Page 5
“You know, I know things are getting strange when you want to ask about an abusive asshole who's been gone for a while before you ask me about Templars. I was looking over the intel just last night actually, and from what I can tell, nothing. That area should be clean. Are you telling me its not?”
“Hmm. I've got to go.”
“Oh hell, don't do that to me, I have to–”
Sebastian ended the call and turned off the phone. Technically, it was fine because he and Stephan shared equal rank. In reality, it was completely inappropriate because Stephan acted as the eyes and ears for most of the Corps members in the field. Rendering him blind was generally a pretty poor idea. However, if he had mentioned a Templar in the area, that would mean that the Commandant would likely insist on sending another Corps member in as well. Another Corps member meant that Nicolette might get more spooked than she already was. And it might mean that he would have to share the hunt for the Templar with someone else. Sebastian remembered Nicolette's terrified face when the man had attacked them. This kill was going to be his.
The sun was coming up, and Sebastian started folding the blankets that they had slept on. He needed food, and then he needed to hunt. When the threat was taken care of, he could return to Nicolette. He could speak to her. He could explain that the man who had hurt her had been dealt with.
He could bring her in, and perhaps she would let him keep her close.
Nicolette was paying for her night in the fields with a sore body and with eyes that felt as if she had poured sand in them. She focused on the physical discomforts because if she focused on the emotional ones, she would be a wreck.
In her stuffy, dark tent with Karas croaking menacingly from his perch, she read fortunes. The carnival was getting off to an early start, and the crowd was far better than she had any right to expect. She kept her skill turned down, but she knew that there was something strange about it. Even when she wasn't looking for the auras that she knew swirled around every person, she could see faint glimmers of color here and there. It made her think of Vacek, and how he had told her that close proximity to other Wiccans could enhance her powers. Except that during her time with Vacek, her ability to read auras had felt muted and dull. She had thought the man was simply lying or mistaken, but after her night with Sebastian, she couldn't be sure it was all wrong.
She wondered what would happen if she spent more time with Sebastian, what she would sense then. The thought of it brought a blush to her cheeks, and she focused instead on her work. As if aware of her mood, Karas came to rest on her shoulder, glaring at the people who came in with a truly theatrical flare.
The customers for the day were unexceptional, and she had done her Madame Nicole act so often it was like a second skin. She told fortunes, hinted at great potential, uttered a few warnings to the people who seemed particularly unimpressed. She was looking forward to grabbing food behind the tents, when an old woman came in.
She wore a hat and gloves like something out of an old film, and there was such a sense of peace around her that Nicolette had to look twice. The woman was prim and slightly stooped, and she was far from the normal person who came in looking for their fortunes.
“Greetings, beautiful lady,” Nicolette murmured. “What are you seeking today, hmm?”
The woman smiled, and there was something wistful about it. She put her money on the table, and for a long moment, it looked as if she were gathering her thoughts and trying to figure out what she wanted to hear.
“What do you know of the other world?”
“The…other world? The realm of the spirits, do you mean?”
The older woman nodded. The hand that she rested on the table between them clenched into a fist.
“It's not right, and it's not proper,” the woman said, “but oh, I know that your circus is going to be here today and gone tomorrow. I thought what's the harm if I ask if you know something about what happens when…”
“What happens after we die?”
The old woman nodded, and though it was clear that she was grieved, there was still that strange and pervasive feeling of peace that she brought with her. Nicolette had felt it a few times in her life. She had always associated it with people who were fulfilled, who had known something perfect in their souls and their spirits.
“It is not appropriate for us to know what comes after,” said Nicolette, who had been in this position before. “The veil is dropped after we die, and what comes after that is not for mortals to know.”
“But surely there is something?”
Nicolette smiled.
“There is something. You are looking for a man? Someone who was very close to you?”
The woman nodded, and there was a faint glimmer of tears in her eyes. It wasn't a hard guess, and Nicolette might have felt worse about simply guessing at someone else's tragedy if she didn't see real comfort there.
“He was here for quite some time,” Nicolette ventured. “But he left too soon, didn't he?”
The woman nodded again, and this time, the wetness around her eyes was real.
“He should have been allowed to stay longer,” the woman said, her voice thick with dismay and sorrow, but despite that, there was still the sense of peace.
“What do you need to know?” Nicolette asked gently. “He was a good man, and a kind man, though he was not always clever at showing it.”
“Yes, yes that was him,” the woman nodded.
It wasn't hard to piece together the kind of person this woman would have loved. Nicolette thought she knew what the woman needed.
“I can feel him hovering over us now,” she said softly. “He agrees that he was taken away too soon. He understands that you miss him, but oh he feels so much love for you. He loves you, and he is at peace. You must understand this. He is at peace, and he is waiting.”
“For me?”
“For you. He knows that you will be together again. He is at peace, and he wants you to know that same comfort.”
The woman was crying openly now, but she nodded.
“Thank you,” she said when she had calmed slightly. “That was what I needed to hear. Thank you. I only hope he knows how much I love him.”
“He does, I promise you that,” Nicolette said, and it was far from a lie.
This was not a woman who hid things, and the love that she felt shone from her face like a beacon. Impulsively, Nicolette reached across the table to squeeze the older woman's hand, and when she did so, a bit of that peace warmed her as well. The woman smiled through her tears.
“Thank you. My pastor and my family have been telling me for the last few years that it is time to move on, and I think, now, I might actually be ready to do so.”
As she turned to go, Nicolette gave in to temptation, and peeked at the woman's aura. It was a beautiful gold, though there was some tarnish to it. It made sense given the woman's mourning. Nicolette would have thought no more of it if she hadn't received a surge of images flashing in her mind.
She could see a young woman in a red dress, dancing cheek to cheek with a young man in a suit that was too large for him. The woman was lovely, but the man was as lanky as a rail fence and had ears that stuck out like jug handles. No one would have called him handsome, but when he swung his beautiful partner around, the love on his face would have made a stone weep. She knew that this man had been dead for years, but Nicolette knew to the core of her being that if she could see his aura, it would have been the same gold as that of his dance partner.
Nicolette realized that she was shaking, and Karas landed on the table in front of her, cawing curiously. She shook her head.
Vacek had mentioned that there were some aura readers who could see even deeper, who could see what was inside the minds of others, but she hadn't thought she had that ability.
Before Sebastian had come, Nicolette knew her powers. She knew what she could do. She knew when someone was cheating at cards. She knew when someone was in love or
out of it. She knew that using her powers too often could lead to a terrible headache that could last for hours. This was new and, for the first time in years, Nicolette was terrified about what she didn't know.
The next customer came in, and Nicolette had to be Madame Nicole once again.
She had never read her own aura, but she knew what it would look like. It would be a confusion of colors, spinning too quickly and completely muddled.
It was almost 2 a.m. by the time Sebastian made it back to his apartment in the city. The day's hunt had proved frustratingly vague. Though there were people who had seen the Templar he was chasing, no one could tell him where the man hunted or where he denned. Every lead had turned into a dead end, and it was everything that Sebastian could do to avoid starting some serious fights. More than once, the Commandant had stated that Sebastian's gift was not clever talk or diplomacy. Instead he was like an arrow that once loosed could not be changed or altered. He would fly swift and true, and when he struck he did it with pure force.
The apartment they had assigned him for this mission was a beautiful brownstone on a quiet block. It was a safe house for any Corps members passing through Boston and far better than some of the options he had had in the past. Stephan or someone like him had given it every protection that was possible against Templars while making it welcoming to all Wiccans. So when he opened the door, he had known that he would be alone.
Then he heard a gentle caw, and his heart warred with his mind. It couldn't be here, but he already knew that sound. He flipped on the light in the kitchen, and sitting at the table as if she belonged there—and in his life—was Nicolette. She was curled up in the chair, and her braid dangled over her shoulder. Dressed in dark jeans and a black T-shirt, her feet bare, she looked achingly young. It was only the closed look on her face and the tight set to her shoulders that told him he was dealing with a young witch approaching her prime.
Karas perched on the back of her chair. It would have been a foreboding picture if the bird hadn't croaked happily to see Sebastian and swept across the air between them to Sebastian's shoulder. Sebastian started, but grinned when the bird lightly nibbled at his lobe.
“That's usually a good sign,” he commented to Nicolette.
Though she didn't lose the watchful wary look, she did seem a bit curious.
“What is?”
“Karas, your familiar. He trusts me, and that usually means that you can too.”
“Karas has a brain the size of an acorn. I think I can be excused for not thinking he's an amazing judge of character.”
“Suit yourself, but he does know where the food comes from.”
He crossed to the refrigerator, which had been stocked in preparation for his arrival. Sebastian pulled out a package of lunch meat. The crow obviously knew what that was. He hopped excitedly until Sebastian pulled out a few slices and fed them to him. Karas gulped down the meat quickly, a sight that made Nicolette smile. It was something at least.
“I can't imagine that you're here because Karas needed a meal. I would feed the both of you and more, quite willingly, but there's something else on your mind.”
Nicolette looked nervous for a split second, and then she nodded.
“Just so you know, this isn't easy for me,” she said softly. “I've been on my own for almost a decade now. I've done just fine without you or the Corps.”
“You've done very well,” Sebastian said, keeping the hope from his voice. “You've shown that your tough and capable, and that means something coming from someone like me.”
Nicolette didn't look impressed, only uneasy.
“I thought I had everything about my powers figured out. God only knew that Vacek made me drill with them often enough. He would take me to a crowded place and force me to take readings on every single person that came by. Over and over until I thought my head would crack open, until I thought I was going to be physically sick.”
Sebastian winced.
“That's not the way it's meant to be,” he said softly. “Your gifts are meant to be nurtured, to be trained with kindness, not cruelty.”
Nicolette made a cutting motion with her hand.
“I don't care what its supposed to be like, all I know is what it was like for me. That's what it was like, and I figured that after we went through all that work, we knew where the limit of my abilities were. Then today…”
“I looked at a woman's aura. I opened my eyes to see what it was, and it was beautiful. It was a lifetime of love that she had allowed in. It made her shine like a new penny, and it was beautiful.” Nicolette shook her head. “Maybe I looked too long. I don't know. All I do know is that suddenly, I was looking into her past, seeing who she was and what made her into the person she was. I didn't expect that. I don't know what's happening to me.”
She turned hot eyes to Sebastian, and he realized that she was angry.
“Did you do that to me?” she demanded. “Did you do something to me last night?”
Sebastian shook his head. More than anything else, he wanted to come to her, to wrap his arms around her and to explain to her why she should not be even a little afraid.
“It wasn't me,” he said softly. “It was all you. When a witch spends time among her own, especially when there is a connection there, her powers become magnified. She can open doors inside herself that she never thought possible before. This is something that has been known for centuries. That's why rogues never become quite as powerful as the witches and warlocks that live in covens.”
“Then you did do this to me.”
“No, we did it together.” Sebastian sighed, running both hands through his hair. “I am not your enemy, Nicolette. I never will be. After you left, I spent the rest of the day looking for the man who came into your tent before me. He's a Templar, and he is dangerous. He has found you. And if he is anything like the Templars I've dealt with in the past, he will not stop until he has found you again. He wants to kill you.”
Nicolette was on her feet, hands fisted at her sides.
“Do you think I don't know that?” she cried. “Do you think that Vacek didn't beat that into me? I know what the Templars are. I'm not some green witchling that you can trick into being terrified!”
Sebastian's temper snapped like a dry twig.
“Trick you into being terrified? Are you serious? Templars are a real threat! I'm not trying to make you jump at bogeymen! I'm trying to show you what risks you take by living on your own, by living without a coven to protect you and watch your back!”
“I know what living with a warlock is like, and I would rather have the Templars!”
Sebastian was taken aback by the vehemence in her voice.
She shook her head. “You don't get it, do you?” she said bitterly. “Just look at you.”
Sebastian glanced down in confusion. He was wearing the clothes he typically wore when he was on the hunt in the city. It was a dark suit over a charcoal shirt. Subtle and small enough to miss was the iron pentacle pin he wore on his lapel. It signaled his rank to anyone who knew what it was, and that combined with the obvious luxury of the suit put most people in awe.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that as far as I'm concerned, there's not much damn difference between you and the Templars. I mean that you both want me, and you don't care what I want.”
“What do you want then?” Sebastian's question was uttered as a challenge, and it made Nicolette go still. “Well? You keep telling me that you want your way. Well Nicolette, what is that?”
“Please…” she said, her voice soft.
He shook his head. “You say you know what the Corps does, but I don't think you do. I'm not here to exploit you. I'm not here to force you to do anything that you don't want to do. The Corps, from the commandant to the greenest first lieutenant, is here to serve. We don't make the rules, we enforce them, and a huge part of that is protecting people. We protect people just like y
ou, Nicolette.”
“Where were you?”
“Where were you?” she repeated. When she looked up, her eyes bright with unshed tears, Sebastian froze. “Where were you when I was taken to meet Vacek? Someone I didn't know dropped me off, told me that he would help me. I…I was so afraid. I thought I was going crazy. Then these people show up, people just like you. They told me that Vacek would help me.”
“They were wrong, and I'm sorry, Nicolette.” Sebastian's heart squeezed in his chest. He deserved every bit of her scorn, the entire Corps did.
“Where were you when he made me train until I threw up? Where were you when it still wasn't good enough, and he broke my ribs?”
She shook her head, and hunched her shoulders to make herself look small. He wondered if that was something she had learned from her time with Vacek. He wished he could kill the man all over again.
“It's different now,” he repeated. “I swear, if you chose to come back to the Wiccan world, it would be entirely different.”
She snorted, but there was a vulnerable feeling to it.
“I've been alone for so long.”
“You won't lose the ability to be alone, I swear. Just…just let me take care of you for a while.”
“A while?”
“A few days. Even one day, if that's all you will give me. Let me teach you the way you should have been taught. It's not my specialty, but please. Everything I teach you will make you stronger, I swear. It will give you an edge. It’ll help you live how you want to live rather than leaving you afraid of the people who might be coming after you.”
She wavered, and he could see how close she was to simply leaving. She had stayed under the radar for such a long time that he was certain she could continue doing it. So he played the last card he had.
“I can show you how the Corps operates,” he said softly. “How we track and how we find you.”
“You would teach me how to beat the Corps?”