The Escape_An Irish Mafia Romance

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The Escape_An Irish Mafia Romance Page 6

by Cassie Wild

  While we gathered in a line, waiting to be escorted to the flower-decked arbor where the ceremony would take place, a woman sang in a husky voice. Ava Maria, I thought, recognizing the poignant melody.

  I was vaguely aware of the photographer and the wedding planner, both of them hovering around us. The wedding planner came over to check my hair, then rushed to do the same with Lucky, making her rounds of the bridal party while the photographer snapped candid shots.

  The line started to move and I breathed out a nervous sigh.

  Although we’d gone through the ceremony three times during the rehearsal the night before, I was still nervous. I might just be as nervous as I’d been before my first performance, which had taken place in Moscow before an audience of hundreds.

  Granted, I hadn’t been the principal of the show, but even the ensemble members matter during a performance. And what was this, but a performance?

  I told myself, again, to relax and it would all be over soon.

  Then it was my turn to start the slow walk down the aisle, music playing softly in the background.

  I recognized my escort, one of Sean’s friends, the flirtatious one who’d been introduced as Cedrick. He gave me a good-natured wink and murmured, “You look quite stunning, Daria.”

  My lips quirked in a smile, but I couldn’t summon up any other response as we started down the aisle.

  Soon, the wedding march started and we all looked as one to watch as Isabel began her walk down the aisle, next to her beaming father.

  I took a deep breath and gripped the small nosegay of flowers I held.

  It was showtime now. Truly.

  Nerves had me hitting the alcohol harder than I should have.

  I’d been fine through the wedding and the pictures, but once all of that was over, it was time for the reception and one thing I’d already expected—


  I hated socializing.

  It was a skill that I’d never learned. The instructors at my school in Moscow had been more concerned about how well I did a grand plié rather than whether or not I was learning to interact with other people.

  It wouldn’t have been so bad, but my escort, the very handsome Cedrick, had ramped up on his flirting. I didn’t know how to respond to it, though, and once I was able to escape his presence, I fled to the edges of the crowd and stood there, sipping champagne and trying to calm my nerves.

  This shouldn’t be so hard.

  Back in Moscow, I’d been considered one of the upcoming talents and girls across the country had aspired to be me.

  Now here I was at a party in Miami and I couldn’t seem to hold a conversation for the life of me.

  It was depressing and it made more anxious than I wanted to admit.

  The champagne helped. Because I didn’t like feeling out of sorts at my friend’s wedding, I grabbed another glass from a roaming server and told myself that I’d just have a little more so I wasn’t so stressed out.

  Cedrick found me just a few minutes later and my plan to sip at the champagne until I felt more relaxed fell apart.

  The appreciation in his incredibly blue eyes made me feel cornered. There was nothing remotely threatening about him, but I didn’t know how to handle his flirting.

  I tossed back the rest of the champagne as he moved to stand by my side.

  “You slipped away from me,” he teased lightly. “If I didn’t have a healthy ego, I might think you didn’t like me.”

  “Oh, no. I like you just fine,” I said, managing to smile.

  He tried to coax me onto the dance floor, but I shook my head, holding the champagne glass up. “I’d like to finish this.”

  “Okay.” He glanced around. “I’m not much for champagne myself. I think I’ll go hunt down a glass of scotch.”

  Oh, scotch sounded lovely. But it might not be a good idea to mix champagne and scotch, so I managed to keep from asking him to bring me a glass.

  “Wait here for me,” he said, voice soft, eyes warm.

  As he disappeared, I looked back over the wedding guests and wondered how quickly I could get lost in the crowd.

  Before I could pick a destination, a lean, powerful form moved by, catching my eyes.


  My mouth went dry and without thinking, I drained the rest of my champagne. A server was just a few feet away and he saw my empty glass and approached, offering another.

  Apparently the name of the game here was to have as much free-flowing booze as possible.

  I grabbed the glass and tried to keep my eyes off Brooks, but he was right there … and damn, but he was gorgeous. He wasn’t as pretty as some of the other men here, including his brother. But there was something intense about him and I couldn’t keep from staring.

  He noticed, too.

  I jerked my gaze away from his just as he turned his head. Focusing on the champagne, I sipped this glass more slowly and not just because I’d realized how much my head was spinning.

  I almost jumped out of my skin when a low, sensual voice murmured, “Are you stalking me, Ms. Gorev?”

  The question caught me off guard and I whipped my gaze around to meet his.

  He stood just a few feet away now, a half-smile dancing on his lips.

  “I … uh …” I blinked. “No! Why would I be doing that?”

  He shrugged. “I have no idea. But it seems like every time I turn around, I see you.”

  I was having the same issue. It seemed like I no sooner banished the image of his naked form from my mind than I saw him again and the memory bloomed fresh in my mind.

  “No,” I said shortly, embarrassment twisting inside. “No stalking here. I’m just enjoying my champagne.” I displayed my glass, then took a healthy swallow.

  Brooks chuckled and moved to stand at my side, his gaze resting on the crowd of dancers in front of us. “I’m surprised you’re not out there. Isabel tells us that you love dancing.”

  I did.

  But dancing at party was a different thing than practicing, or even dancing on the stage.

  “I’m happy to just watch for now,” I said, deciding that was the safest response.

  We stood together for several minutes and his nearness made my nerves flare all over again. I gulped down the rest of the champagne, but had the presence of mind to refuse when he offered to get me another glass. He took the empty one from me and passed it to one of the servers wandering around collecting the empties.

  “Brooks, man …”

  I tried not to stiffen at the sound of Cedrick’s voice, keeping my eyes on the couples in front of us.

  Brooks greeted Cedrick and I continued my study of the bodies swaying on the dance floor.

  “You ready to take a spin with me?” Cedrick asked.

  I wasn’t looking at him, but something told me he wasn’t asking Brooks to dance.

  Brooks …

  I don’t know what made me do it, but without thinking, I blurted out, “Actually, I promised Brooks a dance already.” I looked over at him. “Since I’m done with my champagne, shall we?”

  Brooks cocked a brow and I saw the amusement dance across his face. But he offered a hand and I was so relieved. Placing my hand in his, I let him guide me out onto the floor just as the current song ended and moved to a slower ballad.

  “Not interested in dancing with Cedrick?” he asked, pulling me up against him.


  “Is this why you’ve been staring at me half the night?” he asked softly, spreading his fingers wide across the small of my back. I shivered at the feel of it as another flash bolted through my memory. An image of him standing naked in front of me, an unabashed smile on his face. He had the same cocky, confident smile on his face now that shot fire along my skin. “Have you been hoping I’d ask you to dance?”

  I hadn’t been staring at him half the night. I’d only seen him a couple of times, but each time, I confess, I couldn’t help myself. I had eyed him longer than necessary. “I haven’t been st
aring at you,” I retorted. “At least no more than you’ve been staring at me.”

  “Hmm. Guilty. I’m sucker for long, willowy blondes, Daria. It was like you were put here just to torment me.” The hand on my spine drifted up, then slid back down. “Are you here to torment me?”

  I gulped, a shiver racing through me as he continued to stroke my back. “No. I’m not here to torment you.”

  I thought he might be there to torment me, though.

  My knees felt weak, a phenomenon I couldn’t recall ever experiencing. Even when I performed before an audience, I didn’t get so nervous that my knees quaked.

  “What’s going on behind those beautiful eyes of yours?” he asked softly.

  He dipped his head as he spoke, as if he wanted to study my gaze more closely and maybe pluck the answer he wanted straight from my mind.

  I felt the warmth of his breath caress my mouth and I licked my lips.

  His gaze dropped lower and I felt my face warm as he focused on my mouth.

  My heart hammered against my ribs.

  He drew me closer and pressed his lips to my ear. “If you keep staring at me like that, you won’t be able to hold me accountable for what I do next.”

  He fascinated me. “What will you do next?” I whispered.

  How he heard me, I don’t know. But he did. His pupils spiked, making his eyes seem impossibly dark.

  “I think I might kiss you and see if you taste as sweet as I think you do.”

  It seemed like the world shrank down to just the two of us. I had only kissed one boy before and that had been back in school. We were the leads in a play and at the end he was supposed to kiss me. It had been a lackluster experience and not really what I could consider a true kiss.

  If Brooks put his mouth on mine, lackluster wouldn’t be the word to describe it. I already knew that, a knowledge that heated my insides and made my pulse race and my blood churn with desire.

  “Daria …” he said, a warning in his voice.

  I’d lost my mind. That was the only explanation for what I said next.

  “Why don’t we go somewhere we can be alone?” I said boldly, tipping my head back and locking my gaze on his. “Then maybe you can find out.”



  Take it easy, I warned myself as I led her inside the big house. I’d spent the past few days roaming around and had a good idea of where I was heading, even with most of the lights dim.

  The party was clearly meant to stay outside, but what I wanted to do to Daria required privacy.

  I had an insane need for her and my hands practically shook as I opened the door to a room just off the main hall.

  It was clearly an office. Judging by the soft, feminine style, I figured it had to be Mirana’s office—Isabel’s mother was a quiet, refined woman.

  She’d probably have my ass for what I planned to do in her pretty office, but I wasn’t about to hunt down another room.

  I kicked the door shut and pulled Daria into my arms.

  She stared at me with a mix of fascination and fear and damn if I didn’t find that entirely too appealing.

  She was too innocent for me.

  I’d known that even when I’d been flirting with her out on the dance floor.

  But that wasn’t going to stop me from putting my hands on her. She was the one who’d suggested we find someplace to be alone. Now we were alone and my heart pounded against my ribs in hard, slow beats as I lifted a hand and traced my fingers down her silken, soft skin.

  She shivered under my touch.

  I cupped my hand around the back of her neck and tugged her in closer. “If you want to call this off, Daria, now’s the time,” I said. The small part of me that tried to stay decent insisted I give her a chance to beg off, even though everything else inside me revolted at the idea. I didn’t want her begging off …I wanted her begging.

  She didn’t say anything and a shudder racked my body. Urging her closer, I took my time as I lowered my head and rubbed my lips against hers. She gasped at the light contact. I couldn’t wait to hear what other sounds she made as I learned her mouth, her body … all of her.

  I took advantage of her parted lips, tracing the entrance of her mouth with my tongue. She shook in my arms, the sensation rocketing straight down to my already aching cock.

  I wanted her.

  Right here, right now, up against the door, that pretty black dress shoved up over her hips, her panties lying in shreds on the floor as I drove myself deep inside her.

  She was already wet. I knew it, just from looking at her face.

  But instead of giving into that demanding urge, I cupped her face in my hands. Giving her every chance to call it off, I lowered my head slowly and brushed my mouth across her again, again, again …

  She was breathing hard when I finally claimed her mouth, pushing my tongue inside. She was delicious. I tasted champagne on her, and a sweetness that made me think of strawberries.

  I resisted the urge to shove my hand into her pale hair. It would send that pretty, elegant knot tumbling down her back and there would be no restoring it. I had no doubt that she wouldn’t know how to handle walking out of here looking like I’d had my way with her.

  Not that I didn’t plan on doing just that. But I could be … discreet.

  I kept my hand curled around her neck as I learned her mouth, then moved on down to rake my teeth down her neck.

  She shivered at that, so I did it. I caught a patch of her skin between my teeth and sucked lightly, keeping it brief. She would bruise easily and I had no doubt that if I feasted on her like I wanted to, she’d walk out of here covering in love bites.

  The very idea hit the dominant, possessive part of me hard. I wanted to see her covered with the evidence of what we were about to do.

  But I restrained the urge and moved on lower, tracing the delicate line of skin visible above the cut of her strapless gown. She shivered as my lips brushed the top of her left breast, a delicate curve. Everything about her was fragile, delicately curved, but when I caught her arm with my free hand and tugged her even closer, I felt the firm line of smooth muscle.

  She might feel delicate, but there was an inordinate amount of strength in her. I could feel it as I slid my hand down to cup her ass in my palm. It was a perfect, taut curve and she trembled under my touch.

  I lifted my head and held her eyes as I caught the loose material of her skirt in my hand and began to drag it upward.

  Her head fell back, as if she was too weak to support it, and she stared at me from under the fringe of her lashes.

  Her eyes widened slightly as she realized what I was doing and I waited for her to call it quits.

  She didn’t though and soon I had the sleek column of her dress bunched in my hand.

  I slipped my way between her thighs and touched her, finding her wet, waiting for me.

  She jolted as I stroked her through her panties.

  The slickness had already dampened the silk and I had to fight not to jerk the skimpy scrap out of the way and plunge into her, filling her with my dick right there.

  She gasped as I touched her, a startled moan escaping from her hungry lips.

  The sound of it was one I’d carry with me for a long, long time.

  “I’m going to make you come,” I said.

  I didn’t even recognize my voice, that low, harsh statement sounded more animalistic than human.

  Her mouth parted, but she didn’t say anything.

  Taking that as consent, I dipped my hand inside her panties. She whimpered as I pushed one finger inside her. She was silky, wet and tight around me and the thought of having that snug cunt grabbing at my dick as she started to climax was almost painful.

  I kept my pace slow, though, resisting the demands of my body.

  Soon, she was rocking against my hand, her fingers clutching at my sides. I thought I felt the press of her nails through the material of my tux and shirt and I hated my clothes right then. I wanted to f
eel her hands on me, feel the bite of her nails as she scored my flesh.

  I set my jaw and focused on the feel of her riding my hand. Her thighs were strong and powerful and I shuddered, thinking about feeling them around me as I thrust into her.

  My dick pulsed inside the confines of my boxers. I wanted to free my cock, feel her close cool, slim fingers around me and work me to the edge like I was doing to her.

  I almost told her to do just that, just to see the startled look on her face. Her eyes would widen. Her pretty mouth would form an oh of surprise and the thought of that made my dick pound even harder, because now I was thinking about urging her to her knees and making her take me in her mouth.

  But the innocence I sensed about her held me back.

  I closed my mouth over hers and thrust my tongue deep, feasting on her mouth instead.

  She whimpered, deep in her throat.

  She still clung to my arms, rocking against my hand. I added a second finger and felt how it stretched her. Man, to feel her gripping my cock like that …

  I held back though, determined to bring her to orgasm first.

  She tightened around me and I knew she was close. I used my thumb to seek out her clit. It was hard and hot and when I circled it slowly, she all but crumbled.

  I wrapped my arm around her to steady her, greedy for every sensation, every sound.

  She came just a few seconds later and I saw the blissed-out wonder spread across her face.

  I couldn’t wait to see that look as she climaxed around my cock.

  Hauling her up into my arms, I carried her still-quivering body over to the desk. Maybe it was the fog of lust, but I totally forgot about locking the door.

  I had just one thought in mind.

  I needed to raise her skirt, free my dick and then I needed to fuck her.

  I managed two of the three.

  She stared up at me with wide, startled eyes as I pressed the head of my cock to her entrance.

  “I’m going to make you come again, Daria. Do you want that?”

  She nodded, her cheeks flushed.

  “Say it,” I told her. “Tell me you want to come.”


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