A Heart's Chance

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A Heart's Chance Page 3

by Paula Calloway

  Her headshake vehement, Marija ignored her building tears. “It’s not true.”

  Ilona sighed. “I don’t wish the same for you, but Lords Teodor and Rihard will arrive tonight and—”

  “I won’t hear anymore!” She yanked open the door, fled from the room and raced downstairs.

  * * * *

  Mikeli pivoted toward the flung open bedchamber door. “Marija?” He froze at the touch of his wife’s cool hand, his gaze on the stairs. “What happened, Lady Ilona?”

  “She deserves the truth, my lord.”

  He faced her, his frown tense. “The truth about what?”

  Ilona proffered the missives. “If she’s not a pawn to be used in forming alliances then why are Lords Teodor and Rihard coming tonight?”

  Mikeli snatched the parchments from her hand. “They visit as invited for my daughter’s sixteenth birthday and to discuss—”

  “A wife.”

  “You should not tread where you know nothing, foolish woman. The two men are coming to proffer an alliance, but in pursuit of my two oldest daughters who still reside here.” Not my precious little girl. “Have you forgotten I never made my daughters go against their own hearts?” He dashed downstairs and out the door. The stallion’s black hindquarters disappeared out the main gate toward the forest.

  Mikeli stormed back inside, slammed shut the door and glared at his wife who stood on the bottom step. “Brigit and Madara.” When his daughters approached, he donned his winter gear and softened his tone. “Lord Teodor and Rihard will arrive for dinner soon. I request you show them respect for they will make fine husbands. Tell them I will return after I find your youngest sister.” He stormed out to find the heart of his life.

  * * * *

  Marija clung to the charging stallion’s mane. Blinded from the driving snow, her frozen fingers lost their grip and she slipped from the animal’s broad back. Tumbled into a drift, she struggled until free of the cold whiteness. She scrambled to her feet and glanced around, but the fast falling snow already covered her fleeing mount’s tracks. Shivers racked her body. The snowfall lightened and she squinted for a glimpse of the dark horse.

  “It’s not fair. I will not be taken from my father. I won’t. I don’t care who you are, but I won’t do it!” The answering wind reminded her of her forgotten cloak with chilling nips at her nose and fingertips. She shivered and, uncertain of her location, turned in hopes of what might lead in the direction home.

  Wind simmered down as snow ceased. Marija glanced up. The oddly clear sky revealed numerous glittering stars overhead while the full moon’s soft glow illuminated the snow. None of it offered any help. Shapes wove between the tree trunks. Howls sounded from her right.

  She shivered more from fear than cold and increased her pace. Numerous silhouettes slipped in and out of the trees. “Go away. Leave me alone. Father!” A snapped branch prickled the hairs on the nape of her neck.

  Chapter Six

  His seraph senses heightened, Cáel turned invisible at the sound of thundering hooves. Crouched down with his forearms rested on the top of his knees, he honed his senses on the dark charger closing the distance. When the unseated rider plowed into the whiteness, he stiffened and stood. Seldom did he interfere with the affairs of others, but to let a human suffer treaded beyond even the hardest celestial’s heart.

  As the young maiden scrambled from the white depths, the lack of red earned his sigh of relief. He crouched down on his haunches. With the winter storm reined in by a wave of his hand, he admired her upturned face. His position on top of the rock cliff granted him all the view he needed from the time the black stallion barreled past to the present. Still invisible, he drifted down to better assess the situation.

  Cáel swept his gaze over her delightful figure and ascertained her build no more than five foot two and about one hundred thirty pounds. Fiery emerald green eyes contrasted with jet-black waist length wavy hair and both complemented the subtle tan creamy complexion. Full red lips appeared lush as the finest wine.

  He admired the way mud brown doeskin boots smoothly climbed up sleek calves until just below her knees. Hunter green tights hugged and enhanced toned legs and shapely thighs. Cuffs of a white poet’s shirt brushed hands, sleeves billowed in the wind and a stretchy black bodice hugged a slender waist while it enhanced ample breasts. Her outfit offered no protection from the weather. His eyes narrowed at the curve of her hips. Young. Too young for any male.

  Back in his previous position on the top of the cliff, Cáel tilted his head in mild amusement when the small wisp of a waif challenged the nearby pack. His smirk faded as the predators skulked closer. My current form will never do for an introduction. Intent on a peaceful deter of the pack’s plans, he changed his voice. “You’re a brave one.”

  Startled, her every step ready to spring another direction, Marija glanced around. “Show yourself!”

  “If you wish.” Shifted into snow dragon form, he spread his wings and glided down. With a gentle landing on the ground, he set his body between the pack and their prey. “Pardon me a moment, miss.” His snaked head and unleashed deep-throated growl sent several silhouettes scampering into the night. He turned his gaze upon the lovely maiden. “As I said, you are a brave one.”

  Her senses rattled by his actions, she stared transfixed. “What do you want and what are you?”

  Cáel stretched his long snowy white draconic neck and yawned. “I wished to see what made you brave enough to face a pack of wolves on a cold winter night.” He stretched forth a foreleg and eyed the way the moon highlighted his long, sharp ivory talons. “You were their dinner, you know.” His glance at her sideways, he grinned. “I’m a snow dragon.”

  Unnerved by the glint of his teeth in the moonlight, Marija shuddered at the very thought of the glistening white creature. The length of his body from nose to tail nearly thirty feet, his wingspan almost double, his teeth and talons blended into the snow and his glittering eyes sparkled black as night. “And now I suppose I’m yours?”

  His chuckle deep, he met her wide-eyed gaze and exuded calm. “You may call me Frost and I don’t find humanoids either tasty or nourishing, but I do appreciate their company. I still wish to know where your courage comes from and your name.”

  “My father and my name is Marija. May I leave now?”

  “Then why isn’t he with you?” Cáel pointed with one long talon in the direction the charging mount originally raced from. “There’s a cave some distance that way. If you like I’ll assure you reach it safely.”

  Marija frowned as the chatter of her teeth compelled her acceptance. “I suppose it’s better to seek shelter for the night.”

  “Yes.” The snow dragon walked beside her, but kept enough distance to grant her room to run if so desired. “You didn’t answer why you’re out here alone.”

  Cautious, she walked beside his shoulder. “This might be a trap where you lead me to your home and cook me.”

  Amused, Cáel eyed her small figure. “No doubt I will have a tremendous fight on my paws if I tried such a thing. Besides, I prefer my meals fresh… just the way nature intended.”

  “You would.” Marija let her steps close some of the distance in hopes of drawing heat from his body. “And your last remark was not funny.”

  “It wasn’t meant as such and you’re shivering.”

  “It’s the cold.” She sought assurance more for herself than her escort’s sake.

  “Hmmm. Nonetheless, I’m still waiting for an answer.” Cáel spread one wing and covered the chilled maiden. “Relax, I’m shielding you from the wind. My body produces excess heat.”

  “I ran away.” Marija stepped closer and appreciated the added warmth.

  “What would make one so brave run?”

  “I don’t want to be a pawn.”

  Cáel peered under his wing and noted her misstep. “You’re tiring. For what?”

  Marija halted in her tracks. “Men, power and wealth. According to my mother.” />
  The snow dragon lay down and crossed his front paws. “Come sit here and get warm.” He nudged his nose toward his front legs.

  “You won’t eat me?”

  “I believe I already said I didn’t like humans in such a manner.” Cáel scooped her up with his wing and dumped her into the cradle of his folded front legs. “Only if you turn into a wolf.”

  Comforted by his warmth, Marija relaxed. “I don’t think such will ever happen.”

  Her laugh surged through him like fire. “Good. Now what’s this nonsense about trading women?”

  She relayed everything her mother spoke of. “I don’t want traded. My father is good to us and I can’t bear the thought of my mother’s words as truth.”

  Well aware of the games men played for power, wealth and even women, Cáel wrapped his wings in front of them and shielded her from the elements. He never understood humans and this small delicacy certainly didn’t belong in the mix. “It’ll be warm and dry here tonight and you can sleep safely.”

  Marija snuggled in. “What about the wolves?”

  “I think they sought dinner elsewhere.” The snow dragon summoned a spell and smiled when sleep magic, unseen by her, slid over her body like a blue veil of mist. “How old are you, where do you live, who is your father and do you wish my help, Marija?”

  She yawned and closed her eyes. “Sixteen, in a stronghold on a hill, Lord Mikeli and yes.”

  Cáel brushed his muzzle across his shoulder. “Sleep, little one and consider your troubles over.” Uncertain of what lured him, he shivered. His draw to her difficult to ignore, he knew he must. For a few years. The sound of her name drifted close on the north wind.

  Shifted into his true form, he stood with her still cradled in his strong arms. He pressed his lips against her forehead and pulled back, his smile warm. The glowing blue mark vanished and buried her recollection of him with it. Soon, little Marija, soon.

  A masculine voice closed the distance. Cáel carried her over and carefully placed her near the snowdrift, but made certain the maiden remained visible. With her appearance situated as though sprawled from her original spill, he shifted to invisible and observed.

  Chapter Seven

  "Marija!” Worried sick, Mikeli directed his horse in a zigzag pattern and scanned the woods. “Where are you, baby?” A dark figure near the drift stole his breath and he yanked back hard on the reins. His leap from his mount swift, he stumbled in his desperation to reach her side. He slid down on his knees and, tentative, placed his hand on her neck.

  The beat of her pulse surged relief through his very soul. His touch gentle, yet urgent, he ever so carefully drew her into his arms and hugged her close. “Marija.” Her name a mere breath on his lips, he kissed her cheek, pulled back and brushed the hair from her face. “Please be okay, sweetheart. I must get you home.”

  Mikeli stood, her small figure cradled against his body, and tugged on the bridle. “Ailill, kneel.” As the destrier bent one knee and knelt, he grabbed the reins, clutched his daughter close, stepped into the stirrup and swung his leg over the saddle. “Ailill, rise.” With the stallion’s compliance, he wrapped his cloak around her small body. He turned his mount, dug his heels into the animal’s sides and sped for home.

  With his entrance into the courtyard greeted by several concerned faces, he slid from the destrier’s back, his daughter's chilled body clutched close. “Filip, tend Ailill.” His tromp through the door into the kitchen garnered everyone’s attention. “Vilhelm, hang my cloak. Pavil, welcome my guests to stay the night and offer them proper quarters. The celebration will take place tomorrow night.” He stormed up the stairs, his daughter still in his arms, kicked open her bedchamber door and stepped inside her room.

  Ilona gasped. “Is she all right?”

  Mikeli snarled at the culprit who instigated the whole ordeal. “Like you really care.”

  “But I do.”

  “Then learn to embrace and love instead of destroying and hating. Leave me and I’ll deal with you later.” He kicked shut the door to inhibit her entrance. His gaze on the precious heart in his arms, his every move gentle, he laid her on the bed. With the covers adjusted, he drew them to her neck and caressed her cheek. “Please be all right, sweetheart.” Agitated, he pivoted, crossed the floor and threw several more logs into the fireplace then returned, sat beside her hip and waited.

  Her soft moan garnered his attention. Mikeli cupped her cheek. “Sweetheart?”

  Marija opened her eyes and smiled. “Father.”

  His sigh filled with relief, he embraced her and caressed her upper back. “I have never been more scared in my life, Marija.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t listen.”

  Mikeli stroked her hair. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. Your horse is back in the stables.” Nothing in the world meant as much as the child in his arms, the child he lived for, the child who loved him. He pulled back. “Are you all right?”

  Marija nodded. “It was just a little fall.”

  “That’s a sixteen hand tall stallion meaning at least six foot fall.”

  “It wasn’t his fault. I slipped.” She glanced at the window. “My party!”

  Mikeli winked. “Hush. I delayed it until tomorrow night. I think you need a hot bath and a good night’s sleep.”

  “I’m okay, Father, really.” Marija smiled.

  “I want you to take it easy for the night. You were missing for nearly two hours. I was surprised to find you so warm in that drift.” He kissed her forehead and stood. “I’ll send Zuzanna in to help you. Can’t let my little girl become unhappy.” Her soft giggle followed him from the room.

  She climbed from the bed and crossed the floor to the window. The glow of the full moon on the fresh snow lit the world like a fantasy. Sudden warmth danced a delightful shiver through her and she smiled.

  * * * *

  Invisible to the mortal realm, Cáel observed what transpired between the young maiden and her father. Her request touched, her fear held, her honesty captivated, her innocence mesmerized and something about her called to his deepest soul. Aware of his closeness to her in all aspects, he moved behind her body. His wings enveloped her small frame. You have my word I will not interfere, young Marija, until you become endangered.

  Chapter Eight

  Furious at his wife’s foolishness, Mikeli stormed into her chamber and slammed shut the door. “Woman.”

  Ilona leapt up from the chase lounge near the fireplace. “My lord—”

  “Silence.” He paced the room and disbursed some of his fury before he throttled the troublesome lady. He pivoted. “I grow weary of your poisons and decided if I must deal with your penchant for such venomous behavior…” His gaze pinned her while he yanked off his shirt. “I will do so in a way I find pleasurable.”

  She stepped back until her hip bumped the table. With a quick look down toward her feet, she sidestepped and backed away. “My lord.”

  Seated on her bed, Mikeli pulled off his boots and dropped them to the floor. His glance followed the general direction of her gaze. “You will never make it to the door, sweet wife.” At her dash, he lunged, swept a powerful arm around her waist and drew her back tight against his body. Her wrists seized, he pinned them against her belly, nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent.

  Ilona struggled. “Release me, you blackhearted—”

  “Have you forgotten my name, my lady? It’s husband.” He kissed her shoulder.

  “I do not want you!”

  “Perhaps not, my lovely wife, but you want what I can do for you.” Mikeli treasured her squirms.

  Ilona gripped his forearm, her voice a mere whisper, “Mikeli.”

  Her small firm breast cupped, he rubbed his thumb over the hardened nipple. He nibbled a trail along her neck and welcomed the tilt of her head, which exposed her throat even more. “There you go my sweet delight.” Aware his lady required a firm grip to hold her in check and a night of wild sex to tame her brashness, he delighte
d providing her such. With her back snug against his front, he lifted her body. His rigid cock demanded release from the confinement of his pants. He eased toward the bed, set her on her feet and grabbed the ties of her robe.

  She leaned back against him, reached up and fisted his hair. “I will not love you.”

  “Matters little to me because I do love you. Perhaps it is better you deny me for such grants me the right to take. If you expressed love for me it might gentle me.” Mikeli nipped the curve of her shoulder. “If you move, I will be forced to punish you even more than I intend to at this moment.” Her robe fell to the floor. He stepped back and reached for his pant lacings.

  Ilona faced the man it thrilled her to deny. “My lord, I—”

  “You moved.” He dropped his pants and stepped clear. Her deliberate defiance stirred him and an unbidden tremor raced through his veins.

  “I did.” She shivered under his piercing gaze. “What do you plan to do about it?”

  Mikeli narrowed his eyes and a deep growl rumbled in his chest as his hand seized the neckline of her chemise. “Punish you.” The gossamer material ripped from her body, he treasured her startled gasp and flung aside the ruined garment. He grabbed her waist, drew her tight against his length and clamped his mouth over her lips. His tongue plunged deep and ravaged her with hunger denied far too long.

  Ilona wrapped her legs around his waist and entwined her arms around his neck. She slid her tongue into his mouth and rubbed her silken slit along his pulsing erection.

  Unsettled by her wanton attack, he broke their oral embrace. “Stop. Now.” He pried her from him and tossed her onto the bed. “You will suffer.”

  She slid back on her elbows with one knee bent. “I will?”

  Mikeli clenched his jaw, grabbed her ankle and dragged her closer. His body thrummed with need. “Most definitely.” He seized a handful of her hair and pushed her face toward his throbbing hardness. “Take me in your mouth, Ilona.” Her lips parted, slid over the swollen head of his thick length. “Rake me.” The graze of her teeth unleashed an uncontrolled shudder through his very soul.


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