The Gift of Empathy (The Gifts Book 3)

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The Gift of Empathy (The Gifts Book 3) Page 11

by Jen Gentry

  Back at Perry House Jewel helped to change Gemma’s dressing to her hands while Emily assessed the damage to the kitchen. Jewel prayed over Gemma’s hands and instantly Gemma felt a release of sorts. Gemma took note of the moment the burns abruptly stopped hurting and the next morning the burns were all but gone.

  Gemma showed Emily her healed hands and explained how Jewel had prayed over her and that when she did the pain went away. Emily thanked God for Jewel and prayed about how she could help Jewel learn to use her gift. Dear Father, lead me and show me what must be done to help Jewel. I feel as if you are so far away from me right now. Forgive me for any transgressions and sins. I trust you Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  Emily went on and did what she knew to do and that was to continue to pray and seek the Lord to watch over her family. She was still looking into schools for Jewel and she managed the day to day task at Perry House. That included bringing in a contractor to repair the damage in the kitchen from the grease fire. But something was missing from her life. She delighted in having Jewel and Gemma with her and she did long for Ethan’s return, however she knew she needed to do something productive with herself and her time and decided it wouldn’t hurt to take the time to go through the attic. There were many generations of Perry memorabilia up there and Emily didn’t want it to continue to waste. After making a phone call to catch up with Marta and the baby, Emily gathered some trash bags and cleaning supplies and headed up to the attic.

  Jewel was in her room doing homework and Gemma was resting in her cottage. This was as good a time as any to start this kind of a project. Ethan had replaced all the lighting a few weeks back and on a grey cloudy day like this one the lighting was helpful. Emily worked for a couple of hours bagging moth eaten fabrics and stacking small broken furnishings in a corner to be hauled off. As she worked she continued praying and worshipping the Lord. A bright light lit up the room and Emily knew she wasn’t alone. Liam had joined her.

  The warm light that surrounded her and filled the room never ceased to amaze Emily whenever the angels came to talk to her.

  “Liam, it’s good to see you.”

  “Emily, I am always near, but it always good to visit you when I can talk to you directly. But today I have news, dire news. Emily, things are going to change at Perry House over the next few weeks. These are things that must come to pass as they are ordained by God. Your faith will be sorely tested in these events that are about to unfold. Just remember that our God is still on the throne. He will never leave you or forsake you. It is during the times when you feel the Lord is not with you that he is the closest.”

  “Liam, you know I am always ready and willing to do the will of our Lord.” Emily looked imploringly at her old friend who’d always been like a brother to her.

  “I can share no more with you, Emily. Remember the Lord sent me to remind you to never lose faith and no matter what, he is always with you.” Liam’s bright light faded from the room with him and soon Emily could no longer see him.

  Whatever was coming Emily told herself she would never lose her faith and surely God was with her in all things as he always was. Still, she put her face to the floor and prayed for protection over all her loved ones.

  The next morning Jewel had a letter back from Shole University. It was near Hook Pond and had an excellent pre-med program. Jewel was very interested in applying for entrance into their program. The problem was that Jewel needed an ID or a driver’s license to complete the application. She’d already taken some driver’s education, but never had the opportunity to obtain a license. Emily decided it was time to remedy that situation.

  Emily led Jewel to the massive garage and to a small car that was completely covered over in tarps. Emily pulled the tarps away to reveal a shiny, silver Porsche. “Mr. Perry gave me this car when I graduated from high school, Jewel. It was one of his favorites and I drove it everywhere until I got my Beamer. It’s still in great condition and now it’s yours, if you want it. If you don’t, then we can go get you another car of your choosing.”

  Jewel’s eyes were wide as saucers as she ran her hand over the sleek fenders of the car. “Oh, Emily, this car is to die for. I’ll take it, if that’s ok with you.”

  “It’s more than fine with me. I’ve called a driving instructor to work with you to refresh your driving skills and to teach you to use a manual shifter. So spend some time learning to drive the Porsche and then we’ll take you to get your license. Sound good?”

  Jewel gave Emily a bone cracking hug and dove behind the driver’s seat of the car. “This is so cool.”

  For the next several days Jewel worked hard with the driving instructor to learn to drive the Porsche. Soon she was a pro and the instructor gave her ‘a thumbs up’ to go take her exam after she’d executed a perfect parallel park in front of the post office in Hook Pond. Jewel was elated on the drive home and had no idea she was being watched and followed.


  Jake sat still in the back seat of the black SUV and watched as Jewel parked the Porsche. The last few weeks since Christmas in New York had been a private hell for him he was beaten and starved to the point of death only to be brought back and tortured some more. The Opper told him that today could be his lucky day ‘IF’ he could lure Jewel to them.

  The last thing Jake wanted to do was give these men anything they wanted, but it was deliver Jewel or suffer more pain. Jake was beginning to think that death would be the best way out, but these men would never let him die not for a long, long time, anyway.

  Never in his life had Jake felt remorse for his sins, but today he felt very sorry for Jewel. He had no idea why this one little girl was so important to the slave traders, but surely it was for no good thing. Over the short course of Jake’s life as a spider working for the Merchandizers Jake had delivered three young girls to their hands. He’d made good money from them, but had quickly run though the money for drugs and motels.

  For the first time, Jake had an inkling of the horrific things he’d done to those three who’d fallen into his web. He’d chosen his line of work and never once thought about what had happened to those girls, until now. If they’d suffered even a small portion of what he’d now suffered at the hands of these brutes then he was very sorry.

  He hadn’t lied to Jewel when he told her his father had put him out on the streets. His parents were drug addicts and dealers. His mother was long gone by the time he was seven, leaving him alone with a father who never wanted him. But he didn’t tell Jewel he’d been on the streets since he was twelve. He’d prostituted himself in those early days just to eat. The drugs made his life more tolerable. He was already a seasoned prostitute when the Merchandizers came for him.

  Jake had always been a good looking kid, and that was what the gang needed in a spider they could use to lure young girls into their clutches. Jake never knew exactly where the girls went, but he assumed it was to one brothel or another. Jake made himself not think of where the girls were after he ambushed them. He didn’t have to prostitute himself anymore and that was what selling the girls meant for him, a way out. Only now he realized he hadn’t made it out at all, he’d only dug a deeper hole for himself, a worse one.

  He shook his head to try and rid himself of the thought. He had to focus on getting Jewel to the Merchandizers. His plan was to throw himself on Jewel’s mercy and beg her to come with him or else he’d be killed. She’d seemed to really connect to him before they’d parted ways. There was something special about Jewel. He’d felt it when she touched him. If only he could use that to his advantage and lure her where he wanted her to go then hopefully the Merchandizers would let him go.


  Jewel passed her driving test with flying colors. Emily was proud of Jewel and decided to make Jewel a nice dinner with a cake to celebrate. It made Emily hurt deep inside to think that Jewel had never had a cake to celebrate, much less a birthday party. Emily was planning a lavish affair for both their birthdays in May and then a special trip for
the two of them to celebrate her graduation from high school in June.

  To keep the current celebration a surprise Emily sent Jewel out on an errand to get a few groceries. Jewel was excited to go on her first solo drive and ran out to the Porsche that was still parked in front of the house. Before she could get in a voice called out to her from the grounds.

  “Jewel, please wait up. I need to talk to you.” Jake was walking up the drive way towards Jewel.

  She was stunned. This was one person she’d hoped to never see or hear from again. “What are you doing here, Jake? How did you find me? Oh, who cares how you found me. You can just get lost. I never want to see you again. If you don’t leave right now, I’ll have my sister call the police.”

  Jake reached Jewel’s side. “No, Jewel, please just hear me out. If you don’t help me I’m dead. The men I work for are trying to kill me. I’m begging you to help me. They are here and they are following me.” Jake pointed to the black SUV parked on the road that ran in front of the estate.

  Jewel looked toward the road and spotted the SUV. “Well, I don’t see how that’s my problem Jake…..” Jewel’s voice trailed off as she got a good look at him. He was covered in blood and bruised everywhere. One eye was swollen shut. Her heart went out him as she took in his very real pain. Jake wasn’t lying. He’d been tortured. Despite her misgivings, Jewel wasn’t going to let Jake suffer. No matter how rotten he’d been to her, he was still God’s child as well as she was.

  Jewel took off across the vast lawn to the gate that had been left open by Jake. Jake ran after her. “No, wait, Jewel, don’t go. They mean to take you.” Jewel ignored Jake’s cries. She was full of righteous anger at these men for abusing Jake so shamefully and as she ran she yelled at them.

  “You’d better get out of here. My sister has all kinds of security and she will call the police if you don’t le…..” Jewel never got to finish her sentence. Two men hiding behind the gate grabbed her and put a bag over her face as she made it to the end of the drive. Before Jewel could scream she was stuffed into the SUV.

  Jake screamed out. “Nooooo….” As the barrel of a gun slid out of a darkened window of the SUV and fired.


  Liam and all the angels of Perry House watched in silence as the Merchandizers with a horde of demons surrounding them drove off with Jewel. In over one hundred years of watching over Perry House, the angels had never allowed such a calamity to happen. Commander Liam gave orders for the angels to minister to Jake. He must not die. Jake had repented and even tried to warn Jewel. Plus he had information that would be vital to helping Emily to look for Jewel.

  The angels did not know if it would be in God’s plan for Emily to actually find Jewel, but they’d been given orders to aid in Emily’s search. Liam prayed for his charges at Perry House. This would be a day of great sadness for them. It was Liam’s greatest hope that Emily’s faith would hold up.

  The Gift of Empathy

  Chapter Thirteen

  Proverbs 3:5

  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.

  Ethan, staying at a hotel in Amsterdam, got the call from Emily that Jewel had been kidnapped. As soon as he got off the phone with his distraught fiancé he booked a flight home and began quickly packing. He wouldn’t be able to fly out until the next morning, but he wanted to be ready to go.

  He sent an email to one of the members on his team that was with him in Amsterdam that he had a family emergency and needed to return home. There was no need to call Bradley and let him know that Ethan’s work would have to be put on hold for now as Bradley and Marta were already at Perry House and working with Emily to find Jewel.

  It was a shame that Ethan had to leave. In the last couple of days, he’d made some progress in locating a possible cult that matched the profile for Bathomet on an island off of the Netherland coast. Ethan used his considerable language skills to communicate with the locals. He’d spoken to hundreds of different people as he walked the streets and docks on the vast canals and shores of the great seafaring city. One conversation had led to another and another until finally contact was made with a fisherman who sometimes delivered supplies to a group of holy men who dressed in red robes and lived on a remote island. This had been the break all of Bradley’s team was looking for. But with Jewel missing, Ethan would have to postpone on following up on it.

  A sense of urgency overtook Ethan and he decided to go wait it out at the airport to see if he could get an earlier flight back to the states. He checked out of the hotel at the front desk and ran out to catch a cab. Ethan didn’t notice the two men in the lobby who watched him intently. When Ethan walked out the door one of the men walked up to the hotel clerk.

  “Is that the man asking all the questions?”

  The clerk nodded his head ‘Yes.’ And the man tossed a few bills at the clerk, signaled his partner, and they both exited the hotel right behind Ethan. Both men bore tattooed symbols on their bald heads. The angels watching over Ethan took notice of the men. The angels had no doubt these men where worshipers of the Great Ba al` and they meant to harm Ethan. The angels had their orders though and they knew exactly what to do.

  Ethan was so absorbed in trying to find the quickest way home in his worry for Jewel and Emily that he didn’t notice the men following him. He exited his cab at the front gates of the Amsterdam International Airport but he never made it inside.

  The two men following Ethan came up beside him and one expertly wacked Ethan on the back of the head with a small black cudgel. Ethan was out before he knew he’d been hit. Both the men held Ethan up and easily drug him to their waiting car. Anyone watching the scene play out would think Ethan was only drunk and his friends were helping him along.

  The angels assigned to watch over Ethan accepted this event as their sign it was time to intervene. The car drove to the outskirts of the airport and the angels followed. Several demon sentries escorted the car away from the airport.

  The angels stayed behind the car carrying Ethan until it pulled up to a private hanger. The angels recognized the symbols on the hanger denoting the Ba al` and noted that this hanger housed the personal aircrafts of the great demonic council. This would be the perfect place to murder Ethan.

  When the car pulled into the hanger the angels attacked showing no mercy, dispatching all of the demon sentries with swift decisive blows from their flaming blades and then went after the men. The men who kidnapped Ethan were terrified as they were being beaten and shoved by invisible forces and quickly dumped Ethan into a small basement office. They drove away shaken as if they’d been attacked by ghosts.


  Emily sat in a hospital room at Jake’s bedside. She’d recognized Jake the moment she laid eyes on him as he lay bleeding on her driveway. He was the young man who’d drugged Jewel back at that sleazy motel where Emily found them, but what was he doing at Perry House? Emily had many more questions for Jake. Like who took Jewel and did he know where they were taking her and why did they shoot him. Nothing made any sense to Emily right now. But her questions would go unanswered until Jake came around.

  Jake took a gunshot to the chest and had to have surgery to remove the bullet and sew up the wound. The doctors all said he was lucky to be alive, but they were very concerned about his obviously beaten and battered body. He had bruises, contusions, cuts, and burns everywhere. There was a police officer guarding Jake’s door. It was clear that someone wanted Jake dead and they weren’t taking any chances with him especially since Jewel was missing and apparently Jake was the last person to see her before she disappeared.

  Emily already handed over her security tapes from the front gates of Perry House to the police but not before she’d made copies for herself. She knew Jake had approached Perry House alone and then the tapes showed two muscle bound thugs grabbing Jewel and shoving her into a black vehicle. Unfortunately the cameras had not caught the license plate of the SUV before it sped away with Jewel inside. On on
e frame of the tapes that Emily was able to freeze she noticed several smudged and fuzzy looking figures around the SUV. Emily knew exactly what those images were. They were demons. How could demons have come so close to Perry House and snatched Jewel? Something had to be wrong. Surely God would not have allowed this to happen. Surely Liam would not have allowed it either.

  Emily hung her head and cried out in frustration. Dear Father, why has this happened? Have I not been a faithful daughter? Please forgive me. Please let me take Jewel’s place. She has suffered so much already. I beg of you, Dear Jesus. Please bring Jewel home safe. In Jesus’ Name.

  Hot tears fell down Emily’s face. Jewel had come to mean so much to her in such a short time, she couldn’t imagine her life without Jewel in it. Wake up, Jake. Wake up now. Please. I need to find Jewel before it’s too late. Emily knew who Jake was by the ID that had been found in his pocket and she already had her P.I. guy working on his background. Emily was praying that she would have any information of any kind soon when her cell phone rang.

  It was Marta. Marta and Bradley had gone to meet Ethan’s plane only Ethan wasn’t on it. Bradley was trying to track Ethan down, but so far no luck. Emily tried to call him with no answer. This had to be some kind of mistake maybe they’d gotten the flights mixed up or something.

  With one last longing look at a still unconscious Jake, Emily warned him. “I’ll be back, Jake. And you’d better be ready for me.” When there was no response Emily headed out the door. She needed to get back to Perry House and start trying to track down Ethan now. Dear Lord, give me strength. How can I lose two people I love in less than two days?


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