Amir (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey Book 3)

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Amir (BBW Bear Shifter Moonshiner Romance) (120 Proof Honey Book 3) Page 22

by Becca Fanning

  The contact of their bare chests sparked with electricity, and it made Elise all the more aware that they weren’t yet totally naked. As Dietrich showered her neck and breasts with warm, wet kisses, Elise reached for her panties and managed to wriggle them off. Dietrich continued a downward path, hands and tongue drawing shapes on her stomach. She felt his breath on her thighs a moment later, and she waited. The pause was too long.

  “I want you, Dietrich,” she murmured. “Please. Please kiss me. Touch me there.”

  “Sorry for the delay,” Dietrich teased, “you know how much I like to admire outstanding natural beauty.”

  Elise was about to reply, when Dietrich suddenly slipped his tongue into her. She gasped, then giggled at his boldness, and then the wonderful shock gave way to a deeper sensation. She could feel her back arching as Dietrich’s tongue pushed and swirled against her clitoris, sending shockwaves up her spine. She buried her fingers into the rug beneath her, feeling Dietrich’s hands as they held her quivering thighs steady. If he wasn’t careful, he’d bring her to climax before they’d even really begun. She didn’t want that, as incredible as it felt. She wanted it all, the full connection.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered. “God, I’m so ready. Get up here. I need you now.”

  There was another delay, but this time Elise didn’t complain as she heard the shuffling of more clothes coming off. When Dietrich lay himself down on her, she felt the long, hard shaft that throbbed against her thighs. Her legs were already open, and a deep burning came from somewhere within, begging him to fulfill her. She looked into Dietrich’s golden eyes, and they were darker than they’d ever been before. She found herself wishing that she’d always be able to gaze into those eyes for the rest of her days.

  Dietrich began to kiss her, strong lips pressing against hers. In the same moment, he rocked his hips forward, and guided himself into her. It had been a little while since she’d last had a boyfriend, but the pressure faded after only seconds. She squeezed his hips with her thighs as he pushed deep into her, filling her completely. He paused there, his tongue tracing patterns on her lips, and she reached up to wrap her arms around his broad chest. They were so close, so complete, and Elise wanted to say something very important. She didn’t know if she could. Would it scare him away if she did?

  When he broke the kiss, Dietrich rested his lips against her ear.

  “This is perfect,” he whispered. “You’re perfect… And I love you.”

  Joy washed over Elise, and she smiled so wide that it hurt her face a little.

  “I love you, Dietrich,” she said in that same quiet tone.

  She held him fast as he began to thrust. He was powerful but controlled, and every push sent waves of heat through Elise’s body. His hips were strong and heavy between her legs, and she reached down to hold onto them, feeling his power with every thrust. When he was reaching a steady rhythm, Elise snaked her hands round to cup his buttocks. She gave them a squeeze and Dietrich let a growl loose from his throat. The sound vibrated against Elise’s neck, and he began to kiss her rapidly there.

  He was speeding up, and Elise felt a new jolt of electricity every few seconds. She could feel her muscles tensing, readying themselves for the moment she’d been aching for since she first laid eyes on Dietrich in that very room. Their bodies were soaked with sweat, sliding against one another as they writhed, and Elise began to pant as she lost her breath in the excitement.

  But the pattern soon changed. Dietrich lifted himself onto his strong arms, slowing down. He pressed deep into Elise as far as he could reach, then pulled out slowly, almost all the way. It was the most wonderful torture she had ever felt, and when she had her breath back, she looked up into his grinning, gorgeous face.

  “You know, for a shy boy, you’re pretty wicked,” she remarked.

  “It’s the beast in me,” he teased.

  His voice was low and throaty. Dietrich held his weight up with one arm, the other reaching down to slip between Elise’s legs again. He found her clitoris at once, so swollen from all the pleasure he’d given her, and he rubbed a teasing circle over the knot of flesh. Elise’s hips gave a spasm that was out of her control, and she cried out with sudden pleasure. He was teasing her, drawing the torture out, and she knew that when she did reach her climax, it was going to be huge.

  Dietrich stroked her until her thighs were shaking, and then he pressed down onto her to finish what he’d started before. Kissing him deeply, she held onto his shoulders as he took control of her. Thrust after thrust came hard and deep, growing in speed with every moan and groan that she made. In those last few moments as the rush and the ache built up inside her, she ran her hands all over his body, tasting every muscle with her fingertips. Dietrich broke off their kiss, panting hard, and his whole body trembled, so fiercely that Elise felt like the room was shaking.

  She let go, crying out as wave after wave of the orgasm hit her. It made her wriggle and moan, unspeakable pleasure attacking her body with nerves and heat. Seconds later, she felt the last hard thrust against her hips, and Dietrich shook as he came. Sharp, low noises escaped him, reverberating through the room. Slowly, Elise became aware of the world again, and the heat of the fire against one side of her body. Dietrich kissed her softly on the lips, and they stayed in place as they caught their breath.

  He watched her carefully, searching her face.

  “You’re incredible,” she breathed.

  “I’ll have to be,” Dietrich reasoned, “if I want to keep you forever.”


  Three months later.

  It was easy, getting back and forth between Fairhaven and the city. Elise had finally found a balance in her life, even though her career was ten times busier than before. She didn’t need to attend awards and parties late at night in LA, now she only went where she was invited, and where the right kind of people were there to support her. The Naturalis campaign had launched to superb success, and Elise Davenport was a name synonymous with nature, beauty and calm.

  It was these three things that she craved, and when she came home to the Rangers’ Lodge at Fairhaven, they were always waiting for her. It was a bright Sunday afternoon when she found herself gazing out of the window of the bedroom that she and Dietrich now shared. She looked out into the vast, dark woods and the mountains beyond, letting the stresses of work disappear into the fall foliage. She heard a noise behind her, and a moment later Dietrich’s hands snaked around to hold her stomach. She leaned back into his strong body, putting her hands over his.

  “I got offered another contract today, for eco-friendly fashion,” she said wistfully.

  “Your life is more exciting than mine,” Dietrich admitted. “I got into a fight with Ben over whose turn it was to hide the sauerkraut from Gram.”

  Elise giggled a little, but she had bigger things on her mind.

  “I turned the contact down,” she explained.

  “What? Why?” Dietrich asked. “You keep saying how you want to move from skincare into fashion.”

  She turned within his embrace, planting a kiss on his lips for the fact that he actually listened to what she told him. The kiss stirred something in her lover, and his eyes began to turn that darker shade of gold. Dietrich kissed her deeply, one hand sliding up under her shirt to touch her skin. She escaped the kiss with a lingering regret, pulling away a little.

  “I had to turn it down,” Elise explained.

  “Had to?” Dietrich repeated, his dark brow quirked.

  “I don’t think I’m going to be modelling any clothes for a while,” she began carefully. There was a silence, one of those moments they had where small secrets hung between them. “Well…” Elise continued, “Not unless they’re maternity clothes.”

  It took him a moment to understand, and Elise watched the news sink in with bated breath. Dietrich’s eyes flashed towards her stomach, and one of his hands reached out, palm flat over the skin there. She had started to show, just a pound or two, and she fig
ured Dietrich had been polite enough not to mention her gaining weight. If she had left it any longer to tell him, though, the bump would have been obvious to everyone else as well.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, her heart beating in her throat.

  “Okay?” Dietrich replied. “I’m… I’m great. There’s a baby, and it’s yours and mine.”

  “I know we didn’t plan it, but-” Elise began.

  “We didn’t plan anything about us,” Dietrich cut in. “Fate planned it all. We came together despite everything, and now we’ve got a child on the way. Everything’s exactly as it’s meant to be.”

  “A shifter child,” Elise corrected, “which means you need to educate me a lot more on this clan business.”

  “I will,” Dietrich said. He wrapped Elise up in his arms, his embrace tight and strong. “Both of you. I’ll teach you, and protect you, and never let you go.”

  The End.


  Bearly Saints V


  Becca Fanning

  Kitty Konstantine slammed the telephone onto her desk and jumped up, knowing if she didn’t move, she’d break something. She crossed the wide expanse of her office to stand and look out the floor-to-ceiling window, hugging her arms tightly to herself. It wasn’t just the frigid air conditioning making her cold all over. Her father’s harsh voice continued to ring in her ears.

  “I made you the Head of our Music Division, and you can’t even manage to get our best band to play at Opryland! You do realize they are our best band, don’t you? You do realize how much it would mean to have one of our bands headlinin’ at Opryland, don’t you? Or do you?”

  “Of course I know what it would mean! I signed The Four Saints, didn’t I? It was one of my people who found them; I was the one who got them under contract!”

  “Oh, you got them to sign with us, all right, but their contract is crap!”

  “I’ve told you: Bartholomew Saint is their manager, and he wouldn’t sign with us—or anyone else, for that matter—unless they had the final say in where they perform. No exceptions.”

  “That’s bull crap and you know it! Anyone with balls—and I’m told you’re supposed to have steel ones—could’ve brought them around. Why, if your brother was still here…”

  “Well, he’s not!”

  Silence, then, “Get, those Saint boys to sign an Opryland contract, or you might not be here much longer, either!”

  “Bart Saint is coming in this afternoon to talk to me. I’ll do what I can.”

  “You’d better get it done, no matter what it takes. Hell, I’d suggest you sleep with him, if I thought it might improve our chances, but I’m bettin’ it would only make things worse!”

  On that scathing note, he’d hung up, leaving Kitty trembling with emotions she couldn’t even identify.

  “Oh, Rand…Why did you do this to me?”

  She stared out the window for a very long time, watching the people pass by on the street one story below, glad of the reflective glass that didn’t allow anyone outside to see her standing there. Then sighing, she glanced over at her bookshelf and reached up to take down the double folding picture frame she kept on the top shelf. On the right, Randall J. Konstantine, Jr., Army Ranger, stood at attention in his dress uniform, proudly sporting the Special Forces and Ranger tabs on his sleeve and the colorful “fruit salad”—as he’d always called his ribbons—on his broad chest. He’d been headed back to Afghanistan for his second deployment, this time as a Staff Sergeant. She remembered how proud he’d been—how proud of him she’d been. On the left, was a group shot of SSG Konstantine, Jr., laughing and fooling around with some of his platoon buddies following a football scrimmage in Kabul. Two days later, he’d been killed by a sniper when he’d pushed his commanding officer out of the line of fire. Captain Green had sent her this picture with his condolences—and the promise to help in any way he could. Captain Green and his wife, Carol, had come through, taking care of all the arrangements for Rand’s burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Carol had stood with Kitty on that cold, blustery day Rand had been buried. Her father hadn’t bothered to attend.

  “I lost my son a long time ago, when he walked out on me,” Randall, Sr., had said, when she’d asked him to go with her to Washington.

  It was the last time Kitty had asked him for anything, and she’d left the building ten minutes later, gotten into her car, and driven straight through to Washington. She hadn’t cared that her father might fire her over her absence from the office. They hadn’t spoken about Rand since, though her father never hesitated to remind her that she wasn’t the son he had always expected to follow in his footsteps at the Konstantine Talent Agency.

  She sighed. And maybe I won’t be here much longer, she thought, if I can’t get that stubborn, pig-headed Bartholomew Saint to cooperate.

  She’d known from the beginning this would be a problem. Melinda Darling—now Melinda Darling Saint—had brought the band of four brothers to Kitty’s attention over a year ago, and it had taken only a minute with the CD Mel’d brought in to convince Kitty they had a winner. Unfortunately, it was Bartholomew Saint who’d done all the negotiating, and they’d gone around and around about the limits the Saints put on their performance venues, until Kitty had at times wanted to pull her hair out.

  What made things worse was the absolutely ridiculous—and incredibly foolhardy—attraction she’d felt for Bartholomew Saint from the moment they’d met. She’d never before been attracted to big, powerful men, but there was just something about Bart Saint that drew her to him. He was in his mid-thirties, she guessed, by the fine lines at the corners of his eyes. His hair was dark, wavy, and thick—like all the Saint men—and his eyes…

  She sighed. They all had those deep golden eyes, too—a family trait, according to Mel. All Kitty knew was Bart’s eyes seemed to be able to see right through her, all the way to her deepest, darkest secrets. Not that she had that many, but most of them these days had to do with her feelings about one Bartholomew Saint.

  The intercom sounded, and Kitty reached over to touch the switch.


  “Bartholomew Saint is here to see you, Ms. Konstantine.”

  She closed her eyes tightly, willing the threatening headache to go away.

  “Of course he is. Send him in, please.”

  Kitty closed the folding-frame of photos and set it down carefully before coming around and leaning back on the edge of her desk, crossing her arms protectively. She took a very deep breath, let it out very slowly, and prayed her heart would settle down, before she made a complete fool out of herself.

  “Mr. Saint,” her assistant said unnecessarily when she opened the door.

  “Thank you, Tina. Please hold all my calls.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The slender young black woman backed out of the room but not before shooting an appreciative glance at Bart.

  Don’t bother, sweetie, Kitty thought. He’s so out of both our leagues.

  It had always been difficult for her to remain aloof from this giant of a man. Like his nephews, Bartholomew Saint, at well over six feet, dwarfed her five-foot-eight, and his broad shoulders seemed to block out the light. He had a hint of a five-o’clock shadow even though it was only three-o’clock in the afternoon. Unlike the younger Saint men, there was something entirely formidable about this one. His very presence unnerved her on a good day. Today was not a good day.

  “So,” she said, attempting to take control from the start. “Have you finally decided to be sensible and accept the offer from Opryland?”

  She couldn’t quite interpret his smile but had a feeling it wasn’t good news.


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