Sasha's Demons

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Sasha's Demons Page 9

by T. L Smith

  I pull up to my house and see Brax leaning against his car with a phone in his hand. He puts it away and smiles the biggest, silliest smile at me and I can’t help but laugh. I walk over to him and he picks me up and squeezes me tight, then he slowly sets me down and kisses the top of my head and takes in a deep breath.

  “I missed you,” he whispers with his lips still in my hair.

  “I missed you too, but you know we saw each other less than twelve hours ago, right?” I inform him. I feel his mouth move to a smile and he pulls back to captivate me with his eyes.

  “Yes, but if I had it my way you wouldn’t leave my sight,” he informs me bluntly.

  “Well, I’m glad it’s not up to you then,” I say, and make my way inside. I open the door and hear arguing. I look at Brax and he shrugs his shoulders like he has no idea who’s here either. I walk in and find a girl on the sofa, with brown hair and crying and I see Brandon yelling at her.

  “You had to leave me didn’t you? You’re the reason we’re not together, not me. You need to leave April, before I say something I’ll regret.” She looks up at him, tears streaming down her face and nods. She apologizes and runs out the door. I look over at Brandon expecting an explanation as to what is going on. He grabs his keys from the table and just looks at us.

  “Fuck love, and fuck you both for wanting it,” he says then leaves slamming the door.

  Brax has a confused look on his face. “Well, that was something to come home to, wasn’t it?” he asks, then laughs. I shake my head and drag him to the kitchen to grab a drink. We sit and talk about work while we eat dinner. It’s so nice just relaxing and enjoying his company. I’m not sure what he wants from me and what I can actually give him, but I think I’m willing to try for him.

  He ends up staying the night here and that makes me smile as I enjoy sleeping with him. He’s like a safety zone for me when I’m with him. I feel nothing but safe, protected and worshipped.

  I wake in the same position I usually find myself in when I’m in bed with him and I wonder if he knows he pulls me to him at night. I have to admit I quite like that he does. When he does, he wrap’s his arms around me like he’s afraid I might escape. I move off of him while he’s sleeping and head to the kitchen to make coffee. Just as the kettle is boiling I feel his arms wrap around me from behind.

  “I woke up alone, ” he growls in my ear.

  “I needed coffee and I didn’t want to wake you,” I say. He kisses the back of my neck and tells me he will take me to work today. I nod because I’m lost for words as his kisses leave searing marks up and down my neck.

  On the way to drop me off, he tells me he has to stop at home to grab his guitar, I reply with ‘I don’t mind’ because it’s on the way. When we pull up, I see Angela leaning against a red sports car, waiting. I look up at him and he swears under his breath and gets out of the car. I watch as they have a heated argument. She leans in and kisses him right on the mouth while I’m sitting here. I’m fuming inside. It takes a few seconds for Brax to click then he pushes her away and tells her to leave. I watch as he looks towards the car. She hasn’t noticed I am here and sees me too. She smiles, gets into her car and leaves.

  When Brax finally walks out of the house I have a million things running through my head. I don’t want to get involved in something if he has feelings for someone else. I know that sounds selfish, but I want someone to just want me and only me. He sits down and starts to explain that he didn’t know she was here and I just nod my head. I don’t trust my words, so I stay quiet. I’m not dumb. I know he didn’t want to kiss her, she came onto him, but it still doesn’t hurt any less. We arrive at my work and I lean over and kiss him on the cheek and just as I’m about to get out he grabs my arm and pulls me in.

  “Are you mad at me?” he asks, looking at me. I shake my head, and kiss his cheek and finally get out of the car. I walk to the entrance and look back to see he hasn’t moved and his eyes are still firmly plastered on me.

  Work is hectic. There are so many mothers and babies its crazy, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I leave work and see Brax standing at the car where I left him. He’s changed and is in a pair of faded jeans and a white shirt and has a pair of sunnies on, but I know he’s watching me because I can feel his gaze penetrating me.

  I walk slowly toward him and wonder if the feelings I carry for him will ever die down or if they're stuck in my soul permanently. He makes me feel things that no man should. It feels like he can see straight through me. He sees the good, the bad, the ugly and still wants me for me. That feeling literally scares the shit out of me. I reach him and he gently runs his finger over my cheek and lifts my chin up so I’m face to face with him.

  “Sasha, I want you and only you... Will you please give me the chance?” I nod my head. His mouth quirks up in a smile and he opens the car door for me.

  We arrive home and find Lola and Adam with Kasey at my house. I run out and go straight for her and she holds her little hands out for me to pick her up. She kisses me on the cheek and I lay kisses all over her face until she tells me to stop. I look up at the guys and ask what they’re doing here.

  “We just came by to see if you can make it to the club tonight? I know it’s during the week, but it’s the club’s five year anniversary and Blake wants us all there,” Adam tells me. I look back to Brax and he nods his head in approval. His eyes are on me and he is looking at me rather strangely. I mouth to him, “What”, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

  “Yeah, of course we can come, but I have to work in the afternoon.” Adam grabs Kasey back and I kiss her on the cheek as he takes her. Brax walks over when my arms are free and wraps his arms around my midsection. Lola looks up at the interaction with a raised eyebrow.

  “So, you two finally hit the hay, and gotten dirty with it?” she asks, clearly amused with herself.

  “None of your business,” I say snubbing her.

  “Oh, come on, my sis is shacked up with a famous rocker. I need to make money somehow. Tell me all your dirty little secrets so I can sell them to the gossip magazines... Please,” she says, begging. I crack up laughing and Adam hollers at her to hurry up. She leans in and kisses me on the cheek and smacks Brax’s ass and toddles off.

  I glance over at Brax and he has a puzzled look on his face and he asks, “She wouldn’t run to the press, would she?”

  I crack up laughing and smack his ass for good measure and race upstairs before he catches me.


  Brax has a bag packed and brings it into my room. I look up at him and wonder why. He just smirks at me and gets clothes out for the evening. I’m trying to decide what to wear and when I turn around I see Brax getting undressed. My heartbeat picks up and I’m drooling yet again, his back is covered in ink and he is currently standing in just briefs that cling to his fine ass. My only thought is next time I slap that ass I have to go in for a feel. He walks over to the stereo and puts a song on, and the whole time I’m watching his steel buns as they move. I hear a familiar song being played and start to laugh when he shakes his ass and spins around telling me to undress. He pretends he has a microphone and continues to sing, ‘Undressed’ by Kim Cesarion, he spins around still continuing to shake that fine ass and backs me up to the bed and pushes me down, then he sings the sexy song lyrics in my ear and I feel my pussy getting wet. He strokes up my thigh and then between my legs continuing to sing in my ear, which has an immediate effect on me.

  He puts the slightest pressure on my clit and I’m arching off the bed. He removes his hand and kisses me hard on the mouth. I want to protest as I am screaming for his attention, but he gets off of me and turns around with that panty dropping smirk and then heads off to get dressed.

  I lay on the bed trying to control my raging lust. I lay there for a good few minutes before I sit up and see him fully dressed and looking at me.

  “You asshole,” is the best I can come up with and I mentally slap myself as he laughs.

  “ome o
n, you have to behave to get the goods, Thorn.”

  “Fuck you and your teasing hot ass body, you prick,” I say and then cross my arms to get the point across that I’m a little more than pissed at him. He stalks over trying to contain his laughter and pushes me back on the bed and leans over me so his body is hovering over mine.

  “Sasha, Sasha, Sasha. When I have you, you won’t know what hit you. I’m gonna make you do things you don’t like, but you’re gonna like it. Understand me? I’m gonna make you scream my name and you’re gonna love it. Comprehend me? And most of all you’re going to love me, because I’m a mad ass hater in love with you.” With that he slams his lips back on mine and I’m to trying to comprehend what he’s just said.

  After his not so subtle way of telling me he loves me, my head is in a spin. I get up, get dressed and decide to wear jeans and a midriff yellow top with some ankle boots. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and don’t worry about make-up, apart from a little mascara. I walk out to Brax where he is waiting and he lets out a low, long whistle.

  “I’m glad your mine,” he says those four simple words and my heart beats like crazy. I stand there and don’t move till he comes strutting over to me and I say the first thing on my mind.

  “I think I love you too.” My hand automatically flies to my mouth and my eyes gape open as I can’t believe that come out of my mouth. He stalks toward me and kisses me softly on the mouth once he removes my hands and tells me something that I want to slap him for.

  “I already knew that. I was just waiting for you to figure it out,” he says, grabbing my hand and dragging me toward the car.

  “Smart ass,” I say, walking outside as he laughs and pinches my ass on the way to his car.

  We arrive at the club and I spot Blake straight away. He comes over and gives Brax a man hug and then hello to me.

  “Since when did this happen?” Blake asks, gesturing to us.

  “It never ended. Just had to wait for Sasha to wake up and smell the roses,” he says, then leans down and kisses the top of my head after he positions himself behind me with his hands wrapped around my bare midsection. I smile at Blake and he raises an eyebrow at me. I don’t know what to say, so I excuse myself from the situation.

  Just as I’m about to leave Brax whispers in my ear, “I’ll find you soon, gorgeous,” and it send shivers right through me.

  I find Lola and Adam sitting in a booth and make my way over. I take a seat opposite them and ask how they are doing? Lola is quiet which is surprising because she is usually the life of the party. Not long after I’m seated, Brax walks over and I slide along to let him in. Blake is also standing there, but not taking a seat. He’s looking at Lola and I notice her look the other way, just as he’s about to lean down to talk to her, a girl grasps onto Blake’s side. Lola notices and shifts uncomfortably on the seat and I look back up to Blake and the girl. He has his arm around her protectively and is looking at her with adoration. I’m not sure what is going on, but I plan to find out.

  I don’t drink much tonight as I have to work tomorrow. I’m actually getting pissed off as girls haven’t stopped approaching our table to talk to Brax. He notices it’s pissing me off and squeezes my hand reassuringly. The girl currently standing there flirting with him looks me up and down, then smiles up at him and asks him to dance. I scoff and she sends me a death stare. Lola and Adam outright laugh at her antics. Brax declines her offer and she starts asking about me.

  “What you got a pretty little blonde, but don’t you want the company of a real woman?” she scoffs at him and that pisses me off.

  Brax steps in though before I lose my temper. “Actually, yes, this little pretty blonde here is mine. So, you best be walking if you have a problem,” he says and then leans down to kiss me right on the mouth in front of her.

  I completely forget about our surroundings and dive into his passionate and extraordinary kiss. He massages my tongue with his and bites it in a hard, but not too hard, kinky kind of way and my thighs clench together. I hear hooting and I slowly break away to see Lola’s mouth open and Adam whistling. I lay my head down on his shoulder to hide my flustered face and hear him laugh at me.

  “Wow, girl where can I get me one of him?” Lola says, finally able to form words.

  “Well, he has two other brothers who are also mighty fine,” I say, smiling up at her. Brax leans down and growls in my ear.

  “I don’t share.” I smile because who would want to go anywhere else when you have this hunk. Though it’s fun to stir him. The guys go and get themselves a drink, which leaves Lola and I sitting here.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Blake?” I question.

  She drops her head and shakes it. “I just don’t know anymore. I think I fucked up and now he has moved on... he’s sick of my shit,” she says, still with her head hanging low.

  “Do you want him, Lola?” I ask, hoping for some honesty in return.

  “Yes and no. I want him, but I also want me more.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, because I don’t understand.

  “He told me if I was his, I have to change. I have to stop being so crazy and settle down. That’s what he wants. I don’t want that yet and I won't change for any man, no matter how good he is in bed.”

  “Okay, if that’s what you want, but remember you said no to him, so you can’t go crazy on his girlfriends,” I say, referring to her crazy jealous antics.

  “I know... I know. Time to move on and all that shit. It’s just hard when you’ve been seeing someone for so long to finally let go.”

  I don’t argue with her or ask anything else, as she needs to sort her own feelings out.


  We hang out for another half an hour with everyone before Brax whispers in my ear that he wants to take me home to bed. I don’t disagree as I want to be wrapped up in those gorgeous arms and hopefully a little more. I’m not sure why he hasn’t gone all the way with me. I know he wants it to be the right time, but I thought we were doing pretty well.

  We arrive back to mine and Brandon is out yet again. I really don’t know where he disappears to most nights. Brax takes my hand and leads me up the stairs and we head to the bedroom to get changed. Brax strips down and jumps in bed and I’m contemplating whether or not to jump his bones. I decide to strip down to nothing and climb into bed with him. Usually I would feel self-conscious being naked around anyone, but the way his eyes take me in I know I’m perfect for him. I climb in and cuddle up to his side, he tucks me in under his arm and places soft kisses on top of my forehead. I try to get as close as possible to him, so he will take the hint. He starts running his hands up and down my back. Every time his hands get to my behind I want to push him further down to where I'm throbbing, to where I need him the most.

  He doesn’t try anything though I know he wants to because I can see and feel his manhood which is tall and erect. I creep over so I’m lying on top of him and look him in the eyes, his hands moves to my now exposed ass and places one on each of my exposed cheeks.

  “Do you want me?” I ask honestly, not moving my eyes.

  “That’s the stupidest question I’ve ever heard, of course I want you. You are perfection, my love,” he says in such a beautiful tone.

  “Why won’t you fuck me then?” I ask. It’s the first thing to come to my mind and realize how dirty that sounded and I notice that his forehead crinkles and his whole expression changes.

  “That’s the reason right there! You think that by simply sleeping together, it will only be fucking. But oh, how wrong you are. Once you’re with me there’s no going back. You will be mine, body and soul,” he says in a sexy drawl that has me clenching my thighs.

  I look up at him and smirk, then slowly slide down his body, placing soft kisses over his heart and his immaculately toned body. I move down to the waistband of his pants and slowly lift it to place a kiss on his sexy ‘V’ when he growls.

  “Sasha, don’t do anything
you will regret. Remember, I warned you,” he says, with a sexually frustrated voice. I continue lifting and placing kisses and then all of a sudden I’m being pulled up the bed and my back slammed into the wall.

  “I did warn you. Now you’re mine!” He smiles with his, ‘I’m going to do bad things to you’ look. My body is pushed up so high on the wall I can almost touch the ceiling. He places my legs on either side of his head so I can wrap them around and he starts to lick my folds. I’m not sure what to grab or where I’m meant to put my hands, so I stretch them out on either side of the wall and moan in pleasure while his tongue does magical things to me. He licks and bites my clit and it’s the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. I’m almost ready to come when he turns and places me back down on the bed. I’m ready to scream at him for moving me, when all of a sudden he licks straight up and ends just above my clit. As soon as he goes in for a second go, I’m coming and coming hard. He goes in again and I stop his head as it’s so sensitive from that beautiful but violent climax. He stands and laughs and I’m in my own world because I don’t even notice him removing his pants.

  He stands in front of me completely naked and I’m hoping that I can accommodate his large length. He looks down at me and smirks. He moves to the bed and positions my legs so they wrap around his shoulders. He holds onto my ass and slams straight into me. I cry out from the pain and pleasure and grip onto the bed sheets with my hands. He continues his torture, but also pleasure and I’m almost ready to scream. I grab the closest thing to me and place it in my mouth. I’m biting down on the pillow, trying to cover my pleasure screams when he flips me over to my stomach and repositions me. I’m so close I can feel it, but he doesn’t re-enter me straight away, he plays with me. He inserts half of his cock very slowly and brings it out, he repeats this for a few more times, holding my hips in position so I can't move, and believe me I’m trying to move.


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