. Give it up. Let's go find my little chick."

  "Okay." Rent was about to follow when in the reflection of the shop's window glass, he spied someone who looked amazingly like Trudy.

  Now, the girl was walking away, so all Rent saw was her behind, which seemed familiar, although Rent wasn't entirely sure. It sparked Rent's curiosity though, so that instead of following his brother, he headed in the opposite direction toward a door which read, 'Employees Only.'

  When Steve realized his brother was going another way, he turned around and yelled something like, "Rent, what the hell are you doing?" But, Rent had already disappeared, leaving Steve to search for his daughter alone. Fortunately, she wasn't very far away.

  Steve spied a woman who looked remarkably like Joanne, and coincidentally, she was with a girl who looked like Sara if he imagined Sara's face made up like a clown and her bra stuffed with cotton balls.

  "Hey, Steve," the girl called. "Do you recognize me? Joanne bought me a bunch of makeup, so you can't make me take it back."

  "No chance of that, dudette," Steve replied, applauding himself for recognizing his daughter in this extreme circumstance. "If Joanne thinks it’s good for you, then, it's definitely good for me. By the way, Joanne, I want to tell you again how sorry I am about Sam. He was an awesome guy. He was my best friend, and I loved him like a bro."

  "Your father could have saved him," Joanne snapped as she pulled her hand away. "Sam didn't have to die like that, especially with your father aboard."

  Steve sadly shook his head. He studied the floor contemplatively.

  "You know, Joanne," he began. "Sometimes, time has to happen in the way it's supposed to be. The angels have plans for us that we're not aware. It is what is, so we have to accept it and move on."

  "Cut the bullshit, Steve!" Joanne shrieked. "Here's your daughter. I'll see you later." Joanne tried to walk away, but Steve reached out and grabbed her arm.

  "Joanne, if there's anything I can do, I'm here for you."

  Joanne laughed as if she didn't believe a word he said.

  "Just leave me alone." She pulled out of his grasp again.

  "Come on," Steve told Sara as they took up the chase through the terminal after Joanne, who was now sprinting as if she were in a race.

  "I mean it, Steve," Joanne called over her shoulder. "Just go away. Let me be. Leave me alone." Then, she ducked into a service door that read, Employees Only, to find herself inside a long, dark hall. Steve and Sara followed not far behind.

  "I don't like it in here," Sara remarked, leaving a trail of cotton balls from her shirt.

  "Joanne?" Steve yelled. "Chill, Sara. We'll find her and get out. Joanne! Come back. This probably isn't safe."

  Further ahead, Joanne realized Steve might be right, but when she went to turn around, she realized she was lost.

  Joanne began to feel claustrophobic. It was as if the light was blinding her and making it dark. Then, the room began to shake, throwing Joanne, as well as Steve and Sara to the ground.

  Chapter 17

  Katie was wondering where Senya had gone off to. After dinner, he had said he was going out for a smoke.

  "I'll just go look in a few more shops," she had replied. "I want to get some gifts for my office staff. Do you want me to pick up a few things for your assistants?"

  "No," Senya had scoffed as he strode away, causing the crowd to part, although Katie was pretty sure they didn't realize who he was. He was completely hidden by his cloak, which was actually an ingenious disguise, as it made him look like an apprentice of Darth Sidious from the other galaxy.

  Katie, on the other hand, had garnered a few stares. Once or twice, someone had been approached and asked who she was.

  "You look just like the Empress," they said, to which she responded, "That could be me, or I could be the mother of the guy who hosts that show about that island on the vid."

  Katie was in a candy shop having decided on chocolates for all the staff. Spacebase 41-B had always been noted for stocking the very best brands. She was browsing the selection of candies made with sugar when a group of Andorians came in looking for jellied Cascadian
Lump Worm hearts.

  Oddly, this reminded Katie of something she meant to bring up. She made a mental note to ask Senya about that awful Andorian president, Woofbert Wangdog, whose antics had bothered her for quite some time. Unfortunately, every time she got the Emperor's ear, it slipped her mind, replaced by more pressing things.

  "I'll buy a box of jellied Lump Worm hearts," Katie told herself, hoping this would remind her to air her concerns. So, with that as well as eighty-nine boxes of mixed nuts and chews, she proceeded to the check-out counter to pay for her gifts.

  "Would you like these shipped?" The salesgirl asked. "Super saver is free today."

  "Yes, please, to the Palace of Mishnah." Katie opened her wallet, while reciting the address, only to discover that she had used up all her cash. Instead, she extracted a paycard with her name inscribed upon the front.

  The salesgirl studied the paycard skeptically. Katie de Kudisha, where had she heard that name before? Something about this Human was really odd. As per company policy on all shipped transactions, the girl asked for two pieces of government issued photo ID. Katie didn't carry a passport, a license, or anything else, because up until now, she hadn't left the Palace in a number of years. The only pics in her wallet were of Sara and her sons. There was also that old one of her husband on his black horse, and that one of him decked out in his full regalia, as well as that other one, which she wouldn't want anyone else to see.

  However, on the wall behind the register, there hung the Imperial Portrait with Katie in full Imperial Dress. Just below it was a display shelf covered in souvenirs, among them, a collection of fine bone china plates with the Imperial Couple at various state occasions.

  "Those are me," Katie said waving her hand at the portrait and the dishes.

  The salesgirl rolled her eyes for she had heard crap like this before. It was amazing what people did to steal some sweets when they were broke.

  "Just a moment, Ma'am," the girl replied, and went in back to summon mall security, who appeared a few moments later to escort Katie out.

  "What the hell?" Katie demanded as they pulled her from the store, leaving the salesgirl to reshelve ninety boxes of candy.

  Katie was deposited upon a bench with a stern warning to stay out of shops, as well as avoid impersonating the beloved Empress.

  As luck would have it, Katie Golden was dumped on Pym's usual bench where she had been resting and munching on a jellied Lump Worm heart.

  "Get your hands the hell off me!" Katie Golden had snapped, pushing the guards away and reaching inside her handbag for a gun.

  "Better not," Pym advised, her mouth full of jellied worm goop. "They'll take you to the jail and then, you'll have to wait for a trial. Let them walk away while you calm down."

  "You're right," Katie agreed, putting the gun away. "Thank you. I almost lost my cool. The last thing I need right now is to spend a night in the brig. It's bad enough, we're stuck here on this spacebase."

  Pym smiled and nodded her head, then reached out to offer Katie Golden one of her candies which Pym knew were poisonous to Humans and would cause instant death.

  "No, thank you." Katie stood up, knowing that, as well. "You wouldn't happen to know where I could find an ATM?"

  "Certainly." Pym licked her fingers and rose. "It's over this way, Madame. I shall lead you to the money box. Andorus serves the MaKennah ka Rehnor, our overlord."

  "Right. Right." Katie waved Pym along. "I've heard that song before. Hurry up before he calls and tells me not to waste his money."

  Pym started to walk down the terminal, her mind busily contemplating where to go. She could take Katie Golden to a cash machine, but then, how would she arrange to cut her throat? Pym couldn’t kill her out in public with all these people watching. She'd have to take her down a service hall or a back stair. Once inside, Pym would have wrestle the lady's gun away, otherwise she might get shot and die herself.

  Pym decided to trip the lady with her foot as she entered a hallway unaware. After which, Pym planned to jump upon the Human's back. She'd take her knife from her skirt pocket and bring it down upon the Human's neck. Pym had planned this out for years, and now the opportunity was here to carry it through.

  Katie was no fool, even though she wasn't quite so young. Although, she hadn't worked out in a number of years, she still remembered her martial arts. She had once been a third degree black belt, and her mind recalled all the moves, even if her limbs couldn't quite do so well.

  Of course, it helped to be fighting an older lady, who was in worse condition than she, and without any skill to speak of. As soon as Pym attempted to trip, Katie felled the Andorian with a left front kick to the chest.

  "What in the hell do you think you are doing?" Katie snapped, pinning the Andorian to the floor, while reaching in her purse for the gun.

  Pym had been taken unawares by the swiftness with which the Human had knocked her down. Upon colliding with the floor, she had cracked a tooth, maybe even her jaw. It took Pym a few moments to clear her head and evaluate her own situation while determining if she could or could not speak.

  "I asked you a question," Katie demanded, not willing to wait for the test results. She pressed down upon the Andorian's neck such that Pym had to either answer or suffocate.

  "It was my task," Pym finally managed to choke out her words along with a tooth. There was also a fair amount of blood and jellied Lump Worm goo.

  "What task?" Katie continued, now pointing her gun at the side of Pym's head just above her eye where the bone was thin and unusually soft.

  "To kill you," Pym replied defiantly, for even though she couldn't move, she intended to complete her task sans jaw or blood or tooth, whatever it took. "It was the job assigned to me many years ago."

  "By who?" Katie pushed the cold barrel further into Pym's head.

  "The Emperor."

  "Right." Now, Katie sighed. As far as potential assassins went, this old Andorian was hardly a threat. Katie had come up against far more skilled combatants in nursery school. She'd also heard that song before. "You'd think one of these days SOMEONE would come up with something new. Get up!" She ordered and backed away just as the floor began to shake. "What the hell is going on now? You can't have an earthquake out here in space!"

  Pym tried to scramble to her feet, but the rollicking floor just knocked her down.

  "It's because of my blasted husband, isn't it?" Katie screamed at the ceiling as if someone up there could hear. "Senya, stop whatever you are doing right now!"

  The two women fell into a well that was illuminated by a strange and eerie, silver light. They kept falling for what seemed like eons, but was really only a minute or two, until they landed in a pool several stories below.

  This was the fresh water reservoir for the entire spacebase, which was now hopelessly contaminated by the women's germs. Fortunately, the pool was deep, so neither woman hit bottom and died. Katie immediately swam to the surface, whereupon she looked for Pym.

  "I can't swim!" Pym yelled, a short distance away before her head bobbed under, and only an outstretched blue hand remained. Katie raced across the water, diving for Pym and dragging her back to a wall.

  "Hold on here," she ordered, hoisting herself upon the ledge.

  "You saved me," Pym declared with passion. "Now, I owe you my lifelong servitude. I am your slave. I promise I won't kill you anymore, my Queen."

  "Yeah, right. Like that was a huge concern of mine." Pulling Pym out of the water, Katie glanced around. They were in a large room with metal grated floors, large pipes overhead and metal walls. It was the center of the spacebase, the building’s very core.

  "Ah, crap!" Katie sighed, looking around for her lost purse and gun. Unfortunately, they had sunk to the bottom when she fell into the pool. "Senya, I don't think you are the least bit funny!"

  Chapter 18

  Sara had somehow lost her dad, and Joanne had disappeared even before that. Sara wasn't sure how she got to where she was, but it looked like a dark hal
lway in the bottom of a space station and it smelled really bad, like something icky from another planet. On top of that, Sara had dropped the shopping bags with all her new clothes. The cotton balls had leaked from her shirt, so she was back to looking like a preteen.

  Sara didn’t like being alone, and she felt a little scared as she wiped her tears and all that makeup which she had carefully drawn around her eyes.

  Frankly, Sara had been left this way far too often, and she was getting tired of acquiring new parents after the others died. Sara had liked Steve a lot. In fact, she loved him, even though he had no clue how to be a dad. Although, Sara had wanted to run away before, now she wanted him back.

  “Steve?” She called into the dark. “Hey Steve, dude? Can you hear me?” At first, all she heard was her voice echoing off the walls and the metal pipes. “Steve?” she screamed louder. “Daddy, I'm over here.”

  Down the corridor not far away, a dim light shone. Sara heard a voice speaking in a language that she couldn't understand. Actually, it sounded like a bunch of whisperings, some grunting, and some coughs, and then something giggled as footsteps approached from down the hall.

  "Be brave," Sara ordered herself, as the thing was joined by a couple of friends. "Go the other way and find a door. Pretend you've got one of Katie's guns, and you'll shoot any monsters that come after you." Sara began to run in the opposite direction, repeating Katie's advice. "Shoot them first," Sara remembered. "And, if you can't, take the second shot, but make certain your aim is more accurate than theirs. If you don't have a gun, use a knife, and if you don't have one of those, use a sword. If you don't have any weapons at all, get a big stick or a giant rock. If all you've got is your hands, scream out loud at the top of your lungs, and with your strongest kick ever, get him in the nuts."


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