Maniacs: 01 - The Krittika Conflict
Page 18
“But you said you’d never have accepted this mission, that it was suicide?”
“Yeah, maybe. But maybe I realised it ain’t about just a job, but how we live our lives. I couldn’t go and live the easy life knowing my friends still slogged it out for a living.”
“Then take back command of the crew and lead us.”
He shook his head.
“No, it’s time a younger and fitter man had that job. I’m here for you, but you’re the Boss.”
It was all Mason needed to hear.
“Then let’s do this.”
Chapter 12
"We've got sightings to the east!" Hughes shouted down the comms.
Mason lifted his binoculars to look for confirmation, but he could only see a dust cloud from his position on the roof of the Digger.
"Four vehicles, sounds like what we saw yesterday, plus a quad copter," Hughes continued.
"That'll be the command unit with Volkov."
"That's what I figured, Boss," replied Mason.
"Incoming north and south, six and five respectively," added Hughes.
"Predictable, Boss," said Mason.
"Effective too."
They could see dust clouds where the vehicles were but couldn't make anything out.
"We got a mix of copters and trucks both sides, several heavily armoured."
"Wizard, confirm you are ready to receive guests?"
"Yeah, I'm ready."
Mason lifted his datapad where he had four camera feeds showing, one from each of the streets leading to the centre of town. The enemy vehicles were closing in rapidly.
"Don't blow them too early."
"I know what I'm doing, Boss."
"North side has passed the waypoint," Hughes reported in.
Mason quickly tapped his screen to bring up the north street only. Two armoured trucks were at the head of the vehicles. They resembled police riot control wagons used on some of the larger worlds. They were covered over with encased gun positions and rifle ports.
"Be a whole world of pain if any of those get through."
"Then let's be sure they don't, Boss."
He lifted up his comms.
"Wizard, be ready on north one."
They watched the screen intently as the vehicles stormed towards them down the empty street.
"South side has passed the waypoint," stated Hughes.
"North one, ready...three, two, fire!" Mason ordered.
A massive explosion erupted which encompassed the lead vehicle and lifted it half a metre off the ground. The camera view was completely clouded in dust for a moment, and the explosion could be felt through their feet. The second truck burst through the smoke.
"North two, fire!" he screamed.
The second explosion was as loud as the first and struck beneath the wheels of the side of the truck, flinging it over onto its side. The upper armour of both looked barely affected, but Mason could see they were crippled, and he doubted anyone could have survived. He quickly turned over to the south view where the column was led by three of the armoured trucks.
"South one, ready? Three, two, fire!"
It blew a whisker early and struck the front of the vehicle, blowing half the armour plating from the engine compartment and ripping the driver compartment apart. It veered wildly out of control and smashed into one of the shops nearby as it went out of camera view. A loud explosion followed as it ignited within the building. The other vehicles behind it ground to a halt before they reached the next devices.
"Shit, that's not good."
"Never expect it to go too smoothly, Max" replied Carter. "That's a hell of a start."
Mason lifted his binoculars to look east and could see Volkov was now standing beside his armoured car.
"So that's him, huh?" Carter asked.
They could both see him giving out new orders.
"He must have called the others to a stop."
"He knows what he's doing, Max."
"Yeah. Way he operates, and the gear he has. I'd say former police force."
"Sounds about right. Well, what do you know? A former cop turned dictator, bullying the locals?"
"If that is the case, he'll quickly change tact."
A few seconds later, they heard a small explosive charge blow to the east in one of the side streets. Mason smiled.
"One of Wizard's trip charges. They must be trying to work their way in through the side alleys. Your move, you son of a bitch."
As the explosion settled, they could hear the sound of engines coming in from the air to the east.
"A transport. Looks too big to land in the streets. Could hold maybe forty guys."
"Just like Andrews reckoned."
"Wizard, be ready on the game changer."
The transport craft came in quickly, and they felt the air and dust engulf them as it swooped in low over the medical station.
"Ready on my go!" yelled Mason.
The transport hovered just two metres over the roof. The rear ramp lowered, and several troops ran to leap from it.
Andrews hit the switch, and the shaped charge blew directly up into the hull and one of the engines of the craft. The engine was torn off by the blast, and the few on the ramp were thrown out onto the roof. It immediately lost power and banked hard, crashing into a building opposite. They knew few if any could have survived the blast and crash together.
"Yeah!" Mason shouted.
He lifted his binoculars to enjoy the look he expected to find on Volkov's face, but the enemy leader showed no emotion at all. He was already busy giving out new orders.
"Look at him, not a care in the world for anyone who works for him."
"And that's why he'll fail, Max. You've broken his assault. Now you must break his army’s will to fight."
"Captain, south side is falling back," Hughes said down the line.
Mason looked back to Volkov still reeling off his orders.
"They aren't falling back. What are you up to?"
They watched the screen. Two armoured trucks on the south road appeared to ride out of town.
"I don't like this."
For a few minutes all went silent, but Volkov showed no sign of leaving. Mason lifted his rifle and took aim on the Colonel.
"You'll never hit him from here. Even if you could, you wouldn't get through that armour at this range."
Mason looked up. He knew the Boss was right, but he couldn't resist putting the man in his sights.
"You know this won't be over till he's dead?" asked Mason.
"Sure do."
"Then what's he up to? Because he sure ain't leaving."
Mason scanned the scenery all around them until finally he noticed a dust cloud behind some of the buildings on the other side of the street.
"They're not doing what I think they're doing?"
"Sure are. Liu get out of there, now!" he screamed down his comms.
Ben rushed out of the building towards them when they heard the impact of one of the trucks smashing into the building. He got to the other side of the street as it burst out through the shop front and into the street, with its main laser firing as it came through.
"Down!" he yelled.
Laser fire smashed into the wall before them and launched junks of the solid wall across the roof. They heard another vehicle smash out through the shop the other side of the road and join the fight; a few of their own returned fire.
"This wasn't exactly in the plan!"
He leapt up to the wall, firing a burst down at the vehicle. It returned fire and forced him to duck back down for cover.
"Can't touch it!"
He looked over to see the Boss was grabbing one of Andrews’ magnetic charges. It looked like a giant metal disc that was flat on one side and domed the other. He hauled it up from the ground and rushed to the edge to throw it.
"You'll never hit it!”
It was too late. The Boss launched the charge with a
ll his strength, and they both watched as it soared down and clamped onto the roof of one of the vehicles.
"Holy shit!"
Carter didn't have chance to reply. It ignited, and the explosion sent metal fragments rushing towards them. They ducked down just in time to save themselves. Mason looked over to the Boss in shock, but he was staring at Mason. He looked down to see a metal fragment imbedded in the chest section of his armour. It was sticking out thirty centimetres.
He reached under his armour in a panic to check for blood, but relaxed when he found none.
"Lucky son of a bitch," Carter murmured.
Mason took a hold of the shard of metal, prised it out of his armour, and threw it away across the rooftop. They could hear gunfire still raging below but only one of the heavy weapons. The two of them peeped over the edge and could see the vehicle they struck had been torn apart. The roof was opened like a tin can, and the driver a bloody mess. There was little sign of whoever else may have been inside. Just as soon as they had surveyed the sight, they were being pounded by fire from the heavy laser atop the other truck.
"They're coming in from the east," Hughes called over the comms, "and it sounds like they've got the remains of the northern assault with them."
"Shit, we gotta get that vehicle sorted before they arrive," Mason said to Carter.
"You better be quick then. We've got about a minute or two, if we're lucky."
"Got any ideas?"
"Hey, I just did my part. Next one is yours."
He rushed down the stairs to the next floor and found Liu huddled at the window. Gunfire was smashing through what was left of the windows.
"Whatever you're gonna do, do it fast!" he shouted.
Big help, Mason thought.
"Where's Hell?"
"Last I saw she was in the building across the street with me. Dunno if she made it out, same for Vik!"
He didn't have time to concern himself with her. He carried on down to the next floor, frantically looking around for anything which could help him deal with the armoured truck outside, but the only thing on the bar top was a roll of sticky tape. The gun stopped firing.
Must be reloading. If I don't seize this opportunity, we’ll soon be overrun.
He grabbed the tape from the table, drew out a smoke grenade, and launched it out of the main door between him and the vehicle. It was partially covered, but he didn't have time to wait. He pulled a grenade from his webbing, wrapping it in tape as he rushed, keeping low below the smoke. The gun began firing again as he neared it, but it was still firing high up into the bar.
Not gonna die, not gonna die, he told himself.
He reached the vehicle, pushed the tape-covered grenade to the driver’s thick armoured glass visor, and quickly jumped underneath the hull. Three seconds later the blast rang out; it was almost deafening. He got to his feet and found the glass had remained intact, but a hole little bigger than his hand had been punched through it. He pulled out one of Wizard’s pain grenades, stuffed it through the gap, and then made a run for it. Laser fire followed him as the gunner caught sight, but it stopped immediately as a muted explosion erupted in the vehicle.
He looked back, and a small haze of powder emanated from the hole in the driver's hatch. He could hear coughing and spluttering coming from inside, and it brought him much relief. A few seconds later, a hatch on top of the truck swung open, and the fearsome white powder spewed out into the air and settled over the roof. Mason stood back and held his rifle ready to fire, but they heard whoever was trying to get out slump back down inside the vehicle.
"I guess it was more lethal than he said."
Wizard's voice came over the radio.
"I forgot to mention. In a confined space like that, those grenades can cause unconsciousness or even death."
"Good to know," he replied, realising how serious they could have been had he wanted to use them in a non-lethal capacity. His thought was quickly paused as laser fire struck the ground around him. His instincts got his feet moving, and he was running for the bar as shots landed all around.
He slid in on his ass as the doorway was ripped apart by fire. He got to his feet and rushed behind the bar to where Hughes was set up with all the surveillance gear.
"Tell me what's happening!"
"They've stopped and are mostly out on foot moving through the buildings."
"How many are we talking?"
"Eighty soldiers, easy."
"Shit, we stay here, and we're gonna get our asses blown off."
He lifted up his comms.
"Liu, join me at the rear of the Digger now. Erin, you cover the entrance of the bar. Boss, you keep laying down fire on the roof. Andrews, if you've got anything left, you put it into the street, but be aware we will be among them shortly. Hell? Vik? Where the hell are you?"
There was no response, and he could only assume the two of them were dead or incapacitated at the very least. He heard Liu's footsteps rushing down the stairs.
"Nice job, Captain."
"Yes, but we aren't halfway out of trouble yet."
He stepped through to the bar and saw Erin was hiding behind it, her rifle at the ready.
"If they get here, and they probably will, you're the only one defending that door. You let them through, and Hughes and the Boss could be in trouble. You shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn't one of us, you hear?"
She nodded.
"No bullshit now. I need to know you can do the job. You shoot any bastard you see, then you shoot him again, got that?"
"I got it."
Her voice was a little shaky, but she seemed to be holding it together.
"Relying on you, just as you're relying on us. Keep it together, and we can make it through this."
There was nothing more to be said on the matter. He rushed out to the back of the building with Liu in tow.
"Where we going?"
Mason put his hand out and stopped him, pointing down to one of Wizard’s trip wires. Liu breathed out in relief, and they both stepped over it carefully and carried on.
"They think we're holding just the bar. They come at us with everything they've got, and we'll be saturated. Time to mix it up."
"Two against what, fifty?"
"I figure a few more than that."
"And you think we can take 'em?"
"Great, your confidence is overwhelming."
"You got any grenades left?"
"A few."
"Right then, we're heading for the machine shop a few doors down."
"Because the gear inside gives cover against laser weapons."
"You're the Boss."
"No, I'm the Captain, but I won't be much at all if we fuck this up."
Liu grabbed his arm and stopped him in his tracks.
"Seriously, how are we going to pull this off?"
"I figure we can take at least ten each."
"And the rest?"
"Guess we'll just have to hope for the best. We're here now, and there's nowhere to run, so suck it up, and let's go to work on these assholes."
They reached the machine shop and carefully stepped over another trip wire to get to the back door, which they figured Wizard had left open as a deliberate attempt at drawing the enemy onto the trap. The interior was filled with heavy machinery, and the frontage was twice as wide as most of the other shops. They took up position a few metres from the front windows they knew would blow out with a single shot.
"Gotta be close now," whispered Liu.
As he said it, a soldier appeared in the window, passing them by.
“Wait, wait, fire.”
Three were visible, and they hit them all before they could respond. Glass shattered out across the road and the bodies of those they had killed. Mason rushed to the front, pulling out a grenade as he did. Without putting his head out, he threw the grenade out round the corner towards the east and the rest of the troops approachin
g. He ducked back down to hear screams as the blast encompassed those who had taken cover from the first shots.
A barrage of gunfire followed, ripping the front of the shop apart and narrowly missing Mason. He ducked back down a few counters away from Liu.
“I think you really pissed them off, Captain!”
“Yeah, well I only just got started.”
They could hear the calls of Volkov shouting his orders outside. He was sending troops to the front and rear of the shop.
“He’s near now. We’re this close to ending it all.”
“Yeah, just gotta kill an army to get to him,” Liu whispered.
“We don’t have to kill them all. We just need to get to him. Kill Volkov, and it ends.”
Liu didn’t look convinced. Mason wished he could have Hella at his disposal. He could just picture her putting the knife to the Colonel’s throat. He wanted to do it himself, but so much of him now desired her training.
They could hear the faint sound of movement all around them and then an explosion. One of Volkov’s soldiers had set off the trip wire leading in to the rear of the machine shop. Mason turned to face whoever would come through the dust cloud. Liu still covered the front. The former detective got off the first shots, but it wasn’t long before Mason had a soldier appear in his sights. He quickly fired several shots and launched out a grenade past the dead man’s body.
“This isn’t quite the flanking move I thought you had in mind!”
“It wasn’t, Liu!” he shouted back and continued firing.
A grenade was launched through the doorway and pounced up to where Mason was kneeling.
The two of them leapt over the wide counters, landing the other side as it blew and rocked the ground. They were deafened by the blast, but the strong structure that had machinery five times the weight of a man on top saved them. The shop lit up as Liu fired out towards the shattered windows, but neither of them could hear anything. Calls were coming through on his comms, but he couldn’t hear them and continued dealing with the enemy before him.
Laser pulses raced through the shop between them, and they returned as much fire. After thirty seconds, Mason’s hearing began to return, and he could just make out frantic calls over the comms.