Call for the Saint s-27

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Call for the Saint s-27 Page 9

by Leslie Charteris

  For weeks Hoppy had been improving in, accuracy, force, and the principles of oral ballistics. Had the interior of his mouth been rifled like a gun barrel, his aim might have been bettered, but at this close range there was no chance of a miss. The BB, impelled with velocity and violence, completed the last touch of outrageous grotesquerie by hitting Big Hazel Green in the left eye.

  "Next to a custard pie," the Saint reflected, with some irre­pressibly cynical part of his mind that sat in judgment with an eyebrow raised, "I couldn't think of an improvement. Now the balance of the situation tipped with dazzling sudden­ness. Big Hazel's instant reaction to the introduction of a foreign particle into her optic apparatus was to bellow like a wounded bull, let go the Saint's wrist, and clap her free hand to the injured organ. But simultaneously, without even wait­ing for that release, the Saint's free right hand was moving.

  If he had merely tried to seize Big Hazel, or to hit her on the jaw, the woman would probably have got away. But Simon Templar's arm flashed down with a speed that almost blurred the vision, and his hand closed with murderous suddenness over hers. And the hand it closed on was holding a hypodermic syringe of brittle glass.

  The barrel of the syringe became instantly a non-cohesive assortment of razor-sharp fragments, slicing agonizingly deeper into Big Hazel's flesh as the Saint's merciless grip ground tighter. All of her faculties were concentrated, to the exclusion of every other thought, on the immediate, vital, and hysterical necessity of opening her hand before the fingers began falling off. And being thus occupied, she was in no condition to realize that the Saint's hand had also swung her around until she completely blocked Frankie's line of fire.

  At the same moment, Mr. Uniatz moved with an agility that threw a surprising side light on his nickname. He dived for the nearest gun on the floor, and fired almost as his paw closed on it. The only sound Frankie Weiss made was a queer sort of choking cough as he went down; and the tommy gun never spoke at all. . . .

  "All right," Kearney's voice said from the top of the stairs. "Break it up, or I'll let all of you have it."

  Simon pushed Big Hazel away and smiled up at him.

  "Good old Alvin," he said. "Never too late to take a bow."


  Monica Varing turned her head upon the pillow, and her hair moved with it in a shining skein on he bare satin of her shoulder. The robe she wore swooped downward from there in a V so deep that Simon Templar, leaning on the high footboard of her hospital bed, was aware of not wholly inexplicable vertigo whenever his eyes wandered that way.

  He sighed ostentatiously.

  Monica smiled. Her voice was warm temptation.

  "Is anything wrong? I thought all your problems were wound up nicely."

  "They are-nearly all." He grinned rather wryly. "Kearney got a promotion, Elliott cleared his good name, Laura Wingate-" The blue darkened. "Laura Wingate held out a lot longer than I expected, but she's finally made a confession. Even Fingers Schultz." The grin came back. "It seems that a mug named Fingers Schultz was picked up in the street last night with tire marks all over him, apparently the victim of a hit-run driver; but I haven't asked Sammy the Leg what his car looks like."

  Monica leaned forward, clasping her knees, and smiled at him dazzlingly. The Saint enjoyed his ensuing vertigo.

  "Why the deep sighs, then?"

  "Because now we'll have hardly any excuse for seeing each other. How soon do you expect to get out of this joint?"

  "By evening. It was nonsense bringing me in at all, but my manager insisted on a few days' rest. Tonight I play Nora as usual."

  "And after the show?"

  "I was waiting to be asked. What were you thinking of?"

  The Saint smiled.

  "Exactly the same thing as you," he said.



  At this moment Simon Templar was not quite enjoying the thrill of a lifetime.

  Relaxed as much as the immediate carpentry would permit in his ringside seat between Hoppy Uniatz and Patricia Holm, he blended the smoke of his own cigarette with the cigar-and-sweat aroma of the Manhattan Arena, and contemplated the dying moments of the semi-final bout with his sapphire eyes musing under lazily drooping lids. Never addicted to obtain­ing his thrills vicariously, the man who was better known to the world as the Saint would have found small cause for excitement even if he had been addicted to such sedentary pur­suits. Being there anyhow, he slouched in easy grace, the clean-cut lines of his face etched in a bronze mask of sardonic de­tachment as he watched the two gladiators move about the ring with all the slashing speed of ballet dancers in leg irons per­forming under water, and dedicated himself uncomplainingly to whatever entertainment the soiree of sock might provide.

  In the great world outside, there were uncountable charac­ters who would have considered his presence there with no equanimity. Some of them, who in one way or another had participated in much shadier promotions than prize fights, would have considered it a personal injustice that anyone like Simon Templar should still be at large when so many of their best friends were not. Others, whose standard of righteousness was vouched for by at least a badge, would have moaned just as loudly that there was nothing basically unhappy about a policeman's lot except what the Saint might plant in it.

  If Inspector Fernack, for instance, had seen him there, that bulldogged minion of the law would have pondered darkly. He would have sensed from long experience in previous en­counters with this amazing modern buccaneer that the Saint could have no orthodox interest in such a dreary offering of Promoter Mike Grady's salon of swat. Of course the main bout between Torpedo Smith and the celebrated Masked Angel would probably be more interesting, but Simon Templar wasn't there just for the entertainment. That was something John Henry Fernack would never have believed.

  And on this occasion, for instance, he would have been right.

  Jeers swept in derisive breakers over the two Ferdinands in the ring without in the least disturbing the equilibrium of their mitt minuet. The massed feet of the cash customers began to stamp in metronomic disapproval, and Simon's chair jumped as the boxcar brogans on his left added their pile-driving weight to the crashing cantata. Their owner's klaxon voice lifted in a laryngismal obbligato, a brassy, belly-searching ulu­lation with overtones reminiscent of the retching bellow of a poisoned water buffalo. This, the Saint recognized, was merely Hoppy Uniatz's rendition of a disgusted groan.

  "Boss," Hoppy heaved, "dis is moider!" The narrow strip of wrinkles that passed for Hoppy's forehead was deep with scorn. "I oughta go up dere and t'row 'em bot' outta de ring."

  Hoppy's impulses were beautiful in their straightforward simplicity and homicidal honesty. The small globule of proto­plasm that lurked within his rock-bound skull, serving the nominal function of a brain, piloted his anthropoidal body ex­clusively along paths of action, primitive and direct, unencum­bered by any subtleties of thought or teleological considera­tions. The torture of cerebration he left entirely to the man to whose lucky star he had hitched his wagon. For, to Hoppy, the Saint was not of this ordinary world; he was a Merlin who brought strange wonders to pass with godlike nonchalance, whose staggering schemes were engineered with supernatural ease to inevitable success through miracles, of intellect which Hoppy followed in blind but contented obedience.

  The Saint smiled at him tenderly.

  "Relax, chum. This isn't the fight we came to see anyway."

  The dream with the spun-gold hair on Simon's right smiled.

  "Never," admonished Patricia Holm, "look gift horses in the mouth."

  "To corn a phrase," the Saint observed dryly.

  "Huh?" Hoppy stared at the Saint's lady in openmouthed perplexity. "Horses ?" His face, which bore a strong family re­semblance to those seen on totem poles designed to frighten evil spirits, was a study in loose-lipped wonder. "What horses ?"

  "After all," Pat said, "we're here as guests and--"

  The clanking of
the bell terminated both the fight and the need for further explanation. The sound pulled the trigger on a thunderclap of boos as the unfatigued gladiators were waved to their respective corners to await the decision. It came swift­ly. A well-booed draw.

  "What a clambake," Hoppy muttered.

  "No hits, no runs, no fight," Simon murmured sardonically.

  "They had a lot of respect for each other, hadn't they?" Pat observed innocently.

  "Respect!" Hoppy exploded. "Dem bums was doggin' it. I could beat bot' deir brains out togedder wit' bot' hands tied behind me." He simmered with righteous outrage. "I only hope de Masked Angel don't knock out Torpedo Smith too quick. Dey oughta let him stay for at least a coupla rounds so maybe we'll see some fightin'."

  "If there's any fighting to be seen," Simon said, absently, "at least we're in a good position to see it."

  The chiseled leanness of cheekbone and jaw were picked out vividly as he lighted a cigarette. Pat, glancing at the flame momentarily reflected in those mocking blue eyes, felt a famil­iar surge of yearning and pride. For he was a very reincarna­tion of those privateers who once knew the Spanish Main, a modern buccaneer consecrated to the gods of gay and perilous adventure, a cavalier as variable as a chameleon, who would always be at once the surest and the most elusive thing in her life.

  "Yeah," Hoppy agreed grudgingly. "Dey ain't nut'n wrong wit' de seats. Ya must have some drag wit' de promoter, boss."

  "I've never even met him."

  Simon wasn't listening really. His eyes were angled to his left, gazing through a meditative plume of smoke to where Steve Nelson was rising about a dozen seats away and climbing into the ring to be introduced as the champion who would defend his title against the winner of tonight's bout. However, it wasn't Nelson whom Simon was watching. It was the girl in the seat beside Nelson-a girl with curly raven hair, big green eyes, and a nose whose snub pertness was an infinitely lovelier reproduction of her Irish sire's well-publicized proboscis.

  "I suppose he just thought this would be a nice way to intro­duce himself," Patricia mocked. "Three little ringside tickets, that's all. Sent by special messenger, no less. Compliments of Mike Grady and the Manhattan Arena!"

  The girl with the dark hair had turned and, for a brief in­stant, met Simon's gaze. He spoke without taking his eyes off her.

  "Pat darling, you're taking too much for granted. It wasn't Mike who sent them."


  "No. It was his daughter, Connie. Third from the aisle in the front row."

  She followed his gaze.

  There was no hint of coquetry in the eyes of the black-haired girl. There was something in them quite different-a swift glow of gratitude tempered by an anxiety that shadowed her clear elfin beauty. Then she turned away. Pat smiled with feline sweetness.

  "I see. How nice of her to think you might need some ex­citement!"

  Hoppy's porcine eyes blinked.

  "Boss, ain't she de Champ's girl friend?"

  "So I've heard." Simon smiled and blew a large smoke ring that rose lethargically over the seat in front of him and settled about the bald pate of its occupant like a pale blue halo.

  A scattered burst of cheering greeted Torpedo Smith's en­trance into the ring.

  "Shouldn't you be more careful about picking your leading ladies?" Pat inquired with saccharin concern.

  "I have to face the hazards of my profession," Simon ex­claimed, with a glint of scapegrace mockery in his blue eyes. "But there may be some excitement at that-although I don't mean what you're thinking, darling."

  The memory of Connie's visit, her confused plea for him to see the fight, lingered in his mind like the memory of strange music, a siren measure awakening an old familiar chill, presci­ent and instinctive, warning of danger that was no less perilous because it was as yet unknown.

  The crowd broke into a thunderous roar.

  "It's de Angel!" Hoppy proclaimed. "He's climbin' in de ring!"

  The current sensation of the leather-pushing profession was indeed mounting the punch podium. He squeezed his hogshead torso between the ropes; and as he straightened up the Saint saw that the mask was really nothing more than a black beanbag that fitted over his small potato head with apertures for eye, nose, and mouth, and fastened by a drawstring be­tween chin and shoulder at the place where a normal person's neck would ordinarily be, but which in the Angel was no more than an imaginary line of demarcation. He shambled to his corner like a hairless gorilla and clasped his bandaged hands over his head in a salute to the enraptured mob.

  Patricia shuddered.

  "Simon, is it-is it human?"

  The Saint grinned.

  "He'll never win any contests for the body beautiful, but of course we haven't seen his face yet. He may be quite hand­some."

  "Dere ain't nobody seen his face," Hoppy confided. "Dese wrestlers what pull dis gag wit' de mask on de face, dey don't care who knows who dey really are, but Doc Spangler, he don't let nobody see who his boy is. Maybe it's for luck. De Masked Angel ain't lost a fight yet!"

  "Doc Spangler?"

  Hoppy's head bobbed affirmatively. He pointed to a well-dressed portly gentleman who looked more like a bank president out for an evening's entertainment than a fighter's man­ager, who was standing in smiling conversation with one of the Angel's seconds.

  "Dat's de Doc. He's de guy who discovers de Angel from someplace. Dat Doc is sure a smart cookie, boss."

  The Saint smiled agreeably.

  "You can say that again."

  The salient features of the estimable Doc Spangler's history passed through Simon Templar's mind in swift procession-a record which, among many others, was filed with inexorable clarity in the infinite index of a memory whose indelibility had time and again proven one of the more useful tools of his pro­fession.

  "In fifteen fights," Hoppy expounded, "he brings de Angel from nowhere to a fight wit' de Champ t'ree weeks from now!"

  Pat lifted an eyebrow.

  "Even if Torpedo Smith beats him?"

  "Aaah!" Hoppy chortled derisively. "Dat bum ain't got a chanst! De Angel'll moider him! You wait and see."

  The Champ, having shaken hands with the two contenders, climbed out of the ring and resumed his seat beside Connie Grady, and the fighters rose from their corners as the referee waved them to the center of the ring for instructions.

  Pat, wide-eyed, shook her head unbelievingly.

  "Simon, that man with the mask-he-he's fantastic! Those arms-his gloves are touching his knees!"

  "A fascinating example of evolution in reverse," Simon re­marked.

  The Masked Angel was indeed a remarkable specimen. With his arms dangling alongside his enormous hairless body he was the very antithesis of the classic conception of an athlete, his sagging breasts and vast pink belly undulating in rolls, billows, and pleats of fat; and though his hips narrowed slightly to the negligible proportions of a bull gorilla's, his flabby thighs bal­looned out like a pair of mammoth loose-skinned sausages, tapering to a pair of stubby tree-trunk legs.

  "A freak," Pat decided. "He wears that ridiculous mask be­cause he's a pinhead."

  "But even he can do somebody some good. You've got to admit that he makes Hoppy look like a creature of svelte and sprightly beauty."

  "In dis racket, boss," Hoppy mulled with a heavy concentra­tion of wisdom, "you don't have to be good-lookin'." Suddenly he sat up straight and strained forward. "Well, for cryin' out loud!"

  "What's the matter?" The Saint followed his gaze to the ring.

  Hoppy waved a finger the size of a knockwurst in the gen­eral direction of the two contestants and their handlers stand­ing in the middle of the ring listening to the referee.

  "Lookit, boss! Standin' behind Torpedo Smith-his handler! It's me old chum, Whitey Mullins!"

  The fighters and their seconds were turning back to their respective corners. ,Whitey Mullins, a slender rubbery-faced little man with balding flaxen hair, wearing a turtle-necked sweater and sneakers, convoy
ed Smith to his corner and climbed but of the ring, taking the stool with him. The Saint recognized him as one of the professional seconds connected with the Manhattan Arena.

  "One of the Torpedo's propellers, I take it?"

  Hoppy nodded.

  "He works a lot wit' me when I am in the box-fight racket, boss." Fond memories of yesteryear's mayhem lit his gorgon countenance with reminiscent rapture. "Cyclone Uniatz, dey called me."

  "That, no doubt, explains why you never get up before the stroke of ten," Simon observed.


  Pat giggled as the bell clanked for the first round.

  The Angel shuffled forward slowly, his arms held high, peering cautiously between his gloves at the oncoming Torpedo Smith. Smith, who had crashed into the top ranks of pugilism via a string of varied victories far longer than the unbroken string of knockouts boasted by the Masked Angel, moved war­ily about his opponent, jabbing tentative lefts at the unmoving barrier of arms that the Angel held before him. The Angel turned slowly as Smith moved around him, the fantastic black cupola of his masked head sunk protectively between beefy pink shoulders, the little eye slits peering watchfully. He kept turning, keeping Smith before him without attempting a blow. The Torpedo moved about more deliberately, with a certain puzzlement, as though he couldn't understand the Angel's un­willingness to retaliate, but was himself afraid to take any chances.

  There was a stillness in the crowd, a sense of waiting as for the explosion of a bomb whose fuse was burning before their very eyes.

  Pat spoke at last."But, Simon, they're just looking at each other."

  The Saint selected another cigarette and tapped it on his thumb.

  "You can't blame them. It'll probably take a round for them just to get over the sight of each other."

  Hoppy lifted a voice, that rang with the dulcet music of a foghorn with laryngitis.

  "Come on, you Angel! Massecrate de bum!"

  But the Angel, with supreme indifference to encouragement, merely kept turning, shuffling around to meet the probing jabs of Torpedo Smith, peering through his sinister mask, tautly watchful.


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