A Heart's Chance

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A Heart's Chance Page 5

by Paula Calloway

  The cerulean blue dragon lowered its head. It settled its gaze on her and tucked its wings. “Yes.”

  The deep rumbling voice vibrated the ground under her feet and Marija smiled. Her touch ginger, she placed a hand on the scaled shoulder. “He’s warm.”

  The creature chuckled. “Not all scaled beings are cold-blooded, little human.”

  She circled the beast, but on her return along the creature’s other side, her gaze settled on the attractive prince who spoke with her father. “What do you two mean by keep your words and in exchange for what?”

  Cáel proffered a warm smile. “I avowed to help your father in this war, my lady.”

  Mikeli met his daughter’s stunned gaze. And moved closer “Prince Cáel offered—”

  “I’m on the trading table.” Horrified, Marija shook her head. “I don’t—”

  “No.” His next step set him directly in her path. He pressed his forefinger over his daughter’s lips. “Grant him permission to court you.”

  She ripped lose of his hold and stepped back, her eyes narrowed. “What’s the difference?”

  Cáel closed the gap to her side in two strides. “I will never force you, my lady.”

  “You’re nothing but… a sword in the heart!” Marija swung her hand.

  He seized her wrist, his hold gentle. “If you wish to see such, you need only to ask, but I have no desire to show you hideous things.”

  She yanked away from of his grip. “I ask for nothing from the likes of you.”

  Cáel sighed. “If only you would, my lady. If only you would.”

  Marija pivoted and raced toward the stronghold. “Leave me alone!”

  * * * *

  Mikeli hung his head. “She thinks I betrayed her.” His fist clenched. “Damn you, Ilona.” He inhaled a deep breath. “Forgive me, prince. I’m afraid my wife poisoned her against men. She did so to all my daughters.”

  Cáel signaled the sky dragon, but his gaze never wavered from the troubled beauty. “Follow her and make sure she remains unharmed.” The agony in her emerald eyes ripped through him like a shockwave. “In what way, my lord?”

  He hung his head. “I brought nine beautiful girls into this world and my angry wife derived pleasure from turning my lovely daughters into men-hating women.” He relayed the deal his wife’s first husband made, his claim of her and her retaliation, but kept his lost self hidden.

  “Your wife’s influence is strong, but can be undone. Come, let’s walk back for lunch.”

  Mikeli accompanied the prince as they led both stallions to the stable. “I was a cold man, but her presence softened me. I never denied her anything. Nor did I ask her to love me. I failed to win Ilona’s heart and earn her love. Her anger poisoned my daughters. I spent much time with Marija to inhibit her action with my favored child, but the war kept me away from home so much these past two years. I fear I failed.”

  Cáel grinned. “I enjoy a challenge. Marija will possess all she can dream of, Lord Mikeli, including the time she needs to decide. Of such, I assure you.”

  “Best of luck to you, Prince.”

  He accepted the proffered handshake. “I never did learn the meaning of surrender.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Marija barged into the house, barreled upstairs into her room, slammed shut the door and threw herself on her bed. “How could you?”

  Ilona opened the door and peeked in. “What’s the matter?”

  She rolled over. “Father gave his newest ally permission to court me!”

  “He put you on the trading block.” At her daughter’s nod, she gracefully crossed the floor and sat on the bed. She extended her arms with a smile. “Come here, darling. I knew it was merely a matter of time.”

  Marija burst into tears. “Why did Father do it?”

  Ilona stroked her hair. “Did you truly believe he thought you more special than your sisters? Oh, sweet child. You are to him as they, mere pawns in the game of power and wealth. It’s common practice for men to proffer their daughters in exchange for alliances of some sort.”

  She pushed back from her mother’s hold. “Why? It’s cruel. I want to fall in love and marry whom I want, not some man picked because of power or wealth.”

  “Such is the way of men. They do not know or understand love nor can they fathom its depths. Your father murdered my first husband then my mother to gain possession of my wealth. The way a woman survives is denying them whatever they desire, offering them nothing and above all else, never confessing love. Doing so tells them you are weak, helpless and at their mercy. Such gives them the opportunity to take complete advantage of you.”

  Ilona pattered her daughter’s shoulder and stood. “There’s a chance your father is finally losing his status and hopes to strengthen his position by giving you to whoever offers him the best deal. Stay strong, daughter.” Her smile warm, she left the room.

  Marija stared at the shut door. “I will not marry Cáel.” The thought of her father’s generosity and kindness toward her elicited a heavy sigh. “But how can I not help my father?”

  * * * *

  Uneasy when the stronghold settled down for the night, Mikeli paced the walkway, stared across the field and glanced at the dark sky. He pivoted and retired to his chamber. Restless, he stripped to his pants and boots, flopped on the bed and closed his eyes.

  The splinter of wood and the shatter of glass coincided with the clang of metal and a scream of terror.

  On his feet in the blink of an eye, Mikeli grabbed his sword and bolted into the corridor. He glowered at the intruder. “That is my daughter’s room. Consider your death warrant signed.” His lunge full force, he drove his blade through the midsection of the intruder. The Fallen One growled at the new interloper who peered around the top of the stairs.

  Mikeli stepped to his daughter’s opening door. “Shut and lock it, Marija.” Shoulder lowered, he dashed past and plowed into the enemies that threatened his family. He worked his way downstairs as his every swing sliced through an appendage and his every stab impaled a midsection. Struck from behind, the Fallen One swayed and fell into blackness.

  * * * *

  Marija obeyed her father and huddled near the door. The sound of the fighting faded. Startled by the shatter of glass, she stared at her broken window. An armed man scrambled into her room with another on his heels. She fumbled with the lock. A blade tapped her shoulder and halted her action.

  Eduard grinned. “Someone downstairs wishes to speak with you, my lady. Do you wish to walk?”

  She pivoted, pressed her back against the door and shivered. The weapon point closed the distance on the hollow of her throat. “Who?”

  “Your future husband, of course.”

  Marija glared. “Not a chance.”

  Bendik sheathed his sword and scooped her over his shoulder. “She said the hard way. My lord likes a good fight.” He unceremoniously carted her out the door and down the stairs.

  She beat her fists on his back. “When my father gets his hand—” The deliberate drop of his next two steps thrust his hard shoulder into her stomach and knocked the wind from her lungs.

  “My lord, your wife has arrived.” He placed her on her feet and grasped her wrists behind her back.

  Marija froze. Her unresponsive father lay in a heap on the floor while blood flowed from numerous wounds across his shirtless body. “Father?”

  “There now, sweet girl.” Juris crossed the floor and cupped her chin. “Your mother should be here any minute.”

  She jerked back from the gauntleted hand. “I did not think…” Her gaze settled on an older warrior, not the attractive young prince.

  The invader grinned wryly. “Expecting someone else? Didn’t know I had competition.”

  Ilona yanked loose of her escort and strode off the last step. “What’s the meaning of this?”

  Juris bowed. “I came to make an alliance and it seems you now hold said decision since your husband is… inconvenienced, my lady.” He slipped
his forefinger under his intended’s chin and pushed closed her jaw. “Your daughter seems rather surprised, Lady Ilona.”

  She shot a look at her bleeding and unconscious husband on the floor. “Not so unlike the past. My daughter fails to understand the concept of negotiations, my lord. What do you offer?”

  The draw of his dagger stealthy, the invader stepped closer. “You fail to recognize me.” He chuckled and, in the blink of an eye, held her by the neck. “My father sired me about two months before forced to marry you. You stole him from my mother. She asked me to slit your throat as her revenge.”

  “Stop! Please, stop.” Marija struggled against the grip of the man behind her back.

  Juris strode over. “Give me one good reason.”

  “I have none.”

  “Hmmm.” The invader trailed the tip of his dagger over her chemise on a path between her full breasts then pivoted and crossed the floor to the stronghold master.

  Marija lunged forward, but failed to break free of her captor. “No! Don’t. Please, I beg you, not my father.”

  Cáel burst through the door, several of his men on his heels. The seraph shoved aside one soldier and settled his blade on her captor’s lower neck, his gaze on the lead intruder. “My lady said cease.”

  Tears blurred her vision, but the familiar voice filled her with hope. “Father’s hurt.”

  The twist of his sword pierced a tiny hole in the nape of the man who held the maiden he cared for. “Release her to tend Lord Mikeli. Now.” His narrowed gaze pinned the dagger-wielding man intent on the helpless stronghold master’s demise. “Back off, Juris.”

  Her arms released, Marija stumbled to her father’s side and dropped down on her knees. She pulled his head into her lap. “Father. Wake up, Father. Please.” His fluttered eyelids gained her attention. Ever gentle, she brushed the hair from his forehead. “Father.”

  Mikeli smiled up into her face. “My sweet Marija.” He struggled, sat up of his own accord and glanced around the room. “Get me to my feet.” With her help, he stood and surveyed his surroundings. His wife’s expression pale, he assessed her unhurt. “Ilona.” His gaze swept over his daughter. Displeased at the tear in her chemise, he sighed at the lack of blood. “You all right, Marija?”

  “Yes.” More men adorned in the prince’s crest entered the room. She returned her attention to the man at her side. “Father?”

  “I’m okay.” Straightened until the deep wound in his right side bent him over again, he clutched it tight and impeded the blood flow. “Prince Cáel, forgive the gesture I am about to make, but I fear my wounds impair my abilities to defend my daughter and I place her honor in your hands.” He faced the man he considered an enemy. “Lord Juris, I already gave Prince Cáel permission to court my daughter. If your intent is to take her hand then it is him you must face.”

  “Unacceptable!” Furious, Juris grabbed a sword and lunged.

  Cáel flung aside the man at the end of his sword and leapt. His interception effortless, he pressed the tip of his blade against the interloper’s throat. “Enough, Juris. Lady Marija will make the decision and such will stand without interference from either of us.”

  “What gives you the right to proclaim such?”

  “I have the word of her father, an honorable and just man, that should there come a time where it becomes a forced decision, I hold primary claim, but am opting to set aside said right in honor of letting the lady herself decide her future.”

  Mikeli leaned his shoulder against the wall. “Marija, listen to me. Cáel asked to court you, to win your heart. Juris demanded your hand. I hoped to provide the best possible for you and prayed you—” A violent cough racked his body. “Forgive me.”

  Marija gasped in sheer horror when her father sucked in a shaky breath then slid to the floor in a heap. “No.” She dropped down on her knees and huddled over his bloody body. “Get me a priest!”

  “Trust, Cáel, Marija.” He struggled for every breath.

  “Father, don’t you leave me!”

  With his sword still pointed at his enemy, Cáel stepped around her, knelt down on one knee and placed a hand on the severely injured stronghold master’s shoulder.

  Marija panicked. “My lord?”

  The tears in her emerald eyes tugged at his heart. “I regret there is little that can be done, my lady. Unless you let my priests take him under their care.” He stood and stepped back.

  “Please, do whatever it takes.” Her smile forced, she clutched her father’s hand. “You’ll be all right, Father.” Several robed men hustled into the room, carefully collected her father and carried him away. “Juris, you’re not even fit for a title!” The hated wretch kept immobile by a sword point at his throat, she followed the gleaming blade to its wielder and met the gentle silver eyes.

  His weapon steady, Cáel held her gaze. “It is your choice, my lady. If you chose Lord Juris, I will, out of respect for you, step aside forevermore. If you chose me, I will dispatch this wretched intruder and his troops in the manner of justice.”

  Marija eyed at the soldiers in her family crest and that of the prince. “Who attacked here tonight?”

  He turned his head and leveled his gaze on his enemy. “Lord Juris’s men did the damage and he himself attacked Lord Mikeli. Mine came to aid.”

  She eyed the tear in her chemise. I owe Cáel for my father. I owe my father the ability to recover his stolen lands. “Prince Cáel, if you and your men will remove them, I request your assistance in arranging my wedding to you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Cáel accepted command. “Imprison Lord Juris, distribute the appropriate sentence to his troops, dispatch word of his present army’s status to the opposing leader and send my forces to reclaim Lord Mikeli’s entire realm. Summon the housekeeper to clean up. I must tend the lady.” He cleaned and sheathed his sword then knelt at her side. “My lady.”

  Marija looked up. “My father…”

  “If you rest and let my priests work through the night, I’ll take you to him when you wake in the morning.” His touch tender, he pushed a strand of hair from her lovely face. “Come, my lady, let me see you to your chamber to rest.” He proffered his hand. At her acceptance, he brought her to her feet and directed her toward the stairs.

  She leaned against his side until at the top step then straightened for the walk down the corridor to her room. Her steps halted at her bedchamber. “I almost lost everything I ever loved. Thank you for helping my father.”

  Cáel opened her door, ushered her inside and guided her toward the bed. “Do you wish a clean chemise, my lady?” At her nod, he motioned in the nervous handmaid who peeked around the corner. “Miss, let me know when the lady is finished.” He exited the room, shut the door behind him and patiently waited. Moments later, the opening door garnered his attention.

  “My lord.” Zuzanna curtsied.

  He nodded in passing the handmaid and approached the maiden’s bed. “My lady.”

  “Since fate selected my path in life, you may as well address me by my name, my lord.” Marija rolled onto her side and clutched her pillow.

  “As you wish. Please do such for me.” Cáel drew the covers over her shoulder and tucked them under her chin. The breeze from the broken window stirred the drapes. “Rest, sweet Marija.” He strode to the window, raised a splayed hand, whispered a subtle word and summoned a spell that mended the glass. His pivot settled his gaze on her narrowed emerald eyes and he smiled.

  Wary, she sat up. “How did you do that?”


  Marija yanked the cover over her breasts. “What else can you do?”

  Cáel clasped his hands behind his back. “I can do many small things, but you have nothing to fear, Lady Marija, for I will never use that magic on you.” His intent to use the magic of the heart, he crossed the floor, knelt and stoked the fire. He added two more logs and stood. “Enough to warm you?”

  “Zuzanna will come in a few hours and add more if needed.�

  He crossed the floor and grabbed the door handle. “Sleep, my lady.” He strode the length of the corridor, ascertained the security then headed into the master chamber.

  Nuada rose from his seat at the side of the sleeping stronghold master’s bedside. “My lord.”

  Cáel disapproved of the stronghold mistress’s absence. He hurt for the stronghold master who lived all these years without hearing love professed from the lips of a woman the man cared for, provided for and undeniably loved. “How is he?”

  “His wounds were serious, but your initial healing touch bought the needed time. He’ll be fine, my prince. Divine intervention will have him up in a week.”

  “Good.” He exited the room and summoned his second in command. “Station guards at every entrance, door and window, as well as a rotation of perimeter guards. Set several elemental dragons to patrol the outer perimeter. Two guards will remain with Lady Ilona at all times and two more with Lord Mikeli. Unless I am present, I order you and your next best man to accompany Lady Marija.” His orders carried out, he retrieved a chair and sat beside her door.

  His touch gentle, Cáel remained telepathically attuned in every way. He spent the night fighting the desire to curl up beside her, hold her and ease her mind. Often, he commanded himself stay out of her room except to enter and add another log, tend the fire, check the window or gaze at her lovely face. For two years, he mentally listened as her mother poisoned her against men. Aware of the battle that loomed ahead of him, he sighed.

  Her trust given to her father, he longed to win her heart, earn her love, gain her trust and be the man the maiden lived for. He couldn’t bear the idea of losing her to anything for he wanted her to love him and needed her trust… Realization seized his very soul. His breath hitched.

  Awestruck by the stunning creature before him, Cáel stared at the perfect beauty destined to complete him like none other could. Those of his nature spent much of their lives in search of their soul mate in every sense of the word. From the beginning of time, their heavenly companion spiraled down into the earthly realm where they investigated, learned of life and welcomed the gift of knowledge granted by the precious mortals they deeply cherished.


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