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Radical Page 9

by Sijal Aziz

  “Ok. Too bad Ryan couldn’t make it. His family has been notified”

  Detective Derek closed his eyes when he thought about what Ryan’s family must have been going through. Death was a regular part of life for homicide detectives. Whether it was the death of one of their own or somebody else, it happened every day.

  Some detectives worked like a machine without any feelings, as they had seen death so many times that they were immune to it while for others it always hurt to see someone die. Detective Derek belonged to the latter category. That is why he gave it all he had to bring justice to the victims and peace to the victims’ families.

  Captain Todd continued, “So, what happened out there? Carson and Pat are on their way to take down your statement”

  Detective Derek relayed the whole story of what happened to Captain.

  He knew that Carson and Pat will go over the facts over and over again until they were sure that Kate’s escape was not because of any negligence on Derek’s or Ryan’s part.

  Captain Todd probed Derek with a number of questions, detective. Derek did not mind since he knew Captain Todd just wanted to make sure that the whole thing was not going to come back and bite the captain in the ass. After he was sure that Kate’s escape was not linked to negligence he hung up.

  Derek got up and paced around the room. He tried moving his neck a little bit. Even with the pain killers it had started to hurt a little.

  He couldn’t wait to go back to the station and start his work. With nothing to do, he decided to lie down and rest. He lied down with some effort and then closed his eyes, but he was unable to go to sleep.

  Something was nagging at the back of his mind. He could not quite remember what it was, since his mind was a bit foggy because of the pain killers. He opened his eyes and then started reconstructing the events that led up to the accident and after the accident when Kate ran away.

  He could not remember what, but he was sure that it was something that Kate had said that had made sense. He was cursing himself for not remembering what it was, when Pat and Carson walked into the room. They shook hands with detective Derek and asked him about his health and condoled the death of his partner. After the niceties, they got down to business.

  “You know the procedure Markus, we need to go through all the events that led to the escape of the suspect”, Carson said clearing his throat.


  Pat put down a small recording device on the bedside table and turned it on to recording.

  “This is detective Patrick Kudrow and Carson Miles from the Robbery and Homicide Division of Washington Police Department second district, interviewing Detective Derek Markus who also works in the same division. This interview is regarding the escape of a suspect, Ms. Katherine Hawkins from the custody of detective Derek Markus and detective Ryan Gibbons, who is now deceased”

  “So, let’s start from the beginning detective”, Carson suggested.

  “Well, me and detective Ryan were accompanying a murder suspect by the name of Katherine Hawkins to the police station when….”

  “Why was she a suspect and whom did she allegedly murder?”, Pat cut in.

  “She was suspected of killing her boyfriend, Matthew Raymond. We thought she was a suspect because she was found crouching over the body of her murdered boyfriend, Matthew Raymond and during his 911 call to the police Matthew Raymond identified her as the killer”

  “So why didn’t you formally arrest her and had uniformed officers brought her in for questioning?”, this time it was Carson.

  Derek knew that Carson knew very well why she wasn’t arrested. It was because they didn’t have a motive and suspects who were not formally arrested were very forthcoming with spilling out their motives.

  But once you read them their Miranda rights, they usually lawyered up. Detective Derek needed to come up with something quick.

  He wanted to kick Carson in the balls, for asking this question, but he knew that Carson had to ask that question otherwise if anyone else looked into the investigation of the incident it would be Carson’s and Pat’s ass on the line.

  “Because we did not have enough forensic evidence at the time to arrest her”

  Carson nodded satisfied and said out loud, “Continue detective”

  “There was overwhelming evidence against her, but we needed to establish the motive. We wanted to take her in for questioning related to the murder of her boyfriend, but she fell down and was not responding. So, we called the medics and she was taken to the hospital. We interviewed her when she regained consciousness. She evaded most of the questions with just one answer that she did not do it.

  Detective Ryan talked with the hospital authorities regarding her release from the hospital. We were told that she wasn’t suffering from anything and she was free to go.

  Detective Ryan worked on her release papers from the hospital while I stood outside her hospital room door. Once the paperwork was done, we informed her that we were detaining her for questioning, and she could have a lawyer present during the interrogation session.

  As we were driving down highway I-59, a truck, that was carrying a load of logs lost control in front of us and our car hit the backside of the truck and one of the logs got loose and hit the driver side of our car. I sustained minor injuries but was unable to move. The suspect was in the back seat and was restrained with the handcuffs.

  The doors in the car had child locks on but due to the impact of the accident the left-hand side passenger door somehow opened, and the suspect got out.

  She made her way across to my seat. I was unable to move initially because I was disoriented by the airbag exploding in my face.

  Then the suspect started going through my jacket pockets, at which time I regained some recognition of my surroundings. When I came to, I saw her going through my pockets. As she was taking the keys out of my pocket, I grabbed her by the wrist.

  She tried to break free and put all her strength to it. I tried to take my seat belt off with my other hand to give myself some leverage, but it won’t budge. She then broke free of my grip and started running west”

  Detective Derek left out the part about the conversation Kate had with him and the fact that she had run away with his police badge and wallet.

  Then detective Pat asked him a series of questions from different angles.

  “Detective Markus, as we can see from your report, you didn’t have any serious injuries, then why couldn’t you move and stop the suspect”, Pat asked pretending to look at his medical report.

  Derek could have bet his year’s salary on the fact that Pat had already gone through his medical report before entering the room.

  “I was unable to take off my seat belt. I tried many times, but it just wouldn’t budge. When the medical team arrived, they had to cut the seat belt to get me out”

  Carson and Pat looked at each other and Carson continued, “Well detective Markus I think that is it for now. We hope that you get well soon”

  Then they both got up to leave.

  Derek was alone again. He went over what Katherine Hawkins had said to him again. Something didn’t make sense. If Katherine Hawkins was guilty, she would not have taken the time out to call 911 to report their accident and would not have told detective Derek she was innocent. She would have taken his wallet and run away.

  Detective Derek started having doubts about Katherine Hawkins guilt. Then he remembered what she had told him. She had told him that her company would never have hired her if she was a convict. That made a lot of sense. Derek wondered why he had not thought of it before. He started getting the old feeling in his gut again that there was something fishy about this murder case and he needed to investigate deeper.


  Kate reached Alison’s apartment in just under half an hour. Before entering Alison’s apartment building Kate looked around to make sure no one was watching her. She then pressed Alison’s apartment number on the front button panel of her building. Alison�
�s voice immediately sprang into the panel, “Yes?”

  “It’s me”

  The door buzzed and Kate went through the main entrance door to the building.

  Alison was standing outside when Kate reached her door. She ushered Kate in.

  “Oh my God! Kate. Tell me from the start, what happened?”, Alison asked.

  “I don’t know Alison, but the police think I murdered Matt. They say that I have a police record. They were taking me in for questioning and their car hit a truck and I just ran away. Now I am a fugitive as well. I just couldn’t go with them. I knew I had to run away. Now I don’t know what to do”, Kate broke down in tears and started sobbing.

  Alison seated Kate down on the sofa and sat in front of her on the floor, “Kate I know that you are not a murderer and you would never hurt anyone. But why does the police think you did it?”

  “I don’t know, maybe because they found me crouching on top of Matt’s body with the knife in my hand. They also said that Matt named me as the killer in the 911 call he placed. Alison, I cannot go to jail.

  If I go to jail, I will never be able to get out.

  I don’t even know what kind of person I have turned into, today I stole an injured detective’s badge and wallet and ran away and didn’t even look back”, Kate said helplessly.

  Alison looked in Kate’s eyes, took her hand in hers and said, “Kate as I said before, I don’t believe you are a murderer. I have worked with you for over two years and found you to be persistent, determined and kind. And I know whatever this is you can get through this”

  “Alison, what I don’t understand is why I should have a police record. The only incident with any law enforcement I ever had was with the campus security at Georgetown University when they caught me smoking marijuana. But as I was a model student and they let me get off the hook with a warning. When on earth, did I get a police record, that I don’t even know about?”

  “Maybe it’s one of police tactics. They want you to confess to the murder you didn’t commit”

  “Maybe, Alison I cannot stay here with you as I would be putting you in too much danger. But I cannot go out looking like this. In a few hours every cop in Washington DC will be looking for me. I need to change my appearance”

  A small thrill went down Alison’s spine. Scenes from movies started splashing before her eyes where actors were cutting their hair, dying their hair, putting glasses on, putting moles on their faces, puffing up their faces.. the scenes were endless.

  Alison said excitedly, “I will go out and get some hair dye for you. We need to trim your eyebrows, give you a mole, cut your hair and dye them. When I am done with you, even your own mother isn’t going to recognize you!”

  Kate saw the excitement on Alison’s face, and it made her smile in spite of the predicament, she was in.

  Alison grabbed her purse and bolted out of the apartment.

  Kate looked around at Alison’s apartment. It was a nice one-bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and a nice sized lounge. Alison kept it impeccably clean. Kate turned on the TV and started going through the news channels. Nothing related to her escape from police was on TV, but one channel was running a story on her for murdering Matt.

  Alison returned to the apartment after 20 minutes. When she opened the door, she was panting. It seemed like she had run all the way back to the apartment.

  “First things first, we need to cut your hair really short. In the movies, if you cut the hair really short it does wonders for you and no one recognizes you!”, Alison said catching her breath, “Now if you’ll follow me, we shall begin!”

  Alison led Kate to the bathroom. She asked Kate to sit on the edge of the bathtub and then she started cutting her hair. After half an hour, Alison announced, “Ta Da, all done. Now you can look into the mirror. You don’t only look different but good also!”

  Looking good was least of Kate’s worries. She wanted to change her appearance so that she could not be arrested.

  Kate made her way to the mirror and looked at herself. She now had what looked like a short pixie haircut with a touch of layers. It looked as if her hair had been cut by a child but still, she got what she wanted, she looked different.

  She then dyed her hair and eyebrows black with Alison watching her every more. When she washed her hair and looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t even recognize herself.

  Then Alison produced something from her pocket, “Now that does it”, she said putting a mole on the Kate’s upper lip. With the shades you already have you can roam around the city freely.

  But that brings me to the next question, what are you going to do now? Do you have any plans on how you are going to prove to the police that you did not commit Matt’s murder?”

  “Alison, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done. I want to hide somewhere in the city and try to figure it out. I don’t have all the answers now, but I want to start with my police record first. If what the police say is true and there is a rap sheet against me, I need to know where it has come from. I was thinking of hiding in a cheap motel to do that. The police have my wallet and I don’t want to walk into a bank and withdraw money and get caught. I need some money. Do you have any?”

  “Sure, Kate. I have $4000 in my savings account. We have an ATM right here in the building, I will go and get it”, Alison went into the bedroom and came out with her purse, “I am off to the ATM now”

  Kate nodded.

  Kate was left with her own thoughts again. She thanked God for Alison. If it hadn’t been for her, she would have been caught already.

  Alison came back into the apartment panting again. She handed Kate the money.

  “Alison, I don’t have the words to thank you!”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it, what are friends for? If not to help their fugitive friends in need? Here take my purse with you otherwise you will have trouble hiding all that cash”

  Kate smiled and wondered if she would have done the same for Alison if the situation was reversed.

  “You know, you can stay here if you want to”

  “No, I have already put you in a lot of danger by coming here.

  If there was any other way, I would have not done it. Can I please have your laptop? I cannot go to the apartment and get mine. I really need it to get to the bottom of this!”

  Alison walked over to her study table, picked up her laptop and gave it to Kate without a moment of hesitation.

  Kate took the laptop and hugged Alison and realized for the first time in her life that she could not have asked for a better friend. It was moments like these that made you realize who your real friends were.

  After leaving Alison’s apartment Kate took a bus to downtown making sure to keep her head down throughout the ride. Once the bus reached a strip of models, she got off. She walked for around 10 more minutes, before settling on a motel which was located near a diner and a laundromat and which offered free wifi.

  When she was in college, she had done her thesis on Vulnerability of Wifi networks in hotels and identified a number of access points through the wifi routers which allowed her to make perfect bridges to hack into customers phones and laptops and use their IP addresses for hopping from one computer to another, thereby leaving a trail of IP addresses and making it difficult for her to be physically located.

  Kate entered the motel and made her way to the reception window, knowing that no one would pay any attention to her. The people who stayed in seedy motels, rarely paid attention to others as most of them had police records and they did not want to get in touch with police over someone they had seen based on the fear of being persecuted by police.

  The reception window was manned by a young boy who didn’t look more than 17. He was doing something on his cellphone. He did not look up when Kate arrived.

  “Hello there, I need a room for a week”

  “Sure”, he looked at her once and then put down his phone reluctantly and started rummaging through the papers in front of him.<
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  He finally seemed to have found what he was looking for and pushed some papers from under the window to Kate and pointed to the ballpoint hanging from a chain on the righthand side of the window, “You need to fill this form to check in”

  Then he immediately picked up his phone again.

  “Do you have free wifi here?”, Kate asked before she started filling in the form.

  “Yes, why would I be in this dump if there was no wifi? When you are done filling out the form, I will give you the login and password”

  Kate filled out the form and put her name down as “Jane Doe”, she put down a fake address and fake social security number, signed as Jane Doe and handed it back to the boy expecting a question.

  There was none. The boy didn’t even look at the form. He just took it and put it in the drawer on his right. He took out a key from that drawer and a piece of paper with the wifi password and login and handed it to Kate and said, “You will be staying in room 202. The rent is $40 per night cash and you will need to pay in advance. How many days are you planning to stay?”

  “About a week”, Kate replied and taking out $300 from the purse that Alison had given her.

  The boy took out the calculator and calculated the total bill, then he looked up at Kate and said, “That will be..”

  “280 dollars”, Kate said handing the money to the boy.

  “Yes. Do you need a receipt?”, the boy said handing $20 back to Kate.


  The boy went through some more papers and made a receipt for cash for Kate. He did not put Kate’s name in the receipt as he did not seem to be in the mood to write more than what was absolutely necessary.

  Kate took the receipt and climbed the stairs to the second floor. The motel was old and dirty and had not seen any renovation or cleaning in decades. Wear and tear was visible on the stairs. When Kate entered the hallway, she could feel an overpowering stench of dampness and a million other things that she could not put her finger on. Kate found her room and opened the door.

  The room was old and small. It had a bed and corner table with a chair. Kate opened the toilet door and the smell of urine hit her. The toilet seat was dirty and worn out. Kate decided she needed to clean the room and the toilet first.


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