Jim Rubart Trilogy

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by James L. Rubart



  Book of Days

  The Chair


  Rooms is one of the best books I’ve read in the past year. If you like The Shack, I think you’ll like Rooms. If you liked The Shack, I bet you’ll love Rooms. This story got under my skin and it’s going to be there for a long, long time.

  —Randy Ingermanson, Christy award-winning author of Oxygen

  Two words about Rooms: blown away! It’s been a long time since I read anything this unique and truly creative and even longer since a book held me in such rapt attention during the moments I was reading it—and long after.

  —Deborah Raney, author of Almost Forever and the Clayburn novels

  If Frank Peretti had written The Shack, you might come close to having a book as great as Rooms. The twists and turns in the book took my breath away, but the most impacting journey was the one that drove me to examine my own soul. A heart-pounding, heart-altering read.

  —Tricia Goyer, award-winning author of twenty-one books, including The Swiss Courier

  A good book should not only leave the reader satisfied, it should leave the brain buzzing. James L. Rubart’s Rooms does just that. It is the kind of book that is not only read, but talked about long after the last page has been turned.

  —Alton Gansky, novelist of Enoch and Certain Jeopardy

  Rubart has made his mark with Rooms—a journey of a read, a spiritual adventure . . . a mystical page-turner that will impact your life.

  —Tosca Lee, author of Demon: A Memoir and Havah: The Story of Eve

  A profound spiritual tale spun with imaginative flair. I’m looking forward to more from Jim Rubart.

  —James Scott Bell, best-selling author of Deceived and Try Fear

  Rooms is being touted as another great among Christian allegories, such as Dinner with A Perfect Stranger or The Shack. I believe it will be the twenty-first century’s Hind’s Feet on High Places or Pilgrim’s Progress. Following Micah’s journey of discovery is an eye-opening—or perhaps I should say a soul-stirring—experience. As a Christian, I related to Micah’s faith journey, his confusion, doubts, hot one moment and cold the next. But it’s Rubart’s masterful imagination that makes this story so amazing. Rooms is not a chapter-a-night book; it’s a one-sitting read. A thrilling page turner, and a keeper in my permanent library. Rooms is the book I will purchase for Christmas gifts this year because Rooms is a must buy book. Novels Reviews and I give it five stars and our highest recommendation.

  —Ane Mulligan, editor of Novel Journey

  Rooms haunted me—in a good way, the kind of way that makes me re-ponder a freedom-giving God and the possibility of an unencumbered life. Clever, creative, fresh—Jim Rubart’s storytelling kept me turning pages, and his passion for his protagonist’s fractured heart endeared me.

  —Mary E. DeMuth, author of Daisy Chain and A Slow Burn

  Fascinating characters, an action-packed plot, and a mansion with secrets of its own provide a winning combination in this complex novel of supernatural awakening. Rooms is a thought-provoking story that stayed with me long after I read the last page.

  —Kathryn Cushman, author of Leaving Yesterday

  I couldn’t come up with only one word to describe Rooms—riveting, moving, entertaining, engaging, brilliant! A fantastic novel by a talented writer!

  —Camy Tang, author of Sushi for One? and Deadly Intent

  Rooms is an extraordinary read. It’s a time- and mind-bending exploration of regret and redemption, expertly crafted by a new and talented author. Part The Screwtape Letters, part The Shack, and all James Rubart’s fresh, authoritative voice, Rooms manages to at once entertain and stir thoughts about how our temporal decisions affect us for eternity.”

  —Robert Liparulo, best-selling author of Comes a Horseman, Germ, and the Dreamhouse Kings series

  I love a book that changes my mind. This book changed my heart. Like Micah’s house, Rooms wooed me into the story until I too walked through the doors of my heart to see long-buried lies and discover freeing truths. Powerful and riveting, Rooms is amazing life-changing fiction.

  —Susan May Warren, award-winning, best-selling author of Sons of Thunder

  If you’ve ever prayed, “God, take away the scales from my eyes and show me TRUTH . . .” Rooms is not for the faint at heart. It is for the warrior inside all of us that is fighting to know our created being, the one God made for all eternity. It lifts the layers of this life, exposes them for what they are and then leaves us breathless in the knowledge of God’s relentless love. A modern day Pilgrim’s Progress but so much more. Rooms will grip you and challenge you, and then leave you longing for a restored and ransomed heart so that you can be all God created you to be.”

  —Jamie Carie, author of Snow Angel, Wind Dancer, Love’s First Light, and Angel’s Den

  Rooms, Digital Edition

  Based on Print Edition

  Copyright © 2010 by James L. Rubart

  All rights reserved.

  Printed in the United States of America

  ISBN: 978-0-8054-4888-7

  Published by B&H Publishing Group,

  Nashville, Tennessee

  Dewey Decimal Classification: F


  Scripture quotations or paraphrases are taken from: the New American Standard Bible®. © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission (www.Lockman.org). Also quoted are The Message, the New Testament in Contemporary English, © 1993 by Eugene H. Peterson, published by NavPress, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the King James Version.

  Publisher’s Note: The characters and events in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental.

  For Darci

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Discussion Questions

  What can you ever really know of other people’s souls—of their temptations, their opportu
nities, their struggles? One soul in the whole creation you do know: and it is the only one whose fate is placed in your hands.

  —C. S. Lewis


  Why would a man he never knew build him a home on one of the most spectacular beaches on the West Coast?

  Micah Taylor stared out the windows of his corner office overlooking Puget Sound, rapping his palm with an edge of the cryptic letter. Cannon Beach, Oregon. Right on the ocean and built by his great-uncle Archie, at least that’s what the letter claimed. But of all the towns up and down Highway 101, why there? A place that repulsed him. A place he cherished. Both at the same time. Fate wouldn’t be that cruel.

  Shake it off. There couldn’t really be a house in that spot with his name on it. No way. Not there. This was exactly the kind of practical joke his team might try to pull off. No one would ever accuse RimSoft’s culture of being stoic. If they only knew how badly they’d misfired this time. Micah sighed.

  But if the letter was real—

  “Time to go, boss.”

  Shannon stood in the doorway, eyes bright behind her Versace glasses, short-cropped salt-and-pepper hair outlining her face. She’d been Micah’s administrative assistant for three years. Smart and not easily intimidated, what churned in her five-foot-eight frame made her one of the strongest links in his company’s chain.

  “I hate being called boss.” Reminded him too much of his dad.

  “Yes, I know.” She pulled her glasses down and gave him her pirate look—one eye closed, the other squinting.

  Micah tried to smile and tossed the letter announcing his inheritance onto his desk. Shake it off, he told himself again. It didn’t help.

  “You all right?”

  “Yeah. Great.” He grabbed his notebook and wagged his finger at Shannon as they walked out of his office. “You shouldn’t call someone boss when you’re almost old enough to be their m—”

  “—much older sister.”

  “Right,” Micah said as they fell into step and marched down the halls of RimSoft. Normally he loved Fridays. The creativity his team poured out was astounding. If employing people better than yourself were an Olympic event, Micah would be swimming in gold.

  But today wasn’t a regular Friday. Today a bizarre letter sat on his desk trying to dredge up memories he’d buried forever.

  As they turned the final corner on the way to the conference room, Kelli Kay, one of Micah’s more talented programmers, approached. “Want to hear something really cool?” Her red curls bounced like a Slinky.

  “Absolutely.” Micah kept walking—now backward—his Nikes scuffing lightly on the teal carpet.

  Single mom until four months ago, Kelli put herself through computer school while working forty hours a week and taking care of her ten-year-old son. Never complained about fifty-hour weeks. Never complained about sixty-hour weeks.

  “My kid won that art contest I told you about last week; he’s headed to L.A. this summer to compete in the national—”

  “You serious? Listen, if he places, let’s fly him and you and that new husband of yours to New York to see the MET. I’ll bring Julie, and we’ll all go check out the art with him and time it so we catch a Mariners-Yankees game.”

  “Really?” Kelli half-jogged to keep up with him.

  “RimSoft’s already made $2 million off that little antivirus program you developed last year. You’re amazing.” Micah turned and picked up his pace.

  Shannon picked up hers too, her white Adidas running shoes helping in the effort. He couldn’t believe this was the same woman who showed up her first day wearing three-inch heels and a business suit straight out of Uptight Dresses for Corporate America. Micah told her to get rid of the heels and put on whatever she loved wearing and felt comfortable in.

  “You could actually stop when you talk to people.”

  Micah frowned at Shannon. “We have a meeting. You know, the company? Work to do. Software programs to develop. Lots of sales. Happy stockholders. Make money. All that stuff.” He brushed past a lush, broad-leafed dracaena plant and walked faster.

  “You’re not exactly yourself this morning.”

  “A lot on my mind.”

  “They just want more time with you, Micah, to know you like them.”

  “I like everyone. But, to be sure, let’s get out an e-mail that says, ‘From Micah Taylor. To you. I like you. I really, really like you.’ ” He pushed open the conference room door and held it for Shannon. He returned her glare with a forced smile.

  The conference room was small but comfortable. No vaulted ceiling, no massive table, just two light tan leather couches and six overstuffed espresso brown chairs all circling the center of the room. RimSoft’s version of Camelot. The room wasn’t designed for ego; it was crafted for efficiency.

  The couches held two people each. On one couch sat Micah’s head of Legal, with his jet-black hair and John Lennon glasses. Next to him slumped his VP of Mergers and Acquisitions, thirty-one years old but looked fifty with his premature gray hair. On the other couch perched his VP of Marketing, looking more every day like a young Oprah. Next to her sat his chief financial officer. Two of Micah’s software development VPs sat in the chairs.

  Shannon also sat in a chair; Micah paced in front of his.

  On a table in the center of the room sat a steaming pot filling the air with the aroma of Seattle’s Best Coffee. Clumped next to it were mugs from Disneyland, the University of Washington Huskies, and cups with RimSoft’s logo on them.

  Good. All the pieces were in place. Time to check out the condition of the chessboard.

  “All right,” Micah said, a slice above his normal volume. “Let’s roll. Where are we with the i2-Rock alliance?”

  “Done,” his Mergers VP said.

  “We love their hardware; they still love our software, right?”


  “Excellent, great work.” Micah focused on Oprah’s twin. “Is the ad layout done for Wired?”


  “Last one you did was a home run into the rafters, so let’s keep the hits coming.” He turned to his right. “Beta testing on version four is done, right?”

  “Finished Wednesday.”

  “Very nice work. I can’t believe you already have it almost bug free.” Micah looked at the head of his legal team. “You’ve finished the docs for the Bay-C buyout?”

  “Not quite.” The man glanced up at Micah. “We’re almost there.”

  Micah stopped pacing. What was this guy’s problem? Everyone else knew how to fire on all cylinders. He couldn’t afford to have the guy keep playing with his B game.

  Micah whipped his pen around on his yellow notepad like a poor man’s Picasso, then held it up for everyone to see. “This is a sketch of underwear. But not just ordinary underwear; it’s asbestos underwear.” He turned to the head of Legal. “You need a pair.”


  “Well, you said your team would be done on Tuesday. It’s now Friday. So since it isn’t done, your team falls into the category of ‘liar, liar, pants on fire.’ I would think the asbestos underwear would help squelch the flames a bit.”

  The head of Legal squirmed and mumbled, “We’ll get it done by the end of the day.”


  “End of the day.”


  “By two o’clock.”

  “What comes out of a toaster?”

  Legal Guy frowned and shifted in his chair. “Toast?”

  “You’re not sure?”




  “It’s nine thirty now. What will you be if your docs aren’t finished by noon?”

  Legal Guys’s face flushed. “Toast.”

>   “A little louder please so the whole class can hear.”

  “I’ll be toast.”

  One of Micah’s team coughed. The rest kept their eyes glued to the agenda.

  Micah turned and looked out the conference room windows overlooking Puget Sound. One breath. Two. Wow. Not the way to win friends and influence stock splits. He turned back to his team. “Okay, let’s move on.”

  A half hour later Micah glanced at each member of his team. “Thank you. For two things. First, for being good enough at what you do that this company could no doubt survive without me. Second, for not being so good there’s no room left for my input.” He grabbed his notebook and strode toward the door.

  Too harsh in there on Mr. Always-Late-Legal? Probably. Micah sighed. Definitely. Where did that stuff come from? He rolled his eyes. Micah knew precisely where it came from. Cannon Beach.

  Shannon stepped into the hallway just ahead of him and clipped down the hall like a speed walker.

  In two bounds Micah caught up to her. “Hey, slow down.”

  She walked faster and didn’t respond.

  “You’ve got that Micah-was-a-jerk look again.”

  She looked up at him with a thin-lipped smile. “It’s only the first time this year. You’re improving.”

  They walked seven paces in silence. “I was trying to make a point with a little humor. That’s not who I really am.”


  Four more paces.

  “You’re right; I was a royal, platinum-certified jerk in there,” he whispered. His face grew warm as he fingered the scar on his left palm. “It’s just . . . some realities about life have stuck with me whether I wanted them to or not.”


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