Hanging With A Time Surfer

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Hanging With A Time Surfer Page 13

by Celine Chatillon

  "I thought Reks said he stored our things in locker number sixty-nine, but it's empty.” Shelby sighed. “Barris has some great housekeepers. I can't even find a wet towel on the floor."

  "Here, I discovered these robes secreted behind a mop in the broom closet.” Quentin tossed a black silk robe at least two sizes too small to her then donned another black robe that barely covered his privates as he tied the sash at the waist. “They're not much, but they're all we've got."

  "If it wasn't so chilly in here I'd rather go about nude.” She tied the sash close under her breasts, accentuating her cleavage and stretching the material tightly across her pointed nipples.

  He chuckled. “It is rather cold, isn't it?"

  "I wouldn't talk Mr. Towel Rack,” she murmured, playfully squeezing his buns as she ambled past him. “You're not exactly covering your excitement, either."

  They headed out of the bath area and into the party pit. The pillows appeared cleaned and fluffed, the carpet vacuumed, and every drink glass removed, washed and set back on the shelves behind the bar. All traces that there had been a hundred or more party guests had been complete obliterated.

  "We must have been sleeping pretty hard not to hear people clean up the mess in here.” Shelby flipped a pillow over with her foot. “Nothing. Not a crumb or a stain or a stray piece of clothing. It would have taken forever to clean this room without a good vacuum cleaner. We would have heard the racket from the bath area."

  Quentin frowned. “Time, Shelby. We weren't necessarily sleeping any heavier than usual, but we could have been asleep for a long time. A very long time. This ship could have made a time jump and is heading for my century."

  Shelby plopped onto a sunken sofa, hiding her worried expression behind a throw pillow as she hugged it tightly. “Your friend is a time traveler, right? Could he have kidnapped us and taken us far into the future or past without us knowing it?"

  "Yes, he could have—and no, he's not my friend, remember? Barris and I have been on good terms for some time now, but things may have changed back home ... and possibly he's working for somebody else other than himself now."

  "Clever. Very clever, Takahashi."

  The booming bass voice stepped from the shadows and approached. Barris wore a black leather chest harness and cock ring, sporting both an evil grin and a hard on. He approached Shelby and leaned down to gently caress her cheek, turning her head to the side. “Ah, so there it is. The mark of a born time traveler. Congratulations."

  "You understand what it means,” Quentin said. It was a statement not a question.

  "Yes, I do unfortunately.” Barris refocused his attention on her once more. “You're absolutely right about being kidnapped, my dear. I can't afford to let you go—either of you. This party ship takes quite a bit of money to keep going, and I've been strapped for cash lately. I can't refuse the Time Cops’ generous offer."

  "Time Cops?” Shelby's eyes widened. “I thought you were a rogue agent like Quentin?"

  "I am. I despise the Time Regulatory Agency and all it stands for, but a deal's a deal."

  "You'd turn in one of your own? You traitor!” She jumped up and spat at him. He lifted his hand to strike her then backed away.

  "No, I dare not mar a Chosen One. I'll let the hoodlums back at the agency deal with you, dearest.” He reached out to stroke her cheek once more.

  Quentin stepped between them. “Over my dead body. Oh, yeah. That's sort of the point of this whole exercise. Turn me in, collect the bounty and then use Shelby as leverage to get away before they clamp the handcuffs on you.” He whistled long and loud before raising his hands in a gesture of defeat and shuffling away. “Wow. It's a fairly ingenious plan, Barris. I'm impressed. You've still got it."

  "Thank you. That means a lot coming from a savvy rogue agent like yourself."

  Shelby frowned. Were these two going to flatter each other all night long? Why wasn't her lover taking a more aggressive approach like threatening to blow up the ship or something? Oh ... they'd all be dead then, wouldn't they? Where there was life there was hope she supposed. She had to relax, not act afraid, and allow Quentin to do whatever it took to get them out of this situation.

  "I'm glad I haven't completely lost my touch at screwing others over.” The giant's lascivious leer widened. He took a step closer to her and stared deeply into her eyes. “And I haven't had the pleasure of screwing you yet. It'll be a while before we hook up with the Time Cops. Perhaps you can demonstrate some of your fellatio technique on me? Reks couldn't stop talking about it as we prepared for lift off."

  "Reks works for you?” Shelby gulped. Of course the Saurian did. He was the bartender after all. “Reks slipped us a strong knockout potion in our drink, huh?"

  Barris took another step closer, the tip of his raised dick skirting across the thin material drawn across her body. “No, I don't believe he did. He added just the usual orgy dis-inhibitors and aphrodisiacs. You two just conked out after that wonderful action with that sexy Felinian girl. It was incredibly easy to clean up and take off while you two slumbered off the effects of your orgasms. What I wouldn't give to feel that sandpaper-like tongue on my rod while I licked your sweet, juicy cunt. Mmm, mmm, delicious."

  Catriona. Did she work for Barris, too? If not, was she still on board? Could they use her host's fascination with the cat woman to their advantage? She had to find out where Cat, as she called her, had gone.

  Shelby thrust her tits forward and smiled back. “I really enjoyed having sex with a Felinian. It's quite an experience. Is she still around by chance?"

  The giant's brown eyes lit up instantly. “Possibly. We had a few hangers on who wouldn't leave. Reks said he deposited them in the ... playroom.” His hand reached out and massaged her left breast. “That gives me a great idea. Some of the playroom equipment could come in handy."

  "Playroom?” Shelby tried to keep the nervous vibrato out of her voice, but it was difficult. She could only imagine what kind of things the bastard kept in his dungeon. “Sounds fascinating."

  "It is.” His raucous laughter rocketed dread throughout her form. “Oh, it most certainly is."

  "Can Quentin come along and ‘play’ with us?"

  Barris rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I suppose so. I need to keep an eye on him. We're understaffed here. Quentin?"

  The giant turned about several times, scanning the deserted party room. “Takahashi? Where have you wandered off? There's no use trying to hide—I have your woman, and this is my ship. We'll be rendezvousing with the Time Cops shortly. Other than walking out an airlock, there isn't anything you can do to save yourself. You might as well have a good time with us in the playroom in the meantime."

  No answer. Shelby didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her lover's disappearance, but she had to carry on and use her wits to get herself out of this mess. She licked her lips slowly. Flashing him a saucy wink, she took Barris by the hand.

  "Never mind Quentin. After five or six orgasms he calls it a night, but I suspect you've got a lot more staying power in the sack. Am I right?"

  Barris's throaty chuckle and dripping dick were answer enough. “This way, my dearest. I'll gladly demonstrate how long I can last."

  Chapter Eleven

  And here she had assumed all her life that her cousin Melynda had the better imagination ... Shelby's ideas concerning Barris’ playroom arrangements were practically on the money. The endless dildo shelf and the well-stocked whip rack were pretty much givens. The number and variety of restraining devices certainly were inventive to say the least. The group sex in the passion pit a few levels up was little old lady tame compared to some of the kinky things Barris and his guests enjoyed in his playroom.

  Oh, dear. She kept forgetting that she wasn't so much his guest as his captive now. She sighed and mentally repeated her favorite quote: That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

  "Like what you see so far?” Barris grabbed his dick with a free hand and pumped it several strokes. �
�Ooo ... I get so excited whenever I cross the threshold that I can't help myself. Here, your turn.” He yanked her robe off and tossed it aside before seating her onto a tall stool. He placed her hand on his cock, indicating she should give it a yank. “Harder. Harder! I can barely feel a thing. I forget you little girls sometimes aren't quite as capable of satisfying my needs as well as the bigger ones."

  "You'd like my cousin Mel then. She's about five foot ten, and got melons twice the size of my little mangos."

  "Hmm, mangoes.” He turned into her and slipped his length between the deep vee between her breasts pushing them together to grip him. “Less talk, more action."

  "Oh, right.” Shelby plastered a frozen smile on her face and continued to pump the giant's cock. She quickly scanned the playroom but saw no other occupants. “I thought you said there were some ‘hangers on’ still on board."

  "Hmm ... Yes, they're kept in the cages behind that door over there. I'll look for your cat friend in a moment. Just a bit harder—use both hands now. There! Ah..."

  Shelby felt like she was massaging a boa constrictor—or a fire hose—as the cum unexpectedly erupted from his engorged member, splattering liberally across her breasts and chin. What was it about her and men dousing her in their juices on this ship? Maybe if she asked nicely her kinky host would let her rinse off in his terrific shower again. Then she could easily escape his clutches.

  "Um, good.” He didn't even act winded, recovering quite quickly from his orgasm. His monster penis had shrunk to the size of a banana, however. “Let's find this Felinian so I can watch you two get it on."

  Barris dragged her across the room to the cage area then paused. “No, on second thought, you stay here.” Reaching up he pulled two chains with handcuffs from the ceiling and promptly clicked them over her wrists. He pulled a cord beside the chains and hoisted her off the floor until she stood on tiptoe, twisting her nipples for good measure. Shelby moaned.

  "You liked that, eh?” Shelby nodded. “I'll be back soon, my little mango."

  As he left the room she quickly scanned the area for other exits. No other doors beside the entrance they used and the door to the dungeon existed. Even if there was another way out, how would she be able to fend him off with her hands in cuffs? The multitude of leather weapons in the room was useless if she couldn't get to them.

  "We're in luck. I found your furry friend. She's in heat for sure."

  Collared and lead like a mute beast to the slaughter, Catriona silently followed Barris who kept his distance. Red welts on his back indicated he'd gotten too close to her as he pulled her out of the cage. He yanked the chain hard until his captive came to a halt. She clawed at the studded leather circle about her throat, hissing and spitting at him.

  "A curse on you, rogue agent! May you crumble like the dust of the ages when the Time Cops eliminate your timeline."

  Barris laughed and yanked the chain again. “Witty, Miss Kitty is. Let's see ... I'd enjoy observing a little girl-on-girl action here that's different from your average alien-human interaction. Although you've got to admit she's got some claws there."

  He leaned toward Shelby and muttered, “What do you think, my little mango? How would you enjoy a whipping from the snarling kitty here? Those paws of hers can pack quite a punch.” He rubbed his shoulders and groaned. “Or should I find Friskies a nice whip to use on your curvy backside instead?"

  Shelby gulped. Thinking fast on her feet had always been her strength, until lately, that is. “No, let her use those paws of hers on me. Remember I'm a Chosen One. You don't want to damage the goods too much when you sell me to the Time Police."

  "Good idea, Little Mango.” Their tormentor yanked the chain on Catriona's collar again. “You'd better sheath your claws so her ass doesn't wind up looking like hamburger. I hate fucking a horribly bloody booty, at least the first time. Okay?"

  Catriona quickly hid her smile and nodded her consent. Shelby felt the warm moisture between her legs growing. Good grief! Here she was chained up in a sexual torture chamber with a mad man and a horny feline, and she couldn't wait to be spanked. Quentin had definitely taught her a few new bedroom tricks.

  Barris plopped down on a nearby chaise lounge and appeared to nod off slightly. Catriona's chain slackened a bit. The Felinian slinked toward Shelby and playfully patted her butt cheeks. Whack! Whack! Shelby moaned and arched her back, thrusting her budding nipples out. The excitement started building in her cunt ... Maybe Barris would allow Catriona to use her tongue as well?

  "That didn't sound like it hurt at all. Maybe you should use this.” Barris tossed a short, black leather, multi-tentacled whip to Catriona. “A cat-o-nine-tails for a cat. Makes sense."

  "What about the Time Cops?” Catriona purred. “Remember them? They won't be too happy if you've damaged a Chosen One. Who knows ... she could be the Chosen One."

  Barris paled slightly. Even a rogue agent seemed to respect the Temporal Authorities on some issues. “All right. Use a bit more of your claws on her ass then."

  Catriona turned her back on their captor and winked at Shelby. Whack! Whack!

  The slight sting sent a pleasurable warm feeling radiating from her glowing butt cheeks. She groaned louder and did her best to sound like she was really hurting. Who was she fooling? Her dripping cunt and peaked nipples gave little indication that this was the case.

  "You enjoy this stimulation, don't you?” Catriona whispered in her ear in passing. “Don't worry; I'll only give you pleasure. Then the two of us will give Barris the pain he deserves."

  Whack! Whack! “H-how will we do that?” Shelby was panting hard now, her juices trickling down the inside of her legs. “He's got the keys to these darn handcuffs and your collar."

  Whack! Whack! Catriona leaned forward and licked Shelby's nipples to full attention. “Hmm ... Leave the details to me. I've been in worse situations, and I've handled worse creeps before."

  Whack! Was her feline friend a Time Cop? Whack! Shelby's hopes rose. Maybe Cat was a secret agent whose mission was to infiltrate Barris's network and bring it down from within? Whack! She was glad to know her feline friend would protect her from harm. But if Cat was a Time Cop then Quentin was still very much in danger—wherever he'd wandered off to. Whack! After they met up with the Temporal Agents Barris had made his deal with, Catriona could turn in Quentin as a rogue agent as well.

  Whack! Whack! “Enough, enough!” Shelby moaned. Her eyes closed as she luxuriated in the hot wetness and delicious tension building between her thighs. The smell of her sex hung heavy in the air. Catriona sensing her imminent climax turned her back on Barris and knelt to lick her captive's clit.

  "That's not what you're suppose to be doing.” Barris pulled the chain hard then stomped over to the Felinian's side and violently pushed her away. Catriona rolled gracefully, landing on her feet several feet away next to a rack of whips and crops but lay still. “Bitch! I wanted you to give her a right good spanking."

  "She is, she is,” Shelby pleaded. “But please, let her help me. I hate dangling here. I feel so ... tense."

  Barris leered at her, madly pumping his thickening dick with both hands. He dropped Catriona's leash in his excitement. “I'll help relieve you of that complaint as long as you help me relieve mine."

  Grabbing her by the hips, he turned her around drawing her closer to his hard on. “I've got a feeling you don't mind a good ass fucking. Am I right?"

  Shelby cringed. Out of the corner of her eye she spied Catriona, claws unsheathed and cat-o-nine-tails in her mouth, silently circling around their tormentor, approaching him from his blind side. She had to keep him distracted just a few more seconds until her friend could pounce.

  "Mind it? Hell, I love it."

  "Good.” He grunted. Even though she couldn't see him, she knew he was manually working his cock into an aroused state. She arched her back, attempting to swing her backside further away from him.

  "Yeah, I like it the harder the better. Just ask Quentin about our
little romp at the beach back in prehistoric times and how he fu..."

  "Quentin!” The hatred in Barris's voice could barely be contained. “That little shit is going to put me back into the good graces of the Time Cops."

  Barris stomped away just as Catriona coiled to leap on her prey. Their host didn't notice her landing in his blind fury. He spun around and growled, his dark eyes glowing with the Devil's own fire.

  "Don't go anywhere, Little Mango. I'll be back soon with your boyfriend. Then we'll see which one of you enjoys an ass fucking the most!"

  The door hissed closed. The sound of a sizeable deadbolt clicking into place echoed through out the playroom.

  "Cat—are you all right?"

  "Yes, I'm fine. I only pretended to be hurt so he'd ignore me.” She approached Shelby and smiled. “You called me Cat like my mother used to call me. It's so cute. Thank you."

  "You're welcome. Do you think you can get me out of this contraption before Barris comes back? We'll have to find a way out of this place. Did you see any other exits back in the holding cell area?"

  Catriona flicked her pink tongue across her lips. “No, I didn't see any in there. But why the rush? Barris is probably going to be distracted for a few moments searching for your lover.” She tenderly caressed Shelby's face with the back of her fur-covered hand, slowly trailing it down Shelby's neck, ending between her breasts. “Want me to finish what I started?"

  Shelby's low moan betrayed her desire. “Yes, please. But be quick. We don't want to get caught."

  Catriona laughed. “We won't. You won't last that long."

  The Felinian crouched in front of her and sighed, worshipping her femininity. She extended her long, sandpaper-like tongue and began lap, lap, lapping against Shelby's aching clit.

  "Ah, that's it! You can't believe how wonderful that feels."

  A fiery rush of sensations soon engulfed Shelby's sensitive nub driving her over the edge. The blood pooled in her derriere rocketed up her body, reddening her face every bit as much as her butt cheeks. Her cries of ecstasy reverberated throughout the chamber.


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