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Radical Page 13

by Sijal Aziz

  Alexander continued, “I did not know which food you liked so I have made reservations in all the three restaurants here. I would have reserved more restaurants, but they only have three here. We can select from Pan Asian, American and Lebanese dishes”

  Jasmine wondered if Alexander always made every woman feel special.

  “I haven’t had Asian food in a while so let’s go with it”, Jasmine replied.

  They both went to the Uruk Asian Restaurant.

  As they entered, the maître d' scurried towards them from behind the desk, “It is a pleasure to have you here Mr. Alexander and Madame. I have one of my best tables reserved for you! If you would follow me, please”

  They followed the maître d' to their table. Alexander pulled out the chair for Jasmine to sit on and then sat down in his chair.

  The maître d' motioned to a waiter who bought the menus. Alexander dismissed the maître d' and the waiter and focused his attention on Jasmine and smiled.

  Jasmine smiled back and said, “I know about you as a public figure. I want to know you as a person. Please tell me about yourself. Your childhood, your interests, the real you”

  Alexander had never shared anything about his childhood with anyone. He had a miserable childhood. It was his deep dark secret. But now he wanted to talk about everything with the beautiful and enchanting woman sitting in front of him.

  He took a deep breath, looked straight into Jasmine’s eyes and said, “I had an abusive father. My father was a construction worker. He hadn’t always been abusive, but when I was eight, he fell off a construction site and developed some back problems.

  His company fired him because he was of no use to them. He tried looking for jobs for a year and when he could not find any he started drinking heavily and terrible fights started between my father and my mother.

  My mother took a job in a local diner as a waitress.

  She would work all day long to support us and my father would drink all day long.

  One day after one of his rants with my mother, my father started beating her up.

  I tried to stop him, but I was too small to stop him, and he beat me up as well. From that moment on, the beatings became a routine.

  He hated me for standing up against him and he made sure my life became a living nightmare. My father had a younger brother, Mike. He was a happy go lucky kind of a guy and loved me dearly. He bought me a computer and set it up in the attic.

  I think he did it out of pity because he felt bad about the way my father was treating me and my mother.

  He told me that I could do anything I wanted with a computer. He told me I could rule the world with a computer. I did not know what to do with the computer, but I did want to do something meaningful with my life”

  Jasmine was hanging on Alexander’s every word.

  “So, I started studying computer programming in the local library. I did not have internet at home so all my work on the computer consisted of making little programs from whatever books I could lay my hands on.

  The things at home did not change, only my father became more abusive. But I was safe in the attic because he could not climb up there because of his bad back.

  I felt bad for my mother who had to put up with his beating. When I was thirteen my father killed my mother. He hit her in the head with a heavy vase and she bled to death.

  He left her there and went out to a bar. When I came back from school, I found her lying in a pool of blood. I did not know what to do. I tried to wake her up, but she didn’t move.

  I called 911.

  When the paramedics arrived, they announced her dead on the scene and the police opened a murder investigation against my father.

  They arrested my father the next day. Me and my uncle Mike were the only ones at my mother’s funeral. My father and his bitterness had driven all my mother’s friends and relatives away.

  My mother had a life insurance policy on her. I was the sole beneficiary. My uncle set up a trust fund for me and put that money in it. He became my trust fund manager and both of us decided to save those funds for my college”

  Alexander stopped and touched Jasmine’s hand, “If I am boring you with my dark childhood, please feel free to stop me anytime”

  “You are not boring me Alex, I am sorry you had such a terrible childhood”, she put her other hand on Alexander’s hand and said, “Please continue, I want to know everything about you”

  The very touch of her hand sent a shiver down Alexander’s spine. He gave her a smile and continued with his hand still on hers.

  “I had lost my father a long time ago even before he was arrested but then I lost my mother too. And I blamed myself for it. I felt that if I hadn’t locked myself in the attic all day long, I would have been able to save her. That was the toughest time in my life.

  I was in so much pain and the pain just won’t go away. I would go to school in the morning and after coming home I would work on computer till I could not keep my eyes open. I was living like a zombie and I hated people because they were happy and stupid.

  It felt as if computer was the only thing in the world that understood me. It was my drug. it was my pain killer and my only friend in that hour of need…

  Alexander then paused and looked straight into Jasmine’s eyes and added, “until now”.

  Looking at Alexander, Jasmine could never have thought that he could have had such a terrible childhood. She was also sure, that Alexander had never told anyone about this until now.

  Alexander continued, “But I am not complaining. Look where all that hardships have brought me. Enough about me, please tell me about yourself”

  “Hmm. Well, I never ever had any real problems. I was the only daughter and my mother died when I was born. My father brought me up and he gave me so much love that I never really felt the need for a mother.

  He didn’t remarry until I was 12 as he was worried about the way a stepmother would treat me.

  When I was 12, he made arrangements for me to be sent to a boarding school in Canada. He did not trust the education system in Iraq and told me that if I needed to make something of myself, I needed to study abroad and that my flight will be leaving in a week.

  When I was in the boarding school, I got a call from him telling me that he was marrying someone. I wanted to come back and attend the marriage, but he told me that my studies were too important, and he will bring my stepmother to Canada to meet me. His wife left him for a younger man six months into the marriage and he never married again.

  Boarding school was the loneliest place for me.

  In Baghdad we had a joint family system, I could play with my cousins all the time and I was never short of friends.

  In the boarding school I was so lonely, it felt like I was being suffocated every day.

  It was an all-girls boarding school so the only thing that the girls ever talked about was boys and sex.

  Don’t get me wrong, I was interested in boys too, but I wasn’t hungry for them like they were. I wanted to wait for the perfect boy to come along.

  But he never did, they were all too immature and not serious about their future. The college was almost the same and now here I am having lunch with you”

  Alexander wondered whether the perfect boy had ever come along or whether Jasmine was still a virgin.

  Alexander wanted to ask but it was too soon. Instead he motioned to a waiter and they both ordered lunch and continued talking. When it arrived neither of them touched it. They were too engrossed in talking.

  They didn’t notice that the restaurant was empty now. The restaurant closed every day at 3:30 in the afternoon.

  It was 5:30. If they had been ordinary guests the maître d would have told them discreetly that restaurant was closed. But these were important guests, so he patiently waited.

  When a waiter approached the table to inquire whether they would like to order something else on the menu, Alexander took his eyes off Jasmine for the first time and saw that the entire restaur
ant was empty.

  Jasmine also looked around and added, “Well it seems like we are the only guests left”

  She looked at the waiter and asked him, “Has the restaurant closed?”

  The waiter replied politely, “Yes madame, the restaurant had closed 2 hours ago”

  “I am sorry we did not realize it was this late”, Jasmine added apologetically.

  “Madame and sir are more than welcome to sit for as long as they please”

  The waiter left.

  “If you are not too busy, my father has invited for dinner at our home tonight. What should I tell him?”

  Jasmine had to argue with her father for one whole in the morning to invite Alexander for dinner. Finally, he had relented.

  Alexander was already thinking about how to see Jasmine again, “It would be a pleasure to join you and him for dinner”

  “Shall we say 8 tonight”, Jasmine said.

  They both got up to leave. Alexander walked Jasmine to her car and reluctantly opened the car door for her.

  Jasmine turned around and faced Alexander, “I must say that I have never enjoyed lunch so much in my life before. Thank you for your wonderful company”, then she leaned forward and gave Alexander a quick kiss on his cheek and then turned around and sat down in the car.

  For as long as Alexander lived, he knew that he would not forget this moment, the smell of her perfume, the softness of her lips and the touch of her body. Alexander closed the car door and stood there until Jasmine’s car turned on the curb.

  When the car turned, Alexander could see Jasmine in the backseat of the car. She looked back at him and gave him a smile. Alexander smiled back.

  Then Alexander placed a call to his assistant and cancelled his meeting with the general.


  The dinner was very informal with only Alexander as the guest.

  Alexander was seated in the drawing room with the minister doing small talk. Jasmine had not appeared yet and he was waiting impatiently for her.

  The drawing room was very luxurious, done in Louis IX furniture in gold and red color and had silk curtains covering the entire length of two walls from the ceiling to the floor.

  There were expensive Persian rugs under the tables.

  They both stopped talking when the butler brought Arak on a silver tray in silver goblets. Arak was a clear, colorless, unsweetened aniseed-flavored distilled alcoholic drink that the Iraqi minister preferred to have in the presence of his western guests.

  Once the butler had left, Abdali turned to Alexander and said in a serious tone, “Mr. Cooper, it does not take a genius to see that you are showing a deep interest in my daughter. But I must warn you that you must not consider my daughter a trophy on your wall.

  In our culture Affair de Coeur are looked down upon and the honor of a family pretty much depends upon the women in the house. So, if you are looking for a playground my house is not the place to do it.

  Although my daughter has been raised and educated in the west, but she still holds her cultural values very dear”

  Alexander said, “Mr. minister I have every intention of honoring Jasmine and my intentions are not to bring shame to your name or to Jasmine”

  Alexander saw Jasmine enter the room from the corner of his eye and stopped talking and stood up.

  Jasmine walked over to him and extended her hand, “It’s good to see you again, Alex”, Alexander shook her hand tenderly and said, “It is good to see you again Jasmine”

  Then there was an awkward pause, and no one talked for a minute until the butler announced, “Dinner has been served, if you follow me please”

  Everyone quietly followed. Alexander and Jasmine thinking about each other and Abdali hoping that Jasmine wouldn’t fall for Alexander.

  The minister’s dining room looked as if it had been designed for a king with a wooden carved dining table done in gold and silver deco paint and with complementing chairs consisting of carved wooden frame and gold silk fabric.

  The dining table could seat 30 people. The dinner consisted of traditional Iraqi dishes Mezza followed by Bamieh, a traditional dish made from lamb, Okra and tomato stew and then Quzi a dish made from lamb with rice, almonds, raisins and spices.

  Alexander was enjoying his dinner immensely and talking to Jasmine. Abdali looked at his daughter and she was enjoying Alexander’s company too.

  Abdali had never seen her interested in anyone like this before.

  He had tried to get Jasmine to go out with the sons of his numerous high-ranking friends, but things never went beyond the first date.

  Now she was getting too close to Alexander. Something which Abdali did not approve. He also knew on the other hand that he could not antagonize his guest because he was the stepping stone to his next goal of becoming the next prime minister.

  With Alexander’s connection he could have access to the powerful US generals who could help him in his journey to becoming the next prime minister of Iraq. He on the other hand loved his daughter very much, who seemed to be falling into Alexander’s trap.

  Irrespective of what Alexander had told him he knew Alexander was a womanizer and there was no way he would settle down with his daughter. He was also aware of the cultural and religious divide between the two. And now looking at the two of them he knew that Alexander was not the only problem, Jasmine was falling for him too.

  He saw his daughter blush at something Alexander had said and he could not take it any longer, he cleared his throat and said, “Mr. Alexander, you have quite a reputation of, how may I put it, being the most eligible bachelor in United States and during the past few years you have broken quite a few hearts. Do you have any plans of ever settling down?”

  Alexander was caught off guard by the question, but he looked directly at the minister and said, “What you have said is quite true Mr. minister, but I have not been able to find anyone I could settle down with”, Alexander then looked directly at Jasmine and said, “Until now”

  The Iraqi minister’s face turned red. “How have you found Iraqi people to be”, Jasmine expertly changed the subject.

  “Well, I found them to be very hospitable, loving and considerate even though these are not the best of times, but they still have not forgotten their tradition of hospitality”

  Jasmine was very proud of what Alexander had said and added, “You see Alexander, the culture and traditions in Iraq have been handed over through centuries.

  We have many global firsts, it was here that the first city was born, the first university was established, the first law was made, the first farm was tilled, and the first battle was fought. So, over a long period of time we have figured out what values are important, and we have held onto them” Jasmine voice was ringing with pride.

  Alexander was mesmerized by the love and pride that Jasmine had for her country and he found himself drawn more and more towards Jasmine and in spite of himself, he felt an inkling of patriotism towards Iraq as well.

  Jasmine asked, “Do you like art? My father has a wonderful art collection. I would love to show it to you after dinner”

  Alexander knew nothing about art, but Jasmine showing him the art meant he would be alone with her so he replied, “Yes, I like art very much and I would love to see your collection”

  Jasmine could see her father’s disapproving eyes on her, but he did not stop them. Just then the butler brought the Iraqi minister’s mobile phone for him on a silver tray and said apologetically, “I know sir asked not to be disturbed, but it is the interior minister and he says its rather urgent”

  Iraqi minister talked on the phone for a few minutes and then turned to Alexander and said apologetically, “I am sorry, that was a very important call. I have to attend an emergency meeting. Lives of many people could depend upon it. I am sorry I cannot stay here with you longer. Please excuse me”

  “Don’t worry father I will give Alexander company while you are away”, Jasmine added trying to put her father on ease.

p; He reluctantly smiled at her. He was not worried about leaving his guest alone. He was worried about leaving him alone with Jasmine, but he had to go, so he shook Alexander’s hand and left.

  The Iraqi minister did not want to talk to Jasmine about not seeing Alexander. He knew how stubborn she could be and if he asked her not to see him, she will want to see him even more. He was worried about his predicament.

  Once dinner was finished Jasmine took Alexander to her art gallery. Even though Alexander did not know any of the artists, but he had to admit the art work was quite good.

  Jasmine showed Alexander paintings from Husain al-Radi, Naziha Salim, Suad al-Attar and Faeq Hassan beside many unknown artists. The theme of war and its affects and Iraqi culture were prominent throughout the artwork.

  Jasmine was explaining the artwork of Faeq Hassan when Alexander moved close to her and took her hand in his, looked deep into her eyes and said “Jasmine, I have never felt this way about anyone. I couldn’t stop thinking of you last night and all day today”

  Jasmine felt the same way, but she wanted to sound more practical, so she said, “Alexander, are you sure this is not infatuation?”

  Seeing that Jasmine did not refute him, Alexander got the courage to move closer to her. He tipped her chin with his thumb and index finger and said “I never get infatuated with anyone. I have never felt this way about any woman before in my life. I have cancelled two very important meetings today. My flight is tomorrow, I want to cancel it. But I want to know whether you feel the same way about me”

  Jasmine took time before answering with, “I do”

  Alexander moved closer to Jasmine’s face and gave her a soft kiss on her lips, ready to back away if she hesitated.

  Jasmine didn’t back away. She yielded completely to his kiss. An exquisite wave of pleasure went through Alexander’s body as Jasmine parted her lips. He put his arms around her to take all of her into his embrace. He had never felt anything like this before in his life.

  He felt his heart was about to explode when Jasmine pulled away, “I am sorry we cannot do this in this house. If my father finds out he will never forgive me. You see he still holds his traditions very close to his heart. In our culture it is forbidden to have a physical relationship before marriage, and he believes that”


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