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Kendrick (Torey Hope: The Later Years #4)

Page 12

by A. D. Ellis

  “Fine. A shower and bed sound really good. I’ll be back tomorrow.” She leaned in and kissed him. “Don’t wear yourself out with this group, you’ve got a lot to do before you get to come home.”

  He watched her leave the room and felt like she took a piece of him with her.

  He spent the next several hours chatting with his cousins, the girls, and his parents. Later, his aunts, uncles, and grandparents all came in. Luckily the nurses were cool because they were way over the visitation limit.

  By that evening, he knew he’d overdone it a bit. His arm and leg throbbed, but the hot, searing pain was in his shoulder and neck more than anywhere else. He’d pushed his little red button more times than he could remember, but it wasn’t taking the pain away.

  “Hey, baby boy, you okay?” Audrey brushed the hair from his forehead.

  “The pain is just really bad.” He winced as he tried to shift in bed.

  “We’re all going to leave. Let’s call the nurse and see if there’s something she can give you to help with the pain and help you sleep.”

  Goodbyes were said as the nurse administered the glorious elixir of pain meds.

  “Luckily, the doctor says the punctured lung is healing nicely, so you don’t have to worry about that one much. Tomorrow we’ll take these IVs out and you’ll start taking the medications orally. If you can tolerate those and keep food down you’ll be one step closer to heading home.” The nurse patted his knee. “Sleep tight.”

  He barely noticed her leave the room as his eyes grew heavy and drooped shut before he could respond.


  Three days later, a little woozy from the pain medication concoction he’d swallowed just that morning, Kendrick hobbled from the edge of his bed to the waiting wheelchair.

  “I’m not a complete invalid, you know. I can walk to the car. Why do you think they gave me the crutch?” Kendrick tried to joke, but came across as a pouting child.

  “Kendrick, you’ve been in bed for almost a week. You’re under the influence of some pretty strong drugs. You have a cast on one leg, and another on your opposite arm. Yes, you’ll get the hang of maneuvering yourself around, but let’s get you to the car in one piece first, okay?” Sawyer edged the wheelchair closer, nodding toward it.

  Sulking, Kendrick wobbled himself around to flop into the chair. “Get me the fuck out of here.”

  The nurse came in with his prescriptions.

  “Now, you’ll be on this one for a couple weeks. You can’t drive with this one, so even if you’re up to going back to work, you’ll need a ride. You’ll take it two to four times a day as needed. It has one refill.”

  She shook the little bottle at him. “This one you can take up until the casts come off in four weeks. It also has one refill. You’ll want to take this one with milk if it upsets your stomach.”

  She handed the bottles to Zach with a look of make sure he takes these correctly.

  “This last one you can take as needed up to four times a day, but you may have days when you don’t need it at all. I’d suggest staying on it up until the casts come off, but then start trying fewer doses. It has up to three refills, and you can talk to your doctor about more if he feels you need them.”

  Zach took the final bottle as Sawyer wheeled Kendrick from the room. Luke stood with Zach until the other two were out of sight. Turning to the nurse as she completed something on her computer, Luke cleared his throat.

  “Excuse me. Can I ask about the pills? What are they for? Are these medications dangerous or addictive?”

  The nurse smiled. “He’s lucky to have you guys on his side. He won’t be on them long term. He’s going to be in a lot of pain, so the pills will help. He’s got short term sleep aids and muscle relaxers. For the longer term he has the pain medication. As long as he sticks to the directions on how to take them, he should be fine. My biggest concern would be drowsiness while driving, so I hope you’re ready to taxi his grumpy butt around town.” She winked as she left the room.

  Luke grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the exact instructions from each bottle. When Zach looked at him questioningly, he shrugged his shoulders, “Just want to make sure he takes them right, ya know?”

  Decker had Zach’s truck waiting downstairs. With the backseat empty, Kendrick was able to position himself at least somewhat comfortably.

  “Let’s go. Get me home before the pain meds wear off or before I puke them all back up.” His last words were slurred as he slipped into a foggy sleep for the drive home.


  “Jay? Jaymison?” His groggy voice filled the room.

  “I’m here, just went to the bathroom.” She padded across the bedroom. “How are you feeling? It’s about half an hour until your next dose of pain medication. Why don’t we sit up and talk to make the time go faster. Then I’ll get you a big glass of milk and you can head back to la-la land.”

  “Funny. I wish to hell I didn’t need these damn pills. They make me feel weird, my stomach hurts, and I can’t stay awake worth a damn.” He groused as he tried to sit up in bed.

  “It’s only been a couple days. Give it some time. You’ll be able to stop taking some of them in about a week.” She soothed while fluffing his pillow and helping him get situated.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m getting milk and your pills.”

  She returned with a glass of cold milk, and a handful of pills. Placing them on the bed, she turned to assess their seating arrangement. Crawling into bed with him, she settled on his right side so she wouldn’t have to fight with the cast on his other arm.

  “So, what should we chat about? Weather? News? Religion?” He pulled her close.

  “Religion? Hmmm, I’d never thought of that. I didn’t go to church growing up, mom and dad were never available or coherent enough to get me there. But your family goes to church, right?”

  “Yeah, we’ve always gone. Well, the four of us didn’t go while in college. Probably should have, but Sundays were spent nursing hangovers and trying to politely convince Saturday night’s girl to go home.” He snickered.

  “You were a total whore.” She shoved at him lightly.

  “Ouch, go easy. This reformed whore is injured.”

  “So, I think I’d like the baby to grow up in church. I think we should start going with your family.”

  “Whatever you want, Pixie.” He leaned down and kissed her nose.

  “Okay, next topic up for discussion. A shower. I’ve done the best I can with sponge baths, but it’s time you get an actual shower or bath. We need to ask one of the guys to help.”

  “What the fuck? No way I’m having one of them wash my balls, Pixie. Hell to the no.” He attempted to sit up from the bed, but winced in pain.

  “Shhh, it’s almost time for the medicine. Sit still. I would offer to help, but you’re too big and awkward in those casts for me to feel safe washing you.”

  “Damn straight I’m too big.” He chuckled with his eyes closed against the pain as he grabbed his crotch.

  “And still cocky as they come.” She shook her head, smiling.

  “Still wanting to talk about my cock, Pixie? Anytime.”

  “You’re ridiculous. Even if I wanted sex right now, in the dead of night, I don’t think you’re up for it. Here, take your pills.” She handed him the glass of milk.

  Swigging a large portion of it, he popped all the pills in his mouth at once, and washed them down with the rest of the milk.

  “Mmmm, milk.” He tried to pull her close again, but the pain in his shoulder and neck were too strong. She helped him get into a sleeping position, and crawled up next to him.

  “I’m up for it you know. Feel this.” He cupped his junk again, then frowned. “Hmmm, maybe not so much. I think I dreamed that hard-on. Another day maybe.” His voice drifted.

  “Yeah, another day for sure.” She smiled into the dark.



  “Nothing, I just like to s
ay your name.”

  “Well, say it after you sleep.”

  His breathing evened out, but before he went under completely, he spoke again.



  “I like saying your name, but I love you. I really do.” He spoke in a dreamy voice.

  “Yeah, well, I’ll believe that when the pain, exhaustion, and pills aren’t all working together.” She laughed a bit.

  “S’true. Love you. Really do.” The medication brought slurs to his words, and he was out.

  Pressing up on an elbow, Jay traced her finger along his jaw. Leaning in to kiss him, she whispered, “And I love you, I really do. Don’t know how, don’t know why, never saw it coming. You were supposed to be just a fun time, but you’re so much more than that.”


  Sitting in the guys’ living room, leg propped up on the ottoman, Kendrick looked at the group in disbelief.

  “You’re fuckin’ with me, right?”

  “Nope, look, I even got bubble bath.” Zach held up a bottle. Opening the flip-top lid, he breathed deeply. “Mmmm, milk and honey. Awww, our big man will smell so sweet.”

  “Shut the fuck up. How am I supposed to take a bubble bath? I can’t get into or out of the tub by myself and Jay is too tiny to help. Unless Katie and Zoey want to join with her to get me in and out.” He wagged his eyes at the other girls.

  “Yeah, I’m going to have to pass on that one.” Katie smiled as she rolled her eyes.

  “Zoey? You like naked cousins.” He tried to dodge the fist Zach landed on his good arm, but had nowhere to go from the couch. Kendrick loved giving Zach and Zoey a hard time about their relationship being taboo even though the two weren’t really related.

  “I only go for pseudo cousin nakedness, not full-on cousin nudity. Sorry.” Zoey laughed.

  Jay cleared her throat to cover a laugh.

  “So, like I said last night, I think maybe the guys could help out with the bath.” Her big brown eyes twinkled, but he could see she was serious.

  “Do I seriously stink so badly I’m going to be forced to let my cousins close to my junk?” He winced as he spoke.

  A chorus of Yes! and You really do filled the air.

  Kendrick frowned and tried to sniff his armpit, but the pain in his neck was too much.

  “Damn, I can’t even sniff my pit. Okay, okay, fine. But why a bath? Why not a shower?”

  “Well, we figured a shower would take a lot more balance and maybe wear you out quicker. A bath should be easier. You just need someone to help you into and out of the tub.” Decker spoke confidently, as if he’d planned the whole bathing scenario out perfectly in his head.

  Fucker probably wrote up a proposal for this, complete with illustrations, Kendrick thought.

  “And, you can soak in the hot bath for as long as you’d like. Jay can even visit with you. You just need one or two of us to help you in and out. So, who’s it going to be?” Zach waved the bubble bath in front of him.

  “Well, shit. I’ve not given much thought to which cousin I want up close and personal with my junk.” Kendrick seemed to truly be thinking about the decision.

  Decker checked his watch. “Make up your mind quickly. We’ve got two hours before your next medicine doses, so you need to be out of the tub and ready to sleep by then.”

  “And don’t act like we’ve not seen you naked before. You’ve run through many parties clutching your crotch as an angry girl chased you because you called her the wrong name. And don’t forget the texts you’ve sent us with things like, ‘Check out the size of this thing’ or ‘Don’t you wish your boyfriend were hung like me?’” Sawyer rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure you sending me a picture of your dick saying, ‘If he’s not as big as me, let him go. I’ll keep you satisfied’ when I started dating Sawyer negates any feelings of awkwardness you could be feeling right now.” Luke blushed a bit.

  “Ugh, the pressure. And to be fair, most of what you’re referring to was done in a drunken state. This is highly sober, so I have the right to feel awkward.” Kendrick used his one good arm to push himself up in the seat a bit. Then, putting on his playful act, he pretended to weigh his options.

  “Well, Decker is the controlled one. He’d likely be able to keep any feelings of jealousy or lust completely hidden, even when up close and personal with my massive piece.”

  Decker shook his head and rolled his eyes while the others laughed.

  “Zach is all lovey dovey with his soulmate, so he’d likely not be interested in my junk. But, once he sees it, up close and personal, he may throw caution, and Zoey, to the wind and go all man-on-man on me.”

  “Dear Lord…” Zoey snorted.

  “Sawyer is all about the male body, he likes it up close and personal. He’s used to seeing that part of a man. Same with Luke. They may have to fight off their jealousy, but they are the most accustomed to dick.”

  More head shaking and eye rolling.

  “Make up your mind, or I’m calling our dads over here.” Decker was not amused.

  “Fine, fine. I choose…,” Kendrick tapped his finger on his chin. “Sawyer and Luke.”

  “Ha! You guys lose!” Zach laughed.

  “Why the hell would you choose us?” Sawyer almost whined. “We’re gay, why would you want us all up in your junk?”

  “Nope, no backing out. He chose you fair and square. Go get our boy in the tub.” Decker fist bumped Zach.

  “What the hell, did you all place bets?” Kendrick let Sawyer and Luke help him up from the couch.

  “Yep. Decker and I thought you’d choose Sawyer and Luke, but they were for sure you’d pick the heteros.” Zach laughed again.

  “Well, I figure neither of them have ever come on to me, so my virtue is safe with them.” Kendrick smirked.

  “What the hell, neither of us have ever come on to you either!” Decker huffed.

  “I know, but Sawyer is all up Luke’s ass, literally. And Luke isn’t related to me. So, if he were to get all lusty with me, it wouldn’t be gross.” Kendrick waved away the conversation. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Luke and Sawyer helped him toward the bathroom, leaving the rest of the group standing in awed silence.

  “Do you ever finish a conversation with that man and fear for your brain cells?” Decker wondered aloud.

  “All the time.” Zach shook his head.

  “Let’s blame it on the meds this time.” Jay laughed as she headed to the bathroom as well.

  Fifteen minutes later, Kendrick was settled in the tub.

  Sawyer and Luke came out of the bathroom looking like they’d just wrestled an animal to the ground.

  “Give Sawyer and Luke some private time. I think the physical exertion and close proximity to my cock got them all worked up.” Kendrick laughed from behind them.

  “Oh Lord, that man. Never lacking for confidence. Go on you two, take all the time you need, I’ll tend to him until his water is cold.” Jay laughed, then spoke louder over their shoulders, “And maybe, if he’s lucky, I’ll call you back to help him out before the cold water shrivels everything.”

  “Get your pretty little ass in here. And lock the door. We’ve got a short amount of time before they drug me up again.” Kendrick’s eyes were heated when Jay entered the bathroom.


  “Say what?” Jay’s eyes were wide with curiosity.

  “You heard me. I’m awake enough, the pain isn’t bad because the last ones haven’t worn off and the warm water really helps. Strip down and join me in here.”

  “And where exactly am I going to sit? You’re taking up the whole damn tub, you oaf.” Jay rolled her eyes, but she had shimmied out of her pants.

  “I have the perfect place you can sit.” Kendrick reached down to adjust himself under the bubbles.

  Climbing into the tub, Jay straddled his hips. “Is this okay?”

  “This is beyond okay. Thank God I brushed
my teeth before my bath. Kiss me, Pixie.”

  With one leg over the side of the tub, and one arm over the other side, he was pretty much immobile, but he made very good use of his one good hand. Trailing a finger over the tiny baby bump, he palmed the slight protrusion.

  “How’s my baby?”

  In answer, she rocked her hips against him.

  “Baby is good. But Mommy needs you.”

  His heated eyes sought hers as a hand trailed up to engulf a breast. Flicking at an already pebbled nipple, he growled.

  “I meant what I said during the night. I love you, Jaymison. It may have happened quickly, it may not make a lot of sense, but I’ve been told true love isn’t restrained by rationality or time. I love everything about you. I’m going to bury myself deep inside you and make love to you right now, but later I’ll still love you because of your heart, your sass, and for being the perfect anchor for me.” His large hand guided her hips toward him, allowing her to slide down his length slowly.

  “Oh, shit, that’s so good. The warm water is amazing. We need bathtub sex a lot more often.” Jay moved up and down his length, unsuccessfully trying to keep the water from splashing.

  “Reach back and drain a little water. And then I hope you’re ready to work for this one, because I’m not going to be able to do much but lay here.” Kendrick rocked his hips into her leisurely.

  “Not a problem, I think I can handle the work for both of us this time.” Jay stopped the water from draining, and began a slow up and down rhythm.

  Reaching between them, Kendrick offered the only assistance he could at the time. Jay didn’t complain.

  Several moments later, Jay was dried off and dressed. The water was draining to hide any evidence which may have been floating. And Sawyer and Luke were called back in to help him out.

  “Did you two have a nice little sexual relief session?” Kendrick smirked at his cousin.

  “Did you?” Sawyer quipped without pause.

  “What? I’m in two casts, recovering from a motor vehicle accident. My beautiful girlfriend was simply here to cleanse me and keep me company. I find your accusations offensive.” Kendrick attempted to keep a straight face, but busted out laughing at Sawyer’s quirked eyebrow.


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