The Dark Trinity (Book 1): Shuffle

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The Dark Trinity (Book 1): Shuffle Page 23

by Steven Till

  The strong voice outside continued. “I bring news of Nathan Ackland.”

  Evelyn’s heart stopped. The sound of her fiancé’s name seemed foreign to her coming from the stranger’s mouth. How does he know Nate? How does he know ME? she thought as the man’s blue stare bore into her through the glass. The stranger turned his head towards the dark-haired woman next to him. The woman in turn, looked towards the front of the bus. Evelyn’s eyes followed the gaze of the two. She could see a small, furry form walk around the corner. She was in utter disbelief.

  “BOOMER!” she gasped.

  She was certain the dog had perished in the night. Pushing past Sam and Chatty, Evelyn burst through the door and into the parking lot. She knelt down to accept the oncoming dog, oblivious to Maalik and Bataviah. Boomer ran to his Lady and showered her with as much canine love as his tongue could dish out.

  “Holy shit, boy! Where did you come from? Are you okay?” she exclaimed, as she ruffled the dog’s fur.

  “May I suggest we move things inside?” Maalik asked, eyes looking in all directions. “It is still too hostile for you to be out here. I can assure you that my companion and I pose you and your friends no harm. We will not be a danger to you.”

  Standing to meet the strangers eye to eye, Evelyn stared at the two intently. They carried no weapons that she could tell and their clothing was impeccable; not dirty, ripped, or disheveled in any way. How had they managed to stay alive? They certainly didn’t appear to have weathered many harrowing experiences, if any. She didn’t trust them, but they harbored news of Nathan and finding out what they knew about him overrode any rational thought.

  “Of course, come on in,” she said, turning towards the door flashing the thumbs-up to Sam and Chatty.

  “Aw shit,” Sam muttered. He and Chatty backed away from the door and raised their guns. “We have visitors, folks. Be ready for anything.”

  Evelyn opened the door and Boomer was the first to trot inside; tail wagging, happy as could be. He immediately greeted all the humans inside with enthusiastic tongue lapping. Evelyn entered, followed by the two strangers. She walked between Sam and Chatty, who kept their weapons trained on the new arrivals.

  “That’s far enough, friend,” Sam said in a calm voice.

  Maalik and Bataviah stopped. They raised their hands in a show of compliance.

  “There is no need for those, sir. We are here to help you and your friends,” Maalik stated in his usual commanding, yet calming tone.

  “Well, you’ll have to excuse us if we’re a little on edge,” Sam replied. “We have some questions for you.”

  Maalik smiled. “But of course, all in due time. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability,” he said. “Although, I’m afraid that will have to wait. There are things I must discuss with you and your people first.”

  Evelyn spoke up. “You said that you had news of Nathan Ackland. Is he alright? Have you seen him?”

  Maalik turned to address Evelyn. “What I have to say is relevant to your entire group and it is imperative that you all listen.”

  “You’re getting pretty mouthy considering you have two guns pointed at you,” Sam said, holding his gun a little firmer.

  Maalik’s blue eyes shifted to Sam. “Sir, I’m no more afraid of your weapons than I am a harmless butterfly. Your threats are empty and your weapons are useless. Again, I urge you and your companions to listen to what I have to say.”

  Chatty took a step towards the two strangers, his gun trained on Maalik’s head. “You don’t take directions well, friend,” he said in a firm tone.

  Bataviah was a blur; spinning around to flank Chatty. In one sweeping motion, she had disarmed the hulking Bengali and disassembled his pistol; dropping it to the floor. Before the pieces touched the linoleum, the strange woman in black pushed a long, slender dagger to his throat.

  Maalik sprang into action the moment his comrade made a move for the large man’s weapon. He ducked down and lunged towards Sam. Reaching up, he grabbed the shotgun single-handedly. He twisted the shotgun out of the old man’s grip and spun it around, aiming it a mere inch away from Sam’s right eye.

  Everyone in the room froze. Boomer wagged his tail. Sam and Chatty were stunned at the ease the two strangers disarmed them. What amazed them further was the speed at which they did it. The tall, muscular stranger lowered the shotgun from Sam’s face and dismantled it in a flash. The woman kept her odd blade trained on Chatty's neck, but eased on the pressure, allowing the man to breathe a little easier.

  “Listen to me. All of you,” Maalik said in a loud and confident tone. “My name is Maalik and my companion here is Bataviah. We are here to help you, but you must listen and do exactly as we say.”

  Evelyn interrupted; still determined to learn about Nathan. “Why help us? Who are you people? Where did you come from?”

  Maalik’s intense eyes locked with Evelyn’s as he continued. “In a matter of moments, two more visitors will arrive. They will not be welcome, but you will permit them to enter.”


  Nathan and Ronnie shambled along McKnight Road. Their muscles were heavy, stiff, and uncooperative, causing them to move slow and jerky. Nathan was aware of how the Dead Sleep was affecting them. It felt as though all his energy escaped from his body, even though in reality, he and Ronnie still possessed their inhuman strength. Their thoughts, although still their own, were clouded, as if a heavy fog had settled on their consciousness. It seemed to take a tremendous amount of effort to do anything. The worst part was The Hunger. It had flared to the point of unbearable. Nathan wanted to feed. On anything.

  They stopped their convulsive pace. Turning to their right, the pair stood in front of the Pittsburgh Pleasure Palace, where Maalik said Evelyn was alive and well. They started to make their way towards the building. Step by labored step, they drew closer, approaching the school bus that sat in front of the shop. Nathan stopped and regarded the bloody remains of a fellow zombie that Maalik or Bataviah must have dealt with. He grunted to Ronnie, who also stopped and looked at the remains of the ghoul.

  “Maaaaaaalik…” Nathan said, with some difficulty.

  Ronnie grunted back and nodded. He then looked around and let out another long grunt. Nathan looked in the direction that his friend was and in the distance, saw other members of the dead legion that had been hunting them all the previous night. They too were in the Dead Sleep, moving about in the same haphazard manner.

  Nathan continued towards the front of the bus with Ronnie close behind. They made the turn around the front of the vehicle and headed towards the only visible door to the building. Finally, they had made it. Nathan stood staring at the door glass, the blinds on the other side closed tight. Staring back at him was his reflection. He was in disbelief; just when he didn’t think he could look any worse, life’s cruelty laughed at him yet again. His skin was dry, leathery, and cracking. His hair was matted to his scalp. Large dark circles framed his blood-red eyes. The cute panda shirt he was wearing was torn and covered in blood. He looked horrific. This was not the way he wanted to be reunited with his soul mate. Through the fog of his mind he could already see the tears streaking down Evelyn’s cheek.

  With a long, labored sigh, he raised his hand and knocked.


  All heads turned to the front door.

  "Our guests have arrived," Maalik said, addressing the group. "What you are about to see will be upsetting, but under no circumstance are you to attack."

  Bataviah walked to the door and turned the lock and opened it. The two zombies entered the porn shop, staggering past Bataviah and into the broad sex-toy-laden entryway. Theresa and Alison screamed as they bolted to the opposite side of the store, with Daniel, Pete, and Carlos hot on their heels. Sam and Chatty just stayed where they were; the shock and disbelief that these two strangers allowed these creatures to enter had hit them like a freight train.

  Evelyn was paralyzed; her heart had seized into an
engorged lump in her throat. Her brain could not reconcile what her eyes showed her. That CAN’T be him, she thought. Boomer trotted over and walked figure eights around the legs of the two ghouls, nuzzling each of them before laying down next to them. The zombie nearest to her took a step forward. Its face contorted into an expression of pain and heartache as bloody tears trailed down from demonic eyes.

  “Eeeeeeeeve…” the thing uttered.

  She lost it. Evelyn broke down into uncontrollable sobs as she gazed at her fiancé. He was barely recognizable. His body had contorted into this hideous form which stood before her. She could only imagine the pain that he had gone through. The picturesque life that she had envisioned for them shattered. No longer would there be a “happy ever after” for them. There would be no children. No growing old together. At that moment, she made a decision. She was not going to lose the only person in this world whom she loved. Not again.

  “Nate!” she cried as she ran to her dead lover.

  Unfazed by the potential danger, she threw her arms around Nathan in an ironclad embrace. Maalik and Bataviah exchanged a quick glance between each other in surprise, which paled in comparison to the bewilderment that the humans exhibited. Confusion washed over Nathan. The crying he expected, but he didn’t expect this. He was positive that one look at him would repulse her, but instead, she embraced the man with whom she fell in love with. The scent of her body sent The Hunger into overdrive. Primal urges were ebbing at the threshold of his control. He reached up and pulled her off of him.

  “Waaaaait,” he said with as much concern as he could convey. Pulling away from her, he held up his right hand, pointing to the bony talons with the other index finger. “Daaaanger.”

  She stared at him through her flowing tears. Despite how much he had changed, she could still see the person that she loved inside. He was in there. The soul that looked out through these strange, alien eyes was the same one that she had fallen so completely in love with. She looked at his raised hand and gently grabbed his wrist. Her eyes poured over the mutated hand. The skin matched the alabaster color of his face. She noticed the long, thin poison groove that ran along the top of his protruding bone-claws. The dark green toxin glistened within each channel. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. The wedding was only four months away. The start of their new life together had been quenched before it even had a chance to begin.

  Nathan looked upon his wife-to-be, her sobs stabbing him in his undead heart like a red-hot knife with each labored gasp. It was almost too much to bear. Hungry… Despite the mental fog of the Dead Sleep, his emotions were still razor sharp. He was aware that he too was crying, although he had no idea that the tears which he shed were black as pitch. So hungry… That was for the best, as his appearance was only made more horrific by the black spider web of sorrow that streamed across his face. He wanted to touch her like he used to. The thought of her lips upon his resonated in his memories. You look so delicious… Knowing that a future with her was no longer possible made him long for it all the more. I’m going to grind your bones… Nathan shut his eyes tight, hoping to drive the hunger thoughts from his mind.

  Evelyn saw Nathan clench his eyes shut; the heartache was so clear on his face; she couldn’t begin to imagine what this had been like for him. She knew that she couldn’t live a life without him in it. At that moment her decision solidified in her heart and mind.

  “Forgive me,” she said in a whisper.

  Without hesitation, she clasped Nathan’s wrist and dropped her other hand onto the long bony claw of his middle finger, impaling it completely. She let out a cry as the pain seared along her nerves. The toxin entered her bloodstream and began its work rebuilding her DNA. Nathan’s eyes shot open and stared at his lover’s hand skewered on his talon. His expression of shock was shared with every other person in the shop. They all stared at Evelyn with gaping mouths.

  “Whyyyy!!!???” Nathan asked, as fresh streaks of black tar flowed from his eyes.

  Her expression immediately softened, the pain in her hand the farthest thing from her mind.

  “Because I love you,” she replied with a smile as she gently brushed his matted hair off his face with her uninjured hand.

  “Jesus Christ Eve!” Sam exclaimed. “What the hell?!”

  “It’s okay, Sam, I know what I’m doing,” she said; her eyes never leaving Nathan’s gaze.

  “So you know you’re going to die then, right?” Daniel asked. “I mean, seeing as how you have it all figured out and all.”

  Evelyn took a slow, deep breath as her hand began to throb. “Yes, I know,” she said with a little cough; beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

  Nobody knew what to do next. Evelyn’s unexpected decision took everybody by complete surprise. Even Maalik and Bataviah didn’t see this twist of events coming. Evelyn coughed again, this time more forcefully. Nathan still stood there in disbelief; his claw still wielding his lover’s impaled hand.

  Snapping out of his own astonishment, he clasped her wrist and in one quick jerk, slid his malformed finger from her flesh. Evelyn cried out in pain and then went into a fit of labored coughing, a red mist of blood sprayed from her mouth.

  “It has begun,” Bataviah stated.

  Nathan helped Evelyn to the ground and leaned her up against the long display counter. He knew what she was about to endure and it broke his heart. He was about to bear witness to the death of his beloved, and then watch as she was reborn into the same hellish existence that he endured. Despite the weight in his heart and the haze in his mind, he knew that the other humans she was with were in danger as he saw their astonished and terrified faces. He looked at Maalik and Bataviah with desperation.

  “Sheee neeeds fooooood…” he pleaded.

  The two exchanged a quick glance and Bataviah was out the front door. Maalik moved towards the survivors.

  “My friends, for your safety, I ask that you please stay towards the far side of the building and remain calm. Despite these turn of events, I assure you that you are safe and no harm will come to you. As I said before, we are here to help. My companion has left to fetch some necessary items and will return shortly.”

  “Have you gone completely bat-shit crazy?” Sam exclaimed, taking a step towards Maalik. “You waltz in here with Morticia and your two zombie pets, one of our own is going to be a walking corpse any minute, and you want us to remain calm? You can go fuck yourself six ways ‘til Tuesday!”

  Maalik’s expression remained unflinching. "Mr. Lusce, you are currently surrounded by no less than ten thousand bloodthirsty creatures who are hell-bent on devouring every shred of flesh from your bones. Bataviah and I are the only ones who can keep you alive. You and your people can either cooperate or die. The choice is yours."

  "How the hell do you know my name?" Sam asked through clenched teeth.

  "You will find, Sam, that I am quite knowledgeable about a great many things," Maalik replied.

  Without waiting to witness Sam's confused reaction, the large man in black addressed the group. Due to the ensuing drama, he already had their undivided attention.

  "Things you need to know: First, the daylight is your friend. During the day, the creatures are weak and at their most vulnerable. They are not able to coordinate with each other, nor do their bodies retain their regenerative abilities. Their coordination is poor, at best, and they are slow moving, making them easy to outrun. However, do not hold to the delusion that you are safe. They are still remarkably strong and driven to feed; stopping at nothing to devour you."

  The humans listened as Maalik educated them on their foes outside. They knew nothing about the man before them, but he seemed to know what he was talking about. His calculated tone and lack of hesitation with his words provided some assurance that the information he was relaying to them was the truth. Daniel raised his hand, interrupting the crash course on zombie survival.

  "Uh, excuse me sir," he said, peering around Maalik to glimpse Evelyn, Nathan, and Ronnie on the far si
de of the store. "But what's going to happen to Eve?"

  Maalik's expression softened. "I'm afraid Ms. Gray is going to die, my young friend."

  "Oh, right," Daniel replied. "So what's going to happen once she wakes up as one of those...things?"

  "She will continue to be the Evelyn you know, although she will no longer be human. She will still keep all her memories, personality, and feelings that she had as a mortal—provided she doesn’t consume human flesh. I do recommend that you keep your distance. She will need some time to adjust to her new body, as well as the insatiable hunger that accompanies it."

  "I'm sorry, but I don't understand," Carlos interjected, his scientific curiosity getting the better of him. "One of our companions turned and he attacked us almost immediately after changing."

  "That's because you didn't give him alternative food to eat," Maalik replied. "When a human becomes infected, they do not fully turn until they have feasted on human flesh. This is how Nathan and his friend are here with us now. By feeding on animals, they have managed to sate The Hunger and as a result, they have retained their cognitive independence from The Horde."

  "Interesting..." Carlos began, but Evelyn interrupted by crying out.

  "Nathan…!" was all she could get out before choking on the thick dark sludge that she kept regurgitating.

  “Resssst baaaby,” Nathan replied, holding her tighter against him. “Almoooost overrrr…”

  Jet black tears ran anew down his alabaster skin as his one true love fell into convulsions. The humans on the far side of the store stared at the scene unfolding before them. Pete, Daniel and Sam inched a little closer to get a better look, although they stayed behind the counter to keep a buffer between them and Evelyn. They watched the heartbreaking scene unfold before them. The zombie-creature known as Nathan sat on the floor, cradling Evelyn in his arms. The blackness of his tears streaked his face as he tried to comfort his fiancé during her last moments. Finally, with a sputtering cough, Evelyn’s last breath escaped from her mouth. She lay in Nathan’s arms, lifeless; her eyes still gazing up to his. Nathan didn’t move. He sat motionless and waited.


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