White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More!

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White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More! Page 33

by Cherry Kay

  It was like they couldn’t get enough of each other. They tried to do other things, but it was impossible not to want to be with the other. No matter how much they had sex they were still left unsatisfied. When they got back to the room they curled up around each other and started in on the next round.

  She leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips and he responded in kind. She moved backwards to allow him room on the bed and he climbed on to it so he could have better access to her. Their lips were melded together, their hands exploring the other’s body as if they were foreign lands. Neither of them had touched each other in what felt like forever, even though it had only just been a few hours. They had only went down for a late lunch after all. Bianca didn’t realize how much she missed him until her hands were in his shirt and his were grazing across her back and abdomen. They pulled apart for a quick second and then reattached as quickly. Bianca tugged at his shirt and smiled against his mouth when it came off. Her smile turned into a laugh as he ripped hers off and she was just about to go for his pants when he stopped her.

  “Do you want to take a break? I mean I didn’t just bring you up here for a huge sex marathon.” he asked looking into her eyes.

  She didn’t need to think about it, the answer was already posed on her tongue, “of course. I want you, Douglass and I know that. But having sex with you is like the highlight of the year.” She said smiling seductively at him.

  He paused, looking into her eyes to see if she was being honest. His breathing was coming out raggedy and finally Bianca couldn’t take it anymore and pushed him on the bed flat on his back. He chuckled at her aggressiveness and watched as she stripped off her bra and then undid the button of his pants and unzipped his zipper. She tugged them off and smiled widely when she saw he wasn’t wearing underwear. She must have missed that earlier when they were getting dressed. Not that she was complaining. She was more than thrilled to know he was anticipating this as much as he was, even if they had already had more sex than she’d had in her entire life.

  She’d always just had nice non-aggressive safe sex with her ex husband. Now with Douglass she was entering an entirely new world. She had never done anything like she was doing with Douglass and it just made her more excited.

  “Like what you see?” He asked with a smirk.

  She smiled and leaned down to kiss him already missing the feeling of his mouth. She crawled on top of him and straddled him her wet core was aching to feel his thick cock. She was surprised at how hard he already was when all they had done was make out and they’d already had sex several times that day, but she wasn’t complaining when she slide down onto him and took him in all in one swoop making him hiss loudly.

  She slowly began to move her hips in a circular motion, trying to get adjusted to his size and she smirked when she saw his jaw tighten. Her rhythm began to pick up and she went a little faster. His hands grabbed her hips and began to help with the pace, their eyes were locked on each other and she took his hands and placed them both of her breasts. He smirked up at her and tweaked each nipple making them hard. Then he moved his hands down her body one of his hands met hers and they intertwined and the other moved down to their joined bodies. He pressed on her clit hard and started his own rhythm trying to make her come hard and fast around him. When he touched her she gasped quietly and she threw her head back enjoying the sensations raking through her body, she was so close she could feel it. She wanted to make sure he was as close as she was though. She wanted to come with him.

  “Douglass.” She groaned breathlessly, her pace going faster trying to reach her climax.

  “Douglass. Come with me. I want you to come with me.” She said in the same breathy moans.

  “Bianca. Oh Bianca! Fuck, baby, you’re so wet. Of course I’ll come with you.” He moaned her name again and again, like a prayer. As the words came out of his mouth he began to feel himself let go, spilling his wet hot seed into her body, just as her inner walls clenched around him. They came together, their hands interlaced and she collapsed upon his chest with the last remaining aftershocks of their orgasm. She slowly rolled off of him and stared at the ceiling, knowing that she was most possibly ruined for any other man. She was feeling sore from the day of sex in bed, but it was a nice sore that she hoped would not be the last time she felt this good. She looked over at Douglass and let out a breathy noise staring at him and taking in his beauty.

  “Fucking amazing.” She said quietly before leaning up and kissing him. He grinned in return.

  “You’re pretty incredible yourself.” He said and reaching over to kiss her himself.

  She grinned and they took turns kissing each other until they rolled over to start the next round.

  The next two days were spent exploring the other one’s body and eating amazing food cooked by the lovely Mrs. Bernadette. When they came back to the city a few days later she was sad to see him go. The entire way back to the city she had complained about wanting to stay there with each other forever. He would agree every now and then.

  When they got back to the apartment he took her suitcase off and gave her a brief kiss before moving to get back into the car.

  “Where are you going? Don’t you want to come in?” she asked eagerly.

  He shook his head and turned back to the car. “I’ll call you.” he said before driving off.

  She watched him with a grin and then went inside of the apartment. She couldn’t be happier. She practically danced into the apartment.

  Chapter 6

  It had been a couple of days since she had heard from Douglass. She was getting a little nervous when she hadn’t heard from him after their getaway weekend. The days moved by and he didn’t even make an attempt to call her. By Friday that weekend she finally decided to go look for him. She had waited for his call, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t been calling him. As a matter of fact she had called him a lot. All week long and yet he didn’t pick up. She finally decided to go find out what was going on.

  At work that day she told Missy about her concerns.

  “I thought you said everything was fine.” Missy said confused.

  “It was fine. I mean…it was fine and then we went on this amazing trip and it was fine, but now it’s not I guess. I mean I’ve gone over what we did several times and I can’t figure out why he’d suddenly be acting so weird.” She said quietly running a hand through her hair.

  “Well, I told you want I think. You know about how this is rich guys. They use you until they’ve had their fill and leave you.” Missy said, sadly.

  “Yes, but he’s so great how could he be like that?” she exclaimed, looking at her friend with wide frightened eyes.

  Missy sighed and shrugged. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to tell you. the only thing I know and I’m not sure if it has something to do with any of this, but I did hear it one some of his co-workers came in for some coffee yesterday morning.” Missy said quietly so no one else could hear.

  “What happened? What did you hear?” Bianca asked eagerly.

  Missy sighed and looked away. “I think Douglass lost his job. They were talking about how they fired a bunch of people, for bad real estate investments, you know bad property investments.” Missy stuttered.

  “What?” Bianca asked alarmed.

  “They fired a bunch of people for bad property investments. Did you not hear me the first time?” Missy asked confused.

  “No I did, I’m just so…confused.” She muttered shaking her head and trying not understand what Missy was telling her.

  Missy sighed and patted her on the head.

  “I don’t understand how they could have fired him though. I mean his family owns the company.” She exclaimed.

  Missy shrugged. “I think that’s a question for Douglass.”

  “He’s not picking up my phone calls.” Bianca said urgently.

  Missy shrugged hopelessly. “Maybe that’s a sign.” She said quietly before going to help some customers. So that was how Bianca decided
to go find where Douglass had gone after work that day. She looked around the café and some of the places there.

  She had no idea where he lived, but she went to his office and sure enough someone told her that he had been fired. She asked the receptionist how he could’ve been fired when his family owns the company.

  The receptionist sneered at her. “We don’t play favorites. If his family owns the company he should’ve made better investments. Even higher ups who have ties get fired when they make bad property investments.” The receptionist said before turning back to the phone.

  Bianca looked at her incredulously and then left the area to go continue looking. She looked around the area and then even tried to Google his apartment, but of course she couldn’t find it. Finally when she had no other options she went to the restaurant from their first date. She walked into the restaurant, about to go sit at the bar, when out of the corner of her eye she saw him sitting in a chair and staring out the window.

  “Douglass?” she asked incredulously.

  He looked up, surprised to see her. She hurried towards him and leaned down to hug him, surprised and happy to see him sitting there. “How are you?” she asked, sitting across from him.

  He stared at her for a moment before waving the waitress over. “I think you should leave.” He told her after he ordered his drink.

  “What? Leave, why?” she asked confused by why he would tell her to leave.

  He looked away from her and towards the window wanting to avoid her eyes blazing into him.

  “Why do you want me to leave?” she asked again her voice sounding steely to her own ears.

  “I just…I don’t want you here.” He said quietly playing with the paper from the straw.

  “Can you look at me first of all and tell me what’s going on? Did you not enjoy our vacation?” she asked starting to panic as she stared into his dead eyes.

  “Listen, what about telling you to leave makes you think I want you here?” he asked glaring at her.

  “Where’s this coming from?” she asked confused and hurt by what he was saying.

  “I don’t think this is working, Bianca. It’s been fun, but that’s it.” He said taking a sip of his drink.

  She stared at him in awe not knowing what to do until she leaned back in her chair and glared at him. “We had a perfect weekend. What is this about?” she demanded to know.

  “You’re only interested in my money anyway. I saw your face when we pulled up to the Bed and Breakfast.” He said lowly.

  She looked down knowing that she had been a bit put out by the image of the Bed and Breakfast. But the entire weekend had been completely magical and she had a wonderful time with the cut couple who owned the place.

  “I really like you, Douglass.” She said quietly.

  He nodded slowly, “You really like my money. Listen I got fired so you don’t even have to worry about the money so go find yourself another rich man.” He said waving the waitress over for another refill.

  She stared at him taking in the sight of him, half drunk and angry before she got out of the chair and glared down at him.

  “Things will work out. I care about you and even if you made some bad property investments that doesn’t matter. You’ll find something else. Something better.” She said trying to be encouraging.

  “Just go away, Bianca. I don’t want you here.” He said slurring slight and wishing she’d just leave.

  “Please, Douglass, just listen to me I—“she began.

  He cut her off with a sharp slap to the table. He ignored the throbbing of his hand and glared up at her. “You only were with me for the gifts. The bed and breakfast, the flowers, and right around Christmas too. I bet you were hoping for jewelry.” He slurred, glaring at her.

  She stared at him incredulously, unable to understand how he could possibly tell her something like that.

  “You did not just say that to me.” She said amazed that she had just heard what she thought she had just heard.

  “I did actually and I completely stand by it.” He said, glaring over at her.

  “What did I do that is making you so angry? What did I do?” she asked alarmed. She knew they were drawing an audience, but she didn’t care. She had to find out what was actually going on. Why was he lashing out at her because he had gotten fired from his job? She had never once made it seem like she was only in it for the money.

  “Just leave.” He said tiredly, before taking the glass and rising it to his lips.

  She stared at him incredulously. “I never once asked you to do any of that stuff for me. You were the only who encouraged me to do it. You bought the flowers. You bought the tickets to the ballet. You did everything. I did nothing and I never asked for nothing so don’t ever say anything like that to me again.” She snarled staring down at him with such fire in her eyes he sat back looking at her, alarmed.

  “Not yet, but you will.” He said watching and she let out a low growl and then turned and stomped out of the restaurant.

  She walked until she couldn’t walk anymore. She walked all over her neighborhood until she felt tired enough to return home. When she got home she marked off another day and cringed inwardly as she saw that Christmas was in exactly six days. She had hoped that she would have a chance to spend her Christmas with Douglass, but now that they had just had this huge fight she was afraid that he would never talk to her again. She didn’t understand what had gone on either. He had gotten fired from his job, then lashed out at her for wanting things, but she had never asked him to buy anything for her. The only thing she had asked for from him was his love and kindness. He had even offered to make her happy and he had. She was having so much fun with him and now he had suddenly turned into this completely different person. She wasn’t sure where it had come from either. Something more must have happened at the firing of his job, she thought as she stared out the window of her apartment.

  He had lashed out at her for his loss of job and his loss of status, but she didn’t know why. She didn’t ask for any of the gifts he had given her. She loved them, don’t get her wrong and maybe she prejudged the Bed and Breakfast place too quickly, but overall she really loved everything about spending time with him. Their weekend was perfect and even if they had only known each other for a few weeks it was still amazing. She just wished that he understood how amazing he was in her eyes. She was pretty sure she was falling in love with him after everything that had happened. She knew it was too short to tell, but she was sure. She just wished that he felt the same as she did. She had loved her first husband, and she enjoyed the time she got to spend with him, but she knew the signs. She wanted to fight for Douglass too, she just wished he let her fight for him. She was determined to make it up to Douglass and if he wanted her to wait then she would. She would wait for him.

  Chapter 7

  It had started with them not talking for a day. Then one day turned into two and two turned into three and three turned into four. Suddenly it had been a week since Douglass and Bianca had spoken and Bianca at least was going out of her mind with worry. Every day she picked up the phone to call him and then set it back down. She wanted to talk to him to find out what was going on, but she couldn’t seem to get up the courage to call him.

  After their last argument she was nervous that he was going to tell her that he wasn’t interested anymore. She was scared he was going to turn her away and that after spending the last few weeks with him it was all a lie. That everything they had shared had been false and that he was going to move on with someone else. She was scared to hear what was going to happen next. She wanted to fight for him, but she didn’t know how to do that. She had never really wanted to fight for anyone before and now she wanted to fight for Douglass. But that didn’t mean she had the courage to do so.

  The night before Christmas Bianca was making dinner for herself when her doorbell rang. At first she debated whether or not to ignore it, but then when they continuously rang the doorbell she decided that she had to go answ
er it. She was beyond floored when she saw who was on the other side of the door.

  “Bianca.” Douglass greeted her, stepping into the apartment.

  He looked around before his eyes settled on her. She regarded him with a mixture of contempt and fear. She was glad he was standing in her apartment, she had forgotten how attractive he was and how much she liked seeing him. On the other hand she was a little fearful that this was not a fun house call, but a mandatory one.

  “Douglass.” She said quietly leading him further into the apartment. She went into the kitchen and began to finish cooking her supper. Douglass watched her in silence until she began to put the food on two separate plates.

  “I’m not going to stay long.” He proclaimed.

  “Ok.” She said with a shrug and then continued to load food on to two plates.

  He silently took his and muttered a thank you and then they sat down at her table to eat. She poured them some wine and gathered some napkins before she settled in. She began to pick at the carefully made meal wondering what he was doing here and whether or not he was going to talk.


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