Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults Page 15

by Davis, Lia;

  “What happened to her face?” His tone is vibrating with anger.

  “An unfortunate accident when we were taking her into custody, she hurt herself trying to escape.”

  “The prince is going to be here soon, he wants to identify her as well. We’ll be waiting here till he arrives.”

  “It’s not necessary for the prince to trouble himself with this. We have enough proof to convict this filth. They won’t be troubling the kingdom any longer.”

  “He’s already on his way, we’ll wait.” The sheriff’s face transforms into pure evil before he masks it again.

  “As you wish, you can wait in the visitor room so you are more comfortable.”

  “We are fine where we are.” His men spread out and line the walls of the room. Colin leaves for a minute before returning with a chair. He places it next to the sheriff’s desk facing me. I meet his stare for a minute, then shame at hurting his friend overwhelms me and I look to the ground.

  The room stays like this for a long time, I’m not sure how long we wait but no one speaks a word the entire time.

  Finally, I hear boots hurrying down the hallway, it sounds like the prince brought a contingent of soldiers with him. Colin is staring over my shoulder, he nods at someone. I hear quiet footsteps next to me but I don’t see him at first. The tip of a fancy boot comes into view, he had come around on my left so I didn’t see him approach. I jump when he touches my shoulder, then I feel my tunic get pulled to the side so he can inspect the wound he gave me, further proving my guilt.

  “Her wound looks infected and the stitches have ripped out. Why has a doctor not seen her?”

  The sheriff jumps to his feet anxiously. “I will call one in soon but I am still interrogating her.”

  The prince’s hand cups my chin and lifts my face to his. I can’t meet his eyes, I stare at the ceiling instead. “Is her face a result of your interrogation?”

  “As I told your man, it was an unfortunate accident during an escape attempt.”

  “What are your plans for her?”

  “Perhaps my guards can take her back to her cell and we can speak further?”

  “Colin, have two men escort her back. I want you to get a doctor here at once. We don’t want any prisoners dying, do we?”

  Any hope I had died, I can hear the anger in his voice. He’s leaving me here in the sheriff’s hands. What did I expect? It would be highly inappropriate for him to get involved in such trivial matters.

  One of the liveried soldiers grabs my arm and helps me up. I take the help as he let’s me lean against him. As the cell door shuts behind me, I drop to my knees, finally broken.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The grating sound as my cell door opens wakes me from my sleep. My only working eye opens to see an elderly man with spectacles sitting on the end of his nose smiling at me.

  “Hello, my dear, my name is Dr. Franklin. The prince has requested I see to your injuries.”

  Without saying a word, I sit on the chair one of Colin’s guard has carried in and let the doctor poke and prod my face and shoulder. I hear him tsking as he inspects my eye. “I’m guessing you didn’t really get this while trying to escape?”

  I contemplate telling the truth but honestly, what good would it do? I shrug and continue staring ahead while he cleans my shoulder.

  “Would you like to take some laudanum before I stitch this back up?”

  “No, sir, I’ll be fine.”

  Colin enters my cell and it’s suddenly very crowded. He inspects the doctor’s work and waits for him to finish up.

  “I’m going to let the sheriff know I need to see you for the next few days to check on this.” He leans and hands me a little cloth bag. “This is from my wife, I’ll bring more tomorrow. We don’t agree with you being in here.”

  His shocking kindness is overwhelming, “Please tell her thank you for me.”

  He pats my head like my father used to do before heading out. Colin follows him down the hall and as soon as he’s out of sight, I open the bag. She’s put a few pieces of dried meat inside and a biscuit that’s still warm. I feel ashamed for judging him too quickly and being unfriendly. I’ve fought for everyone else so long, I sometimes forget how to accept help.

  My stomach flips when I see Marion coming out of the sheriff’s office. His eyes bulge as he looks at me, then he shakes his head and storms down the hall and out of the prison. He’s never going to forgive me.

  At least his visit wasn’t a complete waste, soon the guards come around and give everyone semi-clean blankets and pillows and a halfway decent meal. Colin’s men continue to patrol the hall but I don’t see him or Marion again.

  Not knowing how long their kindness is going to last, I gingerly eat the food, careful to chew on the side of my face that isn’t swollen. Shaking out the blanket, I curl up on the pallet and stare at the wall. Hushed sobs echo through the cells, and I’m relieved when they are replaced by one of the other girls singing. I recognize the song but not the voice. A few verses in, my eyes start drooping. For a few minutes it feels like I am home with my mom and that is enough to help me fall asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next day is surprisingly uneventful. No visits to the sheriff, no interrogations of any kind. We even received three meals, still not as good as home but edible none the less.

  Dr. Franklin returned with another bag of meat, I begged his forgiveness for my behavior the day before and asked if he could slip the bag to one of the other girls on his way out.

  “Sir, if I may ask a favor, can you get word to my mother? Let her know I am okay and I promise I’m going to get home to her soon.”

  “Of course, my dear, she is outside along with all of your families. They have been here everyday begging for your release. My wife told me the prince spoke with your mother at length yesterday. I know this is tough on you all but stay strong and have faith that all will be well soon.”

  Without thinking, I leap into his arms. He reminds me of my father so much I forget myself and bury myself in his bear hug. I’m thankful he wraps around me and holds on till I pull back.

  My cheeks heat with embarrassment, “I apologize, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Not at all, my dear, if that is the medicine you need to feel better than I’m happy to oblige.”

  Loud footsteps filling the hall interrupt us. The doctor steps out and peers down the hall.

  “Excuse me, sir, what is going on?”

  One of the prince’s men walks into my line of vision. “These prisoners are being released.”

  “Did you hear that? I told you all would be well. You’ll be with your mother again in moments.” Dr. Franklin is nearly giddy with joy.

  “Not her, sir, the prince negotiated with the sheriff and got the rest of these women released.”

  Absolute dread fills my body, he’s going to leave me here to rot. I guess he really is fed up with people lying to him.

  “This is preposterous! How can she be left in here?” He hurries in and grabs his bag before grabbing my hand and squeezing. “I am going to speak to Marion at once, I brought that boy into this world and I’m not afraid to tell him what I think of how he’s grown up. Stay strong, we’ll get you out of here.”

  My cell door shuts behind him. I can hear Scarlett protesting as she is being taken out. I can hear all of their outrage as they realize I am being left behind.

  The silence is deafening when they’ve all been led out. For a while I stare at my hand, the shiny silver utensils the doctor slipped me fill me with hope. Now to decide, do I wait and see how this plays out or do like I have done for the last two years and rescue myself?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Two days now I have watched and waited. Doctor Franklin hasn’t returned and the sheriff has left me alone. I’m going crazy not knowing what is happening, the silence is a worse torture than anything else I’ve gone through the last few days.

  I’ve practiced picking my cell lock between the g
uards’ rounds. With one last look at the stuffed version of me lying in the corner, I wait for the night guard to pass by then make quick work of the lock. The creak of the door sends chills of fear down my spine, but there’s no time to go back now. I slip out and make my way down the empty hall. Hiding in the darkened corner, I wait for another guard to pass by before slipping out the door into the courtyard. I am thankful to the sheriff for making me put my costume on, escaping is a lot easier with pants on.

  Just beyond the gate is the forest, but I only make it in a few steps before I hear the first twig crack. The anxiety of fleeing made me careless. Before I can hide, a hand covers my mouth and I’m pulled against a large body.

  “Quiet, miss, it’s me, Colin.” Fear slices through me, of course the prince wouldn’t trust me to not try this.

  I hear the familiar whistle of my merry men and within seconds I’m surrounded. He spins me around and I see Joan run to Colin’s side with a huge grin on her face.

  Scarlet passes a bag of coins to Joan and hugs me tight. “What took you so long? When the doctor told us what he did, we waited out here all night but you never came.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t go on the first night, she didn’t believe me.” Joan smugly jingled the bag at Scarlet. Nice to know my friends were betting on my freedom.

  “We have no time for this, let’s stick to the plan.” Colin glances back toward the prison nervously.

  Scarlet grabs my hand as everyone takes off silently running through the trees. Not long after, she pulls me into a clearing where our horses are waiting. “Be quick, Robin, we have to get you to safety.”

  We ride for a little while and I don’t recognize the land after a bit. Finally a cabin comes into view, a single light in the window inviting us in. Colin and Joan are already standing by the door waiting for us.

  “Where are we?”

  “Let’s get you inside and we’ll explain everything.” Joan gives me a hug before following Colin through the door.

  From the outside, the cabin seemed ordinary but inside, it is more decadent than I have ever seen. The huge fireplace in the center of the room lights the area and shows off the fine china and furniture I am much too dirty to sit on.

  “It’s okay, Robin, let’s have some tea.” Colin heads back outside while I sit at the table with the girls.

  “Please, someone tell me where we are.”

  “This cabin belongs to the king.” My eyes bulge, “The prince has asked us to bring you here. He wanted to be here but figured it would be better to be seen around the castle once it’s discovered you are gone.”

  Colin comes back in carrying two large buckets of water. He hangs them over the fireplace before coming over to us and resting his hand on Joan’s shoulder. Her hand slides up and covers his. I’m glad to see he is not mad at her for her part in my scheme.

  “I don’t understand any of this. Why is the prince letting me stay here?”

  Colin speaks up first, “As soon as you were taken, Joan came to the palace to get me. As soon as I could get to the prince, I told him what happened. He immediately went to Prince John to demand your release, but he was sent away like a child. That’s when we came to the prison, he was desperate to know you were okay.”

  His words inspire hope inside me but how can they be true? I stay silent and let him continue his story.

  “I brought in Dr. Franklin, whom I knew was loyal to Marion, and he continued visiting Prince John to fight for you all. Finally, he was able to get everyone’s release but yours. The sheriff was also visiting Prince John demanding you stay locked away for the good of the kingdom.”

  Colin squeezes Joan’s shoulder before grabbing the buckets and taking them to a back room. After a minute, he heads outside and comes in with more water, repeating the process.

  Scarlet picks up where he left off. “Prince John was tired of hearing Marion fight for you, he happily signed the notice to have you hanged.” Tears instantly spring to my eyes, how can one man have so much hatred for me? It’s not like I have murdered anyone. Surely the sheriff won’t rest now that he has permission to kill me.

  “We were working with the prince to devise a plan when the doctor told your mother about the tools he had left you. Then it just became a waiting game for you to show up. Prince Marion said this is the royal family’s private cottage and no one is allowed here without his approval.”

  Joan leans forward, getting my attention. “He had to be cold and distant toward you, he didn’t want the sheriff suspecting his feelings for you. He begs you to stay here until he can visit. It might be a couple of days before he can get away without suspicion but he asks that you wait for him.”

  “He truly doesn’t hate me for betraying him?”

  “On the contrary, I’ve never seen him so taken with anyone, miss.” Colin smiles at me as he brings more buckets of water in and puts them over the fire.

  “Scarlet and Colin have to leave tonight so they are home when the sheriff comes investigating. I’m going to stay here with you. I’ll make you dinner while you bathe and we’ll eat like queens, drink like kings then we can sleep in the most comfortable bed either of us has ever laid on.” Joan’s enthusiasm is contagious.

  “Your bath is all set, I’m going to take my leave now.” Jumping to my feet, I give Colin a hug.

  “Thank you for all of this. You and Marion have every right to leave me in that prison.”

  “Marion has had very little happiness in his life, after his mother died all he had was the king. Once the war started, the king left and Marion has been shut away all these years. That one evening with you at the ball has meant everything to him. As long as you are good to him, I will be in your debt.”

  “Come along, Colin, I’ll see you out. I’ll be back in a moment Robin.” Joan walks out hand in hand with him.

  “Those two sure are adorable, aren’t they?” Scarlet rolls her eyes before smiling.

  “I’m sorry for everything that has happened, and grateful for all your help. I really wish you hadn’t done this though. If the sheriff finds out you helped me, he will arrest you again.”

  “What kind of merry men would we be without our fearless leader? We agreed to follow you and that includes being there for you when you need it, too. Now go get in that bath because you stink.”

  I give her my best insulted look before hugging her goodbye, and heading toward the room Colin kept disappearing into. This is no doubt going to be the most relaxing bath of my life.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It’s been four days since my escape. I assume the sheriff is tearing the kingdom apart but I am so secluded I hear nothing. It is actually quite peaceful, if not a little lonely. Joan left the next morning as to not raise suspicion. She promised me someone would be back as soon as it was safe.

  Thank God I am self sufficient or this could be a truly miserable experience. The kitchen is stuffed with decadent foods I have never tried before. I made Joan sneak some back to my mother with a promise we would be together soon.

  My favorite place to go is the secluded garden behind the house. Tall walls keep me safely hidden away should someone happen by and I still get to be in the fresh air. With a book in hand, I sit in the alcove near the roses and listen to the rain. Only a few chapters in, I hear hoof beats in the distance. Colin promised no one would come here but I stay tucked into the alcove and peak in the window just to be safe.

  My nerves are frayed waiting for the front door to open, my visitor sure is taking their time.

  “Robin, thank God your safe.”

  I recognize his voice instantly but it doesn’t prevent me from jumping anyway. Spinning around, I see Marion standing at the gate in the pouring rain staring at me. Of course he would enter from that direction, the stables are closer to this side of the house.

  I want to run to him, to beg his forgiveness, but I need to know how he feels about me.

  “Thank you for letting me stay here. I know you are taking a great risk.”
r />   The rain has soaked through his clothes and his hair curling around his ears gives him an exotic look.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you out of that prison sooner. I swear I’ve been fighting day and night for you. When I saw your face, what that monster did to you, I wanted to tear him to shreds. Please tell me you forgive me, if I hadn’t reported the robbery to him he never would have found you.”

  The pained look in his eyes hurts my heart. Here I have been relaxing in peace and he has been torturing himself for days. He still hasn’t moved from the gate, I guess I’ll have to go to him.

  Leaving the book on my seat, I walk to him, the rain is colder than expected. When we’re a foot apart, I stop and lay my hand over his heart. “You did what you were supposed to do and I was breaking the law. The only person I hold responsible for all of this is Prince John. He is letting that animal do whatever he wants while he sits in your father’s castle enjoying the riches they are taking from us. I say we both forget our guilt and start fresh.”

  For a long while he stares into my eyes, I can’t read the emotions swirling in them. His hand finds the nape of my neck and pulls me against him. Our first kiss was gentle and sweet. This time, it is desperate and needy.

  “Let me take care of you for a change.” I can’t help the girlish giggle that escapes when he swoops me up in his arms and carries me inside. I can’t tell if I’m shivering from the rain or nerves, but I grit my jaw to keep my teeth from chattering. In front of the fire, he lets my legs down and as I slide down his body, I feel his desire pushing against his pants. The shaking is definitely nerves.

  He turns me toward the fire and kisses down my back with each button he undoes.

  “I have a confession to make, I’ve never lain with a man.” His hands never stop moving. When the last button is undone, he kisses up my spine till I feel his hot breath against my ear. “You will be my first as well.”


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