Tessa’s Dilemma

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Tessa’s Dilemma Page 7

by Tessa Wanton

  Tessa leaned in and gave Him a peck on His right cheek. “Sorry if that’s a bit presumptuous Master, but it was necessary. I can honestly say that every time we meet, you blow my mind and then some. I still can’t get my head around what just happened. I came... just by focusing on your command, and having my body do your bidding. I just can’t understand how that happened.” As they climbed the steps to the city street once more, she watched as a silver gray wisp of smoke curled lazily from the corner of His mouth. Tilting His head slightly, He blew the remaining smoke away from her and smiled sideways at her.

  “My girl, know that it did happen. And as it happened, you now know that it is possible. Sometimes understanding isn’t so easy, granted, but it really is quite simple. You have been trained. I might ask you to do certain things for me that you don’t understand, and you might wonder why you’re doing ‘A,’ ‘B’ or ‘C,’ but,” He took another long drag of His cigarette, pinching it tightly between His thumb and forefinger while He collected His thoughts a little further, “there is always a purpose to my requests. Always. I don’t simply command you because it titillates me; your tasks are a means to an end. And yes, I know you enjoy the ends as demonstrated today. Consider it a test; I would have known today if you had not been practicing and following orders as I had set for you. I would probably have known in previous encounters, but today was the true mark of how diligently you had completed what I told you to do. I wouldn‘t have chosen you if I thought for one minute you would let me down girl.”

  She watched dumbstruck as the smoke escaping from the corners of His mouth enhanced each word formed on His beautiful lips. It almost seemed to frame His speech, making each statement a work of art, to be etched into her memory forever. Tessa found everything about Him and His mannerisms simply fascinating, and watching Him smoke and speak at this moment served to chalk up yet another fetish for her list. She chuckled as she thought she could happily watch Him silently smoke for hours. Gesturing at nothing in particular with His smoldering cigarette, He continued His train of thought.

  “I am proud of you today Tess, truly proud of you; you have justified my faith in you, and I look forward to continuing your training. Trust me, there will be much, much more I can show you than you have experienced. Now that you know it’s possible, it’s a case of training your mind a little further. The squeezing was just something to focus you, encourage your body to attain what your mind already wanted to do. You know that I want you always ready, always at the edge of climax; you are so delicious when your arousal is obvious, and I enjoy how others view my property when you are in that state. Sometimes supply and demand works in other walks of life too. Others wanting you serves to make you much more valuable to me, and you know I only enjoy things which have value.” He looked distant as He drew in another breath of smoke, breaking off half way through the drag to continue speaking. “I will train you to climax with one command. One word from me, however I desire: ‘Come for me Tessa’ will be all it takes for your knees to weaken and your body to give me what I desire with only a millisecond delay. You will learn to be perfect for me. I will settle for nothing less than perfection.”

  Tessa exhaled carefully; she hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath, entranced by His words and actions, and she had to admit what He described sounded like perfection to her too. She desperately wanted to be perfect for Him, please Him, show Him how much she loved Him. So now she knew He was training her to be perfect for Him, never again would she question or query why she had to do something; she would just do. No hesitation. As they walked, she could feel the remnants of their lovemaking dripping down her thighs, soaking into the tops of her stockings. She thought for a moment that it should feel shameful to be walking around in the middle of a warm spring afternoon with no panties and sexual fluids running down her legs. But in reality, she felt proud and happy, to the point that she did not care one jot what anyone could see or know what they had been up to.

  Strange thoughts for a girl who had until recently been so unconfident in her own sexuality, unsure of what she wanted, strangled by her own fear of “what if.” Now she felt liberated and free. Felt a purpose: a renewed vigor for life and love. She was being trained for His use only; to please Him, and it was what she had hoped when she had given Him her safe word – trusting her safety and her life to Him. She lived purely for His pleasure and for His desire, and now, it wasn’t something that was restricted to closed doors. He could use her for His pleasure in public too, and she had no choice in the matter. She had never felt so truly alive.

  Part Three – It’s a Wrap!

  Chapter One

  Tessa was in love. Was it because she could never have Him? Or was it simply because He was the most amazing man she had ever met – not only intelligent and witty, but He made her feel things so unbelievable that she thought people had only dreamed them for spicy fiction stories. Not for one minute did she consider that some of these fantastical ideas were actually attainable. Sadly the other side of the phenomenal emotional high she experienced was the crushing low. Feelings of such intense sadness, loneliness and despair consumed her for days when she parted from Him, and this last time, after the “thought-gasm,” as she had named it, the turmoil she felt deep inside was so painful she physically hurt. It didn’t matter how much she tried to reason with herself that she was lucky to have found someone so wonderful to take her places she had only ever dreamed of, or it won’t be long until she experienced those delights once again, it did no good. Tears welled at the mere thought of Him; the ghostly fist strangling her heart simply tightened its grip to punch home the message of unrequited love with a more vigor. She wasn’t abandoned by Him however. He remained in constant contact, stroking her the best He could – she knew that. She knew He was taking more care of her, like He always did after their parting. It didn’t help that she imagined He was only doing it out of some twisted sense of duty, because if He didn’t, He certainly wouldn’t be able to take His pleasure from her when she hit rock bottom. It was unfair to think like that, and she knew it, but the nagging terror of “what if” still clung to her like greasy choking smog in some Dickensian tale.

  Standing outside the hotel they had met at two weeks previously, she squinted up at the intimidating building. Hotels always seemed so anonymous and cold and curiously unwelcoming considering their actual purpose. Sighing heavily, Tessa felt strange. Really strange. She hadn’t been able to pull herself from the painful emotions she had felt since their last meeting and confusion filled her as she entered the hotel and recited the room number that He had told her to wait outside of. Usually at this point she would be quaking with a heady mix of trepidation and anticipation, but she was still low, almost as if by having this encounter, it meant that their time would come to an end even sooner. She craved their time together; she lay awake at night just thinking of His smile, so why was she feeling like this? But she knew deep down why. Experiencing amazing things with an amazing man she could never have, and although He treated her with respect, and perhaps even with a form of love, He did not love her. Not the way she loved Him. She was putting herself into these situations to feed her addiction, knowing full well that she would always be the one left lonely at the end. He would never be single; He would never be hers. The hedonistic addiction was strong however, and Tessa walked with purpose to the allotted room. She might be feeling pain so acute that she had lost her appetite for food almost completely, but she would not let Him down. She would fulfill every whim and desire, because she had made a decision to give herself to Him. And that would never change.

  Standing outside the room, she knocked quietly, checking over her shoulder that the corridor was empty, noting with satisfaction how deserted the hotel was. Turning back, she started uneasily as the door swung open. She hadn’t heard the handle click, but it was flung wide nevertheless. Padding carefully into the room, she stopped abruptly when she realized there was no one in the bathroom or the main body of the room.

/>   “Don’t turn around girl. Stay right where you are,” He whispered into her left ear. He was behind her, and immediately she started shaking uncontrollably. Such an instinctive response, her depressed mood evaporated immediately as His sheer physical presence enveloped her. He snaked His hands around her waist, pulling her close to His firm chest, stroking her, caressing her lovingly, nibbling her neck, playing with her hair, exploring her through her clothes in such a random manner that she never knew where He would touch her next. Whispering in a husky voice laden with desire, He painfully pulled her head to one side and once more pressed His lips to her ear.

  “Now this little experiment of mine is called ‘It’s a wrap,’ and you’ll see shortly what that is going to mean to you my girl. All I can say, however...” He dropped the timbre of His voice lower and quieter than she thought possible, and uttered, “Don’t forget to breathe...”

  During His warning, He had reached around to the front of her light white cotton blouse, and had been gradually tightening His grip on the top button. As He spoke the word “breathe,” He tugged hard at the straining button and it popped free from her blouse. Tessa gasped in shock as she saw her ruined blouse, the buttonhole ripped from the pressure of His hands, and much to her dismay, He had moved down to the next button. She could do nothing but stand still, wrapped in His arms, and allow Him to disrobe her. Slowly, deliberately, each button jumped free, revealing more and more of her heaving chest. When it came to the last two buttons, He ripped the blouse in one strong yank of His hands. Feeling His muscles contracting with the effort of tearing her clothes, she was left whimpering uncontrollably. This animalistic act had an unbelievable effect on her; she felt more and more degraded, powerless, aroused, and she could not fathom how she was going to leave the hotel with a torn and bedraggled blouse. Slipping the tattered material from her arms, He unzipped and dropped her skirt from her hips so she was left standing in her thigh high stockings, panties and bra. Holding her close once more, He ground Himself against her and she was left with no doubt that He was enjoying His actions as much as she was.

  Removing her undergarments, but leaving her sheer black nylon thigh highs, He placed His hands on either side of her hips and guided her to the foot of the bed. Tessa was quite unnerved by this, as she still hadn’t seen His face, and she truly longed to see His expressions. She had missed Him so much; it was agony not to be able to make that intimate connection with Him. He arranged her standing with her legs together, and then stretched her arms together above her head. Not a painful position, but mildly uncomfortable all the same. When He seemed satisfied that she was as He desired, He pushed her panties into her mouth and walked away. She no longer felt low and depressed as she had this morning; now she felt excitement, deep arousal and gnawing fear as to what would happen next. He had been mentioning “wrap” and “breathe” considerably during their texts and conversations the previous week. It had unnerved her, but she hadn’t given it much thought considering the tumultuous emotional rollercoaster she had been experiencing. Now however, her attention was fully on what was happening to her, and to say that fear wasn’t creeping through her, wondering what He had in mind, would have been a lie.

  Chapter Two

  She could feel Him move behind her; curiosity piqued her interest even further now, but she couldn’t see what He was doing. A familiar sound reached her ears as a light ripping sounded from the far side of the room: a sound very similar to the vet wrap He always used to blindfold her; would He do so again? It was not long before she had her answer. Lost in thought, she had not noticed Him move behind her again, and she felt something soft and warm pressed to her lower back, and then as He passed His hands in front of her stomach, she could see what He was wrapping around her. He was wrapping her in saran wrap. Moving quickly, he had tightly wrapped her stomach and abdomen in the film, and started to move up her body. She wasn’t a very claustrophobic person, but dull panic made itself known in the pit of her stomach as she desperately tried to hold herself calm and still.

  Layer after layer. He bound her breasts tightly, so tightly in fact that it restricted her breathing, not enough to be uncomfortable, but just enough to make the panic increase perceptibly. Was He going to stop at her neck and then pass down her body to her legs again? Or the thought that held the most dread for her – was He going to wrap her head as well? Her arms were held straight up, so the only way to wrap them would be to wrap over her face first. As she contemplated such fears, He provided the answer she most dreaded. With one pass in front of her, she finally glimpsed Masters’ face, only to be obscured as He pulled the saran wrap tightly over her eyes. Thankfully her raised arms acted as a chamber so that the plastic spanned across the front of her face rather than clung to it. She should be grateful for little mercies she thought, but the issue remained of how she would breathe. Once He had wrapped around her mouth and up over her arms, how was she to get air?

  Tessa could feel herself starting to hyperventilate as she struggled to inhale, the heat of being wrapped in the film raising perspiration on her skin, the restriction on her breasts feeling increasingly uncomfortable. It was no use; she could feel the beginning of panic consuming her, her consciousness starting to swim, and not just from the effect of viewing everything through the distortion of the wrap. Just as she thought she could take no more, He ripped a hole just below her nose and pulled her panties from her mouth. Gasping and gulping, the cold fresh air flowed through the hole, seeming so sweet; she hadn’t realized how quickly the air within her confinement had become so stale. He had stopped wrapping her momentarily and was standing in front of her, intently watching her reactions. She was grateful He was checking her. She was confident that He would take care of her; maintaining that connection, observation, ensuring she was still ok, gradually calmed her and she felt her breathing return to almost normal. Seemingly satisfied with her recovery, He continued to wrap her in the saran wrap. Completely wrapping her arms above her head, then wrapping back down her body, piercing the hole at her mouth once more when He wrapped another layer over her face.

  The constriction of her upper body was now very tight, her breathing had calmed; anything more would have caused problems with her remaining conscious. She could not move her arms other than to wriggle her fingers, and it was becoming apparent that the effort of holding her arms above her head in this position was going to become very uncomfortable very quickly. Continuing to bind over her hips, down her thighs and eventually her calves, she was glad that He had left her thigh high stockings on as they acted as a little respite from the hot, sticky plastic that now covered her from head to foot. Strangely, now that she was completely swaddled, unable to move, unable to do anything, a feeling of utter peace washed over her. She had never thought herself claustrophobic, but remembered back to times when she had removed herself from enclosed areas for feeling trapped and hemmed in. However, the experience now was the complete opposite. Calm, content – burgeoning arousal – safe, peaceful. So many times He had tested her boundaries, proved her wrong in her own beliefs. Closing her eyes, she stood there and lavished in the emotions that coursed through her; time stood still and all she could hear was the rush of air moving in and out of her own lungs.

  Within seconds, her peaceful state was shattered as she felt something sharp poke her right breast, very close to her nipple. Yelping, her eyes flew open and she looked down in horror to watch Him cutting the film around her nipple. The reaction to its freedom was shocking as it almost leaped through the hole that had been made for it, protruding proudly from its previous confinement. Taking the yearning bud between his thumb and forefinger, He rolled it roughly, pulling and tugging it completely out of the tiny hole. She watched with awe and amazement as it seemed to grow larger, wanting the freedom it had been offered. Lowering Himself to receive it to His lips, He sucked it into His mouth, eliciting a low moan from her as His skilled tongue and teeth teased and caressed and nipped. The combination of sensations from His warm mouth workin
g on the only uncovered sensitive part of her body sent electrical impulses shooting to every nerve ending trapped beneath the clear veil. Looking up at her with a smile so wicked her heart jumped into her mouth, He waved the scissors at her and set to work cutting her left nipple free. Terrified that she might be cut in such a delicate place, Tessa held very still. She daren’t move a millimeter for the consequence that might ensue; she had no choice but to trust Him, and it was not a task that she found so difficult. She did trust Him. If He had held the scissors to her throat, she would have trusted Him regardless.

  Continuing to pull and tug and roll and nibble and suck her freed nipples, they appeared to become larger and harder than she had ever seen them before. Perhaps it was the constriction of the rest of the breast, tight to her rib cage that made them appear so large, but she couldn’t fathom how perfect they looked. She wished they would look like that continually; she didn’t care if they looked obvious through any clothing; if He was happy, then she would be happy, and if her nipples would look like that permanently, she was sure that Master would be happy. Fascinated, she could not help but stare and admire them, fixated with how beautiful they looked: perfect round orbs, topped with hard, red cherries, so engorged and proud, demanding attention. Her peaceful daydream was rudely shattered within seconds as a wave of panic gripped her chest. He had moved closer to her, and she was watching in almost slow motion horror as He raised His right hand and moved it slowly over the hole in the plastic wrap at her mouth. Reaching inside, He pinched His thumb and forefinger over her nose, and then completely covered her mouth with the palm of His hand.


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